786 resultados para National Programme for a Healthy Life
Background & Aims: Access to sufficient amounts of safe and culturally-acceptable foods is a fundamental human right. Food security exists when all people, at all times, have physical, social, and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life. Food insecurity therefore occurs when the availability or access to sufficient amounts of nutritionally-adequate, culturally-appropriate and safe foods, or, the ability to acquire such foods in socially-acceptable ways, is limited. Food insecurity may result in significant adverse effects for the individual and these outcomes may vary between adults and children. Among adults, food insecurity may be associated with overweight or obesity, poorer self-rated general health, depression, increased health-care utilisation and dietary intakes less consistent with national recommendations. Among children, food insecurity may result in poorer self or parent-reported general health, behavioural problems, lower levels of academic achievement and poor social outcomes. The majority of research investigating the potential correlates of food insecurity has been undertaken in the United States (US), where regular national screening for food insecurity is undertaken using a comprehensive multi-item measurement. In Australia, screening for food insecurity takes place on a three yearly basis via the use of a crude, single-item included in the National Health Survey (NHS). This measure has been shown to underestimate the prevalence of food insecurity by 5%. From 1995 – 2004, the prevalence of food insecurity among the Australian population remained stable at 5%. Due to the perceived low prevalence of this issue, screening for food insecurity was not undertaken in the most recent NHS. Furthermore, there are few Australian studies investigating the potential determinants of food insecurity and none investigating potential outcomes among adults and children. This study aimed to examine these issues by a) investigating the prevalence of food insecurity among households residing in disadvantaged urban areas and comparing prevalence rates estimated by the more comprehensive 18-item and 6-item United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food Security Survey Module (FSSM) to those estimated by the current single-item measure used for surveillance in Australia and b) investigating the potential determinants and outcomes of food insecurity, Methods: A comprehensive literature review was undertaken to investigate the potential determinants and consequences of food insecurity among developed countries. This was followed by a cross-sectional study in which 1000 households from the most disadvantaged 5% of Brisbane areas were sampled and data collected via mail-based survey (final response rate = 53%, n = 505). Data were collected for food security status, sociodemographic characteristics (household income, education, age, gender, employment status, housing tenure and living arrangements), fruit and vegetable intakes, meat and take-away consumption, presence of depressive symptoms, presence of chronic disease and body mass index (BMI) among adults. Among children, data pertaining to BMI, parent-reported general health, days away from school and activities and behavioural problems were collected. Rasch analysis was used to investigate the psychometric properties of the 18-, 10- and 6-item adaptations of the USDA-FSSM, and McNemar's test was used to investigate the difference in the prevalence of food insecurity as measured by these three adaptations compared to the current single-item measure used in Australia. Chi square and logistic regression were used to investigate the differences in dietary and health outcomes among adults and health and behavioural outcomes among children. Results were adjusted for equivalised household income and, where necessary, for indigenous status, education and family type. Results: Overall, 25% of households in these urbanised-disadvantaged areas reported experiencing food insecurity; this increased to 34% when only households with children were analysed. The current reliance on a single-item measure to screen for food insecurity may underestimate the true burden among the Australian population, as this measure was shown to significantly underestimate the prevalence of food insecurity by five percentage points. Internationally, major potential determinants of food insecurity included poverty and indicators of poverty, such as low-income, unemployment and lower levels of education. Ethnicity, age, transportation and cooking and financial skills were also found to be potential determinants of food insecurity. Among Australian adults in disadvantaged urban areas, food insecurity was associated with a three-fold increase in experiencing poorer self-rated general health and a two-to-five-fold increase in the risk of depression. Furthermore, adults from food insecure households were twoto- three times more likely to have seen a general practitioner and/or been admitted to hospital within the previous six months, compared to their food secure counterparts. Weight status and intakes of fruits, vegetables and meat were not associated with food insecurity. Among Australian households with children, those in the lowest tertile were over 16 times more likely to experience food insecurity compared to those in the highest tertile for income. After adjustment for equivalised household income, children from food insecure households were three times more likely to have missed days away from school or other activities. Furthermore, children from food insecure households displayed a two-fold increase in atypical emotions and behavioural difficulties. Conclusions: Food insecurity is an important public health issue and may contribute to the burden on the health care system through its associations with depression and increased health care utilisation among adults and behavioural and emotional problems among children. Current efforts to monitor food insecurity in Australia do not occur frequently and use a tool that may underestimate the prevalence of food insecurity. Efforts should be made to improve the regularity of screening for food insecurity via the use of a more accurate screening measure. Most of the current strategies that aim to alleviate food insecurity do not sufficiently address the issue of insufficient financial resources for acquiring food; a factor which is an important determinant of food insecurity. Programs to address this issue should be developed in collaboration with groups at higher risk of developing food insecurity and should incorporate strategies to address the issue of low income as a barrier to food acquisition.
