904 resultados para OECT, transistor organici, PEDOT, bioelettronica


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L’attività di dottorato qui descritta ha riguardato inizialmente lo sviluppo di biosensori elettrochimici semplificati per la rilevazione di DNA e successivamente lo studio di dispositivi organici ad effetto di campo per la stimolazione e il rilevamento dell’attività bioelettrica di cellule neuronali. Il lavoro di ricerca riguardante il prima parte è stato focalizzato sulla fabbricazione e sulla caratterizzazione di un biosensore a due elettrodi per la rilevazione di DNA solubile , facilmente producibile a livello industriale. Tale sensore infatti, è in grado di leggere livelli diversi di correnti faradiche sulle superfici in oro degli elettrodi, a discrezione di un eventuale ibridizzazione del DNA da analizzare su di esse. I risultati ottenuti riguardo a questo biosensore sono :la paragonabilità dello stesso con i sensori standard a tre elettrodi basati sulla medesima metodica, la possibilità di effettuare due misure in parallelo di uno stesso campione o di 2 diversi campioni su di uno stesso di dispositivo e la buona applicabilità della chimica superficiale a base di tale biosensore a superfici create con tecnologie industriali. Successivamente a tali studi, mi sono focalizzato sull’utilizzo di dispositivi organici ad effetto campo (in particolare OTFT) per lo sviluppo di un biosensore capace di stimolare e registrare l’attività bioelettrica di cellule neuronali. Inizialmente sono state identificate le caratteristiche del materiale organico utilizzato e successivamente del dispositivo fabbricato pre e post esposizione all’ambiente fisiologico. Poi, sono stati effettuati esperimenti per osservare la capacità di stimolare e di leggere i segnali elettrogenici da parte dell’OTFT. I risultati ottenuti da tali studi sono che: il materiale organico ed il dispositivo mantengo le loro caratteristiche morfologiche e funzionali dopo l’esposizione per giorni all’ambiente fisiologico. Inoltre l’OFET in grado di stimolare il cambiamento delle tensioni di membrana cellulari e contemporaneamente di registrare tali variazioni e le eventuali risposte cellulari provocate da esse.


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Uno dei settori che più si stanno sviluppando nell'ambito della ricerca applicata è senza dubbio quello dell'elettronica organica. Nello specifico lo studio è sospinto dagli indubbi vantaggi che questi dispositivi porterebbero se venissero prodotti su larga scala: basso costo, semplicità realizzativa, leggerezza, flessibilità ed estensione. È da sottolineare che dispositivi basati su materiali organici sono già stati realizzati: si parla di OLED (Organic Light Emitting Diode) LED realizzati sfruttando le proprietà di elettroluminescenza di alcuni materiali organici, OFET (Organig Field Effect Transistor) transistor costruiti con semiconduttori organici, financo celle solari che sfruttano le buone proprietà ottiche di questi composti. Oggetto di analisi di questa tesi è lo studio delle proprietà di trasporto di alcuni cristalli organici, al fine di estrapolarne la mobilità intrinseca e verificare come essa cambi se sottoposti a radiazione x. I due cristalli su cui si è focalizzata questa trattazione sono il 1,5-Dinitronaphtalene e il 2,4-Dinitronaphtol; su di essi è stata eseguita una caratterizzazione ottica e una elettrica, in seguito interpretate con il modello SCLC (Space Charge Limited Current). I risultati ottenuti mostrano che c'è una differenza apprezzabile nella mobilità nei due casi con e senza irraggiamento con raggi x.


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Negli ultimi anni uno dei settori di ricerca più interessanti in ambito tecnologico è sicuramente quello dell'elettronica organica. Lo sviluppo è spinto dai vantaggi che portano i dispositivi basati su materiali organici: bassi costi di produzione, facilità di fabbricazione su grandi aree e flessibilità. In questa tesi andiamo ad esaminare un transistor organico a effetto di campo (OFET) dal punto di vista macroscopico e microscopico, cercando di mettere in relazione le sue caratteristiche morfologiche ed elettriche. Il dispositivo sottoposto ai test è un OFET realizzato con TIPS-pentacene come semiconduttore. Dai risultati ottenuti si evince che le prestazioni elettriche del transistor sono fortemente legate alla microstruttura assunta dal materiale organico durante la deposizione. I primi due capitoli illustrano i principi di funzionamento degli OFET e la tecnica SPM (scanning probe microscopy) utilizzata per l'indagine microscopica. Il terzo e quarto capitolo descrivono rispettivamente gli apparati sperimentali e i risultati ottenuti dall'indagine su due aree diverse del dispositivo.


