996 resultados para Nature observation


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This thesis explores the business environment for self-publishing musicians at the end of the 20th century and the start of the 21st century from theoretical and empirical standpoints. The exploration begins by asking three research questions: what are the factors affecting the sustainability of an Independent music business; how many of those factors can be directly influenced by an Independent musician in the day-to-day operations of their musical enterprise; and how can those factors be best manipulated to maximise the benefit generated from digital music assets? It answers these questions by considering the nature of value in the music business in light of theories of political economy, then quantitative and qualitative examinations of the nature of participation in the music business, and then auto-ethnographic approaches to the application of two technologically enabled tools available to Independent musicians. By analyzing the results of five different examinations of the topic it answers each research question with reference to four sets of recurring issues that affect the operations of a 21st century music business: the musicians’ personal characteristics, their ability to address their business’s informational needs; their ability to manage the relationships upon which their business depends; and their ability to resolve the remaining technological problems that confront them. It discusses ways in which Independent self-publishing musicians can and cannot deal with these four issues on a day-to-day basis and highlights aspects for which technological solutions do not exist as well as ways in which technology is not as effective as has been claimed. It then presents a self-critique and proposes some directions for further study before concluding by suggesting some common features of 21st century Independent music businesses. This thesis makes three contributions to knowledge. First, it provides a new understanding of the sources of musical value, shows how this explains changes in the music industries over the past 30 years, and provides a framework for predicting future developments in those industries. Second, it shows how the technological discontinuity that has occurred around the start of the 21st century has and has not affected the production and distribution of digital cultural artefacts and thus the attitudes, approaches, and business prospects of Independent musicians. Third, it argues for new understandings of two methods by which self-publishing musicians can grow a business using production methods that are only beginning to be more broadly understood: home studio recording and fan-sourced production. Developed from the perspective of working musicians themselves, this thesis identifies four sets of issues that determine the probable success of musicians’ efforts to adopt new technologies to capture the value of the musicians’ creativity and thereby foster growth that will sustain an Independent music business in the 21st century.


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The fact that nature provides specific enzymes to selectively remove superoxide (O2.−) from aerobic organisms, namely, the superoxide dismutase enzymes,1 has led to the suggestion that this radical ion may cause the oxidative damage associated with degradative disease and aging.2 Intriguingly, however, superoxide itself is relatively unreactive toward most cellular components, which suggests that dismutase enzymes may ultimately protect the cell against more pernicious oxidants formed from superoxide. As such, there is increasing interest in the endogenous chemistry of superoxide and the pathways by which it might beget more reactive oxygen species. Protonation of superoxide to form the hydroperoxyl radical (HOO.) and dismutation of the same species to hydrogen peroxide (HOOH), with subsequent metal-catalyzed reduction to the hydroxyl radical (HO.), are well-characterized processes in which both the HOO. and HO. radicals are significantly more reactive than their common progenitor.2 Recent examples, however, have also linked superoxide to the putative production of singlet oxygen3 and ozone,4, 5 although the definitive characterization of these chemistries in the cellular milieu has proved challenging


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Alkylperoxyl radicals are intermediates in the oxidation Of hydrocarbons. The reactive nature of these intermediates, however, has made therin elusive to direct observation and isolation. We have employed ion trap mass spectrometry to synthesize and characterize 4-carboxylatocyclohexyl radical anions ((center dot)C(6)H(10)-CO(2)(-)) and observe their reactivity in the presence of dioxygen. The resulting reaction is facile (k = 1.8 x 10(-10) cm(3) molecule(-1) s(-1) or 30% of calculated collision rate) and results in (i) the addition Of O(2) to form stabilized 4-carboxylatocyclohexylperoxyl radical anions ((center dot)OO-C(6)H(10)-CO(2)(-)), providing the first direct observation of a cyclohexylperoxyl radical, and (ii) elimination of HO(2)(center dot) and HO(center dot) radicals consistent with recent laser-induced fluorescence studies of the reaction of neutral cyclohexyl radicals with O(2). Electronic structure calculations at the B3LYP/6-31+G(d) level of theory reveal viable pathways for the observed reactions showing that formation of the peroxyl radical is exothermic by 37 kcal mol(-1) with subsequent transition states its low as -6.6 kcal mol(-1) (formation of HO(2)(center dot)) and -9.1 kcal mol(-1) (formation of HO(center dot)) with respect to the entrance channel. The combined computational and experimental data Suggest that the structures of the reaction products correspond to cyclohexenes and epoxides from HO(2)(center dot) and HO(center dot) loss, respectively, while alternative pathways leading to cyclohexanone or ring-opened isomers ate not observed, Activation of the charged peroxyl radical (center dot)OO-C(6)H(10)-CO(2)(-) by collision induced disassociation also results in the loss Of HO(2)(center dot) and HO(center dot) radicals confirming that these products are directly connected to the peroxyl radical intermediate.


