45 resultados para Neuroplasticity
Generalidades. Las encefalopatías espongiformes transmisibles son enfermedades neurodegenerativas ocasionadas por la acumulación anormal de una variante mal plegada de la proteína priónica, lo cual induce la formación de conglomerados proteicos resistentes a la degradación. Además, son responsables de la disfunción sináptica, daño neuronal y de la sintomatología clásica acompañante. Esta proteína de membrana es codificada por el exón 2 del gen PRNP, ubicado en el brazo corto del cromosoma 20 y parece estar involucrada en la trasmisión sináptica, la transducción de señales, la actividad antioxidante de la superoxidodismutasa, neuroplasticidad y sobrevida celular. Un polimorfismo en el codón 129 se asocia con una susceptibilidad diferencial a la enfermedad Creutzfeldt-Jakob esporádica. Objetivo. Estudio clínico, patológico y molecular de un caso de una mujer de 58 años con diagnóstico de enfermedad de Creutzfeldt- Jakob esporádica. Métodos y resultados. Se presenta el caso de una mujer en quien aparece un trastorno depresivo del afecto con demencia progresiva y sintomatología general. Al final de la enfermedad, el cuadro progresó a un déficit neurológico focalizado en el área visual. La RMN mostró hiperintensidades inespecíficas córtico-subcorticales en el núcleo estriado; en el EEG se encontró pérdida de ritmos de fondo, patrón de descargas periódicas generalizadas y complejos trifásicos; en la biopsia cerebral postmorten se evidenció pérdida severa de la población neuronal en todas las capas, vacuolas en el neuropil, en el soma neuronal y en la glía. El análisis de secuencia del gen PRNP, a partir de extracción de DNA de sangre periférica, identificó homocigosis para metionina en el codón 129. La paciente fallece a los 3 meses del inicio de la sintomatología. Conclusión. Por epidemiología, curso clínico y exámenes paraclínicos se confirma el diagnóstico de enfermedad de Creutzfeldt- Jakob esporádica.La determinación del genotipo para los polimorfismos de riesgo se convierte en una herramienta útil para complementar por medios moleculares el diagnóstico y para profundizar la comprensión de la fisiopatología de la enfermedad de Creutzfeldt-Jakob, tanto para formas esporádicas como para la nueva variante.
Desde hace algunos años, se implemento en la Universidad del Rosario un espacio llamado El Sofá, que consiste de una hora en la que un emprendedor habla sobre su experiencia en el campo laborar, sus éxitos y sus fracasos y regala a la audiencia su el testimonio sobre su experiencia como líder en Colombia. Estos testimonios pueden tomarse como lo que hoy se denomina historia del tiempo presente y están archivados como fuentes orales que no se han vuelto a utilizar desde su creación. La pregunta fundamental de este proyecto es, ¿será que esos espacios formativos podrían ayudar formar algunas competencias planteadas por el autor Daniel Goleman para formar líderes y emprendedores? ¿Puede una persona aprender a ser emocionalmente inteligente? ¿Cómo se podría lograr que los estudiantes desarrollen algunas de estas competencias que propone Goleman? Por medio de una discusión teórica sobre temas como emprendimiento, liderazgo, historiografía, historia del tiempo presente y fuentes orales se quiere dar respuesta a estas preguntas.
Resumen Introducción Una posible opción de tratamiento para el manejo del trastorno depresivo mayor (TDM) es la estimulación magnética transcraneal (EMT) que ha mostrado propiedades antidepresivas superiores al placebo con un buen perfil de seguridad. El objetivo del presente trabajo es determinar la reducción en la severidad del TDM y la proporción de eventos adversos (EA) en pacientes con TDM refractario y no refractario, posterior al uso de EMT administrada en monoterapia o tratamiento coadyuvante comparado con terapia farmacológica. Metodología Se planteó una pregunta PICOT de la cual se realizó una búsqueda sistemática de estudios clínicos en las bases de datos Medline, EMBASE y Cochrane. Dos investigadores en forma independiente realizaron la selección de artículos, evaluación de calidad con la herramienta de la colaboración Cochrane y extracción de datos. Se extrajeron datos de eficacia como tasa de respuesta, porcentaje de remisión, calidad de vida, diminución sintomática del trastorno depresivo mayor en la escala de Hamilton y capacidad funcional. Igualmente, proporción de pacientes con EA. Se realizó un meta-análisis de estas variables teniendo en cuenta la heterogeneidad. Resultados La presente revisión sistemática incluyó 26 estudios clínicos aleatorizados de baja calidad metodológica mostrando que la EMT presentó una eficacia superior cuando es usada como coadyuvante a las terapias con que venían siendo tratados los pacientes con TDM refractario y no refractario en los desenlaces de tasa de respuesta y porcentaje de remisión. En el caso de intervenciones farmacológicas específicas, la EMT presento eficacia similar, tanto en terapia coadyuvante como en monoterapia comparado con las intervenciones farmacológicas. En cuanto a seguridad, la EMT presenta un buen perfil de seguridad debido a que en todos los escenarios estudiados los EA fueron no serios y baja frecuencia Conclusiones La evidencia disponible sugiere que la EMT mostró ser efectivo y seguro para el manejo del TDM refractario y no refractario. Sin embargo, la evidencia es débil por lo tanto se necesita mayor investigación clínica que soporte su uso.