Objective To estimate the magnitude and characteristics of the injury burden in South Africa within a global context. Methods The Actuarial Society of South Africa demographic and AIDS model (ASSA 2002) – calibrated to survey, census and adjusted vital registration data – was used to calculate the total number of deaths in 2000. Causes of death were determined from the National Injury Mortality Surveillance System profile. Injury death rates and years of life lost (YLL) were estimated using the Global Burden of Disease methodology. National years lived with disability (YLDs) were calculated by applying a ratio between YLLs and YLDs found in a local injury data source, the Cape Metropole Study. Mortality and disability-adjusted life years’ (DALYs) rates were compared with African and global estimates. Findings Interpersonal violence dominated the South African injury profile with age-standardized mortality rates at seven times the global rate. Injuries were the second-leading cause of loss of healthy life, accounting for 14.3% of all DALYs in South Africa in 2000. Road traffic injuries (RTIs) are the leading cause of injury in most regions of the world but South Africa has exceedingly high numbers – double the global rate. Conclusion Injuries are an important public health issue in South Africa. Social and economic determinants of violence, many a legacy of apartheid policies, must be addressed to reduce inequalities in society and build community cohesion. Multisectoral interventions to reduce traffic injuries are also needed. We highlight this heavy burden to stress the need for effective prevention programmes.
OBJECTIVES To estimate the burden of disease attributable to diabetes by sex and age group in South Africa in 2000. DESIGN The framework adopted for the most recent World Health Organization comparative risk assessment (CRA) methodology was followed. Small community studies used to derive the prevalence of diabetes by population group were weighted proportionately for a national estimate. Population-attributable fractions were calculated and applied to revised burden of disease estimates. Monte Carlo simulation-modelling techniques were used for uncertainty analysis. SETTING South Africa. SUBJECTS Adults 30 years and older. OUTCOME MEASURES Mortality and disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) for ischaemic heart disease (IHD), stroke, hypertensive disease and renal failure. RESULTS Of South Africans aged >or= 30 years, 5.5% had diabetes which increased with age. Overall, about 14% of IHD, 10% of stroke, 12% of hypertensive disease and 12% of renal disease burden in adult males and females (30+ years) were attributable to diabetes. Diabetes was estimated to have caused 22,412 (95% uncertainty interval 20,755 - 24,872) or 4.3% (95% uncertainty interval 4.0 - 4.8%) of all deaths in South Africa in 2000. Since most of these occurred in middle or old age, the loss of healthy life years comprises a smaller proportion of the total 258,028 DALYs (95% uncertainty interval 236,856 - 290,849) in South Africa in 2000, accounting for 1.6% (95% uncertainty interval 1.5 - 1.8%) of the total burden. CONCLUSIONS Diabetes is an important direct and indirect cause of burden in South Africa. Primary prevention of the disease through multi-level interventions and improved management at primary health care level are needed.
In life cycle assessment studies, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from direct land-use change have been estimated to make a significant contribution to the global warming potential of agricultural products. However, these estimates have a high uncertainty due to the complexity of data requirements and difficulty in attribution of land-use change. This paper presents estimates of GHG emissions from direct land-use change from native woodland to grazing land for two beef production regions in eastern Australia, which were the subject of a multi-impact life cycle assessment study for premium beef production. Spatially- and temporally consistent datasets were derived for areas of forest cover and biomass carbon stocks using published remotely sensed tree-cover data and regionally applicable allometric equations consistent with Australia's national GHG inventory report. Standard life cycle assessment methodology was used to estimate GHG emissions and removals from direct land-use change attributed to beef production. For the northern-central New South Wales region of Australia estimates ranged from a net emission of 0.03 t CO2-e ha-1 year-1 to net removal of 0.12 t CO2-e ha-1 year-1 using low and high scenarios, respectively, for sequestration in regrowing forests. For the same period (1990-2010), the study region in southern-central Queensland was estimated to have net emissions from land-use change in the range of 0.45-0.25 t CO2-e ha-1 year-1. The difference between regions reflects continuation of higher rates of deforestation in Queensland until strict regulation in 2006 whereas native vegetation protection laws were introduced earlier in New South Wales. On the basis of liveweight produced at the farm-gate, emissions from direct land-use change for 1990-2010 were comparable in magnitude to those from other on-farm sources, which were dominated by enteric methane. However, calculation of land-use change impacts for the Queensland region for a period starting 2006, gave a range from net emissions of 0.11 t CO2-e ha-1 year-1 to net removals of 0.07 t CO2-e ha-1 year-1. This study demonstrated a method for deriving spatially- and temporally consistent datasets to improve estimates for direct land-use change impacts in life cycle assessment. It identified areas of uncertainty, including rates of sequestration in woody regrowth and impacts of land-use change on soil carbon stocks in grazed woodlands, but also showed the potential for direct land-use change to represent a net sink for GHG.
