814 resultados para OD-XAS
Um minuncioso estudo das propriedades de confinamento em heterostructuras bidimensionais(poços quânticos) GaAs/AlxGa1_xAs, com interfaces graduais é realizado. Um modelo teórico que represente bem a variação da fração molar do alumínio nas interfaces, resultante do aparecimento de micro-rugosidades e ilhas durante os processos de crescimento e recozimento pós-crescimento da amostra, é elaborado. Vários perfis desta fração molar de alumínio nas interfaces são considerados. Soluções analíticas da equação de Schrodinger, na aproximação da massa efetiva constatne nas interfaces, resultando em equações transcendentais, que possibilitam a obtenção dos níveis de energia dos portadores, decorrentes do seu confinamento quântico, são apresentadas. Energias de ligação e de confinamento de excitons 2D, utilizando-se um método analítico e numerérico e a aproximação do potencial efetivo, são também calculadas. Resultados numéricos para os níveis de energia dos portadores e para as energias de ligação e de confinamento dos excitons 2D, em poços quânticos GaAs/Al0.35Ga0.65As não-abruptos, sem e com a presença de campo elétrico aplicado para vários perfis interfaciais da fração de molar, são mostrados. Para a obtenção desses resultados, faz-se uso do método dos degraus múltiplos e da técnica da matriz de transferência, e adota-se, como operador de energia cinética, o de Ben-Daniel e Duque para uma massa efetiva dependente da posição. Conclui-se que um modelo que leva em conta a existência de interfaces não-abruptas e seus diversos perfis é indispensável para uma melhor descrição das propriedades opto-eletrônicas de poços quânticos GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs, enquanto que a aproximação das interfaces abruptas apresenta-se bastante limitada
A variation of photoconductivity excitation with wavelength is applied to Si-doped Al0.56Ga0.44As (indirect bandgap material) for a wide range of temperature. The lower the temperature the lower the photocurrent below 70 K. In the range 13-30 K there is a decrease in the photoconductivity spectrum slightly above the bandgap transition energy, followed by another increase in the conductivity. We interpret these results in the light of existing models and confirm the trapping by the X-valley effective mass state. which is responsible for attenuation of persistent photoconductivity below 70 K. A DX0 intermediate state which has non-negligible lifetime is proposed as responsible for the decrease in the photoconductivity with about 561 nm of wavelength of exciting light, in the investigated 13-30 g range.
In this work, the structures of LaCoO3, La0,8Ba0,2CoO3 and La0,8Ca0,2CoO3 perovskites were characterized as a function of temperature (LaCoO3 structure being analyzed only at room temperature). The characterization of these materials were made by X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS), in the cobalt K-edge, taking into account the correlated Einstein model X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS). The first part of the absorption spectrum corresponded the X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) and extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS). These materials were prepared by the combustion method. The combustion products were calcinated at 900 0C, for 6 hours in air. Noted that the sample LaCoO3 at room temperature and samples doped with Calcium and Barium in the temperature range of 50 K to 298 K showed greater distortion to monoclinic symmetry with space group I2/a. However, the sample doped with barium at the temperatures 50 K, 220 K, and 260 K showed a slight distortion to rhombohedral symmetry with space group R-3c. The La0,8Ca0, 2CoO3 structure was few sensitive to temperature variation, showing a higher local distortion in the octahedron and a higher local thermal disorder. These interpretations were in agreement with the information electronic structural on the XANES region and geometric in the EXAFS region
Oxigênio dissolvido (OD), demanda bioquímica do oxigênio (DBO) e demanda química do oxigênio (DQO) foram utilizados como parâmetros para se avaliar o grau e capacidade de autodepuração do ribeirão Lavapés, que atravessa a cidade de Botucatu - SP. Avaliou-se o perfil de poluição orgânica e identificadas as zonas de autodepuração, e pontualmente foi realizado uma coleta de 24 horas, de hora em hora, onde foi possível correlacionar a poluição orgânica com as atividades domésticas. A DQO mostrou-se como a melhor técnica para avaliar o perfil de poluição orgânica, identificar as zonas de depuração, e para avaliar a poluição orgânica, neste curso d água. A relação DQO/DBO foi em média 3,4 caracterizando um esgoto biodegradável, indicando que praticamente não existe adição de efluentes industriais, permitindo assim estimar a DBO através da DQO. Nos trechos de água limpa, nascente e foz, em que a DQO estava abaixo de 5 mg L-1 O2, foram utilizados os valores de oxigênio consumido (método do permanganato), o que não invalidou a identificação das zonas de depuração. No entanto pesquisas para desenvolver o método de DQO (dicromato) para baixas concentrações, abaixo de 5 mg L-1 são necessárias para uma melhor avaliação da recuperação do curso d água.