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The amount of metal residues from organometallic reagents used in preparation of poly(9,9-dioctylfluorene) by palladium catalysed Suzuki and nickel-induced Yamamoto polycondensations have been determined, and their effect upon the behaviour of the polymer in field-effect transistors (FETs) has been measured. The metal levels from material polymerised by Suzuki method were found to be much higher than from that made by the Yamamoto procedure. Simple treatment of the polymers with suitable metal trapping reagents lowered the metal levels significantly, with EDTA giving best results for nickel and triphenylphosphine for palladium. Comparison of the behaviour of FETs using polyfluorenes with varying levels of metal contamination, showed that the metal residues have little effect upon the mobility values, but often affect the degree of hysteresis, possibly acting as charge traps. Satisfactory device performances were obtained from polymer with palladium levels of 2000 μg/g suggesting that complete removal of metal residues may not be necessary for satisfactory device performance.


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A diketopyrrolopyrrole (DPP) with fluorenone (FN) based low band gap alternating copolymer (PDPPT-alt-FN) has been synthesized via Suzuki coupling. PDPPT-alt-FN exhibits a deep HOMO level with a lower band gap. Fabricated organic thin film transistors using PDPPT-alt-FN as a channel semiconductor show p-channel behaviour with the highest hole mobility of 0.083 cm2 V-1 s-1 measured in air.


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In this work, we report a novel donor-acceptor based solution processable low band gap polymer semiconductor, PDPP-TNT, synthesized via Suzuki coupling using condensed diketopyrrolopyrrole (DPP) as an acceptor moiety with a fused naphthalene donor building block in the polymer backbone. This polymer exhibits p-channel charge transport characteristics when used as the active semiconductor in organic thin-film transistor (OTFT) devices. The hole mobilities of 0.65 cm2 V-1 s-1 and 0.98 cm2 V -1 s-1 are achieved respectively in bottom gate and dual gate OTFT devices with on/off ratios in the range of 105 to 10 7. Additionally, due to its appropriate HOMO (5.29 eV) energy level and optimum optical band gap (1.50 eV), PDPP-TNT is a promising candidate for organic photovoltaic (OPV) applications. When this polymer semiconductor is used as a donor and PC71BM as an acceptor in OPV devices, high power conversion efficiencies (PCE) of 4.7% are obtained. Such high mobility values in OTFTs and high PCE in OPV make PDPP-TNT a very promising polymer semiconductor for a wide range of applications in organic electronics.


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In this work, we report design, synthesis and characterization of solution processable low band gap polymer semiconductors, poly{3,6-difuran-2-yl-2,5-di(2- octyldodecyl)-pyrrolo[3,4-c]pyrrole-1,4-dione-alt-phenylene} (PDPP-FPF), poly{3,6-difuran-2-yl-2,5-di(2-octyldodecyl)-pyrrolo[3,4-c]pyrrole-1, 4-dione-alt-naphthalene} (PDPP-FNF) and poly{3,6-difuran-2-yl-2,5-di(2- octyldodecyl)-pyrrolo[3,4-c]pyrrole-1,4-dione-alt-anthracene} (PDPP-FAF) using the furan-containing 3,6-di(furan-2-yl)pyrrolo[3,4-c]pyrrole-1,4(2H,5H)-dione (DBF) building block. As DBF acts as an acceptor moiety, a series of donor-acceptor (D-A) copolymers can be generated when it is attached alternatively with phenylene, naphthalene or anthracene donor comonomer blocks. Optical and electrochemical characterization of thin films of these polymers reveals band gaps in the range of 1.55-1.64 eV. These polymers exhibit excellent hole mobility when used as the active layer in organic thin-film transistor (OTFT) devices. Among the series, the highest hole mobility of 0.11 cm 2 V -1 s -1 is achieved in bottom gate and top-contact OTFT devices using PDPP-FNF. When these polymers are used as a donor and [70]PCBM as the acceptor in organic photovoltaic (OPV) devices, power conversion efficiencies (PCE) of 2.5 and 2.6% are obtained for PDPP-FAF and PDPP-FNF polymers, respectively. Such mobility values in OTFTs and performance in OPV make furan-containing DBF a very promising block for designing new polymer semiconductors for a wide range of organic electronic applications.


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We report a more accurate method to determine the density of trap states in a polymer field-effect transistor. In the approach, we describe in this letter, we take into consideration the sub-threshold behavior in the calculation of the density of trap states. This is very important since the sub-threshold regime of operation extends to fairly large gate voltages in these disordered semiconductor based transistors. We employ the sub-threshold drift-limited mobility model (for sub-threshold response) and the conventional linear mobility model for above threshold response. The combined use of these two models allows us to extract the density of states from charge transport data much more accurately. We demonstrate our approach by analyzing data from diketopyrrolopyrrole based co-polymer transistors with high mobility. This approach will also work well for other disordered semiconductors in which sub-threshold conduction is important.


