893 resultados para Necrotic Tissue
Root canal treatment is a frequently performed dental procedure and is carried out on teeth in which irreversible pulpitis has led to necrosis of the dental pulp. Removal of the necrotic tissue remnants and cleaning and shaping of the root canal are important phases of root canal treatment. Treatment options include the use of hand and rotary instruments and methods using ultrasonic or sonic equipment. OBJECTIVES: The objectives of this systematic review of randomized controlled trials were to determine the relative clinical effectiveness of hand instrumentation versus ultrasonic instrumentation alone or in conjunction with hand instrumentation for orthograde root canal treatment of permanent teeth. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The search strategy retrieved 226 references from the Cochrane Oral Health Group Trials Register (7), the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) (12), MEDLINE (192), EMBASE (8) and LILACS (7). No language restriction was applied. The last electronic search was conducted on December 13th, 2007. Screening of eligible studies was conducted in duplicate and independently. RESULTS: Results were to be expressed as fixed-effect or random-effects models using mean differences for continuous outcomes and risk ratios for dichotomous outcomes with 95% confidence intervals. Heterogeneity was to be investigated including both clinical and methodological factors. No eligible randomized controlled trials were identified. CONCLUSIONS: This review illustrates the current lack of published or ongoing randomized controlled trials and the unavailability of high-level evidence based on clinically relevant outcomes referring to the effectiveness of ultrasonic instrumentation used alone or as an adjunct to hand instrumentation for orthograde root canal treatment. In the absence of reliable research-based evidence, clinicians should base their decisions on clinical experience, individual circumstances and in conjunction with patients' preferences where appropriate. Future randomized controlled trials might focus more closely on evaluating the effectiveness of combinations of these interventions with an emphasis on not only clinically relevant, but also patient-centered outcomes.
Bacterial meningitis due to Streptococcus pneumoniae is associated with an significant mortality rate and persisting neurologic sequelae including sensory-motor deficits, seizures, and impairments of learning and memory. The histomorphological correlate of these sequelae is a pattern of brain damage characterized by necrotic tissue damage in the cerebral cortex and apoptosis of neurons in the hippocampal dentate gyrus. Different animal models of pneumococcal meningitis have been developed to study the pathogenesis of the disease. To date, the infant rat model is unique in mimicking both forms of brain damage documented in the human disease. In the present study, we established an infant mouse model of pneumococcal meningitis. Eleven-days-old C57BL/6 (n = 299), CD1 (n = 42) and BALB/c (n = 14) mice were infected by intracisternal injection of live Streptococcus pneumoniae. Sixteen hours after infection, all mice developed meningitis as documented by positive bacterial cultures of the cerebrospinal fluid. Sixty percent of infected C57BL/6 mice survived more than 40 h after infection (50% of CD1, 0% of BALB/c). Histological evaluations of brain sections revealed apoptosis in the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus in 27% of infected C57BL/6 and in 5% of infected CD1 mice. Apoptosis was confirmed by immunoassaying for active caspase-3 and by TUNEL staining. Other forms of brain damage were found exclusively in C57BL/6, i.e. caspase-3 independent (pyknotic) cell death in the dentate gyrus in 2% and cortical damage in 11% of infected mice. This model may prove useful for studies on the pathogenesis of brain injury in childhood bacterial meningitis.