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Protein conformations and dynamics can be studied by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy using dilute liquid crystalline samples. This work clarifies the interpretation of residual dipolar coupling data yielded by the experiments. It was discovered that unfolded proteins without any additional structure beyond that of a mere polypeptide chain exhibit residual dipolar couplings. Also, it was found that molecular dynamics induce fluctuations in the molecular alignment and doing so affect residual dipolar couplings. The finding clarified the origins of low order parameter values observed earlier. The work required the development of new analytical and computational methods for the prediction of intrinsic residual dipolar coupling profiles for unfolded proteins. The presented characteristic chain model is able to reproduce the general trend of experimental residual dipolar couplings for denatured proteins. The details of experimental residual dipolar coupling profiles are beyond the analytical model, but improvements are proposed to achieve greater accuracy. A computational method for rapid prediction of unfolded protein residual dipolar couplings was also developed. Protein dynamics were shown to modulate the effective molecular alignment in a dilute liquid crystalline medium. The effects were investigated from experimental and molecular dynamics generated conformational ensembles of folded proteins. It was noted that dynamics induced alignment is significant especially for the interpretation of molecular dynamics in small, globular proteins. A method of correction was presented. Residual dipolar couplings offer an attractive possibility for the direct observation of protein conformational preferences and dynamics. The presented models and methods of analysis provide significant advances in the interpretation of residual dipolar coupling data from proteins.


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A detailed understanding of the mode of packing patterns that leads to the gelation of low molecular mass gelators derived from bile acid esters was carried out using solid state NMR along with complementary techniques such as powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and polarizing optical microscopy (POM). Solid state C-13{H-1} cross polarization (CP) magic angle spinning (MAS) NMR of the low molecularmass gel in its native state was recorded for the first time. A close resemblance in the packing patterns of the gel, xerogel and bulk solid states was revealed upon comparing their C-13{H-1} CPMAS NMR spectral pattern. A doublet resonance pattern of C-13 signals in C-13{H-1}CPMAS NMR spectra were observed for the gelator molecules, whereas the non-gelators showed simple singlet resonance or resulted inthe formation of inclusion complexes/solvates. PXRD patterns revealed a close isomorphous nature of the gelators indicating the similarity in the mode of the packing pattern in their solid state. Direct imaging of the evolution of nanofibers (sol-gel transition) was carried out using POM, which proved the presence of self-assembled fibrillar networks (SAFINs) in the gel. Finally powder X-ray structure determination revealed the presence of two non-equivalent molecules in an asymmetric unit which is responsible for the doublet resonance pattern in the solid state NMR spectra.


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We report on the combined X-ray and radio observations of the type Ic SN 2002ap, using XMM-Newton TOO observation of M 74 and the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope ( GMRT). We account for the presence of a nearby source in the pre-supernova Chandra field of view in our measurements of the X-ray flux (0.3-10 KeV) 5.2 days after the explosion. The X-ray spectrum is well fitted by a power law spectrum with photon index alpha = 2.6. Our results suggest that the prompt X-ray emission originates from inverse Compton scattering of photospheric thermal emission by energetic electrons. Radio observations with the GMRT at 610 MHz (8 days after the explosion) and 1420 MHz (70 days after the explosion) are combined with the high frequency VLA observations of SN 2002ap reported by Berger et al. ( 2002), and the early radiospheric properties of SN 2002ap are compared with similar data from two other supernovae. Finally, the GMRT radio map reveals four other X-ray sources in the field of view of M 74 with radio counterparts.


