989 resultados para Nonlinear diffusion


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We consider a discrete agent-based model on a one-dimensional lattice, where each agent occupies L sites and attempts movements over a distance of d lattice sites. Agents obey a strict simple exclusion rule. A discrete-time master equation is derived using a mean-field approximation and careful probability arguments. In the continuum limit, nonlinear diffusion equations that describe the average agent occupancy are obtained. Averaged discrete simulation data are generated and shown to compare very well with the solution to the derived nonlinear diffusion equations. This framework allows us to approach a lattice-free result using all the advantages of lattice methods. Since different cell types have different shapes and speeds of movement, this work offers insight into population-level behavior of collective cellular motion.


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We consider a discrete agent-based model on a one-dimensional lattice and a two-dimensional square lattice, where each agent is a dimer occupying two sites. Agents move by vacating one occupied site in favor of a nearest-neighbor site and obey either a strict simple exclusion rule or a weaker constraint that permits partial overlaps between dimers. Using indicator variables and careful probability arguments, a discrete-time master equation for these processes is derived systematically within a mean-field approximation. In the continuum limit, nonlinear diffusion equations that describe the average agent occupancy of the dimer population are obtained. In addition, we show that multiple species of interacting subpopulations give rise to advection-diffusion equations. Averaged discrete simulation data compares very well with the solution to the continuum partial differential equation models. Since many cell types are elongated rather than circular, this work offers insight into population-level behavior of collective cellular motion.


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Based on the principle given in nonlinear diffusion-reaction dynamics, a new dynamic model for dislocation patterning is proposed by introducing a relaxation time to the relation between dislocation density and dislocation flux. The so-called chemical potential like quantities, which appear in the model can be derived from variation principle for free energy functional of dislocated media, where the free energy density function is expressed in terms of not only the dislocation density itself but also their spatial gradients. The Linear stability analysis on the governing equations of a simple dislocation density shows that there exists an intrinsic wave number leading to bifurcation of space structure of dislocation density. At the same time, the numerical results also demonstrate the coexistence and transition between different dislocation patterns.


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A neural network model, called an FBF network, is proposed for automatic parallel separation of multiple image figures from each other and their backgrounds in noisy grayscale or multi-colored images. The figures can then be processed in parallel by an array of self-organizing Adaptive Resonance Theory (ART) neural networks for automatic target recognition. An FBF network can automatically separate the disconnected but interleaved spirals that Minsky and Papert introduced in their book Perceptrons. The network's design also clarifies why humans cannot rapidly separate interleaved spirals, yet can rapidly detect conjunctions of disparity and color, or of disparity and motion, that distinguish target figures from surrounding distractors. Figure-ground separation is accomplished by iterating operations of a Feature Contour System (FCS) and a Boundary Contour System (BCS) in the order FCS-BCS-FCS, hence the term FBF, that have been derived from an analysis of biological vision. The FCS operations include the use of nonlinear shunting networks to compensate for variable illumination and nonlinear diffusion networks to control filling-in. A key new feature of an FBF network is the use of filling-in for figure-ground separation. The BCS operations include oriented filters joined to competitive and cooperative interactions designed to detect, regularize, and complete boundaries in up to 50 percent noise, while suppressing the noise. A modified CORT-X filter is described which uses both on-cells and off-cells to generate a boundary segmentation from a noisy image.


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The PHYSICA software was developed to enable multiphysics modelling allowing for interaction between Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and Computational Solid Mechanics (CSM) and Computational Aeroacoustics (CAA). PHYSICA uses the finite volume method with 3-D unstructured meshes to enable the modelling of complex geometries. Many engineering applications involve significant computational time which needs to be reduced by means of a faster solution method or parallel and high performance algorithms. It is well known that multigrid methods serve as a fast iterative scheme for linear and nonlinear diffusion problems. This papers attempts to address two major issues of this iterative solver, including parallelisation of multigrid methods and their applications to time dependent multiscale problems.


