998 resultados para Names, Persian (Old)


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This article analyzes the relationship between truth and politics by asking whether the 'publicness' of a truth commission - defined by whether it has public hearings, releases a public report, and names perpetrators - contributes to democratization. The article reviews scholarship relevant to the potential democratizing effects of truth commissions and derives mechanisms that help explain this relationship. Work from the transitional justice field as well as democratization and political transition more generally is considered. Using a newly-constructed Truth Commission Publicness Dataset (TCPD), the analysis finds that even after statistically controlling for initial levels of democracy, democratic trends in the years prior to a commission, level of wealth, amnesties and/or trials, the influence of the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission, and different cutoff points for measuring democratization across a number of models, more publicness predicts higher levels of democracy years after the commission has finished its work. The more public a truth commission is, the more it will contribute to democratization. The finding that more public truth commissions are associated with higher levels of democratization indicates particular strategies that policymakers, donors, and civil society activists may take to improve prospects for democracy in a country planning a truth commission in the wake of violence and/or government abuse. © The Author(s) 2012.


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Christoph Franz of Lufthansa recently identified Ryanair, easyJet, Air Berlin and Emirates as the company’s main competitors – gone are the days when it could benchmark itself against BA or Air France-KLM! This paper probes behind the headlines to assess the extent to which different airlines are in competition, using evidence from the UK and mainland European markets. The issue of route versus network competition is addressed. Many regulators have put an emphasis on the former whereas the latter, although less obvious, can be more relevant. For example, BA and American will cease to compete between London and Dallas Fort Worth if their alliance obtains anti-trust immunity but 80% of the passengers on this route are connecting at one or both ends and hence arguably belong to different markets (e.g. London-San Francisco, Zurich-Dallas, Edinburgh-New Orleans) which may be highly contested. The remaining 20% of local traffic is actually insufficient to support a single point to point service in its own right. Estimates are made of the seat capacity major airlines are offering to the local market as distinct from feeding other routes. On a sector such as Manchester–Amsterdam, 60% of KLM’s passengers are transferring at Schiphol as against only 1% of bmibaby’s. Thus although KLM operates 5 flights and 630 seats per day against bmibaby’s 2 flights and 298 seats, in the point to point market bmibaby offers more seats than KLM. The growth of the Low Cost Carriers (LCCs) means that competition increasingly needs to be viewed on city pair markets (e.g. London-Rome) rather than airport pair markets (e.g. Heathrow-Fiumicino). As the stronger LCCs drive out weaker rivals and mainline carriers retrench to their major hubs, some markets now have fewer direct options than existed prior to the low cost boom. Timings and frequencies are considered, in particular the extent to which services are a true alternative especially for business travellers. LCCs typically offer lower frequencies and more unsociable timings (e.g. late evening arrivals at remote airports) as they are more focused on providing the cheapest service rather than the most convenient schedule. Interesting findings on ‘monopoly’ services are presented (including alliances) - certain airlines have many more of these than others. Lufthansa has a significant number of sectors to itself whereas at the other extreme British Airways has direct competition on almost every route in its network. Ryanair and flybe have a higher proportion of monopoly routes than easyJet or Air Berlin. In the domestic US market it has become apparent since deregulation that better financial returns can come from dominating a large number of smaller markets rather than being heavily exposed in the major markets - which are hotly fought over. Regional niches that appear too thin for Ryanair to serve (with its all 189 seat 737-800 fleet) are identified. Fare comparisons in contrasting markets provide some insights to marketing and pricing strategies. Data sources used include OAG (schedules and capacity), AEA (traditional European airlines traffic by region), the UK CAA (airport, airline and route traffic plus survey information of passenger types) and ICAO (international route traffic and capacity by carrier). It is concluded that airlines often have different competitors depending on the context but in surprisingly many cases there are actually few or no direct substitutes. The competitive process set in train by deregulation of European air services in the 1990s is leading back to one of natural monopolies and oblique alternatives. It is the names of the main participants that have changed however!


