35 resultados para Neoplatonismo
This thesis aims better understanding the relation between time and evil in Schelling s Freiheitsschrift, having its starting point in approximations from Gnosticism. For that purpose, before approaching that relation, it is reviewed (chapter I) the question of Gnosticism, a strain of thought essentially concerned with the problem of time and permeated by the belief in an evil nature of creation, and which is alleged to have significantly influenced certain ideas of Schelling. An evaluation of approximations between Gnosticism, gnosis and German thought follows (chapter II), as well as an evaluation of Schellingian aproximations to Gnosticism (chapter III). Then, the Freiheitsschrift is analysed as the text where Schelling, having taken hold of a very distinct appropriation of Gnosticism, goes beyond Kantian theodicy (chapter IV). Some interrogations about whether key ideas of Schellingian philosophy (about gnosis, creation, duality, time, and evil) are conceived in a way that is essentially different from that of historic Gnosticism, despite the much that has been said to the contrary, are then addressed (chapter V). The proposal of a Platonic-Plotinian key to the understanding of the relations between time and evil in the Freiheitsschrift comes next (chapter VI), and then gives way to the concluding remarks (chapter VII). We perceive that Gnosticism and Neoplatonism are systems of thought that sometimes converge, and that German thought is one of the places of this convergence. Notwithstanding this perception, it is possible to affirm that Schellingian thought, with its valorization of time and of a certain perception of evil, is essentially anti-gnostic, despite some contrary observations
The aim of the present dissertation constitutes to analyse the way in how light assumes the meaning of universal bond in the cosmovision of Marsilio Ficino, especially from his works Quid sit lumen, De Sole, De Amore and De Vita. The influence of Marsilio Ficino (1433-1499) in the history of occidental thought is impressive. Besides having translated to Latin the important texts of the neoplatonic tradition, Ficino presided over the Academy of Careggi, congregating important humanists in the top of the Renaissance. His treatises on love, beauty, light, magic and immortality of the soul have influenced strongly the production of other thinkers. The subject of light is of fundamental importance among his works since it is deeply related with all the other aspects of his philosophy. For him, light is spiritual emanation that perpasses everything without staining itself. Originated how the divine goodness, the light blows up in beauty in multiplicity, setting fire on the soul that truily contemplates it and that identifies whith it. The starting point of this loving relation between man and deity is, therefore, the physical world, that occults in itself the metaphysical light.
We indicate the idea of nexus or conexio, thought of as intelligible connection with the intelligent, the foundation on which the reason why you can understand and name, even if inadequately, what the intellect sees incomprehensible and unnameably. Thus, it opens a way for our research: we will take the idea of nexus as fundamental to the interpretation of the divine names and the "metaphysics of the unnameably" and we show how the divine names, mainly in possest, mirrored in the Trinity, relatedness of the principle and therefore also the nexus. For that you need to think some preliminary questions: we will place Nicholas of Cusa in the tradition of medieval Christian Neoplatonism, we resume some discussions on the problem of naming and the philosophy of language in his thinking, we will reflect such thinking is molded from active dialogue with the tradition and how it is your speculation is founded upon the dynamic and dialectical relationship between philosophy and theology to be thought of in our text using the relationship between faith and understandig (intellectus). After introductory clarify these issues we will come to consider introductory understanding of the Trinitarian Beginning and speculation about the nexus taking as its starting point from where the De venatione sapientiae nexus or conexio is designed as a hunting field of wisdom and the First Book of De docta ignorantia where the maximum is now thought of as one and triune. From the Second Book of the same work and the Idiota. De mente we will show in what sense the universe and men, as imago dei, imitate the eternal Trinity. Finally, we will resume the notion of the scientia aenigmatica of De beryllo and some information that will clarify that Nicholas assumes the divine names as enigmas. Finally, we will try to show that the enigmatic or symbolic names also mirror the triune Beginning principle. So, before we return some traces of this aspect in some divine names and texts of the "late period" and then conclude with that which in itself already indicates the nexus and therefore the trinity: possest
The aim of this study is to understand the version of St. Francis of Assisi created by Friar Thomas of Celano in his hagiographic works. That study also it examines how the Order of Friars Minor and the Papacy have understood the relationship between Christians and the world and turned thisunderstanding in a version of the Saint. Factors such as the replacement of Neoplatonism byAristotelianism as philosophical paradigm and economic and social changes have contributed to change the interpretation of the biblical mandate to not love the world , no longer interpreted as materiality, but as an order for Christians to flee sin. The rejection of the world was replaced by a greater appreciation of nature and society. Moreover, increasingly, the body went from enemy to friend, becoming the brotherbody. Such analysis is important to review the idea, so common in the historiography of what MaxWeber called Worldly Asceticism, the Christian life lived in society, only emerged in Protestantism in opposition to monasticism. The mendicant orders, especially the minority tried during the thirteenth century, the period of analysis of this work, experience the loving nature of Christianity and acting,through preaching and charity in the cities.To make this work, were analyzed the hagiographic discourse (on San Francisco) made by Thomas of Celano, Vita beati Francisci (called Vita Prima) and Memorial in desideiro anime (named Vita Secunda) and, from this, understand the Celano´s interpretation on how it should be the Christian's relationship with the world. The world ceased to be adistorted reflection of a perfect reality, becoming the perfect reflection of God's goodness.
