988 resultados para Numerical Schemes


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Collisions are an innate part of the function of many musical instruments. Due to the nonlinear nature of contact forces, special care has to be taken in the construction of numerical schemes for simulation and sound synthesis. Finite difference schemes and other time-stepping algorithms used for musical instrument modelling purposes are normally arrived at by discretising a Newtonian description of the system. However because impact forces are non-analytic functions of the phase space variables, algorithm stability can rarely be established this way. This paper presents a systematic approach to deriving energy conserving schemes for frictionless impact modelling. The proposed numerical formulations follow from discretising Hamilton׳s equations of motion, generally leading to an implicit system of nonlinear equations that can be solved with Newton׳s method. The approach is first outlined for point mass collisions and then extended to distributed settings, such as vibrating strings and beams colliding with rigid obstacles. Stability and other relevant properties of the proposed approach are discussed and further demonstrated with simulation examples. The methodology is exemplified through a case study on tanpura string vibration, with the results confirming the main findings of previous studies on the role of the bridge in sound generation with this type of string instrument.


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In a recent paper [P. Glaister, Conservative upwind difference schemes for compressible flows in a Duct, Comput. Math. Appl. 56 (2008) 1787–1796] numerical schemes based on a conservative linearisation are presented for the Euler equations governing compressible flows of an ideal gas in a duct of variable cross-section, and in [P. Glaister, Conservative upwind difference schemes for compressible flows of a real gas, Comput. Math. Appl. 48 (2004) 469–480] schemes based on this philosophy are presented for real gas flows with slab symmetry. In this paper we seek to extend these ideas to encompass compressible flows of real gases in a duct. This will incorporate the handling of additional terms arising out of the variable geometry and the non-ideal nature of the gas.


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Different non-Fourier models of heat conduction, that incorporate time lags in the heat flux and/or the temperature gradient, have been increasingly considered in the last years to model microscale heat transfer problems in engineering. Numerical schemes to obtain approximate solutions of constant coefficients lagging models of heat conduction have already been proposed. In this work, an explicit finite difference scheme for a model with coefficients variable in time is developed, and their properties of convergence and stability are studied. Numerical computations showing examples of applications of the scheme are presented.


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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 26A33 (primary), 35S15 (secondary)


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In this work, we introduce a new class of numerical schemes for rarefied gas dynamic problems described by collisional kinetic equations. The idea consists in reformulating the problem using a micro-macro decomposition and successively in solving the microscopic part by using asymptotic preserving Monte Carlo methods. We consider two types of decompositions, the first leading to the Euler system of gas dynamics while the second to the Navier-Stokes equations for the macroscopic part. In addition, the particle method which solves the microscopic part is designed in such a way that the global scheme becomes computationally less expensive as the solution approaches the equilibrium state as opposite to standard methods for kinetic equations which computational cost increases with the number of interactions. At the same time, the statistical error due to the particle part of the solution decreases as the system approach the equilibrium state. This causes the method to degenerate to the sole solution of the macroscopic hydrodynamic equations (Euler or Navier-Stokes) in the limit of infinite number of collisions. In a last part, we will show the behaviors of this new approach in comparisons to standard Monte Carlo techniques for solving the kinetic equation by testing it on different problems which typically arise in rarefied gas dynamic simulations.


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The behaviour of ion channels within cardiac and neuronal cells is intrinsically stochastic in nature. When the number of channels is small this stochastic noise is large and can have an impact on the dynamics of the system which is potentially an issue when modelling small neurons and drug block in cardiac cells. While exact methods correctly capture the stochastic dynamics of a system they are computationally expensive, restricting their inclusion into tissue level models and so approximations to exact methods are often used instead. The other issue in modelling ion channel dynamics is that the transition rates are voltage dependent, adding a level of complexity as the channel dynamics are coupled to the membrane potential. By assuming that such transition rates are constant over each time step, it is possible to derive a stochastic differential equation (SDE), in the same manner as for biochemical reaction networks, that describes the stochastic dynamics of ion channels. While such a model is more computationally efficient than exact methods we show that there are analytical problems with the resulting SDE as well as issues in using current numerical schemes to solve such an equation. We therefore make two contributions: develop a different model to describe the stochastic ion channel dynamics that analytically behaves in the correct manner and also discuss numerical methods that preserve the analytical properties of the model.


