30 resultados para Ofir
A punção venosa para a administração de quimioterapia é um dos procedimentos invasivos mais comuns no tratamento do câncer em crianças. É frequente que nessa situação o paciente apresente reações comportamentais e fisiológicas condicionadas de dor e/ou ansiedade, como choro, gritos e rigidez muscular, as quais são denominadas de distresse comportamental. A literatura aponta que os comportamentos apresentados pelos adultos (acompanhante e auxiliar de enfermagem) durante o procedimento invasivo podem desencadear na criança comportamentos indicativos de distresse comportamental ou, então, comportamentos de colaboração; no entanto, não especifica de forma clara que comportamentos são esses. Considerando a carência de estudos que abordem essa temática, a presente pesquisa propôs-se a caracterizar o repertório comportamental exibido por pacientes pediátricos com câncer, por seus acompanhantes e pelos auxiliares de enfermagem durante um procedimento invasivo de punção venosa para administração de quimioterapia em ambulatório. A amostra incluiu catorze pacientes pediátricos com diagnóstico de câncer, com idade entre 4 e 12 anos, que estavam em quimioterapia em ambulatório no Hospital Ofir Loyola (PA) há menos de um ano, bem como seus respectivos acompanhantes e auxiliares de enfermagem. A coleta de dados foi realizada através da observação direta do comportamento dos participantes, da aplicação do Inventário de Ansiedade de Beck (IAB), de uma Escala Facial e de uma entrevista semi-estruturada. Os comportamentos típicos emitidos pelos acompanhantes, pelos pacientes e auxiliares de enfermagem foram definidos operacionalmente, categorizados e agrupados em classes. Os resultados mostraram que os pacientes pré-escolares e escolares não apresentaram um padrão de comportamentos diferenciado durante o procedimento invasivo, porém as interações que os acompanhantes desenvolveram com os mesmos nesse contexto variaram conforme a faixa etária da criança, com acompanhantes de crianças mais novas tendo um maior número de interações com o paciente do que acompanhantes de crianças mais velhas. Observou-se, também, que os comportamentos apresentados pelos acompanhantes e auxiliares de enfermagem durante o procedimento invasivo constituíram uma contingência ambiental que ajudou a manter comportamentos concorrentes no repertório comportamental do paciente, bem como contribuíam para a ocorrência de comportamentos não concorrentes no paciente. O nível de ansiedade apresentado pelo acompanhante no IAB não mostrou correspondência com o nível de distresse exibido pelo paciente durante a punção venosa, assim como o auto-relato de dor do paciente não correspondeu com o distresse observado nele nesse momento e com o relato do acompanhante sobre a dor sentida pelo paciente durante a punção venosa. Sendo assim, os resultados da atual pesquisa sugerem a importância de se realizar estudos que investiguem o efeito do treinamento de acompanhantes e auxiliares de enfermagem em técnicas cognitivas e comportamentais de manejo do distresse sobre o repertório apresentado pelo paciente da oncologia pediátrica durante a punção venosa para a administração de quimioterapia, tendo em vista a relevância clínica do planejamento de intervenções psicológicas sistemáticas que visem a instalar e fortalecer comportamentos de colaboração e de participação ativa no tratamento nessa população.
O vírus de Epstein Barr (EBV) é o agente causador da mononucleose infecciosa e está associado com várias desordens proliferativas malignas tais como: linfoma de Burkitt, linfoma de Hodgkin e linfomas não Hodgkin. Um total de 118 casos de linfomas diagnosticados no Hospital Ofir Loyola no período de 1996 e 2005 foram analisados no Instituto Evandro Chagas, Ananindeua, Brasil; com o objetivo de detectar o genoma do EBV mediante a identificação dos genes EBER 1 e EBNA1 em casos de doença de Hodgkin. Os espécimes parafinizados foram analisados por hibridização in situ (gene EBER 1) e PCR em tempo real (EBNA 1). Do total, 61% (72/118) dos pacientes eram do sexo masculino e 39% (46/118) do sexo feminino com faixa etária variando entre 3- 98 anos. Sessenta e cinco (55%) foram diagnosticados como doença de Hodgkin e cinqüenta e três (45%) como linfomas não-Hodgkin. O EBV foi identificado nas células Reed Sternberg e variantes em 76,9% (50/65) dos casos de linfoma de Hodgkin com idade média de 28,3 anos (variação, 2-84 anos). Os subtipos histológicos de casos EBV-positivos foram o seguinte: esclerose nodular em 50% (25/50), celularidade mista em 28% (14/50), depleção linfocitária em 14% (7/50) e predominância linfocitária em 8% (4/50). O DNA do EBV foi detectado em 53% (26/49) com um coeficiente de regressão para a curva padrão de 0,99. Este estudo foi a primeira descrição do vírus de Epstein Barr em casos de doença de Hodgkin na região Norte do Brasil; reforçando a hipótese de que o EBV seja um co-fator no processo de transformação neoplásica em conjunto com a predisposição genética e imunidade do paciente, justificando a condução de estudos posteriores a nível molecular.