Serial quantitative and correlative studies of experimental spinal cord injury (SCI) in rats were conducted using three-dimensional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Correlative measures included morphological histopathology, neurobehavioral measures of functional deficit, and biochemical assays for N-acetyl-aspartate (NAA), lactate, pyruvate, and ATP. A spinal cord injury device was characterized and provided a reproducible injury severity. Injuries were moderate and consistent to within $\pm$20% (standard deviation). For MRI, a three-dimensional implementation of the single spin-echo FATE (Fast optimum angle, short TE) pulse sequence was used for rapid acquisition, with a 128 x 128 x 32 (x,y,z) matrix size and a 0.21 x 0.21 x 1.5 mm resolution. These serial studies revealed a bimodal characteristic in the evolution in MRI pathology with time. Early and late phases of SCI pathology were clearly visualized in $T\sb2$-weighted MRI, and these corresponded to specific histopathological changes in the spinal cord. Centralized hypointense MRI regions correlated with evidence of hemorrhagic and necrotic tissue, while surrounding hyperintense regions represented edema or myelomalacia. Unexpectedly, $T\sb2$-weighted MRI pathology contrast at 24 hours after injury appeared to subside before peaking at 72 hours after injury. This change is likely attributable to ongoing secondary injury processes, which may alter local $T\sb2$ values or reduce the natural anisotropy of the spinal cord. MRI, functional, and histological measures all indicated that 72 hours after injury was the temporal maximum for quantitative measures of spinal cord pathology. Thereafter, significant improvement was seen only in neurobehavioral scores. Significant correlations were found between quantitated MRI pathology and histopathology. Also, NAA and lactate levels correlated with behavioral measures of the level of function deficit. Asymmetric (rostral/caudal) changes in NAA and lactate due to injury indicate that rostral and caudal segments from the injury site are affected differently by the injury. These studies indicate that volumetric quantitation of MRI pathology from $T\sb2$-weighted images may play an important role in early prediction of neurologic deficit and spinal cord pathology. The loss of $T\sb2$ contrast at 24 hours suggests MR may be able to detect certain delayed mechanisms of secondary injury which are not resolved by histopathology or other radiological modalities. Furthermore, in vivo proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) studies of SCI may provide a valuable addition source of information about changes in regional spinal cord lactate and NAA levels, which are indicative of local metabolic and pathological changes. ^
Cellular proliferation and tissue remodeling are central to the regenerative response after a toxic injury to the liver. To explore the role of plasminogen in hepatic tissue remodeling and regeneration, we used carbon tetrachloride to induce an acute liver injury in plasminogen-deficient (Plgo) mice and nontransgenic littermates (Plg+). On day 2 after CCl4, livers of Plg+ and Plgo mice had a similar diseased pale/lacy appearance, followed by restoration of normal appearance in Plg+ livers by day 7. In contrast, Plgo livers remained diseased for as long as 2.5 months, with a diffuse pale/lacy appearance and persistent damage to centrilobular hepatocytes. The persistent centrilobular lesions were not a consequence of impaired proliferative response in Plgo mice. Notably, fibrin deposition was a prominent feature in diseased centrilobular areas in Plgo livers for at least 30 days after injury. Nonetheless, the genetically superimposed loss of the Aα fibrinogen chain (Plgo/Fibo mice) did not correct the abnormal phenotype. These data show that plasminogen deficiency impedes the clearance of necrotic tissue from a diseased hepatic microenvironment and the subsequent reconstitution of normal liver architecture in a fashion that is unrelated to circulating fibrinogen.
Background: The solubility of dental pulp tissue in sodium hypochlorite has been extensively investigated but results have been inconsistent; due most likely to variations in experimental design, the volume and/or rate of replenishment of the solutions used and the nature of the tissues assessed. Traditionally, the sodium hypochlorite solutions used for endodontic irrigation in Australia have been either Milton or commercial bleach, with Milton being the most common. Recently, a range of Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) approved proprietary sodium hypochlorite solutions, which contain surfactant, has become available. Some domestic chlorine bleaches now also contain surfactants. The purpose of this study was to perform new solubility assessments, comparing Milton with new TGA approved products, Hypochlor 1% and Hypochlor 4% forte, and with a domestic bleach containing surfactant (White King). Methods: Ten randomly assigned pulp samples of porcine dental pulp of approximately equal dimensions were immersed in the above solutions, as well as representative concentrations of sodium hydroxide. Time to complete dissolution was measured and assessed statistically. Results: White King 4% showed the shortest dissolution time, closely followed by Hypochlor 4% forte. White King 1% and Hypochlor 1% each took around three times as long to completely dissolve the samples of pulp as their respective 4% concentrations, while Milton took nearly 10 times as long. The sodium hydroxide solutions showed no noticeable dissolution of the pulp samples. Conclusions: The composition and content of sodium hypochlorite solutions had a profound effect on the ability of these solutions to dissolve pulp tissue in vitro. Greater concentrations provided more rapid dissolution of tissue. One per cent solutions with added surfactant and which contained higher concentrations of sodium hydroxide were significantly more effective in dissolution of pulp tissue than Milton.
