922 resultados para New business enterprises - Management


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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This project aims to delineate recovery strategies for a Portuguese Bank, as a way to increase its preparedness towards unexpected disruptive events, thus avoiding an operational crisis escalation. For this purpose, Business Continuity material was studied, a risk assessment performed, a business impact analysis executed and new strategic framework for selecting strategies adopted. In the end, a set of recovery strategies were chosen that better represented the Bank’s appetite for risk, and recommendations given for future improvements.


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The paper presents a theory of the use of buzz-words in academic discourse. It uses economic principles to analyse the incentives to innovate new buzz words and to use existing buzz-words promoted by other people. It argues that the lack of a credible dominant intellectual elite in business studies, combined with the rapid growth of academic employment in business schools, has stimulated an inefficient proliferation of buzz-words in management studies. It argues that this proliferatilon of buzz-words is in danger of bringing the field of study into disrepute.


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Small and Medium Business Enterprises (SMEs) make a significant contribution to the economic viability of the Australian economy. The benefits of performing business in an on-line environment has been realised by Australian SMEs as the use of the Internet for performing business activities both with consumers and other businesses continues to increase. The findings of an empirical study and other evidence available indicate the uptake and advancement of performing e-business activities shall be dependent on two key complementary elements: first, the ability of Australian SMEs to secure their e-business systems; and second, the availability of an approach to recommend a practical e-business security management strategy. This paper presents the results of a case study which applied a previously developed methodology to a micro SME e-business system. The purpose was to validate the ability of the Australian Small to Medium Enterprise E-business Security Methodology (ASME-EBSM) to provide an effective security management strategy for Australian SMEs. The outcome demonstrated that this approach was both feasible and realistic for providing recommendations to secure the e-business activities performed and to protect the micro SME e-business system.


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Small and Medium sized Enterprises (SMEs) play an important role within the Australian economy. There is a strong business case for Australian SMEs to be involved in e-business, which has been realised as the use of the Internet for performing business activities continues to increase. The evidence available indicates the uptake and advancement of performing e-business activities shall be dependent on the ability of Australian SMEs to secure their e-business systems. This paper presents the results of a case study, which applied a previously developed methodology to a small SME e-business system. The purpose was to validate the ability of the Australian Small to Medium Enterprise E-business Security Methodology (ASME-EBSM) to provide an effective security management strategy for Australian SMEs. The outcome demonstrated that this approach was both feasible and realistic for providing recommendations to secure the e-business activities performed and to protect the small SME e-business system.


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Human Resource Development (HRD) has been an important issue in the socio-economic arena in Bangladesh.  Human resource development is directly related to the corporate goal.  An effective human resouce management practice is required for the accomplishment of corporate goal.  Besides, business enterprises cannot keep pace in the changing world without human resource development.  In view of the situation, reserachers are interested to undertake the present study to evaluate the human resource management practices in some select enterprises in Bangladesh.  The study attempts to analyse (i) the factors considered in selecting trainers.  Eventuallu after analyzing these factors, the paper would suggest some policy implications for the effective exercise of human resource management practices in Bangladesh.


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Pesquisas recentes tem se concentrado em analisar se as vantagens competitivas podem ser sustentáveis em um contexto hipercompetitivo. Literatura existente que tem analisado economias emergentes descobriu que o desenvolvimento do contexto institucional contribui para a criação de condições hipercompetitivas. Reconhecendo a importância dessas pesquisas no campo da gestão estratégica, mas ao invés de concentrar a atenção em países emergentes, este trabalho considera crucial ter um espectro mais amplo como objeto de estudo com países que diferem em suas características. Nesta pesquisa foi usada uma metodologia diferente dos estudos que foram tomados como referência para o trabalho, como a feita por Hermelo e Vassolo (2010) que centraram a sua atenção nos países em desenvolvimento analisando o efeito das instituições e os ambientes hipercompetitivos na sustentabilidade das vantagens competitivas. As pesquisas anteriores foram complementadas incluindo dados de empresas em países em desenvolvimento e desenvolvidos, isto para determinar a diferença de desempenho econômico superior persistente ao longo do tempo entre eles com a ideia de mostrar como o meio ambiente não é apenas um fator-chave, mas também um componente principal no desenvolvimento de vantagens competitivas. Usando o test Kolmogorov Smirnov e o Propensity Score Matching para reduzir viés, as questões de vantagem competitiva sustentável e os efeitos do contexto institucional foram analisados, tomando cuidado com a comparação uma vez que as suas diferenças podem trazer resultados incorretos. Os resultados empíricos sustentam a tese de que há uma diferença significativa no desempenho econômico superior e sua sustentabilidade entre as empresas em países com essas diferenças. Considerando-se que o foco de estudo está nas instituições e reconhecendo a importância que elas têm na sociedade e crescimento econômico, estudá-las pode nos ajudar a determinar como o desempenho economico superior e o desempenho economico superior persistente poderiam ser alcançados com a estabilidade das instituições e fatores macroeconômicos favoráveis. Uma contribuição importante deste trabalho é que ele usa outras teorias relacionadas com as vantagens competitivas e as relaciona com o entorno macroeconomico e institucional com o proposito de comparar países com realidades muito diferentes através de testes estatísticos que dão uma resposta à hipótese formulada.


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Audit was conducted pursuant to Senate Resolution no. 102 (adopted April 21, 2005).


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The Illinois Entrepreneurship Network was established throughout the state to provide business management, counseling and training, assistance in entering international markets, information on competing for the state and federal contracts, developing technology related products and providing a supportive environment for new, startup businesses. This network consists of Small Business Development Centers, Procurement Technical Assistance Centers, International Trade/NAFTA Centers, Small Business Incubators and of course Entrepreneurship Centers. Assistance is provided in the areas of preparing business and marketing plans, securing capital, improving business skills, accessing international trade opportunities and addressing other business management needs. DCEO also has programs targeted to assist minority and women-owned business concerns. The Illinois Entrepreneurship Network is a collaborative arrangement among DCEO, the US Small Business Administration, the US Department of Defense, colleges and universities and private business organizations. Pursuant to the Business Assistance and Regulatory Reform Act, the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) created the IEN Business Information Center of Illinois (the Center). The goal of the Center is to enhance the state's business climate by making it easier for businesses to comply with government requirements and gain access to the information they need to be competitive. Whether a startup or existing business, this handbook will inform you of various legal requirements and guide you to additional resources.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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This article discusses the Carbon Credit Trading Market in Brazil and opportunities for technological development and innovation related. The international trade in carbon credits becomes a source of opportunities for developing countries because of the Clean Development Mechanism. Committed to reduce polluting levels from 2008 to 2012, and ahead, industrialized countries started to seek ecological solutions internally or compensatory actions such as buying carbon credits from low-emission countries. This strategy brought up a brand-new industrial sector that still requires productive structures and a solid international commercialization system. This is a qualitative study, based on documentary research, referring to the Brazilian territory. The data obtained point out a set of efforts such as researching and developing products and processes environment friendly. Other findings indicate opportunities to expand Green Economy Sector through supporting a set of newborn firms such as waste management and recycling, in addition to other actions that reinforce sustainable development opportunities to the country and, at the end, to the world.


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The study investigates new strategies of football clubs in function of last few years’ trends in European football leagues. There were many changes in international professional football during the last 10-15 years that had significant effect on the success of certain clubs. We show empirical evidences about these effects based on data about revenues, transfer balance, financial and sport successes. We focus on Western European leagues and classify clubs based on their business and sport strategies.