586 resultados para Neurodevelopmental disorder
Tese de mestrado, Neurociências, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2015
Williams-Beuren syndrome (WBS; OMIM no. 194050) is a multisystemic neurodevelopmental disorder caused by a hemizygous deletion of 1.55 Mb on chromosome 7q11.23 spanning 28 genes. Haploinsufficiency of the ELN gene was shown to be responsible for supravalvular aortic stenosis and generalized arteriopathy, whereas LIMK1, CLIP2, GTF2IRD1 and GTF2I genes were suggested to be linked to the specific cognitive profile and craniofacial features. These insights for genotype-phenotype correlations came from the molecular and clinical analysis of patients with atypical deletions and mice models. Here we report a patient showing mild WBS physical phenotype and normal IQ, who carries a shorter 1 Mb atypical deletion. This rearrangement does not include the GTF2IRD1 and GTF2I genes and only partially the BAZ1B gene. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that hemizygosity of the GTF2IRD1 and GTF2I genes might be involved in the facial dysmorphisms and in the specific motor and cognitive deficits observed in WBS patients.
Recension des écrits. L’autisme est un désordre neurodévelopemental qui peut présenter plusieurs défis pour le dentiste traitant en cabinet. Il n’existe aucune donnée publiée sur l’accessibilité et la dispensation de soins dentaires pour les enfants autistes dans le régime actuel des soins de santé au Québec. Matériels et Méthodes. Un questionnaire composé pour les besoins de l’étude et approuvé par le Comité d’éthique à la recherche du CHU Sainte-Justine a été distribué à des parents d’enfants visitant des cliniques externes du CHU Sainte-Justine. Les enfants devaient avoir entre 18 mois et 18 ans, avoir un grade ASA inférieur ou égal à II et, pour le groupe cas, avoir été diagnostiqué autiste ou TED par un professionnel compétent. Résultats. Vingt-sept parents de patients autistes et 37 parents de patients en bonne santé ont été sondé. Quarante-quatre pourcent du groupe cas rapportait qu’il était difficile de trouver un dentiste pour leur enfant contre 5% du groupe témoin. Seulement 35% des patients autistes sont suivis par un dentiste généraliste contre 79% des patients en bonne santé. Soixante-dix pourcent des parents du groupe cas doivent brosser les dents de leur enfant autiste et 83% considèrent la tâche difficile par un manque de coopération de l’enfant. Conclusion. Il est significativement plus difficile de trouver un dentiste pour un enfant autiste au Québec que pour un enfant en bonne santé. Pour cette population, il faudrait faciliter l’accès à un dentiste dans notre province. De plus, il faut épauler les parents dans la délivrance des mesures préventives.
L’amusie congénitale est un trouble neuro-développemental qui s’exprime par un déficit de discrimination tonale fine. Le cerveau des amusiques ne répond pas aux petites différences de hauteur, tel que révélé par l’absence de la composante de potentiel évoqué P3b, qui est associée aux processus de discrimination tonale tardifs et conscients. Peu d’études se sont penchées sur les mécanismes précoces et préconscients de discrimination tonale chez les amusiques, qui peuvent être étudiés par l’entremise d’une composante de potentiel évoqué appelée la négativité de discordance (MMN). Certaines études ont démontré qu’il est possible d’enregistrer la MMN pendant la présentation d’un film avec la trame sonore en simultané aux sons visant à évoquer la composante. Toutefois, une étude a démontré que la présentation de la trame sonore réduisait l’amplitude de la MMN, sans néanmoins clarifier la nature de l’effet d’interférence en cause. Les objectifs du présent projet sont d’abord, d’investiguer les effets à l’origine de la réduction d’amplitude de la MMN observée lors de la présentation d’un film avec la trame sonore, puis d’évaluer cette même composante chez les amusiques. La première étude visait à déterminer si un effet d’interférence attentionnelle ou acoustique était en cause dans la réduction d’amplitude observée sur la MMN lors de la présentation de la trame sonore d’un film. Les résultats ont montré qu’un effet de masquage acoustique, attribuable à la trame sonore, était responsable de la réduction d’amplitude de la MMN, cette dernière augmentant au fur et à mesure que l’intensité sonore de la trame du film était réduite. La seconde étude a été conduite dans le but d’investiguer la MMN chez les amusiques et de vérifier si le complexe d’ondes anormales N2b-P3b, observé en réponse aux grandes différences tonales chez les amusiques, pouvait être attribuable à un effet de saillance des stimuli. Dans un premier temps, nous avons comparé la MMN des amusiques à celle des contrôles, puis nous avons modifié le paradigme expérimental visant à évoquer la N2b-P3b en ajustant les probabilités d’occurrence des sons présentés aux contrôles en fonction des sons perçus par les amusiques. Les résultats ont montré que le cerveau des amusiques parvient à discriminer les différences de hauteur à un niveau précoce et préconscient, tel que révélé par une MMN normale, mais que les réponses cérébrales plus tardives, associées au processus de discrimination des hauteurs conscient, sont anormales chez les amusiques, et ce, uniquement pour les petites différences de hauteur, tel que révélé par l’absence de la P3b. En conclusion, ces résultats démontrent que l’amplitude de la MMN est affectée de manière significative par la présentation de la trame sonore d’un film et que cela est attribuable à un effet d’interférence acoustique. Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons démontré que les mécanismes précoces et préconscients de discrimination tonale sont préservés chez les amusiques, et que le déficit sous-jacent à l’amusie congénitale est attribuable à une atteinte du processus de discrimination tonale fine associé à un niveau de traitement cérébral tardif et conscient, le complexe d’ondes anormales N2b-P3b étant pour sa part attribuable à un effet de saillance des stimuli.