A etiologia da alveolite é desconhecida. Considera-se não haver uma causa específica, mas sim uma associação de factores inerentes ao seu aparecimento. O diagnóstico é realizado, geralmente, entre o 2º e 5º dia após exodontia, sendo bastante claro. Manifesta-se por uma dor aguda e pulsátil, mal controlada com analgésicos, e de apresentação clínica uma inflamação da mucosa em torno do alvéolo, com parcial ou total perda do coágulo, apresentando-se este vazio ou com tecido necrótico e/ou restos alimentares. Pode ainda haver uma exposição óssea. Diversas são as taxas de incidência, variando consoante os factores de risco predisponentes da doença. São estes a idade, género, ciclo menstrual e toma de contraceptivos orais (nas mulheres), trauma cirúrgico e experiência do médico, a indicação da extração, bem como características do dente a ser extraído, ainda as técnicas e anestesia usadas, bem como remanescentes ósseos e/ou radiculares, uso de retalhos e suturas, patologias sistémicas, medicação e cuidados pós-operatórios do doente. Todos estes podem ter impacto no desenvolvimento desta condição, devendo o médico dentista eliminá-los e reduzi-los ao máximo. A prevenção aplica-se a medidas não farmacológicas, como redução de factores de risco, em combinação a terapia farmacológica, de modo a favorecer uma correta cicatrização. Recurso a soluções antissépticas, medicação tópica (intra-alveolar) e prescrição sistémica de antibióticos e anti-inflamatórios não esteroides são algumas dessas medidas. Ao nível do tratamento, vários métodos e materiais estão disponíveis no mercado. Por ser uma condição que o próprio organismo “combate”, o objectivo terapêutico passa basicamente pela redução dos sintomas debilitantes do paciente e controlo bacteriano. A opção é individual, uma vez que não existe nenhum tratamento com características ideais, sendo os resultados na literatura bastante discrepantes. Limpeza do alvéolo, medicação intra-alveolar (tópica) e/ou sistémica, bem como terapia com laser de baixa intensidade, são algumas opções. A administração antibiótica deve ser reservada para casos especiais, não devendo ser abordada como método de rotina. Analgésicos são uma opção, podendo ser aconselhada consoante o quadro clínico doloroso. Também o reforço para uma higiene oral rigorosa, com irrigação do alvéolo para evitar detritos e impactação alimentar (no caso de não existirem obtundantes intra-alveolares) devem ser preocupação do médico dentista. Deve haver um seguimento regular do paciente, especialmente se aplicados medicamentos tópicos, para avaliação e renovação (se necessário) do curativo até recuperação. O médico dentista deve saber identificar um caso de alveolite, encontrando-se informado e consciente das várias opções preventivas e terapêuticas. Estudos mais claros e objectivos são necessários na procura de critérios de diagnóstico genéricos da doença, bem como terapêuticas preventivas e de tratamentos com taxas de sucesso altas e suportadas por evidência científica. Para que, desta forma, seja elaborado um protocolo universal a seguir na prática clínica.
Tissue transglutaminase (tTG) is a Ca2+-dependent enzyme which cross-links proteins via e(g-glutamyl)lysine bridges. There is increasing evidence that tTG is involved in wound repair and tissue stabilization, as well as in physiological mechanisms leading to cell death. To investigate the role of this enzyme in tissue wounding leading to loss of Ca2+ homoeostasis, we initially used a model involving electroporation to reproduce cell wounding under controlled conditions. Two cell models were used whereby tTG expression is regulated either by antisense silencing in ECV 304 cells or by using transfected Swiss 3T3 cells in which tTG expression is under the control of the tet regulatory system. Using these cells, loss of Ca2+ homoeostasis following electroporation led to a tTG-dependent formation of highly cross-linked proteinaceous shells from intracellular proteins. Formation of these structures is dependent on elevated intracellular Ca2+, but it is independent of intracellular proteases and is near maximal after only 20min post-wounding. Using labelled primary amines as an indicator of tTG activity within these 'wounded cells', we demonstrate that tTG modifies a wide range of proteins that are present in both the perinuclear and intranuclear spaces. The demonstration of entrapped DNA within these shell structures, which showed limited fragmentation, provides evidence that the high degree of transglutaminase cross-linking results in the prevention of DNA release, which may serve to dampen any subsequent inflammatory response. Comparable observations were shown when monolayers of cells were mechanically wounded by scratching. In this second model of cell wounding, redistribution of tTG activity to the extracellular matrix was also demonstrated, an effect which may serve to stabilize tissues post-trauma, and thus contribute to the maintenance of tissue integrity.
