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A detailed study of the layered manganite La1+xSr2-xMn2O7 has been performed, establishing that within the composition range 0.1 less than or equal to x less than or equal to 0.45 the phases crystallize in the I4/mmm space group. The evolution of structural parameters with x: in this composition range has been followed using a novel application of an existing program for the Rietveld analysis of powder diffraction data. The structure, a familiar intergrowth of rock-salt (La,Sr)O slabs and double perovskite (La,Sr)(2)Mn2O6 units, is characterized by a reluctance to deform the latter. This manifests as a ''pumping'' of the larger Sr-II ion into the 12-coordinate site of the structure as x is increased. We report these features of the structure as well as electrical transport and magnetic properties, in light of recent observations of giant, negative magnetoresistance in these systems.


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We report an anomalous magnetostriction behavior of the charge ordered compound Nd0.5Sr0.5MnO3. We have found that the applied magnetic field not only gives rise to a large negative magnetoresistance but also produces a huge positive magnetovolume effect. This unusual effect is explained considering that the applied magnetic field induces a structural transition at which the volume drastically increases. This effect is also seen in the anisotropic magnetostriction which shows clear anomalies at the field induced transition.


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Ordered double perovskite oxides of the general formula A2BB′O6 have been known for several decades to have interesting electronic and magnetic properties. However, a recent report of a spectacular negative magnetoresistance effect in a specific member of this family, namely Sr2FeMoO6, has brought this class of compounds under intense scrutiny. It is now believed that the origin of the magnetism in this class of compounds is based on a novel kinetically-driven mechanism. This new mechanism is also likely to be responsible for the unusually high temperature ferromagnetism in several other systems, such as dilute magnetic semiconductors, as well as in various half-metallic ferromagnetic systems, such as Heussler alloys.


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We have synthesized ceramics of A2FeReO6 double-perovskites A2FeReO6 (A=Ba, Ca). Structural characterizations indicate a cubic structure with a=8.0854(1) Å for Ba2FeReO6 and a distorted monoclinic symmetry with a=5.396(1) Å, b=5.522(1) Å, c=7.688(2) Å and β=90.4° for Ca2FeReO6. The barium compound is metallic from 5K to 385K, i.e. no metal-insulator transition has been seen up to 385K, and the calcium compound is semiconducting from 5K to 385K. Magnetization measurements show a ferrimagnetic behavior for both materials, with Tc =315 K for Ba2FeReO6 and above 385K for Ca2FeReO6. At 5K we observed, only for Ba2FeReO6, a negative magnetoresistance of 10% in a magnetic field of 5T. Electrical, magnetic and thermal properties are discussed and compared to those of the analogous compounds Sr2Fe(Mo,Re)O6 recently studied.


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We present the synthesis and properties of iodine incorporated amorphous carbon films. Optical studies depict a decrease in band gap with variation in iodine content and pyrolysis temperature. Tuning of the metal-insulator transition is achieved by varying the pyrolysis temperature and iodine concentration. Appreciable decrease in magnetoresistance is observed with iodine incorporation, but negative magnetoresistance typical behavior of metallic samples is not witnessed.


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In1−xMnxSb crystals are grown with different Mn doping concentrations (x = 0.006, 0.01, 0.02, and 0.04) beyond the equilibrium solubility limit by the horizontal Bridgman technique. Structural, magnetic, and magnetotransport properties of the grown crystals are studied in the temperature range 1.4–300 K. Negative magnetoresistance and anomalous Hall effect are observed below 10 K. The anomalous Hall coefficient is found to be negative. The temperature dependence of the magnetization measurement shows a magnetic ordering below 10 K, which could arise from InMnSb alloy formation. Also, the saturation in magnetization observed even at room temperature suggests the existence of ferromagnetic MnSb clusters in the crystals, which has been verified by scanning electron microscopy studies. The carrier concentration increases with Mn doping, and this results in a decrease of resistivity. The carrier concentration and mobility at room temperature for the doped crystals are ∼ 2×1019 cm−3 and ∼ 200 cm2/V s, respectively. The observed anomalous Hall effect suggests the carrier mediated ferromagnetism below 10 K in In1−xMnxSb crystals.