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For the timber industry, the ability to simulate the drying of wood is invaluable for manufacturing high quality wood products. Mathematically, however, modelling the drying of a wet porous material, such as wood, is a diffcult task due to its heterogeneous and anisotropic nature, and the complex geometry of the underlying pore structure. The well{ developed macroscopic modelling approach involves writing down classical conservation equations at a length scale where physical quantities (e.g., porosity) can be interpreted as averaged values over a small volume (typically containing hundreds or thousands of pores). This averaging procedure produces balance equations that resemble those of a continuum with the exception that effective coeffcients appear in their deffnitions. Exponential integrators are numerical schemes for initial value problems involving a system of ordinary differential equations. These methods differ from popular Newton{Krylov implicit methods (i.e., those based on the backward differentiation formulae (BDF)) in that they do not require the solution of a system of nonlinear equations at each time step but rather they require computation of matrix{vector products involving the exponential of the Jacobian matrix. Although originally appearing in the 1960s, exponential integrators have recently experienced a resurgence in interest due to a greater undertaking of research in Krylov subspace methods for matrix function approximation. One of the simplest examples of an exponential integrator is the exponential Euler method (EEM), which requires, at each time step, approximation of φ(A)b, where φ(z) = (ez - 1)/z, A E Rnxn and b E Rn. For drying in porous media, the most comprehensive macroscopic formulation is TransPore [Perre and Turner, Chem. Eng. J., 86: 117-131, 2002], which features three coupled, nonlinear partial differential equations. The focus of the first part of this thesis is the use of the exponential Euler method (EEM) for performing the time integration of the macroscopic set of equations featured in TransPore. In particular, a new variable{ stepsize algorithm for EEM is presented within a Krylov subspace framework, which allows control of the error during the integration process. The performance of the new algorithm highlights the great potential of exponential integrators not only for drying applications but across all disciplines of transport phenomena. For example, when applied to well{ known benchmark problems involving single{phase liquid ow in heterogeneous soils, the proposed algorithm requires half the number of function evaluations than that required for an equivalent (sophisticated) Newton{Krylov BDF implementation. Furthermore for all drying configurations tested, the new algorithm always produces, in less computational time, a solution of higher accuracy than the existing backward Euler module featured in TransPore. Some new results relating to Krylov subspace approximation of '(A)b are also developed in this thesis. Most notably, an alternative derivation of the approximation error estimate of Hochbruck, Lubich and Selhofer [SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 19(5): 1552{1574, 1998] is provided, which reveals why it performs well in the error control procedure. Two of the main drawbacks of the macroscopic approach outlined above include the effective coefficients must be supplied to the model, and it fails for some drying configurations, where typical dual{scale mechanisms occur. In the second part of this thesis, a new dual{scale approach for simulating wood drying is proposed that couples the porous medium (macroscale) with the underlying pore structure (microscale). The proposed model is applied to the convective drying of softwood at low temperatures and is valid in the so{called hygroscopic range, where hygroscopically held liquid water is present in the solid phase and water exits only as vapour in the pores. Coupling between scales is achieved by imposing the macroscopic gradient on the microscopic field using suitably defined periodic boundary conditions, which allows the macroscopic ux to be defined as an average of the microscopic ux over the unit cell. This formulation provides a first step for moving from the macroscopic formulation featured in TransPore to a comprehensive dual{scale formulation capable of addressing any drying configuration. Simulation results reported for a sample of spruce highlight the potential and flexibility of the new dual{scale approach. In particular, for a given unit cell configuration it is not necessary to supply the effective coefficients prior to each simulation.


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This thesis concerns the development of mathematical models to describe the interactions that occur between spray droplets and leaves. Models are presented that not only provide a contribution to mathematical knowledge in the field of fluid dynamics, but are also of utility within the agrichemical industry. The thesis is presented in two parts. First, thin film models are implemented with efficient numerical schemes in order to simulate droplets on virtual leaf surfaces. Then the interception event is considered, whereby energy balance techniques are employed to instantaneously predict whether an impacting droplet will bounce, splash, or adhere to a leaf.


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Short elliptical chamber mufflers are used often in the modern day automotive exhaust systems. The acoustic analysis of such short chamber mufflers is facilitated by considering a transverse plane wave propagation model along the major axis up to the low frequency limit. The one dimensional differential equation governing the transverse plane wave propagation in such short chambers is solved using the segmentation approaches which are inherently numerical schemes, wherein the transfer matrix relating the upstream state variables to the downstream variables is obtained. Analytical solution of the transverse plane wave model used to analyze such short chambers has not been reported in the literature so far. This present work is thus an attempt to fill up this lacuna, whereby Frobenius solution of the differential equation governing the transverse plane wave propagation is obtained. By taking a sufficient number of terms of the infinite series, an approximate analytical solution so obtained shows good convergence up to about 1300 Hz and also covers most of the range of muffler dimensions used in practice. The transmission loss (TL) performance of the muffler configurations computed by this analytical approach agrees excellently with that computed by the Matrizant approach used earlier by the authors, thereby offering a faster and more elegant alternate method to analyze short elliptical muffler configurations. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Numerical modeling of saturated subsurface flow and transport has been widely used in the past using different numerical schemes such as finite difference and finite element methods. Such modeling often involves discretization of the problem in spatial and temporal scales. The choice of the spatial and temporal scales for a modeling scenario is often not straightforward. For example, a basin-scale saturated flow and transport analysis demands larger spatial and temporal scales than a meso-scale study, which in turn has larger scales compared to a pore-scale study. The choice of spatial-scale is often dictated by the computational capabilities of the modeler as well as the availability of fine-scale data. In this study, we analyze the impact of different spatial scales and scaling procedures on saturated subsurface flow and transport simulations.