Context. Observations of transiting extrasolar planets are of key importance to our understanding of planets because their mass, radius, and mass density can be determined. These measurements indicate that planets of similar mass can have very different radii. For low-density planets, it is generally assumed that they are inflated owing to their proximity to the host-star. To determine the causes of this inflation, it is necessary to obtain a statistically significant sample of planets with precisely measured masses and radii. Aims. The CoRoT space mission allows us to achieve a very high photometric accuracy. By combining CoRoT data with high-precision radial velocity measurements, we derive precise planetary radii and masses. We report the discovery of CoRoT-19b, a gas-giant planet transiting an old, inactive F9V-type star with a period of four days. Methods. After excluding alternative physical configurations mimicking a planetary transit signal, we determine the radius and mass of the planet by combining CoRoT photometry with high-resolution spectroscopy obtained with the echelle spectrographs SOPHIE, HARPS, FIES, and SANDIFORD. To improve the precision of its ephemeris and the epoch, we observed additional transits with the TRAPPIST and Euler telescopes. Using HARPS spectra obtained during the transit, we then determine the projected angle between the spin of the star and the orbit of the planet. Results. We find that the host star of CoRoT-19b is an inactive F9V-type star close to the end of its main-sequence life. The host star has a mass M-* = 1.21 +/- 0.05 M-circle dot and radius R-* = 1.65 +/- 0.04 R-circle dot. The planet has a mass of M-P = 1.11 +/- 0.06 M-Jup and radius of R-P = 1.29 +/- 0.03 R-Jup. The resulting bulk density is only rho = 0.71 +/- 0.06 g cm (3), which is much lower than that for Jupiter. Conclusions. The exoplanet CoRoT-19b is an example of a giant planet of almost the same mass as Jupiter but a approximate to 30% larger radius.
We report the detection of CoRoT-23b, a hot Jupiter transiting in front of its host star with a period of 3.6314 +/- 0.0001 days. This planet was discovered thanks to photometric data secured with the CoRoT satellite, combined with spectroscopic radial velocity (RV) measurements. A photometric search for possible background eclipsing binaries conducted at CFHT and OGS concluded with a very low risk of false positives. The usual techniques of combining RV and transit data simultaneously were used to derive stellar and planetary parameters. The planet has a mass of M-p = 2.8 +/- 0.3 M-Jup, a radius of R-pl = 1.05 +/- 0.13 R-Jup, a density of approximate to 3 gcm(-3). RV data also clearly reveal a nonzero eccentricity of e = 0.16 +/- 0.02. The planet orbits a mature G0 main sequence star of V = 15.5 mag, with a mass M-star = 1.14 +/- 0.08 M-circle dot, a radius R-star = 1. 61 +/- 0.18 R-circle dot and quasi-solar abundances. The age of the system is evaluated to be 7 Gyr, not far from the transition to subgiant, in agreement with the rather large stellar radius. The two features of a significant eccentricity of the orbit and of a fairly high density are fairly uncommon for a hot Jupiter. The high density is, however, consistent with a model of contraction of a planet at this mass, given the age of the system. On the other hand, at such an age, circularization is expected to be completed. In fact, we show that for this planetary mass and orbital distance, any initial eccentricity should not totally vanish after 7 Gyr, as long as the tidal quality factor Q(p) is more than a few 10(5), a value that is the lower bound of the usually expected range. Even if CoRoT-23b features a density and an eccentricity that are atypical of a hot Jupiter, it is thus not an enigmatic object.
