964 resultados para Nonlinear effect


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为了使得数值模拟更为精确, 采用广义非线性薛定谔方程(GNSE)描述超短激光脉冲在光子晶体光纤中的传输演化过程, 并利用二阶分步傅里叶方法通过求解方程, 数值计算了相同脉宽和能量的超短脉冲在不同色散参量的光子晶体光纤中非线性传输和超连续谱的产生。比较了超短脉冲在光纤不同色散区传输时, 高阶色散和非线性效应对超连续谱的产生以及对脉冲波形演化的影响。结果表明, 相对于超短脉冲中心波长位于光子晶体光纤的正常和反常色散区, 可以相应获得短波波段和长波波段的超连续谱输出, 当超短脉冲中心波长位于零色散波长点时, 通


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阐述了频率分辨光学开关法测量飞秒脉冲的原理,详细分析了模式尺寸效应和非线性效应对飞秒脉冲测量的影响。构建了一台用于飞秒脉冲测量的二次谐波-频率分辨光学开关装置,利用该装置对谐振腔输出的飞秒脉冲及压缩后的脉冲进行了测量。得到了飞秒脉冲的时间宽度及光谱宽度、电场及其相位在时域和频域的详细信息。谐振腔直接输出脉冲的时间宽度为56 fs,光谱宽度为27 nm,时间带宽积为0.686,算法中的最小误差为0.001792。脉冲压缩后的测量结果为27 fs,光谱宽度为92 nm,时间带宽积为1.27,算法误差为0.00


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Low temperature (10 K) strong anti-Stokes photoluminescence (ASPL) of ZnO microcrystal excited by low power cw 532 nm laser is reported here. Energy upconversion of 1.1 eV is obtained in our experiment with no conventional nonlinear effect. Through the study of the normal photoluminescence and temperature dependence of ASPL we conclude that the green band luminescence in ZnO is related to deep donor to valance band transition. Using the two-step two-photon absorption model, we provide a plausible mechanism leading to the ASPL phenomenon in our experiment. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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We suggest a scheme to generate a macroscopic superposition state ("Schrodinger cat state") of a free-propagating optical field using a beam splitter, homodyne measurement, and a very small Kerr nonlinear effect. Our scheme makes it possible to reduce considerably the required nonlinear effect to generate an optical cat state using simple and efficient optical elements.


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Abstract—Power capping is an essential function for efficient power budgeting and cost management on modern server systems. Contemporary server processors operate under power caps by using dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS). However, these processors are often deployed in non-uniform memory
access (NUMA) architectures, where thread allocation between cores may significantly affect performance and power consumption. This paper proposes a method which maximizes performance under power caps on NUMA systems by dynamically optimizing two knobs: DVFS and thread allocation. The method selects the optimal combination of the two knobs with models based on artificial neural network (ANN) that captures the nonlinear effect of thread allocation on performance. We implement
the proposed method as a runtime system and evaluate it with twelve multithreaded benchmarks on a real AMD Opteron based NUMA system. The evaluation results show that our method outperforms a naive technique optimizing only DVFS by up to
67.1%, under a power cap.


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For the computation of limit cycle oscillations (LCO) at transonic speeds, CFD is required to capture the nonlinear flow features present. The Harmonic Balance method provides an effective means for the computation of LCOs and this paper exploits its efficiency to investigate the impact of variability (both structural a nd aerodynamic) on the aeroelastic behaviour of a 2 dof aerofoil. A Harmonic Balance inviscid CFD solver is coupled with the structural equations and is validated against time marching analyses. Polynomial chaos expansions are employed for the stochastic investiga tion as a faster alternative to Monte Carlo analysis. Adaptive sampling is employed when discontinuities are present. Uncertainties in aerodynamic parameters are looked at first followed by the inclusion of structural variability. Results show the nonlinear effect of Mach number and it’s interaction with the structural parameters on supercritical LCOs. The bifurcation boundaries are well captured by the polynomial chaos.


