522 resultados para Nobel Biocare
This study reports the case of a patient with a severely resorbed mandible who was treated without a bone graft, using short implants, internal rigid fixation, rhBMP-2 and beta-tricalcium phosphate. A 76-year-old woman, with a severely resorbed mandible (less than 3 mm), reported a history of nearly 25 years of complete edentulism and consecutive treatment failures, with total bilateral exposed inferior alveolar nerves and complete bone resorption of the inferior border in some areas. The treatment of choice was the placement of a 2.0 mm thick unilock bone plate (MatrixMandible, Synthes Maxillofacial, Paoli, PA, USA), to reinforce the mandible. Eight short implants with a regular platform (Nobel Biocare, Goteborg, Sweden) were placed: three on the external oblique line on both sides and two on the symphysis. In order to augment mandible height and coat the exposed thread of the anterior implants, rhBMP-2 (Infuse Bone, Meditronic Sofamor Danek, Memphis, TN, USA) and beta-tricalcium phosphate (Cerasorb; Curasan, Kleinostheim, Germany) were used. Four 1.3 mm L miniplates were placed to support the graft. 14 months after surgery, the patient was satisfied and had excellent function without complications.
Background: In sites with diminished bone volume, the osseointegration of dental implants can be compromised. Innovative biomaterials have been developed to aid successful osseointegration outcomes. Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the osteogenic potential of angiogenic latex proteins for improved bone formation and osseointegration of dental implants. Materials and Methods: Ten dogs were submitted to bilateral circumferential defects (5.0 x 6.3 mm) in the mandible. Dental implant (3.3 x 10.0 mm, TiUnite MK3 (TM), Nobel Biocare AB, Goteborg, Sweden) was installed in the center of the defects. The gap was filled either with coagulum (Cg), autogenous bone graft (BG), or latex angiogenic proteins pool (LPP). Five animals were sacrificed after 4 weeks and 12 weeks, respectively. Implant stability was evaluated using resonance frequency analysis (Osstell Mentor T, Osstell AB, Goteborg, Sweden), and bone formation was analyzed by histological and histometric analysis. Results: LPP showed bone regeneration similar to BG and Cg at 4 weeks and 12 weeks, respectively (p >= 3.05). Bone formation, osseointegration, and implant stability improved significantly from 4 to 12 weeks (p <= 2.05). Conclusion: Based on methodological limitations of this study, Cg alone delivers higher bone formation in the defect as compared with BG at 12 weeks; compared with Cg and BG, the treatment with LPP exhibits no advantage in terms of osteogenic potential in this experimental model, although overall osseointegration was not affected by the treatments employed in this study.
AIM: To test in vitro the mechanical resistance, rotational misfit and failure mode of three original implant-abutment connections and to compare them to two connections between non-original abutments connected to one of the original implants. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Three different implants with small diameters (3.3 mm for Straumann Roxolid, 3.5 mm for Nobel Biocare Replace and Astra Tech Osseospeed TX) were connected with individualized titanium abutments. Twelve implants from each system were connected to their original abutments (Straumann CARES, Nobel Biocare Procera, Astra Tech Atlantis). Twenty-four Roxolid implants were connected with non-original abutments using CAD/CAM procedures from the other two manufacturers (12 Nobel Biocare Procera and 12 Astra Tech Atlantis). For the critical bending test, a Zwick/Roell 1475 machine and the Xpert Zwick/Roell software were used. RESULTS: The rotational misfit varied when comparing the different interfaces. The use of non-original grade V titanium abutments on Roxolid implants increased the force needed for deformation. The fracture mode was different with one of the original connections. CONCLUSIONS: Non-original abutments differ in design of the connecting surfaces and material and demonstrate higher rotational misfit. These differences may result in unexpected failure modes.
OBJECTIVES: To analyze computer-assisted diagnostics and virtual implant planning and to evaluate the indication for template-guided flapless surgery and immediate loading in the rehabilitation of the edentulous maxilla. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Forty patients with an edentulous maxilla were selected for this study. The three-dimensional analysis and virtual implant planning was performed with the NobelGuide software program (Nobel Biocare, Göteborg, Sweden). Prior to the computer tomography aesthetics and functional aspects were checked clinically. Either a well-fitting denture or an optimized prosthetic setup was used and then converted to a radiographic template. This allowed for a computer-guided analysis of the jaw together with the prosthesis. Accordingly, the best implant position was determined in relation to the bone structure and prospective tooth position. For all jaws, the hypothetical indication for (1) four implants with a bar overdenture and (2) six implants with a simple fixed prosthesis were planned. The planning of the optimized implant position was then analyzed as follows: the number of implants was calculated that could be placed in sufficient quantity of bone. Additional surgical procedures (guided bone regeneration, sinus floor elevation) that would be necessary due the reduced bone quality and quantity were identified. The indication of template-guided, flapless surgery or an immediate loaded protocol was evaluated. RESULTS: Model (a) - bar overdentures: for 28 patients (70%), all four implants could be placed in sufficient bone (total 112 implants). Thus, a full, flapless procedure could be suggested. For six patients (15%), sufficient bone was not available for any of their planned implants. The remaining six patients had exhibited a combination of sufficient or insufficient bone. Model (b) - simple fixed prosthesis: for 12 patients (30%), all six implants could be placed in sufficient bone (total 72 implants). Thus, a full, flapless procedure could be suggested. For seven patients (17%), sufficient bone was not available for any of their planned implants. The remaining 21 patients had exhibited a combination of sufficient or insufficient bone. DISCUSSION: In the maxilla, advanced atrophy is often observed, and implant placement becomes difficult or impossible. Thus, flapless surgery or an immediate loading protocol can be performed just in a selected number of patients. Nevertheless, the use of a computer program for prosthetically driven implant planning is highly efficient and safe. The three-dimensional view of the maxilla allows the determination of the best implant position, the optimization of the implant axis, and the definition of the best surgical and prosthetic solution for the patient. Thus, a protocol that combines a computer-guided technique with conventional surgical procedures becomes a promising option, which needs to be further evaluated and improved.