Objective: To examine the properties of the Social Communication Questionnaire (SCQ) in a population cohort of children with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) and in the general population, Method: SCQ data were collected from three samples: the Special Needs and Autism Project (SNAP) cohort of 9- to 10-year-old children with special educational needs with and without ASD and two similar but separate age groups of children from the general population (n = 411 and n = 247). Diagnostic assessments were completed on a stratified subsample (n = 255) of the special educational needs group. A sample-weighting procedure enabled us to estimate characteristics of the SCQ in the total ASD population. Diagnostic status of cases in the general population samples were extracted from child health records. Results: The SCQ showed strong discrimination between ASD and non-ASD cases (sensitivity 0.88, specificity 0.72) and between autism and nonautism cases (sensitivity 0.90, specificity 0.86). Findings were not affected by child IQ or parental education. In the general population samples between 4% and 5% of children scored above the ASD cutoff including 1.5% who scored above the autism cutoff. Although many of these high-scoring children had an ASD diagnosis, almost all (similar to 90%) of them had a diagnosed neurodevelopmental disorder. Conclusions: This study confirms the utility of the SCQ as a,first-level screen for ASD in at-risk samples of school-age children.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by impaired social interaction and communication accompanied with repetitive behavioral patterns and unusual stereotyped interests. Autism is considered a highly heterogeneous disorder with diverse putative causes and associated factors giving rise to variable ranges of symptomatology. Incidence seems to be increasing with time, while the underlying pathophysiological mechanisms remain virtually uncharacterized (or unknown). By systematic review of the literature and a systems biology approach, our aims were to examine the multifactorial nature of autism with its broad range of severity, to ascertain the predominant biological processes, cellular components, and molecular functions integral to the disorder, and finally, to elucidate the most central contributions (genetic and/or environmental) in silico. With this goal, we developed an integrative network model for gene-environment interactions (GENVI model) where calcium (Ca2+) was shown to be its most relevant node. Moreover, considering the present data from our systems biology approach together with the results from the differential gene expression analysis of cerebellar samples from autistic patients, we believe that RAC1, in particular, and the RHO family of GTPases, in general, could play a critical role in the neuropathological events associated with autism. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media New York.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Gross motor (GM) deficits are often reported in children with prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE), but their prevalence and the domains affected are not clear. The objective of this review was to characterize GM impairment in children with a diagnosis of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) or moderate to heavy maternal alcohol intake.METHODS: A systematic review with meta-analysis was conducted. Medline, Embase, Allied and Complementary Medicine Database, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, PsycINFO, PEDro, and Google Scholar databases were searched. Published observational studies including children aged 0 to <= 18 years with (1) an FASD diagnosis or moderate to heavy PAE, or a mother with confirmed alcohol dependency or binge drinking during pregnancy, and (2) GM outcomes obtained by using a standardized assessment tool. Data were extracted regarding participants, exposure, diagnosis, and outcomes by using a standardized protocol. Methodological quality was evaluated by using Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology guidelines.RESULTS: The search recovered 2881 articles of which 14 met the systematic review inclusion criteria. The subjects' mean age ranged from 3 days to 13 years. Study limitations included failure to report cutoffs for impairment, nonstandardized reporting of PAE, and small sample sizes. The meta-analysis pooled results (n = 10) revealed a significant association between a diagnosis of FASD or moderate to heavy PAE and GM impairment (odds ratio: 2.9; 95% confidence interval: 2.1-4.0). GM deficits were found in balance, coordination, and ball skills. There was insufficient data to determine prevalence.CONCLUSIONS: The significant results suggest evaluation of GM proficiency should be a standard component of multidisciplinary FASD diagnostic services.