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A two and a half-year-old female Persian cat was presented with a history of bilateral chronic ocular discharge. Epiphora bilateral mucous ocular discharge and a volume increase in bulbar conjunctiva on the dorsolateral quadrant of the right eye were noticed during routine ophthalmic examination. Ophthalmic examination and the aspiration cytology showed the presence of adipose tissue at the right eye dorsolateral quadrant indicating orbital fat prolapse.


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Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is a primary myocardial abnormality characterized by diastolic dysfunction and congestive heart failure of unknown etiology. It is a cardiac disorder most common in cats (Felis catus), and is reported as a rare condition in dogs. There are racial, sex and age predisposition in cats. Clinical signs commonly found are anorexia, nausea, vomiting, acute dyspnea, paresis or paralysis of hind limbs. Radiographic and electrocardiographic exams are critical to understanding the disease, but Doppler echocardiographic imaging is the definitive method for diagnosis. Our objective is to report the appearance and Doppler ultrasonography in a case of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in a 3-year-old Persian cat.


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The sandfraction of the sediment was analysed in five cores, taken from 65 m water depth in the central and eastern part of the Persian Gulf. The holocene marls are underlayn by aragonite muds, which are probably 10-11,000 years old. 1. The cores could be subdivided into coarse grained and fine grained layers. Sorting is demonstrated by the following criteria: With increasing median values of the sandfraction - the fine grained fraction decreases within each core; - the median of each biogenic component, benthonic as well as planktonic, increases; - the median of the relict sediment, which in core 1179 was carried upward into the marl by bioturbation, increases; - the percentages of pelecypods, gastropods, decapods and serpulid worms in the sandfraction increase, the percentages of foraminifera and ostracods decrease; - the ratios of pelecypods to foraminifera and of decapods to ostracods increase; - the ratios of benthonic molluscs to planktonic molluscs (pteropods) and of benthonic foraminifera to planktonic foraminifera increase (except in core 1056 and 1179); - the ratio of planktonic molluscs (pteropods) to planktonic foraminifera increases; - the globigerinas without orbulinas increase, the orbulinas decrease in core 1056. Different settling velocities of these biogenic particles help in better understanding the results : the settling velocities, hence the equivalent hydrodynamic diameters, of orbulinas are smaller than those of other globigerinas, those of planktonic foraminifera are smaller than those of planktonic molluscs, those of planktonic molluscs are smaller than those of benthonic molluscs, those of pelecypods are smaller than those of gastropods. Bioturbation could not entirely distroy this "grain-size-stratification". Sorting has been stronger in the coarse layers than in the finer ones. As a cause variations in the supply of terrigenous material at constant strength of tidal currents is suggested. When much terrigenous material is supplied (large contents of fine grained fraction) the sedimentation rates are high: the respective sediment surface is soon covered and removed from the influence of tidal currents. When, however, the supply of terrigenous material is small, more sandy material is taken away in all locations within the influence of terrigenous supply. Thus the biogenic particles in the sediment do not only reflect the organic production, but also the influence of currents. 2. There is no parameter present in all cores that is independently variable from grain size and can be used for stratigraphic correlation. The two cores from the Strait of Hormus were correlated by their sequences of coarse and fine grained layers. 3. The sedimentation rates of terrigenous material, of total planktonic and benthonic organisms and of molluscs, foraminifera, echinoids and ophiuroids are shown in table 1 (total sediment 6.3-75.5 cm/1000 yr, biogenic carbonate 1.9-3.6 cm/1000 yr). The sedimentation rates of benthonic organisms are nearly the same in the cores of the Strait of Hormus, whereas near the Central Swell they are smaller. In the upper parts of the two cores of the Strait of Hormus sedimentation rates are higher than in the deeper parts, where higher median values point to stronger reworking. 4. The sequence of coarse and fine grained intervals in the two cores of the Hormus Strait, attributed to variations in climate, as well as the increase of terrigenous supply from the deeper to the upper parts of the cores, agrees with the descriptions in the literature of the post Pleistocene climate as becoming more humid. The rise of sea level is sedimentologically not measurable in the marly sediments - except perhaps for the higher content of echinoids in the lower part of core 1056. These may be attributed to the influence of a migrating wave-base. 5. The late Pleistocene aragonite mud is very fine grained (> 50%< 2 p) and poor in fossils (0.5-1.8%) biogenic particles of total sediment. The sand fraction consists almost entirely of white clumps, c. 0.1 mm in diameter (1177), composed of aragonite needles and of detrital minerals with the same size (1201). The argonite mud was probably not formed in situ, because the water depth at time of formation was at most 35 m at least 12 m. The sorting of the sediment (predominance of the fine grained sand), the absence of larger biogenic components and of pellets, c. 0.2-0.5 mm in diameter, which are typical for Recent and Pleistocene locations of aragonite formation, as well as the sedimentological conditions near the sampling points, indicate rather a transport of aragonite mud from an area of formation in very shallow waters. Sorting as well as lenticular fabric in core 1201 point to sedimentation within the influence of currents. During alternating sedimentation - and reworking processes the aragonitic matrix was separated from the silt - and sand-sized minerals. The lenses grade into touches because of bioturbation. 6. In core 1056 D2 from Hormus Bay the percentages of organic carbon, total nitrogen and total carbonate were determined. With increasing amounts of smaller grain sizes the content of organic matter increases, whereas the amount of carbonate decreases. The amounts of organic carbon and of nitrogen decrease with increasing depth, probably due to early-diagenetic decomposition processes. Most of the total nitrogen is of organic origin, only about 10% may well be inorganically fixed as ammonium-nitrogen. In the upper part of the core the C/N-ratio increases with increasing depth. This may be connected with a stronger decomposition of nitrogen-containing organic compounds. The general decrease of the C/N-ratios in the lower part of the core may be explained by the relative increase of inorganically fixed ammonium-nitrogen with decreasing content of organic matter.