Relationships between aging, disease risks, and longevity are not yet well understood. For example, joint increases in cancer risk and total survival observed in many human populations and some experimental aging studies may be linked to a trade-off between cancer and aging as well as to the trade-off(s) between cancer and other diseases, and their relative impact is not clear. While the former trade-off (between cancer and aging) received broad attention in aging research, the latter one lacks respective studies, although its understanding is important for developing optimal strategies of increasing both longevity and healthy life span. In this paper, we explore the possibility of trade-offs between risks of cancer and selected major disorders. First, we review current literature suggesting that the trade-offs between cancer and other diseases may exist and be linked to the differential intensity of apoptosis. Then we select relevant disorders for the analysis (acute coronary heart disease [ACHD], stroke, asthma, and Alzheimer disease [AD]) and calculate the risk of cancer among individuals with each of these disorders, and vice versa, using the Framingham Study (5209 individuals) and the National Long Term Care Survey (NLTCS) (38,214 individuals) data. We found a reduction in cancer risk among old (80+) men with stroke and in risk of ACHD among men (50+) with cancer in the Framingham Study. We also found an increase in ACHD and stroke among individuals with cancer, and a reduction in cancer risk among women with AD in the NLTCS. The manifestation of trade-offs between risks of cancer and other diseases thus depended on sex, age, and study population. We discuss factors modulating the potential trade-offs between major disorders in populations, e.g., disease treatments. Further study is needed to clarify possible impact of such trade-offs on longevity.
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil
Introducción: Las enfermedades cardiovasculares han generado un alto impacto en morbimortalidad, la carga de enfermedad de la población y años de vida saludables, sufriendo mayor impacto en discapacidades, lo cual es imperativo el control de factores de riesgo cardiovascular. La principal causa de muerte en Colombia 2011 fue la enfermedad coronaria, según el instituto nacional de salud, lo cual implica la importancia de prevención y promoción. Objetivo: Estimar la prevalencia de factores de riesgo cardiovascular en trabajadores de una empresa hidroeléctrica de Colombia durante el año 2013, con mira a realizar intervención en estos. Metodología: Estudio descriptivo transversal, para determinar prevalencia de los factores de riesgo cardiovascular en una hidroeléctrica en Colombia. Muestra: 113 trabajadores a quienes se les aplicó un cuestionario integral adaptado incluyendo variables sociodemográficos, laborales, hábitos, información nutricional, antropométricas y de salud. Resultados: Entrevistados 113 trabajadores, edad promedio 39 años, entre 21 a 59 años de edad, 69% vinculación por contratista, 31% directo por la empresa, los cargos fueron dividos: producción 58,4%, administrativo 23%, oficios varios 18,6%. En antecedentes familiares, la hipertensión arterial e infarto agudo de miocardio fue 19,5%, antecedentes personales como estrés laboral 76.4%, consumo de alcohol 55.8%, sedentarismo 54,5%, el índice de masa corporal (IMC > 24.9) 54%, mientras los de menor prevalencia fue IAM y accidente cerebro vascular 0,9% seguidos de tabaquismo 6.3%. Conclusiones: Existe una prevalencia importante en ciertos factores modificables, los cuales encontramos principalmente estrés laboral, sedentarismo, consumo de alcohol, sobrepeso y obesidad, susceptibles a modificación mediante planes de promoción y prevención específicos.