SHED (stem cells from human exfoliated deciduous teeth) represent a population of postnatal stem cells capable of extensive proliferation and multipotential differentiation. Primary teeth may be an ideal source of postnatal stem cells to regenerate tooth structures and bone, and possibly to treat neural tissue injury or degenerative diseases. SHED are highly proliferative cells derived from an accessible tissue source, and therefore hold potential for providing enough cells for clinical applications. In this review, we describe the current knowledge about dental pulp stem cells and discuss tissue engineering approaches that use SHED to replace irreversibly inflamed or necrotic pulps with a healthy and functionally competent tissue that is capable of forming new dentin.
Pain is the most conspicuous symptom observed in patients wounded by stingrays, and skin necrosis is common in accidents by freshwater stingrays. The extract from the stinger integumentary tissue of Potamotrygon falkneri containing toxic components (venom) was tested for its ability to induce histopathological changes in the dorsal skin of mice at different times. 3-6 h after injection, foci of necrosis in isolated basal epidermal cells were observed. Full coagulative necrosis of the skin, subcutaneous tissue and skeletal muscle was evident as soon as 24 h after venom exposure, with a clear demarcation from the normal skin. After 48 h, round collections of necrotic cells start to coalesce originating extensive skin necrotic plaques that detach from viable tissue after 72-96 h. Inflammatory infiltrate was observed after 6 h, but was always mild. Acute vascular thrombosis was rare, and hemorrhage was not present at any time. Superficial bacterial infection was present in two of the examined cases. In conclusion, the venom of P. falkneri is responsible for the development of an early necrosis with mild inflammatory reaction, probably due to direct action of the venom. The severe local damage is probably worsened by the mechanical trauma caused by the stinger. (c) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Mucosal leishmaniasis (ML) is characterised by severe tissue destruction. Herein, we evaluated the involvement of the IL-17-type response in the inflammatory infiltrate of biopsy specimens from 17 ML patients. IL-17 and IL-17-inducing cytokines (IL-1 beta, IL-23, IL-6 and TGF-beta) were detected by immunohistochemistry in ML patients. IL-17(+) cells exhibited CD4(+), CD8(+) or CD14(+) phenotypes, and numerous IL-17(+) cells co-expressed the CC chemokine receptor 6 (CCR6). Neutrophils, a hallmark of Th17-mediated inflammation, were regularly detected in necrotic and perinecrotic areas and stained positive for neutrophil elastase, myeloperoxidase and MMP-9. Taken together, these observations demonstrate the existence of Th17 cells in ML lesions associated with neutrophils in areas of tissue injury and suggest that IL-17 is involved in ML pathogenesis.
Background: Barrier materials as cellulose membranes are used for guided tissue repair. However, it is essential that the surrounding tissues accept the device. The present study histologically evaluated tissue reaction to a microbial cellulose membrane after subcutaneous implantation in mice. Furthermore, the interaction between mesenchymal stem cells and the biomaterial was studied in vitro to evaluate its ability to act as cellular scaffold for tissue engineering.Methods: Twenty-five Swiss Albino mice were used. A 10 x 10 mm cellulose membrane obtained through biosynthesis using Acetobacter xylinum bacteria was implanted into the lumbar subcutaneous tissue of each mouse. The mice were euthanatized at seven, 15, 30, 60, and 90 days, and the membrane and surrounding tissues were collected and examined by histology.Results: A mild inflammatory response without foreign body reaction was observed until 30 days post-surgery around the implanted membrane. Polarized microscopy revealed that the membrane remained intact at all evaluation points. Scanning electron microscopy of the cellulose membrane surface showed absence of pores. The in vitro evaluation of the interaction between cells and biomaterial was performed through viability staining analysis of the cells over the biomaterial, which showed that 95% of the mesenchymal stem cells aggregating to the cellulose membrane were alive and that 5% were necrotic. Scanning electron microscopy showed mesenchymal stem cells with normal morphology and attached to the cellulose membrane surface.Conclusion: The microbial cellulose membrane evaluated was found to be nonresorbable, induced a mild inflammatory response and may prove useful as a scaffold for mesenchymal stem cells.