Aims: While much data exist for the effects of flavonoid-rich foods on spatial memory in rodents, there are no such data for foods/beverages predominantly containing hydroxycinnamates and phenolic acids. To address this, we investigated the effects of moderate Champagne wine intake, which is rich in these components, on spatial memory and related mechanisms relative to the alcohol- and energy-matched controls. Results: In contrast to the isocaloric and alcohol-matched controls, supplementation with Champagne wine (1.78 ml/kg BW, alcohol 12.5% vol.) for 6 weeks led to an improvement in spatial working memory in aged rodents. Targeted protein arrays indicated that these behavioral effects were paralleled by the differential expression of a number of hippocampal and cortical proteins (relative to the isocaloric control group), including those involved in signal transduction, neuroplasticity, apoptosis, and cell cycle regulation. Western immunoblotting confirmed the differential modulation of brain-derived neurotrophic factor, cAMP response-element-binding protein (CREB), p38, dystrophin, 2',3'-cyclic-nucleotide 3'-phosphodiesterase, mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), and Bcl-xL in response to Champagne supplementation compared to the control drink, and the modulation of mTOR, Bcl-xL, and CREB in response to alcohol supplementation. Innovation: Our data suggest that smaller phenolics such as gallic acid, protocatechuic acid, tyrosol, caftaric acid, and caffeic acid, in addition to flavonoids, are capable of exerting improvements in spatial memory via the modulation in hippocampal signaling and protein expression. Conclusion: Changes in spatial working memory induced by the Champagne supplementation are linked to the effects of absorbed phenolics on cytoskeletal proteins, neurotrophin expression, and the effects of alcohol on the regulation of apoptotic events in the hippocampus and cortex. Antioxid. Redox Signal. 00, 000-000.
Background Long-term changes in synaptic plasticity require gene transcription, indicating that signals generated at the synapse must be transported to the nucleus. Synaptic activation of hippocampal neurons is known to trigger retrograde transport of transcription factor NF-κB. Transcription factors of the NF-κB family are widely expressed in the nervous system and regulate expression of several genes involved in neuroplasticity, cell survival, learning and memory. Principal Findings In this study, we examine the role of the dynein/dynactin motor complex in the cellular mechanism targeting and transporting activated NF-κB to the nucleus in response to synaptic stimulation. We demonstrate that overexpression of dynamitin, which is known to dissociate dynein from microtubules, and treatment with microtubule-disrupting drugs inhibits nuclear accumulation of NF-κB p65 and reduces NF-κB-dependent transcription activity. In this line, we show that p65 is associated with components of the dynein/dynactin complex in vivo and in vitro and that the nuclear localization sequence (NLS) within NF-κB p65 is essential for this binding. Conclusion This study shows the molecular mechanism for the retrograde transport of activated NF-κB from distant synaptic sites towards the nucleus.
Background: Chronic, intermittent exposure to psychostimulant drugs results in striatal neuroadaptations leading to an increase in an array of behavioral responses on subsequent challenge days. A brain-specific striatal-enriched tyrosine phosphatase (STEP) regulates synaptic strengthening by dephosphorylating and inactivating several key synaptic proteins. This study tests the hypothesis that a substrate-trapping form of STEP will prevent the development of amphetamine-induced stereotypies. Methods: A substrate-trapping STEP protein, TAT-STEP (C-S), was infused into the ventrolateral striatum on each of 5 consecutive exposure days and I hour before amphetamine injection. Animals were challenged to see whether sensitization to the stereotypy-producing effects of amphetamine developed. The same TAT-STEP (C-S) protein was used on acute striatal slices to determine the impact on long-term potentiation and depression. Results: Infusion of TAT-STEP (C-S) blocks the increase of amphetamine-induced stereotypies when given during the 5-day period of sensitization. The TAT-STEP (C-S) has no effect if only infused on the challenge day. Treatment of acute striatal slices with TAT-STEP (C-S) blocks the induction of long-term potentiation and potentates long-term depression. Conclusions: A substrate trapping form of STEP blocks the induction of amphetamine-induced neuroplasticity within the ventrolateral striatum and supports the hypothesis that STEP functions as a tonic break on synaptic strengthening.