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Este trabalho investiga novas metodologias para as redes óticas de acesso de próxima geração (NG-OAN). O trabalho está dividido em quatro tópicos de investigação: projeto da rede, modelos numéricos para efeitos não lineares da fibra ótica, impacto dos efeitos não lineares da fibra ótica e otimização da rede. A rede ótica de acesso investigada nesse trabalho está projetado para suprir os requisitos de densidade de utilizadores e cobertura, isto é, suportar muitos utilizadores ( 1000) com altas velocidades de conexão dedicada ( 1 Gb/s) ocupando uma faixa estreita do espectro ( 25 nm) e comprimentos de fibra ótica até 100 km. Os cenários são baseados em redes óticas passivas com multiplexagem por divisão no comprimento de onda de alta densidade (UDWDM-PON) utilizando transmissores/receptores coerentes nos terminais da rede. A rede é avaliada para vários ritmos de transmissão usando formatos de modulação avançados, requisitos de largura de banda por utilizador e partilha de banda com tecnologias tradicionais de redes óticas passivas (PON). Modelos numéricos baseados em funções de transferência das séries de Volterra (VSTF) são demonstrados tanto para a análise dos efeitos não lineares da fibra ótica quanto para avaliação do desempenho total da rede. São apresentadas as faixas de potência e distância de transmissão nas quais as séries de Volterra apresentam resultados semelhantes ao modelo referência Split-Step Fourier (SSF) (validado experimentalmente) para o desempenho total da rede. Além disso, um algoritmo, que evita componentes espectrais com intensidade nulo, é proposto para realizar cálculos rápidos das séries. O modelo VSTF é estendido para identificar unicamente os efeitos não lineares da fibra ótica mais relevantes no cenário investigado: Self-Phase Modulation (SPM), Cross-Phase Modulation (XPM) e Four-Wave Mixing (FWM). Simulações numéricas são apresentadas para identificar o impacto isolado de cada efeito não linear da fibra ótica, SPM, XPM e FWM, no desempenho da rede com detecção coerente UDWDM-PON, transportando canais com modulação digital em fase (M-ária PSK) ou modulação digital em amplitude (M-ária QAM). A análise numérica é estendida para diferentes comprimentos de fibra ótica mono modo (SSMF), potência por canal e ritmo de transmissão por canal. Por conseguinte, expressões analíticas são extrapoladas para determinar a evolução do SPM, XPM e FWM em função da potência e distância de transmissão em cenários NG-OAN. O desempenho da rede é otimizada através da minimização parcial da interferência FWM (via espaçamento desigual dos canais), que nesse caso, é o efeito não linear da fibra ótica mais relevante. Direções para melhorias adicionas no desempenho da rede são apresentados para cenários em que o XPM é relevante, isto é, redes transportando formatos de modulação QAM. A solução, nesse caso, é baseada na utilização de técnicas de processamento digital do sinal.


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Robert Bourbeau, département de démographie (Directeur de recherche) Marianne Kempeneers, département de sociologie (Codirectrice de recherche)


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The development of chalcogenide glasses fibers for application in the infrared wavelength region between 1 and 10 μm is a big opportunity. More particularly, the possibility to generate efficient non linear effects above 2 μm is a real challenge. We present in this work the elaboration and optical characterizations of suspended core microstructured optical fibers elaborated from the As2S3 chalcogenide glass. As an alternative to the stack and draw process a mechanical machining has been used to the elaboration of the preforms. The drawing of these preforms into fibers allows reaching a suspended core geometry, in which a 2.5 μm diameter core is linked to the fiber clad region by three supporting struts. The zero dispersion wavelength is thus shifted towards 2 μm. At 1.55 μm our fibers exhibit a dispersion around -250 ps/nm/km. Their background level of losses is below 0,5 dB/m. By pumping them at 1.55 μm with a ps source, we observe self phase modulation as well as Raman generation. Finally a strong spectral enlargement is obtained with an average output power of - 5 dbm. © 2010 SPIE.


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Elaboration of low-losses highly non linear chalcogenide optical fibers for the generation of efficient non linear effects in the infrared remains a challenge. In recent years, much work has been devoted to the study of microstructured optical fibers (MOFs) with different designs and various elaboration processes. Their background losses were typically of several dB/m. © 2011 IEEE.


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Here, a simplified dynamical model of a magnetically levitated body is considered. The origin of an inertial Cartesian reference frame is set at the pivot point of the pendulum on the levitated body in its static equilibrium state (ie, the gap between the magnet on the base and the magnet on the body, in this state). The governing equations of motion has been derived and the characteristic feature of the strategy is the exploitation of the nonlinear effect of the inertial force associated, with the motion of a pendulum-type vibration absorber driven, by an appropriate control torque [4]. In the present paper, we analyzed the nonlinear dynamics of problem, discussed the energy transfer between the main system and the pendulum in time, and developed State Dependent Riccati Equation (SDRE) control design to reducing the unstable oscillatory movement of the magnetically levitated body to a stable fixed point. The simulations results showed the effectiveness of the (SDRE) control design. Copyright © 2011 by ASME.