A face lateral do corpo da mandíbula de ratos foi irradiada pelo laser CO2 com disparos contínuos de 10watts de potência. Após três meses, o sulco formado pela irradiação apresentou, em uma grande extensão, material fundido com diversas fraturas. Após sete meses, o periósteo neoformado recobriu amplas áreas da incisão, que apresentou ainda material carbonizado. Um ano após a incisão, o periósteo neoformado estava composto por fibras colágenas, que formaram feixes espessos, transversais à incisão, ou malhas regulares, que recobriram a incisão. Ainda nessa fase, resquícios de material carbonizado foram verificados, caracterizando um retardo na regeneração óssea
Current-voltage measurements performed on bulk AlxGa1-xAs equipped with Au/Ge/Ni contacts reveal surprising deviations from ohmic behaviour when the temperature is lowered to that of liquid nitrogen. Significant differences are observed between samples with x = 0.3 (direct band-gap material) and x = 0.5 (indirect band-gap material). The dominant states of the donor atoms Si (doping) or Ge are found to be responsible for such behaviour. Evidence for the existence of an effective-mass X-valley metastable state is also presented.
The presence of an accessory air breathing mechanism as verified by several authors, is widespread among Loricariidae, where modified parts of the digestive tract act primarily as oxygen-exchange organs. An anatomical and histological analysis was carried out on the stomach and intestine of the armoured catfish Liposarcus anisitsi. The data support the assumption that the modified stomach is responsible for holding air and allows blood oxygenation under hypoxia. Experiments demonstrating survival of air breathing Liposarcus in severely hypoxic water support the hypothesis and are discussed.
Transient decay of persistent photoconductivity measurements are carried out in samples of different compositions. The capture barrier for electron trapping by DX centers is obtained using a method which employs the Brooks-Herring equation for the electronic mobility. The effect of polarization of the screening cloud is analysed using Takimoto's potential and specifies the limits of applicability of the Brooks-Herring equation in AlxGa1-xAs.
We report for the first time the thermally stimulated depolarization current (TSDC) spectrum for a direct band-gap AlGaAs sample, where the presence of DX centers is clearly observed by photoconductivity measurements. A TSDC band is obtained, revealing the presence of dipoles, which could be attributed to DX--d+ pairs as indeed predicted by O'Reilly [Appl. Phys. Lett. 55, 1409 (1989)]. The data are fitted by relaxation time distribution approach yielding an average activation energy of 0.108 eV. This is the most striking feature of our data, since this energy has approximately the same value of the DX center binding energy.
The present paper focuses on the structural, electronic, and compositional properties of Ge25Ga10S65 glasses before and after UV illumination in air using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) techniques. The XPS Ge 3d spectra reveal the existence of Ge-O bonds in the surface region of illuminated glass. In the case of this sample, XAS O K-edge spectra showed the formation of an enriched region of oxygen atoms in the glass bulk, indicating a different bonding structure of oxygen at the surface and in the bulk of the glass. Moreover, the structural changes that occur after UV illumination in the glass sample are identified as the formation of a homogeneous germanium oxide surface layer followed by an intermediary Ge25Ga10S65-yOz subsurface region. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The magnetic-field and confinement effects on the Land, factor in AlxGa1-xAs parabolic quantum wells under magnetic fields applied parallel or perpendicular to the growth direction are theoretically studied. Calculations are performed in the limit of low temperatures and low electron density in the heterostructure. The g factor is obtained by taking into account the effects of non-parabolicity and anisotropy of the conduction band through the 2 x 2 Ogg-McCombe Hamiltonian, and by including the cubic Dresselhaus spin-orbit term. A simple formula describing the magnetic-field dependence of the effective Land, factor is analytically derived by using the Rayleigh-Schrodinger perturbation theory, and it is found in good agreement with previous experimental studies devoted to understand the behavior of the g factor, as a function of an applied magnetic field, in semiconductor heterostructures. Present numerical results for the effective Land, factor are shown as functions of the quantum-well parameters and magnetic-field strength, and compared with available experimental measurements.
Monochromatic light excitation in conjunction with thermally stimulated depolarization current measurements are applied to indirect bandgap AlxGa1-xAs. The obtained average activation energy for dipole relaxation is in very close agreement with the DX center binding energy. Monochromatic light induces state transition in the defect and makes possible the identification of dipoles observed in the dark. Charge relaxation currents are destroyed by photoionization of Al0.5Ga0.5As using either 647 nm Kr+ or 488 nm Ar+ laser lines, which are above the DX center threshold photoionization energy. It suggests that correlation may exist among charged donor states DX--d+. Sample resistance as a function of temperature is also measured in the dark and under illumination and shows the probable X valley effective mass state participation in the electron trapping. Ionization with energies of 0.8 eV and 1.24 eV leads to striking current peak shifts in the thermally stimulated depolarization bands. Since vacancies are present in this material, they may be responsible for the secondary band observed in the dark as well as participation in the light induced recombination process.
We present conductance as function of temperature (G×T) under influence of monochromatic light in the range 0.5-1.5 μm for direct as well as indirect bandgap n-type AlxGa1-xAs. Results obtained below 60 K in indirect bandgap sample show the presence of another level of trapping, besides the DX centre, probably a X-valley effective mass state. In direct bandgap samples, these G×T curves show that above bandgap light increases conductivity to higher values than at room temperature and below bandgap light is not enough to avoid trapping. Photoconductivity spectra in indirect bandgap AlxGa1-xAs show that above ≅120 K, the absence of persistent photoconductivity contributes for a very clean spectrum. The mobility of AlxGa1-xAs is modelled considering dipole scattering. Data of transient decay of persistent photoconductivity is simulated using this approach.