Despite the favorable treatment of cranial nerve neuropathology in adulthood, some cases are resistant to therapy leading to permanent functional impairments In many cases, suitable treatment is problematic as the therapeutic target remains unknown Basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF, FGF 2) is involved in neuronal maintenance and wound repair following nervous system lesions It is one of few neurotrophic molecules acting in autocrine, paracrine and intracrine fashions depending upon specific circumstances Peripheral cranial somatic motor neurons, i e hypoglossal (XII) neurons, may offer a unique opportunity to study cellular FGF 2 mechanisms as the molecule is present in the cytoplasm of neurons and in the nuclei of astrocytes of the central nervous system FGF-2 may trigger differential actions during development, maintenance and lesion of XII neurons because axotomy of those cells leads to cell death during neonatal ages, but not in adult life Moreover, the modulatory effects of astroglial FGF 2 and the Ca+2 binding protein S100 beta have been postulated in paracrine mechanisms after neuronal lesions In our study, adult Wistar rats received a unilateral crush or transection (with amputation of stumps) of XII nerve, and were sacrificed after 72 h or 11 days Brains were processed for immunohistochemical localization of neurofilaments (NF), with or without counterstaining for Nissl substance, ghat fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP, as a marker of astrocytes), S100 beta and FGF-2 The number of Nissl positive neurons of axotomized XII nucleus did not differ from controls The NF immunoreactivity increased in the perikarya and decreased in the neuropil of axotomized XII neurons 11 days after nerve crush or transection An astrocytic reaction was seen in the ipsilateral XII nucleus of the crushed or transected animals 72 h and 11 days after the surgery The nerve lesions did not change the number of FGF-2 neurons in the ipsilateral XII nucleus, however, the nerve transection increased the number of FGF-2 ghat profiles by 72 h and 11 days Microdensitometric image analysis revealed a short lasting decrease in the intensity of FGF 2 immunoreactivity in axotomized XII neurons by 72 h after nerve crush or transection and also an elevation of FGF-2 in the ipsilateral of ghat nuclei by 72h and 11 days after the two lesions S100 beta decreased in astrocytes of 11-day transected XII nucleus The two-color immunoperoxidase for the simultaneous detection of the GFAP/FGF-2 indicated FGF-2 upregulation in the nuclei of reactive astrocytes of the lesioned XII nucleus Astroglial FGF-2 may exert paracrine trophic actions in mature axotomized XII neurons and might represent a therapeutic target for neuroprotection in peripheral nerve pathology (C) 2009 Elsevier GmbH All rights reserved
Repeated administration of low doses of ethanol gradually increases locomotor responses to ethanol in adult Swiss mice. This phenomenon is known as behavioral sensitization. However, we have shown that adolescent Swiss mice show either behavioral tolerance or no sensitization after repeated ethanol injections. Although the mesolimbic dopamine system has been extensively implicated in behavioral sensitization, several studies have demonstrated an important role of glutamatergic transmission in this phenomenon. In addition, relatively few studies have examined the role of developmental factors in behavioral sensitization to ethanol. To examine the relationship between age differences in behavioral sensitization to ethanol and the neurochemical adaptations related to glutamate within nucleus accumbens (NAc), in vivo microdialysis was conducted in adolescent and adult Swiss mice treated with ethanol (1.8 g/kg) or saline for 15 days and subsequently challenged with an acute dose (1.8 g/kg) of ethanol 6 days later. Consistent with previous findings, only adult mice demonstrated evidence of behavioral sensitization. However, ethanol-treated adolescent mice demonstrated a 196.1 +/- 40.0% peak increase in extracellular levels of glutamate in the NAc after ethanol challenge in comparison with the basal values, whereas ethanol-treated adult mice demonstrated a 52.2 +/- 6.2% reduction in extracellular levels of glutamate in the NAc after ethanol challenge. These observations suggest an age-dependent inverse relationship between behavioral and glutamatergic responses to repeated ethanol exposure. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Several noncoding microRNAs (miR or miRNA) have been shown to regulate the expression of drug-metabolizing enzymes and transporters. Xenobiotic drug-induced changes in enzyme and transporter expression may be associated with the alteration of miRNA expression. Therefore, this study investigated the impact of 19 xenobiotic drugs (e. g. dexamethasone, vinblastine, bilobalide and cocaine) on the expression of ten miRNAs (miR-18a, -27a, -27b, -124a, -148a, -324-3p, -328, -451, -519c and -1291) in MCF-7, Caco-2, SH-SY5Y and BE(2)-M17 cell systems. The data revealed that miRNAs were differentially expressed in human cell lines and the change in miRNA expression was dependent on the drug, as well as the type of cells investigated. Notably, treatment with bilobalide led to a 10-fold increase of miR-27a and a 2-fold decrease of miR-148a in Caco-2 cells, but no change of miR-27a and a 2-fold increase of miR-148a in MCF-7 cells. Neuronal miR-124a was generally down-regulated by psychoactive drugs (e. g. cocaine, methadone and fluoxetine) in BE(2)-M17 and SH-SY5Y cells. Dexamethasone and vinblastine, inducers of drug-metabolizing enzymes and transporters, suppressed the expression of miR-27b, -148a and -451 that down-regulate the enzymes and transporters. These findings should provide increased understanding of the altered gene expression underlying drug disposition, multidrug resistance, drug-drug interactions and neuroplasticity. Copyright (C) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
S100 beta is a soluble protein released by glial cells mainly under the activation of the 5-HT1A receptor. It has been reported as a neuro-trophic and -tropic factor that promotes neurite maturation and outgrowth during development. This protein also plays a role in axonal stability and the plasticity underlying long-term potentiation in adult brains. The ability of S100 beta to rapidly regulate neuronal morphology raises the interesting point of whether there are daily rhythm or gender differences in S100 beta level in the brain. To answer this question, the S100 beta expression in adult female and male rats, as well as in adult female CD-21 and S100 beta -/- female mice, were investigated. Scintillation counting and morphometric analysis of the immunoreactivity of S100 beta, showed rhythmic daily expression. The female and male rats showed opposite cycles. Females presented the highest value at the beginning of the rest phase (5:00 h), while in males the maximum value appeared in the beginning of the motor activity period (21:00 h). These results confirm previous S100 beta evaluations in human serum and cerebrospinal fluid reporting the protein`s function as a biomarker for brain damage (Gazzolo et al. in Clin Chem 49:967-970, 2003; Clin Chim Acta 330:131-133, 2003; Pediatr Res 58:1170-1174, 2005), similar behavior was also observed for GFAP in relation to Alzheimer Disease (Fukuyama et al. in Eur Neurol 46:35-38, 2001). The data should be taken into account when considering S100 beta as a biomarker of health condition. In addition, the results raise questions on which structure or condition imposes these rhythms as well as on the physiological meaning of the observed gender differences.
Given that the human brain is plastic and that structural alterations have been seen in monks who meditate on a regular basis, the question arises of whether these two facts are actually related. Furthermore, if this is in fact the case, would it be possible to apply these findings to the public? In this paper I will present the different conditions that induce neuroplasticity as well as give an overview of meditation and the ways that it is practiced nowadays. To this end I will argue that if monks are able to alter the structure of their brains and the brain is naturally inclined to heal itself then incorporating eastern practices, such as mindfulness and imagery, into western therapies could benefit patients suffering from mood disorders and, in particular, stress.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The objective of this study was to conduct a systematic review of studies that analyzed the effect of physical exercise on the peripheral levels of BDNF in elderly individuals. Method: We conducted a search in PsycINFO, Biological Abstracts, Pubmed, Web of Science, and Science Direct from 1990 to 2011, using the following keywords: physical exercise , physical activity , physical therapy , training , BDNF , neuroplasticity , neurotrophins , neuroplasticity proteins , aged , older , elderly The articles were considered for inclusion in the review if they were studies with elderly, assessed peripheral (serum and/or plasma) BDNF and evaluated an acute exercise or chronic exercise (training). Results: Five randomized controlled trial and one randomized non-controlled trial studies were analyzed. Five out of six studies reported a significantly higher BDNF response to aerobic acute exercise and to aerobic or strength training program in healthy elderly and elderly with different pathologies. Conclusion: It was not possible to establish a recommendation protocol for the type and intensity of physical exercise required to produce an increase in levels BDNF. However, physical exercise, particularly, moderate-intensity exercises seem to be more effective to promote increase the peripheral levels of BDNF in the elderly. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)