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We suggest a scheme to generate a macroscopic superposition state (Schrodinger cat state) of a free-propagating optical field using a beam splitter, homodyne measurement, and a very small Kerr nonlinear effect. Our scheme makes it possible to reduce considerably the required nonlinear effect to generate an optical cat state using simple and efficient optical elements.


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Le développement au cours des dernières décennies de lasers à fibre à verrouillage de modes permet aujourd’hui d’avoir accès à des sources fiables d’impulsions femtosecondes qui sont utilisées autant dans les laboratoires de recherche que pour des applications commerciales. Grâce à leur large bande passante ainsi qu’à leur excellente dissipation de chaleur, les fibres dopées avec des ions de terres rares ont permis l’amplification et la génération d’impulsions brèves de haute énergie avec une forte cadence. Cependant, les effets non linéaires causés par la faible taille du faisceau dans la fibre ainsi que la saturation de l’inversion de population du milieu compliquent l’utilisation d’amplificateurs fibrés pour l’obtention d’impulsions brèves dont l’énergie dépasse le millijoule. Diverses stratégies comme l’étirement des impulsions à des durées de l’ordre de la nanoseconde, l’utilisation de fibres à cristaux photoniques ayant un coeur plus large et l’amplification en parallèle ont permis de contourner ces limitations pour obtenir des impulsions de quelques millijoules ayant une durée inférieure à la picoseconde. Ce mémoire de maîtrise présente une nouvelle approche pour l’amplification d’impulsions brèves utilisant la diffusion Raman des verres de silice comme milieu de gain. Il est connu que cet effet non linéaire permet l’amplification avec une large bande passante et ce dernier est d’ailleurs couramment utilisé aujourd’hui dans les réseaux de télécommunications par fibre optique. Puisque l’adaptation des schémas d’amplification Raman existants aux impulsions brèves de haute énergie n’est pas directe, on propose plutôt un schéma consistant à transférer l’énergie d’une impulsion pompe quasi monochromatique à une impulsion signal brève étirée avec une dérive en fréquence. Afin d’évaluer le potentiel du gain Raman pour l’amplification d’impulsions brèves, ce mémoire présente un modèle analytique permettant de prédire les caractéristiques de l’impulsion amplifiée selon celles de la pompe et le milieu dans lequel elles se propagent. On trouve alors que la bande passante élevée du gain Raman des verres de silice ainsi que sa saturation inhomogène permettent l’amplification d’impulsions signal à une énergie comparable à celle de la pompe tout en conservant une largeur spectrale élevée supportant la compression à des durées très brèves. Quelques variantes du schéma d’amplification sont proposées, et leur potentiel est évalué par l’utilisation du modèle analytique ou de simulations numériques. On prédit analytiquement et numériquement l’amplification Raman d’impulsions à des énergies de quelques millijoules, dont la durée est inférieure à 150 fs et dont la puissance crête avoisine 20 GW.


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The electron collection efficiency in dye-sensitized solar cells (DSCs) is usually related to the electron diffusion length, L = (Dτ)1/2, where D is the diffusion coefficient of mobile electrons and τ is their lifetime, which is determined by electron transfer to the redox electrolyte. Analysis of incident photon-to-current efficiency (IPCE) spectra for front and rear illumination consistently gives smaller values of L than those derived from small amplitude methods. We show that the IPCE analysis is incorrect if recombination is not first-order in free electron concentration, and we demonstrate that the intensity dependence of the apparent L derived by first-order analysis of IPCE measurements and the voltage dependence of L derived from perturbation experiments can be fitted using the same reaction order, γ ≈ 0.8. The new analysis presented in this letter resolves the controversy over why L values derived from small amplitude methods are larger than those obtained from IPCE data.


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According to Wen's theory, a universal behavior of the fractional quantum Hall edge is expected at sufficiently low energies, where the dispersion of the elementary edge excitation is linear. A microscopic calculation shows that the actual dispersion is indeed linear at low energies, but deviates from linearity beyond certain energy, and also exhibits an "edge roton minimum." We determine the edge exponent from a microscopic approach, and find that the nonlinearity of the dispersion makes a surprisingly small correction to the edge exponent even at energies higher than the roton energy. We explain this insensitivity as arising from the fact that the energy at maximum spectral weight continues to show an almost linear behavior up to fairly high energies. We also study, in an effective-field theory, how interactions modify the exponent for a reconstructed edge with multiple edge modes. Relevance to experiment is discussed.