Aims. We report the discovery of CoRoT-16b, a low density hot jupiter that orbits a faint G5V star (mV = 15.63) in 5.3523 +/- 0.0002 days with slight eccentricity. A fit of the data with no a priori assumptions on the orbit leads to an eccentricity of 0.33 +/- 0.1. We discuss this value and also derive the mass and radius of the planet. Methods. We analyse the photometric transit curve of CoRoT-16 given by the CoRoT satellite, and radial velocity data from the HARPS and HIRES spectrometers. A combined analysis using a Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm is used to get the system parameters. Results. CoRoT-16b is a 0.535 -0.083/+0.085 M-J, 1.17 -0.14/+0.16 R-J hot Jupiter with a density of 0.44 -0.14/+0.21 g cm(-3). Despite its short orbital distance (0.0618 +/- 0.0015 AU) and the age of the parent star (6.73 +/- 2.8 Gyr), the planet orbit exhibits significantly non-zero eccentricity. This is very uncommon for this type of objects as tidal effects tend to circularise the orbit. This value is discussed taking into account the characteristics of the star and the observation accuracy.
Recurrent chromosomal translocations underlie both haematopoietic and solid tumours. Their origin has been ascribed to selection of random rearrangements, targeted DNA damage, or frequent nuclear interactions between translocation partners; however, the relative contribution of each of these elements has not been measured directly or on a large scale. Here we examine the role of nuclear architecture and frequency of DNA damage in the genesis of chromosomal translocations by measuring these parameters simultaneously in cultured mouse B lymphocytes. In the absence of recurrent DNA damage, translocations between Igh or Myc and all other genes are directly related to their contact frequency. Conversely, translocations associated with recurrent site-directed DNA damage are proportional to the rate of DNA break formation, as measured by replication protein A accumulation at the site of damage. Thus, non-targeted rearrangements reflect nuclear organization whereas DNA break formation governs the location and frequency of recurrent translocations, including those driving B-cell malignancies.
CoRoT-21, a F8IV star of magnitude V = 16 mag, was observed by the space telescope CoRoT during the Long Run 01 ( LRa01) in the first winter field (constellation Monoceros) from October 2007 to March 2008. Transits were discovered during the light curve processing. Radial velocity follow-up observations, however, were performed mainly by the 10-m Keck telescope in January 2010. The companion CoRoT-21b is a Jupiter-like planet of 2.26 +/- 0.33 Jupiter masses and 1.30 +/- 0.14 Jupiter radii in an circular orbit of semi-major axis 0.0417 +/- 0.0011 AU and an orbital period of 2.72474 +/- 0.00014 days. The planetary bulk density is ( 1.36 +/- 0.48) x 10(3) kg m(-3), very similar to the bulk density of Jupiter, and follows an M-1/3 - R relation like Jupiter. The F8IV star is a sub-giant star of 1.29 +/- 0.09 solar masses and 1.95 +/- 0.2 solar radii. The star and the planet exchange extreme tidal forces that will lead to orbital decay and extreme spin-up of the stellar rotation within 800 Myr if the stellar dissipation is Q(*)/k2(*) <= 107.
Context. CoRoT is a pioneering space mission whose primary goals are stellar seismology and extrasolar planets search. Its surveys of large stellar fields generate numerous planetary candidates whose lightcurves have transit-like features. An extensive analytical and observational follow-up effort is undertaken to classify these candidates. Aims. We present the list of planetary transit candidates from the CoRoT LRa01 star field in the Monoceros constellation toward the Galactic anti-center direction. The CoRoT observations of LRa01 lasted from 24 October 2007 to 3 March 2008. Methods. We acquired and analyzed 7470 chromatic and 3938 monochromatic lightcurves. Instrumental noise and stellar variability were treated with several filtering tools by different teams from the CoRoT community. Different transit search algorithms were applied to the lightcurves. Results. Fifty-one stars were classified as planetary transit candidates in LRa01. Thirty-seven (i.e., 73% of all candidates) are "good" planetary candidates based on photometric analysis only. Thirty-two (i.e., 87% of the "good" candidates) have been followed-up. At the time of writing twenty-two cases were solved and five planets were discovered: three transiting hot-Jupiters (CoRoT-5b, CoRoT-12b, and CoRoT-21b), the first terrestrial transiting planet (CoRoT-7b), and another planet in the same system (CoRoT-7c, detected by radial velocity survey only). Evidence of another non-transiting planet in the CoRoT-7 system, namely CoRoT-7d, was recently found as well.