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The charge transport in sulfonated multi-wall carbon nanotube (sMWNT)-Nafion composite is reported. The scanning electron microscope images of the composite, at 1 and 10 wt % of sMWNT, show that the nanotubes are well dispersed in polymer matrix, with conductivity values of 0.005 and 3.2 S/cm, respectively; and the percolation threshold is nearly 0.42 wt. %. The exponent (∼0.25) of the temperature dependence of conductivity in both samples indicates Mott's variable range hopping (VRH) transport. The conductance in 1 wt. % sample increases by three orders of magnitude at high electric-fields, consistent with VRH model. The negative magnetoresistance in 10 wt. % sample is attributed to the forward interference scattering mechanism in VRH transport. The ac conductance in 1 wt. % sample is expressed by σ(ω)∝ωs, and the temperature dependence of s follows the correlated barrier hopping model.


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In well dispersed multi-wall carbon nanotube-polystyrene composite of 15 wt%, with room temperature conductivity of similar to 5 S/cm and resistivity ratio R-2K/R-200K] of similar to 1.4, the temperature dependence of conductivity follows a power-law behavior. The conductivity increases with magnetic field for a wide range of temperature (2-200 K), and power-law fits to conductivity data show that localization length (xi) increases with magnetic field, resulting in a large negative magnetoresistance (MR). At 50T, the negative MR at 8 K is similar to 13% and it shows a maximum at 90K (similar to 25%). This unusually large negative MR indicates that the field is delocalizing the charge carriers even at higher temperatures, apart from the smaller weak localization contribution at T < 20 K. This field-induced delocalization mechanism of MR can provide insight into the intra and inter tube transport. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The magnetic properties of naturally layered intermetallic compound SmMn2Si2 with textured structure have been studied. There exist a ferromagnetic transition at 35 K and two antiferromagnetic transitions at 120 and 230 K. The antiferromagnetic state below 230 K exhibits different magnetoresistance, with a negative magnetoresistance of 3%-4% for current I applied perpendicular to the c axis and with a positive magnetoresistance effect of about 4%-6% for current I parallel to the c axis. The observed magnetoresistance is likely to be related to magnetovolume effects. In the ferromagnetic state, a positive magnetoresistance with a maximum increase of 22% under an applied field of 5 T is observed at 4 K, and both H perpendicular to I and H parallel to I configurations show positive magnetoresistance. (C) 1997 American Institute of Physics.


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Bi1-xLaxSrMn2O6 and BiSr1-xCaxMn2O6 are prepared by solid state reaction. They are n-type semiconductors with ferromagnetism at room temperture. When Bi is substituted partly by rare earth, a negative magnetoresistance effect is observed in the pellet of Bi1-xLaxSrMn2O6. There are semiconductor-metal transitions at 820 K in BiSrMn2O6. The transitions are attributed to the magnetic transition at high temperature. The substitution of Ca for Sr makes the transition temperature increase. However, when Bi is partly substituted by La, the solid solution does not change into metal. (C) 1996 Academic Press, Inc.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Mit dem System KCo2-xCuxS2 wurde ein neues magnetoresistives System gefunden. Der negative Magnetowiderstand ist mit der Größenordnung von 10 % in 8 Tesla bei 4 K klein im Vergleich zu Mangan-Perowskiten, jedoch eindeutig intrinsisch.Die magnetische Struktur des Thiospinells Fe0.5Cu0.5Cr2S4 konnte durch Neutronenbeugung, Mößbauer-Spektroskopie sowie begleitende Bandstrukturrechnungen aufgeklärt werden. Ein negativen Magnetowiderstand von 5,5 % nahe der Curie-Temperatur in Magnetfeldern von 8 Tesla bei der isostrukturellen eisenreichen Verbindung Fe0.75Cu0.25Cr2S4 wurde gefunden.Die intermetallischen Verbindungen des Gadoliniums weisen alle hohe negative Magnetowiderstände bei TC auf. Sowohl bei GdAl2 als auch bei GdPdP und GdPtP werden Widerstandsabsenkungen in 8 Tesla beobachtet, die bei ~1,5 TC 4 % erreichen und bis zu Temperaturen von 5 K über 6 % liegen. Während der Transportmechanismus in GdAl2 offenbar auf einer direkten Gd-Gd Wechselwirkung beruht, ist bei GdPdP und GdPtP bei tiefen Temperaturen ein nicht eindeutiges Verhalten beobachtbar. Ein Einfluss von Fremdphasen kann jedoch ausgeschlossen werden.Unter den metallreichen Phosphiden hexagonaler Struktur zeigt Fe2P große negative MR-Effekte von 7 % schon bei Raumtemperatur in hohen Feldern. Nahe der ferromagnetischen Ordnung reagiert die Verbindung auf äußere Felder bei niedrigen Feldstärken von weniger als 2 Tesla mit einer Erhöhung der Leitfähigkeit um 10 bis 11 %.