El presente documento tuvo como objetivo el diagnóstico de las prácticas de alimentación de interés en nutrición y salud pública y la percepción de seguridad alimentaria en los hogares del municipio de Pacho departamento de Cundinamarca, información que permitió hacer análisis descriptivo de las frecuencias de consumo de los grupos alimentarios y la cualificación de seguridad en cuanto al acceso a los alimentos. Lo anterior se desarrolló mediante la adaptación de dos de los cinco formularios estructurados para la encuesta nacional de situación nutricional en Colombia del año 2010 liderado por el ministerio de protección social; las encuestas fueron realizadas a 400 personas jefe de hogar de acuerdo a muestreo aleatorio estratificado. El estudio mostró que hay inseguridad alimentaria total en un 34,7%, lo que incluye una percepción de inseguridad en un 3% del total de las familias encuestadas. Por último el estudio permitió concluir la importancia de fortalecer los programas de gobierno existentes, en aras de permitir el favorecimiento de la seguridad alimentaria y nutricional y el cambio de hábitos de nutrición desde una perspectiva intersectorial donde se incluyan los factores sociales, culturales, económicos y ecológicos de la comunidad orientados a estilos de vida saludables transcendentales en prevenir y disminuir el riesgo de enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles.
El uso de seguro de medicamentos, dentro del proceso de atención en salud, ha tomado importancia a nivel nacional e internacional al evidenciarse el aumento de incidentes y eventos relacionados con los medicamentos, que involucran desde el procesos de adquisición, pasando por la prescripción médica, la dispensación, la administración de medicamentos, hasta llegar a la utilización en los pacientes y cuidadores. El uso adecuado de medicamentos es una de las metas de seguridad del paciente de la Organización Mundial de la Salud, en las cuales trabaja todos los días el Instituto de Ortopedia Infantil Roosevelt, y en el caso específico de medicamentos lo hace a través de su Programa de Farmacovigilancia haciendo seguimiento y clasificación de los casos reportados, donde para los años 2012 al 2013 se observan avances considerables y la consolidación de estrategias que mejoran el uso del medicamento, que se da con una inducción adecuada a cada uno de los funcionarios que intervienen en este proceso y a la educación permanente de colaboradores, pacientes y sus cuidadores. El propósito de este estudio fue analizar los datos encontrados en las bases de del programa de Farmacovigilancia en el Instituto de Ortopedia Infantil Roosevelt en los años 2012-2013, estableciendo variables, comparando los resultados, determinando el estado actual y de ser posible establecer lineamientos de mejora al mismo
Introducción: La inhalación de polvo de carbón favorece el desarrollo de neumoconiosis, causa daños irreversibles al pulmón que se identifican radiológicamente. Los síntomas son tardíos y la patología se puede desarrollar tras varios años de exposición. Objetivo: Caracterizar los hallazgos radiográficos según la metodología de la Organización Internacional del Trabajo (OIT) 2000 y relacionarlos con la sintomatología respiratoria en trabajadores expuestos a polvo de carbón en las labores de minería de socavón en el departamento de Boyacá, Colombia, 2015. Materiales y métodos: Estudio de corte transversal realizado en 232 mineros, se indagó características sociodemográficas, signos y síntomas del sistema respiratorio. Se realizó radiografías de tórax y se aplicó la metodología OIT para describir los hallazgos. Se estableció asociación estadística a través de la prueba Chi cuadrado de Pearson. Para el procesamiento de la información se utilizó el programa SPSS statistics 2.3 Resultados: Toda la población fue de sexo masculino, con una edad promedio de 40,8 años. El cargo de picador fue el más frecuente en 72,4% de los trabajadores. Las radiografías mostraron opacidades pequeñas redondeadas (q/q) en 42%. La expectoración fue el síntoma más frecuente 66,4%. Se encontró una relación estadísticamente significativa entre el tabaquismo con las anomalía parenquimatosas (p=0,002).Conclusión: La prevalencia de neumoconiosis para el departamento de Boyacá fue de 29.7% entre los trabajadores valorados según los criterios OIT para lectura de radiografías de tórax, por lo que se requiere poner en práctica medidas de control a fin de reducir al mínimo la exposición de los trabajadores.