Em Julho de 2005, o Prémio Nobel da Medicina ou Fisiologia foi atribuído a dois australianos, o patologista Robin Warren e o médico Barry Marshall, pelo seu trabalho sobre a bactéria Helicobacter pylori e a sua relação com patologias comuns da região gástrica. Para alguns, a distinção não era senão o reconhecimento, há muito merecido, de uma contribuição de grande relevância para a medicina. Para outros, ela significou o triunfo de um estilo de investigação em medicina com raízes nos trabalhos pioneiros da microbiologia do século XIX. Para outros, ainda, o significado da distinção residia no facto de, dessa vez, o Prémio Nobel consagrar um trabalho com um impacto visível e significativo nas vidas e no bem-estar de milhões de doentes pelo mundo fora. Não deixou de ser notado que, na ocasião, pouco se falou de genes, de genomas ou de temas ou tecnologias “de ponta”. Warren e Marshall haviam procedido à identificação, isolamento e cultura de um agente infeccioso e demonstrado as relações causais entre este e algumas patologias comuns do estômago, como a gastrite crónica ou a úlcera péptica, abrindo assim caminho ao diagnóstico e a terapias eficazes dessas patologias. Os dois australianos mostraram que havia caminhos modestos que também levavam ao Nobel, sem a necessidade de ceder às modas científicas ou de procurar aparecer nas manchetes. Em todo o caso, tratava-se do coroar de um longo processo, iniciado em finais da década de 1970, que levou a bactéria Helicobacter pylori a tornar-se num ponto de passagem obrigatório para os gastroenterologistas e para os que eram afectados por doenças gástricas. Warren e Marshall tornavam-se, assim, os principais porta-vozes da bactéria e das associações que permitiam que o que outrora fora considerado como uma entidade inexistente se tornasse uma entidade biomédica real.
Orientadora: Maria Helena Guimarães
Neste artigo é narrada a história do Prémio Nobel, concedido pela primeira vez em 1901, e a biografia do seu fundador: Alfred Bernhard Nobel, um químico e inventor sueco, nascido a 21 de outubro de 1833 em Estocolmo.
Uma das maiores realizações na história da medicina foi a descrição da doença de Chagas pelo médico e cientista Carlos Chagas. Ao completar 100 anos da descoberta da doença de Chagas, permanecem ainda especulações a respeito das duas indicações oficiais de Carlos Chagas à maior premiação mundial em ciência, o Nobel, em 1913 e 1921. Admite-se que a não premiação do genial cientista possa ter ocorrido em razão da forte oposição que enfrentou no Brasil por parte de alguns médicos e pesquisadores da época, que chegaram mesmo a questionar a existência da doença de Chagas, influenciando a decisão do Comitê Nobel para não premiá-lo. A análise do banco de dados dos arquivos do Prêmio Nobel, com a revelação dos nomes de indicadores, indicados e ganhadores do prêmio, cobrindo o período 1901-1951, trouxe informações não apenas sobre o que era considerada realização científica na época, mas também sobre quem eram os cientistas importantes e quais eram as relações entre eles. O não reconhecimento das descobertas de Carlos Chagas pelo Comitê Nobel parece ser mais corretamente explicado por esses fatores do que pelo impacto negativo da oposição local.
The Nobel Prize was created by Alfred Nobel. The first prize was awarded in 1901 and Emil Adolf von Behring was the first laureate in medicine due to his research in diphtheria serum. Regarding cardiology, Nobel Prize’s history permits a global comprehension of progress in pathophysiology, diagnosis and therapeutics of various cardiac diseases in last 120 years. The objective of this study was to review the major scientific discoveries contemplated by Nobel Prizes that contributed to cardiology. In addition, we also hypothesized why Carlos Chagas, one of our most important scientists, did not win the prize in two occasions. We carried out a non-systematic review of Nobel Prize winners, selecting the main studies relevant to heart diseaseamong the laureates. In the period between 1901 and 2013, 204 researches and 104 prizes were awarded in Nobel Prize, of which 16 (15%) studies were important for cardiovascular area. There were 33 (16%) laureates, and two (6%) were women. Fourteen (42%) were American, 15 (45%) Europeans and four (13%) were from other countries. There was only one winner born in Brazil, Peter Medawar, whose career was all in England. Reviewing the history of the Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine area made possible to identify which researchers and studies had contributed to advances in the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Most winners were North Americans and Europeans, and male.
Carlos Chagas, a Brazilian physician, discovered the American trypanosomiasis in 1909. Like other remarkable discoveries of those days, his work helped to articulate the insect-vector theory and other theoretical guidelines in tropical medicine. Unlike all other discoveries, all the stages of this work were accomplished in a few months and by a single man. Chagas' discovery was widely recognized at home and abroad. He was twice nominated for the Nobel Prize - in 1913 and in 1921-, but never received the award. Evidence suggests that the reasons for this failure are related to the violent opposition that Chagas faced in Brazil. The contentions towards Chagas were related to a rejection of the meritocratic procedures that gave him prominence, as well as to local petty politics.