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Fourth-order partial differential equation (PDE) proposed by You and Kaveh (You-Kaveh fourth-order PDE), which replaces the gradient operator in classical second-order nonlinear diffusion methods with a Laplacian operator, is able to avoid blocky effects often caused by second-order nonlinear PDEs. However, the equation brought forward by You and Kaveh tends to leave the processed images with isolated black and white speckles. Although You and Kaveh use median filters to filter these speckles, median filters can blur the processed images to some extent, which weakens the result of You-Kaveh fourth-order PDE. In this paper, the reason why You-Kaveh fourth-order PDE can leave the processed images with isolated black and white speckles is analyzed, and a new fourth-order PDE based on the changes of Laplacian (LC fourth-order PDE) is proposed and tested. The new fourth-order PDE preserves the advantage of You-Kaveh fourth-order PDE and avoids leaving isolated black and white speckles. Moreover, the new fourth-order PDE keeps the boundary from being blurred and preserves the nuance in the processed images, so, the processed images look very natural.


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Multiscale modeling is emerging as one of the key challenges in mathematical biology. However, the recent rapid increase in the number of modeling methodologies being used to describe cell populations has raised a number of interesting questions. For example, at the cellular scale, how can the appropriate discrete cell-level model be identified in a given context? Additionally, how can the many phenomenological assumptions used in the derivation of models at the continuum scale be related to individual cell behavior? In order to begin to address such questions, we consider a discrete one-dimensional cell-based model in which cells are assumed to interact via linear springs. From the discrete equations of motion, the continuous Rouse [P. E. Rouse, J. Chem. Phys. 21, 1272 (1953)] model is obtained. This formalism readily allows the definition of a cell number density for which a nonlinear "fast" diffusion equation is derived. Excellent agreement is demonstrated between the continuum and discrete models. Subsequently, via the incorporation of cell division, we demonstrate that the derived nonlinear diffusion model is robust to the inclusion of more realistic biological detail. In the limit of stiff springs, where cells can be considered to be incompressible, we show that cell velocity can be directly related to cell production. This assumption is frequently made in the literature but our derivation places limits on its validity. Finally, the model is compared with a model of a similar form recently derived for a different discrete cell-based model and it is shown how the different diffusion coefficients can be understood in terms of the underlying assumptions about cell behavior in the respective discrete models.


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We investigate several diffusion equations which extend the usual one by considering the presence of nonlinear terms or a memory effect on the diffusive term. We also considered a spatial time dependent diffusion coefficient. For these equations we have obtained a new classes of solutions and studied the connection of them with the anomalous diffusion process. We start by considering a nonlinear diffusion equation with a spatial time dependent diffusion coefficient. The solutions obtained for this case generalize the usual one and can be expressed in terms of the q-exponential and q-logarithm functions present in the generalized thermostatistics context (Tsallis formalism). After, a nonlinear external force is considered. For this case the solutions can be also expressed in terms of the q-exponential and q-logarithm functions. However, by a suitable choice of the nonlinear external force, we may have an exponential behavior, suggesting a connection with standard thermostatistics. This fact reveals that these solutions may present an anomalous relaxation process and then, reach an equilibrium state of the kind Boltzmann- Gibbs. Next, we investigate a nonmarkovian linear diffusion equation that presents a kernel leading to the anomalous diffusive process. Particularly, our first choice leads to both a the usual behavior and anomalous behavior obtained through a fractionalderivative equation. The results obtained, within this context, correspond to a change in the waiting-time distribution for jumps in the formalism of random walks. These modifications had direct influence in the solutions, that turned out to be expressed in terms of the Mittag-Leffler or H of Fox functions. In this way, the second moment associated to these distributions led to an anomalous spread of the distribution, in contrast to the usual situation where one finds a linear increase with time


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In this paper, an anisotropic nonlinear diffusion equation for image restoration is presented. The model has two terms: the diffusion and the forcing term. The balance between these terms is made in a selective way, in which boundary points and interior points of the objects that make up the image are treated differently. The optimal smoothing time concept, which allows for finding the ideal stop time for the evolution of the partial differential equation is also proposed. Numerical results show the proposed model's high performance.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Este artigo usa modelos lineares e não lineares de Índice de Difusão para prever, um período à frente, a taxa de crescimento trimestral do PIB agrícola brasileiro. Esses modelos são compostos de fatores comuns que permitem redução significativa do número de variáveis explicativas originais. Os resultados de eficiência preditiva apontam para uma superioridade das previsões geradas pelos modelos de Índice de Difusão sobre os modelos ARMA. Entre os modelos de Índice de Difusão, o modelo não linear com efeito threshold superou os resultados do modelo linear e do modelo AR.