Ischaemia and reperfusion effects on skeletal muscle tissue: morphological and histochemical studies
This was a study on the oxidative stress due to ischaemia (I) and reperfusion (R) in skeletal muscle tissue. Using a tourniquet, groups of rats were submitted to ischaemia for 4 h, followed by different reperfusion periods. The animals were divided in four groups: control; 4 h of ischaemia (IR); 4 h of ischaemia plus 1 h reperfusion (IR-1 h); 4 h of ischaemia plus 24 h reperfusion (IR-24 h); and 4 h of ischaemia plus 72 h reperfusion (IR-72 h). At the end of the procedures, samples of soleus muscle were collected and frozen in n-hexane at -70 degrees C. Cryostat sections were submitted to haematoxylin-eosin, succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide-tetrazolium reductase (NADH-TR) stains. An additional muscle sample was processed for electron microscopy. No alterations were found in control animals. IR group showed fibres had normal aspect besides some round, acidophilic and hypertrophic fibres. There were several fibres with angular outlines and smaller diameters in this group compared with control group. NADH-TR/SDH reaction was moderately intense in most fibres. In some fibres, cytoplasm showed areas without activity and other fibres had very intense reactivity. IR-1 h group showed oedema hypercontracted fibres with disorganized myofibrils, mitochondria with focal lesions and dilated sarcoplasmic reticulum. NADH-TR/SDH reaction was moderate to weak. IR-24 h showed intense inflammatory infiltrate in the endomysium and perimysium. NADH-TR/SDH reaction was similar to IR-1 h. IR-72 h showed necrotic fibres, areas with inflammatory infiltrate, reduced muscle fibres at different stages of necrosis and phagocytosis, and many small round and basophilic fibres characterizing a regeneration process. NADH-TR/SDH reaction was weak to negative. Our results suggest that ischaemia and the subsequent 1-, 24- and 72-h reperfusions induced progressive histological damage. Although progressive, it may be reversible because there were ultrastructural signs of recovery after 72-h reperfusion. This recovery could in part be due to the low oxidative stress identified by the morphological and histochemical analysis.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the application of 15 % propolis and 2 % acidulated-phosphate sodium fluoride solutions on the root surface-adhered necrotic cemental periodontal ligament in delayed tooth replantation. Materials and methods: Thirty Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus, albinus) had their right upper incisor extracted and maintained in dry storage for 60 min. After this period, the dental papilla, enamel organ, and pulp tissue were removed, and the animals were randomly assigned to three groups: group I = immersion in saline for 10 min; group II = immersion in a 2 % acidulated-phosphate sodium fluoride solution for 10 min; and group III = immersion in a 15 % propolis and propylene glycol solution for 10 min. The root canals were filled with a calcium hydroxide paste and the teeth were replanted. Results: Inflammatory resorption, replacement resorption, and ankylosis were observed in all groups without a statistically significant difference (p > 0.05) among them. Conclusions: Under the tested conditions, the application of fluoride or propolis on root surface-adhered necrotic periodontal ligament did not favor the healing process in delayed tooth replantation. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
Stemming from in vitro and in vivo pre-clinical and human models, tissue-engineering-based strategies continue to demonstrate great potential for the regeneration of the pulp-dentin complex, particularly in necrotic, immature permanent teeth. Nanofibrous scaffolds, which closely resemble the native extracellular matrix, have been successfully synthesized by various techniques, including but not limited to electrospinning. A common goal in scaffold synthesis has been the notion of promoting cell guidance through the careful design and use of a collection of biochemical and physical cues capable of governing and stimulating specific events at the cellular and tissue levels. The latest advances in processing technologies allow for the fabrication of scaffolds where selected bioactive molecules can be delivered locally, thus increasing the possibilities for clinical success. Though electrospun scaffolds have not yet been tested in vivo in either human or animal pulpless models in immature permanent teeth, recent studies have highlighted their regenerative potential both from an in vitro and in vivo (i.e., subcutaneous model) standpoint. Possible applications for these bioactive scaffolds continue to evolve, with significant prospects related to the regeneration of both dentin and pulp tissue and, more recently, to root canal disinfection. Nonetheless, no single implantable scaffold can consistently guide the coordinated growth and development of the multiple tissue types involved in the functional regeneration of the pulp-dentin complex. The purpose of this review is to provide a comprehensive perspective on the latest discoveries related to the use of scaffolds and/or stem cells in regenerative endodontics. The authors focused this review on bioactive nanofibrous scaffolds, injectable scaffolds and stem cells, and pre-clinical findings using stem-cell-based strategies. These topics are discussed in detail in an attempt to provide future direction and to shed light on their potential translation to clinical settings.