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Effects of dynamic contact angle models on the flow dynamics of an impinging droplet in sharp interface simulations are presented in this article. In the considered finite element scheme, the free surface is tracked using the arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian approach. The contact angle is incorporated into the model by replacing the curvature with the Laplace-Beltrami operator and integration by parts. Further, the Navier-slip with friction boundary condition is used to avoid stress singularities at the contact line. Our study demonstrates that the contact angle models have almost no influence on the flow dynamics of the non-wetting droplets. In computations of the wetting and partially wetting droplets, different contact angle models induce different flow dynamics, especially during recoiling. It is shown that a large value for the slip number has to be used in computations of the wetting and partially wetting droplets in order to reduce the effects of the contact angle models. Among all models, the equilibrium model is simple and easy to implement. Further, the equilibrium model also incorporates the contact angle hysteresis. Thus, the equilibrium contact angle model is preferred in sharp interface numerical schemes.


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Measured mass flow rates and streamwise pressure distributions of gas flowing through microchannels were reported by many researchers. Assessment of these data is crucial before they are used in the examination of slip models and numerical schemes, and in the design of microchannel elements in various MEMS devices. On the basis of kinetic solutions of the mass flow rates and pressure distributions in microchannel gas flows, the measured data available are properly normalized and then are compared with each other. The 69 normalized data of measured pressure distributions are in excellent agreement, and 67 of them are within 1 +/- 0.05. The normalized data of mass flow-rates ranging between 0.95 and 1 agree well with each other as the inlet Knudsen number Kn (i) < 0.02, but they scatter between 0.85 and 1.15 as Kn (i) > 0.02 with, to some extent, a very interesting bifurcation trend.


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The objective of this thesis is to develop a framework to conduct velocity resolved - scalar modeled (VR-SM) simulations, which will enable accurate simulations at higher Reynolds and Schmidt (Sc) numbers than are currently feasible. The framework established will serve as a first step to enable future simulation studies for practical applications. To achieve this goal, in-depth analyses of the physical, numerical, and modeling aspects related to Sc>>1 are presented, specifically when modeling in the viscous-convective subrange. Transport characteristics are scrutinized by examining scalar-velocity Fourier mode interactions in Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) datasets and suggest that scalar modes in the viscous-convective subrange do not directly affect large-scale transport for high Sc. Further observations confirm that discretization errors inherent in numerical schemes can be sufficiently large to wipe out any meaningful contribution from subfilter models. This provides strong incentive to develop more effective numerical schemes to support high Sc simulations. To lower numerical dissipation while maintaining physically and mathematically appropriate scalar bounds during the convection step, a novel method of enforcing bounds is formulated, specifically for use with cubic Hermite polynomials. Boundedness of the scalar being transported is effected by applying derivative limiting techniques, and physically plausible single sub-cell extrema are allowed to exist to help minimize numerical dissipation. The proposed bounding algorithm results in significant performance gain in DNS of turbulent mixing layers and of homogeneous isotropic turbulence. Next, the combined physical/mathematical behavior of the subfilter scalar-flux vector is analyzed in homogeneous isotropic turbulence, by examining vector orientation in the strain-rate eigenframe. The results indicate no discernible dependence on the modeled scalar field, and lead to the identification of the tensor-diffusivity model as a good representation of the subfilter flux. Velocity resolved - scalar modeled simulations of homogeneous isotropic turbulence are conducted to confirm the behavior theorized in these a priori analyses, and suggest that the tensor-diffusivity model is ideal for use in the viscous-convective subrange. Simulations of a turbulent mixing layer are also discussed, with the partial objective of analyzing Schmidt number dependence of a variety of scalar statistics. Large-scale statistics are confirmed to be relatively independent of the Schmidt number for Sc>>1, which is explained by the dominance of subfilter dissipation over resolved molecular dissipation in the simulations. Overall, the VR-SM framework presented is quite effective in predicting large-scale transport characteristics of high Schmidt number scalars, however, it is determined that prediction of subfilter quantities would entail additional modeling intended specifically for this purpose. The VR-SM simulations presented in this thesis provide us with the opportunity to overlap with experimental studies, while at the same time creating an assortment of baseline datasets for future validation of LES models, thereby satisfying the objectives outlined for this work.


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An experimental and numerical investigation into transonic shock/boundary-layer interactions in rectangular ducts has been performed. Experiments have shown that flow development in the corners of transonic shock/boundary-layer interactions in confined channels can have a significant impact on the entire flowfield. As shock strength is increased from M∞ = 1:3 to 1.5, the flowfield becomes very slightly asymmetrical. The interaction of corner flows with one another is thought to be a potential cause of this asymmetry. Thus, factors that govern the size of corner interactions (such as interaction strength) and their proximity to one another (such as tunnel aspect ratio) can affect flow symmetry. The results of the computational study show reasonable agreement with experiments, although simulations with particular turbulence models predict highly asymmetrical solutions for flows that were predominantly symmetrical in experiments. These discrepancies are attributed to the tendency of numerical schemes to overprediction corner-interaction size, and this also accounts for why computational fluid dynamics predicts the onset of asymmetry at lower shock strengths than in experiments. The findings of this study highlight the importance of making informed decisions about imposing artificial constraints on symmetry and boundary conditions for internal transonic flows. Future effort into modeling corner flows accurately is required. Copyright © 2011 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. All rights reserved.