OPAL is an English national programme that takes scientists into the community to investigate environmental issues. Biological monitoring plays a pivotal role covering topics of: i) soil and earthworms; ii) air, lichens and tar spot on sycamore; iii) water and aquatic invertebrates; iv) biodiversity and hedgerows; v) climate, clouds and thermal comfort. Each survey has been developed by an interdisciplinary team and tested by voluntary, statutory and community sectors. Data are submitted via the web and instantly mapped. Preliminary results are presented, together with a discussion on data quality and uncertainty. Communities also investigate local pollution issues, ranging from nitrogen deposition on heathlands to traffic emissions on roadside vegetation. Over 200,000 people have participated so far, including over 1000 schools and 1000 voluntary groups. Benefits include a substantial, growing database on biodiversity and habitat condition, much from previously unsampled sites particularly in urban areas, and a more engaged public.
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA
Esta pesquisa tem como foco de estudo, o Currículo e a Formação de Professores ribeirinhos da Amazônia Paraense, analisou a articulação entre o Currículo do Curso de Pedagogia das Águas e os Saberes Culturais das comunidades dos discentes ribeirinhos do Município de Abaetetuba no Estado do Pará. Partiu-se da identificação de aspectos significativos do universo cultural ribeirinho das ilhas de Abaetetuba e da análise da maneira como os saberes culturais desses sujeitos foram tratados no Projeto Político Pedagógico e no Currículo do Curso de Pedagogia das Águas. Destaca-se que esse curso é vinculado ao Programa Nacional de Educação na Reforma Agrária e atendeu, exclusivamente, ribeirinhos assentados. A importância de se pesquisar tal temática, se justifica pela necessidade de se refletir acerca do currículo para a formação de professores do/no/e para o campo, do fortalecimento do protagonismo dos sujeitos e do reconhecimento da multiculturalidade amazônica e de suas especificidades geográficas, econômicas, sociais e ambientais, que pouco ou raramente são consideradas no espaço educativo. Para exploração do objeto de estudo optou-se por uma metodologia de abordagem qualitativa, buscando o apoio na exploração de bibliografias e documentos, na aplicação de instrumentos de pesquisa (como questionário e entrevista), e na sistematização, organização e análise dos dados e informações coletadas. Os resultados da pesquisa apontaram: os saberes culturais das comunidades ribeirinhas se fizeram presentes no currículo, de forma efetiva, no núcleo eletivo do curso; por meio das práticas dos professores, eles possuem aproximação/afinação, reconhecimento e/ou sensibilidade para com a vida dos povos ribeirinhos; assim como por meio das atividades extracurriculares em que evidenciaram e discutiram sobre a vida das populações do campo, e em especial, das comunidades ribeirinhas.
El presente no es un proyecto de investigación, sino de gestión y desarrollo de herramientas para la toma de decisiones. Su objetivo es colaborar dentro del marco de la "Red Nacional de Ordenamiento y Desarrollo Territorial" (Poder Ejecutivo Nacional, 2004) propuesta por el Gobierno Nacional, con los gobiernos provinciales y otros organismos en la planificación del uso de los recursos del territorio, procurando un manejo sostenible de los mismos, a fin de reducir en forma progresiva los desequilibrios espaciales, contribuyendo a elevar la calidad de vida de todos los habitantes del país. En las últimas décadas, ante la existencia de una creciente presión antrópica sobre el medio natural y, paralelamente, un mayor grado de conocimiento de las causas y efectos de los diferentes riesgos, éstos han comenzado a tener mayor influencia en la determinación de políticas y prioridades para inversiones o emprendimientos económicos en general y en la fijación de pautas de ocupación del territorio. La planificación aparece como una herramienta adecuada para orientar y organizar el desarrollo equitativo y sustentable de un territorio y la población que lo ocupa. El Ordenamiento Territorial (OT) significa disponer, con orden, la ocupación y usos del territorio según la mayor o menor aptitud de sus diferentes elementos constitutivos. Este proyecto se considera estratégico para el Programa Nacional Ecoregiones del INTA (PNECO), ya que encara los problemas territoriales desde un punto de vista global (aspectos económicos, sociales, productivos, culturales y ambientales), tradicionalmente tratados de forma sectorial, plantea directivas a mediano y largo plazo (escenarios) y guía la planificación regional y local. El enfoque central del OT es la visión participativa, acordando intereses contrapuestos (trade-offs1) y sinérgicos, transformando amenazas en oportunidades. Es este punto central el que permitirá vincular el PNECO con todos sus Proyecto Específicos (PE), considerando el marco de políticas públicas vinculadas al medio ambiente y la producción en cada ecoregión del país, asociado al Programa Nacional de Territorios del INTA