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We report the electropolymerization of poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiopene) (PEDOT) from an ionic liquid, butyl-methylpyrrolidinium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide (C4mpyrTFSI) onto flexible carbon cloth electrodes. A continuous, homogeneous and well adhered coating of the individual cloth fibres is achieved by employing a sandwich cell arrangement where the carbon cloth which is soaked with electrolyte is placed between two indium tin oxide electrodes isolated from each other by a battery separator. The resultant PEDOT modified carbon cloth electrode demonstrates excellent activity for the oxygen reduction reaction which is due to the doping level, conductivity and morphology of the PEDOT layer and is also tolerant to the presence of methanol in the electrolyte. This simple approach therefore offers a route to fabricate flexible polymer electrodes that could be used in various electronic applications.


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Highly conductive, transparent and flexible planar electrodes were fabricated using interwoven silver nanowires and single-walled carbon nanotubes (AgNW:SWCNT) in a PEDOT:PSS matrix via an epoxy transfer method from a silicon template. The planar electrodes achieved a sheet resistance of 6.6 ± 0.0 Ω/squ and an average transmission of 86% between 400 and 800 nm. A high figure of merit of 367 Ω−1 is reported for the electrodes, which is much higher than that measured for indium tin oxide and reported for other AgNW composites. The AgNW:SWCNT:PEDOT:PSS electrode was used to fabricate low temperature (annealing free) devices demonstrating their potential to function with a range of organic semiconducting polymer:fullerene bulk heterojunction blend systems.


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A new physically based classical continuous potential distribution model, particularly considering the channel center, is proposed for a short-channel undoped body symmetrical double-gate transistor. It involves a novel technique for solving the 2-D nonlinear Poisson's equation in a rectangular coordinate system, which makes the model valid from weak to strong inversion regimes and from the channel center to the surface. We demonstrated, using the proposed model, that the channel potential versus gate voltage characteristics for the devices having equal channel lengths but different thicknesses pass through a single common point (termed ``crossover point''). Based on the potential model, a new compact model for the subthreshold swing is formulated. It is shown that for the devices having very high short-channel effects (SCE), the effective subthreshold slope factor is mainly dictated by the potential close to the channel center rather than the surface. SCEs and drain-induced barrier lowering are also assessed using the proposed model and validated against a professional numerical device simulator.


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The present trend in the industry is towards the use of power transistors in the development of efficient Pulsewidth Modulated (PWM) inverters, because of their operation at high frequency, simplicity of turn-off, and low commutation losses compared to the technology using thyristors. But the protection of power transistors, minimization of switching power loss, and design of base drive circuit are very important for a reliable operation of the system. The requirements, analysis, and a simplified procedure for calculation of the switching-aid network components are presented. The transistor is protected against short circuit using a modified autoregulated and autoprotection drive circuit. The experimental results show that the switching power loss and voltage stress in the device can be reduced by suitable choice of the switching-aid network component values.


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A non-synthetic polymer material, polyterpenol, was fabricated using a dry polymerization process namely RF plasma polymerization from an environmentally friendly monomer and its surface, optical and electrical properties investigated. Polyterpenol films were found to be transparent over the visible wavelength range, with a smooth surface with an average roughness of less than 0.4 nm and hardness of 0.4 GPa. The dielectric constant of 3.4 for polyterpenol was higher than that of the conventional polymer materials used in the organic electronic devices. The non-synthetic polymer material was then implemented as a surface modification of the gate insulator in field effect transistor (OFET) and the properties of the device were examined. In comparison to the similar device without the polymer insulating layer, the polyterpenol based OFET device showed significant improvements. The addition of the polyterpenol interlayer in the OFET shifted the threshold voltage significantly; + 20 V to -3 V. The presence of trapped charge was not observed in the polyterpenol interlayer. This assisted in the improvement of effective mobility from 0.012 to 0.021 cm 2/Vs. The switching property of the polyterpenol based OFET was also improved; 107 compared to 104. The results showed that the non-synthetic polyterpenol polymer film is a promising candidate of insulators in electronic devices.


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We show simultaneous p- and n-type carrier injection in a bilayer graphene channel by varying the longitudinal bias across the channel and the top-gate voltage. The top gate is applied electrochemically using solid polymer electrolyte and the gate capacitance is measured to be 1.5 microF cm(-2), a value about 125 times higher than the conventional SiO(2) back-gate capacitance. Unlike the single-layer graphene, the drain-source current does not saturate on varying the drain-source bias voltage. The energy gap opened between the valence and conduction bands using top- and back-gate geometry is estimated.


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The small signal ac response is measured across the source-drain terminals of poly(2,5-bis(3-tetradecylthiophen-2-yl)thieno[3,2-b]thiophene) field-effect transistor under dc bias to obtain the equivalent circuit parameters in the dark, and under a monochromatic light (540 nm) of various intensities. The numerically simulated response based on these parameters shows deviation at low frequency which is related to the charge accumulation at the interface and the contact resistance at the electrodes. This method can be used to differentiate the photophysical phenomena occurring in the bulk from that at the metal-semiconductor interface for polymer field-effect transistors. ©2009 American Institute of Physics