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En esta Tesis Doctoral se aborda la utilización de filtros de difusión no lineal para obtener imágenes constantes a trozos como paso previo al proceso de segmentación. En una primera parte se propone un formulación intrínseca para la ecuación de difusión no lineal que proporcione las condiciones de diseño necesarias sobre los filtros de difusión. A partir del marco teórico propuesto, se proporciona una nueva familia de difusividades; éstas son obtenidas a partir de técnicas de difusión no lineal relacionadas con los procesos de difusión regresivos. El objetivo es descomponer la imagen en regiones cerradas que sean homogéneas en sus niveles de grises sin contornos difusos. Asimismo, se prueba que la función de difusividad propuesta satisface las condiciones de un correcto planteamiento semi-discreto. Esto muestra que mediante el esquema semi-implícito habitualmente utilizado, realmente se hace un proceso de difusión no lineal directa, en lugar de difusión inversa, conectando con proceso de preservación de bordes. Bajo estas condiciones establecidas, se plantea un criterio de parada para el proceso de difusión, para obtener imágenes constantes a trozos con un bajo coste computacional. Una vez aplicado todo el proceso al caso unidimensional, se extienden los resultados teóricos, al caso de imágenes en 2D y 3D. Para el caso en 3D, se detalla el esquema numérico para el problema evolutivo no lineal, con condiciones de contorno Neumann homogéneas. Finalmente, se prueba el filtro propuesto para imágenes reales en 2D y 3D y se ilustran los resultados de la difusividad propuesta como método para obtener imágenes constantes a trozos. En el caso de imágenes 3D, se aborda la problemática del proceso previo a la segmentación del hígado, mediante imágenes reales provenientes de Tomografías Axiales Computarizadas (TAC). En ese caso, se obtienen resultados sobre la estimación de los parámetros de la función de difusividad propuesta. This Ph.D. Thesis deals with the case of using nonlinear diffusion filters to obtain piecewise constant images as a previous process for segmentation techniques. I have first shown an intrinsic formulation for the nonlinear diffusion equation to provide some design conditions on the diffusion filters. According to this theoretical framework, I have proposed a new family of diffusivities; they are obtained from nonlinear diffusion techniques and are related with backward diffusion. Their goal is to split the image in closed contours with a homogenized grey intensity inside and with no blurred edges. It has also proved that the proposed filters satisfy the well-posedness semi-discrete and full discrete scale-space requirements. This shows that by using semi-implicit schemes, a forward nonlinear diffusion equation is solved, instead of a backward nonlinear diffusion equation, connecting with an edgepreserving process. Under the conditions established for the diffusivity and using a stopping criterion I for the diffusion time, I have obtained piecewise constant images with a low computational effort. The whole process in the one-dimensional case is extended to the case where 2D and 3D theoretical results are applied to real images. For 3D, develops in detail the numerical scheme for nonlinear evolutionary problem with homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions. Finally, I have tested the proposed filter with real images for 2D and 3D and I have illustrated the effects of the proposed diffusivity function as a method to get piecewise constant images. For 3D I have developed a preprocess for liver segmentation with real images from CT (Computerized Tomography). In this case, I have obtained results on the estimation of the parameters of the given diffusivity function.


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Surfactant monolayers are of interest in a variety of phenomena, including thin film dynamics and the formation and dynamics of foams. Measurement of surface properties has received a continuous attention and requires good theoretical models to extract the relevant physico- chemical information from experimental data. A common experimental set up consists in a shallow liquid layer whose free surface is slowly com- pressed/expanded in periodic fashion by moving two slightly immersed solid barriers, which varies the free surface area and thus the surfactant concentration. The simplest theory ignores the fluid dynamics in the bulk fluid, assuming spatially uniform surfactant concentration, which requires quite small forcing frequencies and provides reversible dynamics in the compression/expansion cycles. Sometimes, it is not clear whether depar- ture from reversibility is due to non-equilibrium effects or to the ignored fluid dynamics. Here we present a long wave theory that takes the fluid dynamics and the symmetries of the problem into account. In particular, the validity of the spatially-uniform-surfactant-concentration assumption is established and a nonlinear diffusion equation is derived. This allows for calculating spatially nonuniform monolayer dynamics and uncovering the physical mechanisms involved in the surfactant behavior. Also, this analysis can be considered a good means for extracting more relevant information from each experimental run.