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"Preface and apology" on p. [3] contains information on Mrs. Fisher's life and names of benefactors in San Francisco and Oakland who assisted her in writing the book.


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I. Old Testament (Genesis-Esther: R. Jamieson. Job-Malachi: A. R. Fausset).--II. New Testament (Matthew-Romans: D. Brown. 1 Corinthians-Revelation: A. R. Fausset)


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Historical and religious textts from the Temple Library of Nippur. 1914.


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This thesis investigates the place-names of four parishes in Berwickshire and compares coastal and inland naming patterns. Berwickshire is a large county that borders on northern England and historically formed part of Anglo-Saxon Northumbria. Partly due to the survival of extensive archives from the medieval priory of Coldingham, preserved in Durham Cathedral Archives, this county holds some of Scotland’s earliest recorded place- names. The parishes that form the research area are grouped together in the north-east of the county. Two of these parishes, Abbey St Bathans and Bunkle & Preston, are inland, and two, Cockburnspath and Coldingham, have extensive coastlines. The diversity of this group of parishes allows a comparative study of the place-names of coastal and inland areas to be undertaken. The topography of Berwickshire’s thirty-two parishes is very varied, and the four parishes have been chosen to reflect this range of landscapes. The place-names within the four parishes examined in this thesis derive almost exclusively from Old English, Older Scots, Modern Scots including Standard Scottish English, with a small minority derived from Old Norse, Gaelic, and Brittonic. The chronology of Old English, Older Scots, and Modern Scots is defined as given in the Concise Scots Dictionary: Old English is the period up to 1100, Older Scots is the period 1100-1700, and Modern Scots is the period 1700 onwards (CSD, 1985: xiii). Often with place-names it is not possible to give a precise dating for the coining of a toponym. For the purposes of this study, the language label given for a toponym is that of the date of the earliest record of the place-name with earlier linguistic evidence supplementing discussion. This thesis focuses on the names of topographic features, for example hills, rocks and woodland, and the role of perception in their naming. In order to compare the role of perception in inland and coastal naming, this thesis includes a diachronic study of the toponymy of the research area, along with two case studies. The first of these is a study of the toponymy of relief features, which focuses on generic elements in order to compare the perception of one type of referent in the two environments. The second is a study of the ‘colour’ category, which focuses on qualifying elements in order to compare the use of colour terms in the two environments. This thesis is the first comparative study of inland and coastal place-names, and it is one of the first to investigate new ways of using fieldwork as a central part of its methodology. In doing so it proposes innovative and nuanced ways to understand the toponymy of diverse landscapes within a community.