We report the discovery by the CoRoT space mission of a new giant planet, CoRoT-20b. The planet has a mass of 4.24 +/- 0.23 M-Jup and a radius of 0.84 +/- 0.04 R-Jup. With a mean density of 8.87 +/- 1.10 g cm(-3), it is among the most compact planets known so far. Evolutionary models for the planet suggest a mass of heavy elements of the order of 800 M-circle plus if embedded in a central core, requiring a revision either of the planet formation models or both planet evolution and structure models. We note however that smaller amounts of heavy elements are expected by more realistic models in which they are mixed throughout the envelope. The planet orbits a G-type star with an orbital period of 9.24 days and an eccentricity of 0.56. The star's projected rotational velocity is v sin i = 4.5 +/- 1.0 km s(-1), corresponding to a spin period of 11.5 +/- 3.1 days if its axis of rotation is perpendicular to the orbital plane. In the framework of Darwinian theories and neglecting stellar magnetic breaking, we calculate the tidal evolution of the system and show that CoRoT-20b is presently one of the very few Darwin-stable planets that is evolving toward a triple synchronous state with equality of the orbital, planetary and stellar spin periods.
Among the many cell types that may prove useful to regenerative medicine, mounting evidence suggests that human term placenta-derived cells will join the list of significant contributors. In making new cell therapy-based strategies a clinical reality, it is fundamental that no a priori claims are made regarding which cell source is preferable for a particular therapeutic application. Rather, ongoing comparisons of the potentiality and characteristics of cells from different sources should be made to promote constant improvement in cell therapies, and such comparisons will likely show that individually tailored cells can address disease-specific clinical needs. The principle underlying such an approach is resistance to the notion that comprehensive characterization of any cell type has been achieved, neither in terms of phenotype nor risks-to-benefits ratio. Tailoring cell therapy approaches to specific conditions also requires an understanding of basic disease mechanisms and close collaboration between translational researchers and clinicians, to identify current needs and shortcomings in existing treatments. To this end, the international workshop entitled "Placenta-derived stem cells for treatment of inflammatory diseases: moving toward clinical application" was held in Brescia, Italy, in March 2009, and aimed to harness an understanding of basic inflammatory mechanisms inherent in human diseases with updated findings regarding biological and therapeutic properties of human placenta-derived cells, with particular emphasis on their potential for treating inflammatory diseases. Finally, steps required to allow their future clinical application according to regulatory aspects including good manufacturing practice (GMP) were also considered. In September 2009, the International Placenta Stem Cell Society (IPLASS) was founded to help strengthen the research network in this field.
Vibrational energy flow and conformational transitions following excitation of the OH stretching mode of the most stable conformer of glycine are studied by classical trajectories. "On the fly" simulations with the PM3 semiempirical electronic structure method for the potential surface are used. Initial conditions are selected to correspond to the v = 1 excitation of the OH stretch. The main findings are: (1) An an equilibrium-like ratio is established between the populations of the 3 lowest-lying conformers after about 10 picoseconds. (2) There is a high probability throughout the 150 ps of the simulations for finding the molecule in geometries far from the equilibrium structures of the lowest-energy conformers. (3) Energy from the initial excited OH (v = 1) stretch flows preferentially to 5 other vibrational modes, including the bending motion of the H atom. (4) RRK theory yields conformational transition rates that deviate substantially from the classical trajectory results. Possible implication of these results for vibrational energy flow and conformational transitions in small biological molecules are discussed.
Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of Portuguese Movement Disorders Society, 13-15 March 2015, Ofir, Portugal.
As mulheres protestantes da cidade de Cali-Colômbia, ao reproduzir nos seus corpos os princípios da tradição religiosa, se deparam hoje com discursos e exigências que não conseguem ou aceitam articular na sua prática cotidiana. Assistimos na atualidade a uma tensão evidente entre a ortodoxia cristã e o imaginário e prática das mulheres cristãs a respeito da corporeidade. Nas últimas décadas a forma de assumir o corpo por parte das mulheres reflete incongruências em relação à matriz doutrinaria do sistema religioso protestante, o que é decorrente, por um lado, da influência cultural e midiática na promoção de uma nova representação do corpo feminino, baseada na beleza e na juventude, e por outro lado a cada vez maior relativização do poder religioso numa sociedade secularizada. As mulheres cristãs acham-se em meio aos ideais do corpo puro e regrado da sua instituição religiosa assim como às cobranças midiáticas, valores e padrões estabelecidos pela sociedade moderna. Neste sentido, a dissertação analisa as interfaces desta tensão discursiva que tem lugar nos corpos, através do próprio discurso das mulheres protestantes assim como das suas práticas cotidianas em relação à corporeidade.
Este trabajo tiene como objetivo dar a conocer cómo se está construyendo la imagen de la escritora brasileña Clarice Lispector en España en el siglo XXI. Mediante la compresión de que esta imagen es el resultado de la manifestación de una serie de dinámicas que interactúan, elaboraremos un diagnóstico de los campos editorial y académico-científico para indicar cómo su funcionamiento contribuye en ese proceso de construcción.