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We have performed fully atomistic classical molecular dynamics simulations to calculate the effective interaction between two polyamidoamine dendrimers. Using the umbrella sampling technique, we have obtained the potential of mean force (PMF) between the dendrimers and investigated the effects of protonation level and dendrimer size on the PMF. Our results show that the interaction between the dendrimers can be tuned from purely repulsive to partly attractive by changing the protonation level. The PMF profiles are well-fitted by the sum of an exponential and a Gaussian function with the weight of the exponential function dominating over that of the Gaussian function. This observation is in disagreement with the results obtained in previous analytic C. Likos, M. Schmidt, H. Lowen, M. Ballauff, D. Potschke, and P. Lindner, Macromolecules 34, 2914 (2001)] and coarse-grained simulation I. Gotze, H. Harreis, and C. Likos, J. Chem. Phys. 120, 7761 (2004)] studies which predicted the effective interaction to be Gaussian. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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In this work, we have reported the synthesis of dahlia flower-like ZnO nanostructures consisting of human finger-like nanorods by the hydrothermal method at 120 degrees C and without using any capping agent. Optical properties of the samples, including UV-vis absorption and photoluminescence (PL) emission characteristics are determined by dispersing the samples in water as well as in ethanol media. The quenching of PL emission intensity along-with the red shifting of the PL emission peak are observed when the samples are dispersed in water in comparison to those obtained after dispersing the samples in ethanol. It has been found that PL emission characteristic, particularly the spectral nature of PL emission, of the samples remains almost unaltered (except some improvement in UV PL emission) even after thermally annealing it for 2 h at the temperature of 300 degrees C. Also the synthesized powder samples, kept in a plastic container, showed a very stable PL emission even after 15 months of synthesis. Therefore, the synthesized samples might be useful for their applications in future optoelectronics devices. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Quantum wires with spin-orbit coupling provide a unique opportunity to simultaneously control the coupling strength and the screened Coulomb interactions where new exotic phases of matter can be explored. Here we report on the observation of an exotic spin-orbit density wave in Pb-atomic wires on Si(557) surfaces by mapping out the evolution of the modulated spin-texture at various conditions with spin-and angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy. The results are independently quantified by surface transport measurements. The spin polarization, coherence length, spin dephasing rate and the associated quasiparticle gap decrease simultaneously as the screened Coulomb interaction decreases with increasing excess coverage, providing a new mechanism for generating and manipulating a spin-orbit entanglement effect via electronic interaction. Despite clear evidence of spontaneous spin-rotation symmetry breaking and modulation of spin-momentum structure as a function of excess coverage, the average spin polarization over the Brillouin zone vanishes, indicating that time-reversal symmetry is intact as theoretically predicted.


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Tobacco streak virus (TSV), the type member of Ilarvirus genus, is a major plant pathogen. TSV purified from infected plants consists of a ss-RNA genome encapsidated in spheroidal particles with diameters of 27, 30 and 33 nm constructed from multiple copies of a single species of coat protein (CP) subunits. Apart from protecting the viral genome, CPs of ilarviruses play several key roles in the life cycle of these viruses. Unlike the related bromo and cucumoviruses, ilarvirus particles are labile and pleomorphic, which has posed difficulties in their crystallization and structure determination. In the current study, a truncated TSV-CP was crystallized in two distinct forms and their structures were determined at resolutions of 2.4 angstrom and 2.1 angstrom, respectively. The core of TSV CP was found to possess the canonical beta-barrel jelly roll tertiary structure observed in several other viruses. Dimers of CP with swapped C-terminal arms (C-arm) were observed in both the crystal forms. The C-arm was found to be flexible and is likely to be responsible for the polymorphic and pleomorphic nature of TSV capsids. Consistent with this observation, mutations in the hinge region of the C-arm that reduce the flexibility resulted in the formation of more uniform particles. TSV CP was found to be structurally similar to that of Alfalfa mosaic virus (AMV) accounting for similar mechanism of genome activation in alfamo and ilar viruses. This communication represents the first report on the structure of the CP from an ilarvirus. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Polydimethylsiloxane ( PDMS) has become the most widely used silicon-based organic polymer in bio-MEMS/NEMS devices. However, the inherent hydrophobic nature of PDMS hinders its wide applications in bio-MEMS/NEMS for efficient transport of liquids. Electrowetting is a useful tool to reduce the apparent contact angle of partially wetting conductive liquids and has been utilized widely in bio-MEMS/NEMS. Our experimental results show that the thin PDMS membranes exhibit good properties in electrowetting-on-dielectric. The electrical instability phenomenon of droplets was observed in our experiment. The sessile droplet lying on the PDMS membrane will lose its stability with the touch of the wire electrode to make the apparent contact angle change suddenly larger than 35 degrees. Contact mode can protect the dielectric layer from electrical breakdown effectively. Electrical breakdown process of dielectric layer was recorded by a high speed camera. It is found experimentally that a PDMS membrane of 4.8 mu m thick will not be destroyed due to the electric breakdown even at 800 V in the contact mode.