Pós-graduação em História - FCHS
Durante o reinado de Elizabeth I (1558-1603) o protestantismo anglicano foi fortalecido, com o consequente combate ao catolicismo escolástico. Substituiu-se o paradigma filosófico considerado papista pelo neoplatonismo que havia emergido em Florença durante o século XV, mediante a releitura de textos de Hermes Trimegisto. Assim, o renascimento elisabetano teve como principal característica um misticismo hermético em completo acordo com o cristianismo, pois, embora santos e padres não tenham poderes especiais para nos conectar com Deus, a própria natureza criada por Ele permite aos homens ascender ao nível dos anjos. Razão pela qual o anglicanismo se distingue do luteranismo, que se apoia apenas na fé para alcançar a graça e a salvação. A discussão teológica desdobra-se nas artes, a exemplo da peça Hamlet, de Shakespeare, que tem suas personagens caracterizadas segundo a medicina hipocrática dos humores em consonância com os elementos da natureza, o que é flagrante no próprio desenlace de Ofélia, por afogamento. Na Inglaterra, o projeto de arte renascentista e a religião reformada constituíram portanto medidas oficiais tomadas por um governo que, além de se precaver contra a Espanha ultracatólica e contra as investidas do poder papal, buscava legitimar-se pela negação das teorias maquiavélicas. Ainda que tiranos como o tio de Hamlet tenham sido bem-sucedidos ao usar de meios espúrios para tomar o poder, forças naturais e sobrenaturais concorrerão para restaurá-lo a quem de direito.
Fil: Caram, Gabriela de los Ángeles.
Fil: Jalif de Bertranou, Clara Alicia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas
El Comentario a las Sentencias, una obra de juventud del Aquinate, permite reconocer la presencia de Aristóteles en su pensamiento ya desde el comienzo de su producción filosófica. Uno de los temas donde claramente se nota su influencia es en la teoría del conocimiento, pues el joven dominico parece aceptar los aspectos centrales de la visión del Estagirita, aunque evidentemente las fórmulas y desarrollos no tienen aquí la precisión que se observa en escritos posteriores y en las que ciertamente uno encuentra un Santo Tomás más maduro. En el presente artículo quisiera desarrollar algunos elementos que surgen al analizar la importancia que se da en esta obra a lo sensible. En efecto, la frecuencia con la que el Aquinate recurre a Dionisio para completar e incluso corregir algunas afirmaciones de Aristóteles en este tema no puede menos que llamar la atención. A la necesidad de lo sensible se suma por ejemplo el hecho de concebir a la creación como símbolo de Dios o a lo material como un elemento mediador, dos temas de clara inspiración dionisiana. Como intento mostrar, aun reconociendo la presencia de Aristóteles, la posición de Santo Tomás en el tema de lo sensible y sobre todo en el papel que deben ocupar los sentidos no pueden ser comprendidos cabalmente sin reconocer en qué medida su pensamiento es tributario del Areopagita.
Fil: Verstraete, Miguel. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras
Fil: Juri, María Agustina.
Fil: Martin De Blassi, Fernando. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo
El presente artículo se ocupa del enlace entre el pensar agustiniano y la filosofía antigua mostrando dos momentos de dicha relación: en primer lugar, la incorporación de la especulación platónico-neoplatónica como estructura filosófica imprescindible al pensar y, en segundo lugar, su particular reconfiguración desde la matriz intelectual cristiana. En ello, también se destaca cómo esta nueva cosmovisión se halla siempre presente en Agustín aun cuando pueda observarse que el creciente grado de inhesión de la fe en la vida del Obispo de Hipona permite advertir una renovada elaboración de la filosofía cristiana.
El argumento de contigüidad ontológica, utilizado en varios pasajes de la Opera Omnia tomasiana, expresa la existencia de una afinidad metafísica entre los seres del universo, según la cual la realidad es comprendida jerárquicamente como una analogía de entes que se ordenan en cascadas descendentes hasta el último grado, en la cual la naturaleza inferior, en lo superior de sí “toca" a lo inferior de la naturaleza superior («Natura inferior secundum supremum sui attingit infimum naturae superioris») cada nivel tiene su origen en la atenuación del grado superior inmediato. El rastreo de este principio y su análisis permitió estructurar la tesis según el esquema expuesto en este trabajo.
Doce siglos separan a Plotino de Nicolás de Cusa. Son doce siglos y una gran cantidad de desarrollos y vericuetos filosóficos se sucedieron a lo largo de un período tan rico como convulsionado. Sin embargo, la tradición ha inscripto a ambos pensadores en una misma corriente de pensamiento: al primero en tanto punto de partida y al segundo, acaso, como culminación. En este sentido, intentaré establecer cuáles son aquellos aspectos del pensamiento de Plotino que persisten en el de Nicolás de Cusa a punto tal que permiten legítimamente entender en qué sentido ambos filósofos pueden ser denominados "neoplatónicos". En el presente trabajo, entonces, plantearé que ambos modos de concebir la realidad pueden ser entendidos como complementarios sin desatender, no obstante, a las grandes diferencias. Ciertamente, Plotino y Nicolás de Cusa difieren en núcleos doctrinales que pueden considerarse lo suficientemente relevantes como para negar la posibilidad de pensarlos miembros de una misma corriente. Más aún, a las diferencias entre sistemas se agrega el hecho de que nada indica que Nicolás haya tenido contacto con la obra plotiniana. De hecho, la influencia neoplatónica en su pensamiento es atribuida a autores como Proclo y Dionisio Areopagita. Es por estos motivos que no es posible basar el análisis en términos de influencia textual sino que, más bien, la cuestión será formulada en términos de "corriente de pensamiento". En efecto, Plotino y el Cusano han reflexionado acerca de problemas similares y han brindado, cada uno a su modo y en su propia época, propuestas, en algunos casos, paralelas