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Gegenstand dieser Arbeit war die Untersuchung von metallischen gemischtvalenten Manganaten und magnetischen Doppelperowskiten. Aufgrund ihres großen negativen Magnetowiderstandes (MW) sind diese halbmetallischen Oxide interessant für mögliche technische Anwendungen, z.B. als Leseköpfe in Festplatten. Es wurden die kristallographischen, elektronischen und magnetischen Eigenschaften von epitaktischen Dünnschichten und polykristallinen Pulverproben bestimmt.Epitaktische Dünnschichten der Verbindungen La0.67Ca0.33MnO3 und La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 wurdenmit Kaltkathodenzerstäubung und Laserablation auf einkristallinen Substraten wie SrTiO3abgeschieden. Mit Hall-Effekt Messungen wurde ein Zusammenbruch der Ladungsträgerdichte bei der Curie-Temperatur TC beobachtet.Mit dem Wechsel des Dotierungsatoms A von Ca (TC=232 K) zu Sr (TC=345 K)in La0.67A0.33MnO3 konnte die Feldsensitivität des Widerstandes bei Raumtemperatur gesteigert werden. Um die Sensitivität weiter zu erhöhen wurde die hohe Spinpolarisation von nahezu 100% in Tunnelexperimenten ausgenutzt. Dazu wurden biepitaktische La0.67Ca0.33MnO3 Schichten auf SrTiO3 Bikristallsubstraten hergestellt. Die Abhängigkeit des Tunnelmagnetowiderstandes (TMW) vom magnetischen Feld, Temperatur und Strum war ein Schwerpunkt der Untersuchung. Mittels spinpolarisierten Tunnelns durch die künstliche Korngrenze konnte ein hysteretischer TMW von 70% bei 4 K in kleinen Magnetfeldern von 120 Oe gemessen werden. Eine weitere magnetische Oxidverbindung, der Doppelperowskit Sr2FeMoO6 miteine Curie-Temperatur oberhalb 400 K und einem großen MW wurde mittels Laserablation hergestellt. Die Proben zeigten erstmals das Sättigunsmoment, welches von einer idealen ferrimagnetischen Anordnung der Fe und Mo Ionen erwartet wird. Mit Hilfe von Magnetotransportmessungen und Röntgendiffraktometrie konnte eine Abhängigkeit zwischen Kristallstruktur (Ordnung oder Unordnung im Fe, Mo Untergitter) und elektronischem Transport (metallisch oder halbleitend) aufgedeckt werden.Eine zweiter Doppelperowskit Ca2FeReO6 wurde im Detail als Pulverprobe untersucht. Diese Verbindung besitzt die höchste Curie-Temperatur von 540 K, die bis jetzt in magnetischen Perowskiten gefunden wurde. Mit Neutronenstreuung wurde eine verzerrte monoklinische Struktur und eine Phasenseparation aufgedeckt.