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In four chapters various aspects of earthquake source are studied.

Chapter I

Surface displacements that followed the Parkfield, 1966, earthquakes were measured for two years with six small-scale geodetic networks straddling the fault trace. The logarithmic rate and the periodic nature of the creep displacement recorded on a strain meter made it possible to predict creep episodes on the San Andreas fault. Some individual earthquakes were related directly to surface displacement, while in general, slow creep and aftershock activity were found to occur independently. The Parkfield earthquake is interpreted as a buried dislocation.

Chapter II

The source parameters of earthquakes between magnitude 1 and 6 were studied using field observations, fault plane solutions, and surface wave and S-wave spectral analysis. The seismic moment, MO, was found to be related to local magnitude, ML, by log MO = 1.7 ML + 15.1. The source length vs magnitude relation for the San Andreas system found to be: ML = 1.9 log L - 6.7. The surface wave envelope parameter AR gives the moment according to log MO = log AR300 + 30.1, and the stress drop, τ, was found to be related to the magnitude by τ = 0.54 M - 2.58. The relation between surface wave magnitude MS and ML is proposed to be MS = 1.7 ML - 4.1. It is proposed to estimate the relative stress level (and possibly the strength) of a source-region by the amplitude ratio of high-frequency to low-frequency waves. An apparent stress map for Southern California is presented.

Chapter III

Seismic triggering and seismic shaking are proposed as two closely related mechanisms of strain release which explain observations of the character of the P wave generated by the Alaskan earthquake of 1964, and distant fault slippage observed after the Borrego Mountain, California earthquake of 1968. The Alaska, 1964, earthquake is shown to be adequately described as a series of individual rupture events. The first of these events had a body wave magnitude of 6.6 and is considered to have initiated or triggered the whole sequence. The propagation velocity of the disturbance is estimated to be 3.5 km/sec. On the basis of circumstantial evidence it is proposed that the Borrego Mountain, 1968, earthquake caused release of tectonic strain along three active faults at distances of 45 to 75 km from the epicenter. It is suggested that this mechanism of strain release is best described as "seismic shaking."

Chapter IV

The changes of apparent stress with depth are studied in the South American deep seismic zone. For shallow earthquakes the apparent stress is 20 bars on the average, the same as for earthquakes in the Aleutians and on Oceanic Ridges. At depths between 50 and 150 km the apparent stresses are relatively high, approximately 380 bars, and around 600 km depth they are again near 20 bars. The seismic efficiency is estimated to be 0.1. This suggests that the true stress is obtained by multiplying the apparent stress by ten. The variation of apparent stress with depth is explained in terms of the hypothesis of ocean floor consumption.


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A sizable spin-dependent photocurrent related to the interband transition in InN films is observed. The surface charge accumulation layer is suggested to be the origin of the circular photogalvanic current, which is consistent with the result of uniaxial strain experiments and the comparison of front and back incidence. The homogeneous photocurrent demonstrates the existence of spin splitting in the InN surface layer, and the structure inversion asymmetry (SIA)-dominant mechanism indicates a great possibility for the manipulation of spin splitting, which would undoubtedly benefit further research and applications of spintronics. Crown Copyright (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Slowly evolving, regularly spaced patterns have been observed in proton projection images of plasma channels drilled by intense (greater than or similar to 10(19) W cm(-2)) short (similar to 1 ps) laser pulses propagating in an ionized gas jet. The nature and geometry of the electromagnetic fields generating such patterns have been inferred by simulating the laser-plasma interaction and the following plasma evolution with a two-dimensional particle-in-cell code and the probe proton deflections by particle tracing. The analysis suggests the formation of rows of magnetized soliton remnants, with a quasistatic magnetic field associated with vortexlike electron currents resembling those of magnetic vortices.