Rett's Syndrome (RTT) is a severe neurodevelopmental disorder, characterized by cognitive disability that appears in the first months/years of life. Recently, mutations in the X-linked cyclin-dependent kinase-like 5 (CDKL5) gene have been detected in RTT patients characterized by early-onset seizures. CDKL5 is highly expressed in the brain starting from early postnatal stages to adulthood, suggesting the importance of this kinase for proper brain maturation and function. However, the role/s of CDKL5 in brain development and the molecular mechanisms whereby CDKL5 exerts its effects are still largely unknown. In order to characterize the role of CDKL5 on brain development, we created a mice carrying a targeted conditional knockout allele of Cdkl5. A first behavioral characterization shows that Cdkl5 knockout mice recapitulate several features that mimic the clinical features described in CDKL5 patients and are a useful tool to investigate phenotypic and functional aspects of Cdkl5 loss. We used the Cdkl5 knockout mouse model to dissect the role of CDKL5 on hippocampal development and to establish the mechanism/s underlying its actions. We found that Cdkl5 knockout mice showed increased precursor cell proliferation in the hippocampal dentate gyrus. Interestingly, this region was also characterized by an increased rate of apoptotic cell death that caused a reduction in the final neuron number in spite of the proliferation increase. Moreover, loss of Cdkl5 led to decreased dendritic development of new generated granule cells. Finally, we identified the Akt/GSK3-beta signaling as a target of Cdkl5 in the regulation of neuronal precursor proliferation, survival and maturation. Overall our findings highlight a critical role of CDKL5/AKT/GSK3-beta signaling in the control of neuron proliferation, survival and differentiation and suggest that CDKL5-related alterations of these processes during brain development underlie the neurological symptoms of the CDKL5 variant of RTT.
Specific language impairment (SLI) is a complex neurodevelopmental disorder defined as an unexpected failure to develop normal language abilities for no obvious reason. Copy number variants (CNVs) are an important source of variation in the susceptibility to neuropsychiatric disorders. Therefore, a CNV study within SLI families was performed to investigate the role of structural variants in SLI. Among the identified CNVs, we focused on CNVs on chromosome 15q11-q13, recurrently observed in neuropsychiatric conditions, and a homozygous exonic microdeletion in ZNF277. Since this microdeletion falls within the AUTS1 locus, a region linked to autism spectrum disorders (ASD), we investigated a potential role of ZNF277 in SLI and ASD. Frequency data and expression analysis of the ZNF277 microdeletion suggested that this variant may contribute to the risk of language impairments in a complex manner, that is independent of the autism risk previously described in this region. Moreover, we identified an affected individual with a dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase (DPD) deficiency, caused by compound heterozygosity of two deleterious variants in the gene DPYD. Since DPYD represents a good candidate gene for both SLI and ASD, we investigated its involvement in the susceptibility to these two disorders, focusing on the splicing variant rs3918290, the most common mutation in the DPD deficiency. We observed a higher frequency of rs3918290 in SLI cases (1.2%), compared to controls (~0.6%), while no difference was observed in a large ASD cohort. DPYD mutation screening in 4 SLI and 7 ASD families carrying the splicing variant identified six known missense changes and a novel variant in the promoter region. These data suggest that the combined effect of the mutations identified in affected individuals may lead to an altered DPD activity and that rare variants in DPYD might contribute to a minority of cases, in conjunction with other genetic or non-genetic factors.
Autism is a chronic pervasive neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by the early onset of social and communicative impairments as well as restricted, ritualized, stereotypic behavior. The endophenotype of autism includes neuropsychological deficits, for instance a lack of "Theory of Mind" and problems recognizing facial affect. In this study, we report the development and evaluation of a computer-based program to teach and test the ability to identify basic facially expressed emotions. 10 adolescent or adult subjects with high-functioning autism or Asperger-syndrome were included in the investigation. A priori the facial affect recognition test had shown good psychometric properties in a normative sample (internal consistency: rtt=.91-.95; retest reliability: rtt=.89-.92). In a prepost design, one half of the sample was randomly assigned to receive computer treatment while the other half of the sample served as control group. The training was conducted for five weeks, consisting of two hours training a week. The trained individuals improved significantly on the affect recognition task, but not on any other measure. Results support the usefulness of the program to teach the detection of facial affect. However, the improvement found is limited to a circumscribed area of social-communicative function and generalization is not ensured.
Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a highly heritable neurodevelopmental disorder of childhood onset. Clinical and biological evidence points to shared common central nervous system (CNS) pathology of ADHD and restless legs syndrome (RLS). It was hypothesized that variants previously found to be associated with RLS in two large genome-wide association studies (GWA), will also be associated with ADHD. SNPs located in MEIS1 (rs2300478), BTBD9 (rs9296249, rs3923809, rs6923737), and MAP2K5 (rs12593813, rs4489954) as well as three SNPs tagging the identified haplotype in MEIS1 (rs6710341, rs12469063, rs4544423) were genotyped in a well characterized German sample of 224 families comprising one or more affected sibs (386 children) and both parents. We found no evidence for preferential transmission of the hypothesized variants to ADHD. Subsequent analyses elicited nominal significant association with haplotypes consisting of the three SNPs in BTBD9 (chi2 = 14.8, df = 7, nominal p = 0.039). According to exploratory post hoc analyses, the major contribution to this finding came from the A-A-A-haplotype with a haplotype-wise nominal p-value of 0.009. However, this result did not withstand correction for multiple testing. In view of our results, RLS risk alleles may have a lower effect on ADHD than on RLS or may not be involved in ADHD. The negative findings may additionally result from genetic heterogeneity of ADHD, i.e. risk alleles for RLS may only be relevant for certain subtypes of ADHD. Genes relevant to RLS remain interesting candidates for ADHD; particularly BTBD9 needs further study, as it has been related to iron storage, a potential pathophysiological link between RLS and certain subtypes of ADHD.
Tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) is a multisystem, autosomal dominant disorder affecting approximately 1 in 6000 births. Developmental brain abnormalities cause substantial morbidity and mortality and often lead to neurological disease including epilepsy, cognitive disabilities, and autism. TSC is caused by inactivating mutations in either TSC1 or TSC2, whose protein products are known inhibitors of mTORC1, an important kinase regulating translation and cell growth. Nonetheless, neither the pathophysiology of the neurological manifestations of TSC nor the extent of mTORC1 involvement in the development of these lesions is known. Murine models would greatly advance the study of this debilitating disorder. This thesis will describe the generation and characterization of a novel brain-specific mouse model of TSC, Tsc2flox/ko;hGFAP-Cre. In this model, the Tsc2 gene has been removed from most neurons and glia of the cortex and hippocampus by targeted Cre-mediated deletion in radial glial neuroprogenitor cells. The Tsc2flox/ko;hGFAP-Cre mice fail to thrive beginning postnatal day 8 and die from seizures around 23 days. Further characterization of these mice demonstrated megalencephaly, enlarged neurons, abnormal neuronal migration, altered progenitor pools, hypomyelination, and an astrogliosis. The similarity of these defects to those of TSC patients establishes this mouse as an excellent model for the study of the neuropathology of TSC and testing novel therapies. We further describe the use of this mouse model to assess the therapeutic potential of the macrolide rapamycin, an inhibitor of mTORC1. We demonstrate that rapamycin administered from postnatal day 10 can extend the life of the mutant animals 5 fold. Since TSC is a neurodevelopmental disorder, we also assessed in utero and/or immediate postnatal treatment of the animals with rapamycin. Amazingly, combined in utero and postnatal rapamycin effected a histologic rescue that was almost indistinguishable from control animals, indicating that dysregulation of mTORC1 plays a large role in TSC neuropathology. In spite of the almost complete histologic rescue, behavioral studies demonstrated that combined treatment resulted in poorer learning and memory than postnatal treatment alone. Postnatally-treated animals behaved similarly to treated controls, suggesting that immediate human treatment in the newborn period might provide the most opportune developmental timepoint for rapamycin administration.
Gilles de la Tourette syndrome is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by the presence of motor and vocal tics. We hypothesized that patients with this syndrome would present an aberrant pattern of cortical formation, which could potentially reflect global alterations of brain development. Using 3 Tesla structural neuroimaging, we compared sulcal depth, opening, and length and thickness of sulcal gray matter in 52 adult patients and 52 matched controls. Cortical sulci were automatically reconstructed and identified over the whole brain, using BrainVisa software. We focused on frontal, parietal, and temporal cortical regions, in which abnormal structure and functional activity were identified in previous neuroimaging studies. Partial correlation analysis with age, sex, and treatment as covariables of noninterest was performed amongst relevant clinical and neuroimaging variables in patients. Patients with Gilles de la Tourette syndrome showed lower depth and reduced thickness of gray matter in the pre- and post-central as well as superior, inferior, and internal frontal sulci. In patients with associated obsessive-compulsive disorder, additional structural changes were found in temporal, insular, and olfactory sulci. Crucially, severity of tics and of obsessive-compulsive disorder measured by Yale Global Tic severity scale and Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive scale, respectively, correlated with structural sulcal changes in sensorimotor, temporal, dorsolateral prefrontal, and middle cingulate cortical areas. Patients with Gilles de la Tourette syndrome displayed an abnormal structural pattern of cortical sulci, which correlated with severity of clinical symptoms. Our results provide further evidence of abnormal brain development in GTS. © 2015 International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society.