997 resultados para Mystical theology


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In my dissertation I have studied St Teresa (1515-1582) in the light of medieval mystical theories. I have two main levels in my research: historical and theological. On the historical level I study St Teresa s personal history in the context of her family and the Spanish society. On the theological level I study both St Teresa s mysticism and her religious experience in the light of medieval mysticism. St Teresa wrote a book called Life , which is her narrative autobiography and story about her mystical spiritual formation. She reflected herself through biblical texts interpreting them in the course of the biblical hermeneutics like allegory, typology, tropology and anagogy. In addition to that she read others life stories from her period of time, but reflected herself only slightly through the sociological point of view. She used irony as a means to gain acceptance to her authority and motive to write. Her position has been described as a double bind because of writing at the request of educated men and to the non-educated women as she herself was uneducated. She used irony as a means to achieve valuation to women, to gain negative attributes connected to them and to gain authority to teach them mystical spirituality, the Bible and prayer. In this ironic tendency she was a feminist writer. In order to understand medieval mysticism I have written in the first chapter a review of the main trends in medieval mysticism in connection with the classical emotional theories. Two medieval mystical theories show an important role in St Teresa s mysticism. One is love mysticism and the other is the three partite way of mysticism (purification, illumination and union). The classic-philosophical emotional theories play a role in both patterns. The theory of love mysticism St Teresa interpreted in the traditional way stressing the spiritual meaning of love in connexion with God and neighbors. Love is an emotion, which is bound with other emotions, but all objects of love don t strengthen spiritual love. In the three partite way of mysticism purification means to find biblical values in life and to practice meditative self-knowledge theologically interpreted. In illumination human understanding has to be illuminated by God and united to mystical knowledge from God. St Teresa considered illumination a way to learn things. Illumination has also psychological aspects like recognition of many trials and pains, which come from life on earth. Theologically interpreted in illumination one should die to oneself, let oneself be transformed and renewed by God. I have also written a review of the modern philosophical discussion on personal identity where memory and mental experiences are important creators of personal identity. St Teresa bound medieval mystical teaching together with her personal religious experience. Her personal identity is by its character based on her narrative life story where mental experiences play important role. Previous researchers have labelled St Teresa as an ecstatic person whose experiences produced ecstatic phenomena to the mysticism. These phenomena combined with visions have in one respect made of her a person who has brought physical and visionary tendencies to theology. In spite of that she also represents a modern tendency trying to give words to experiences, which at first seem to be exceptional and extreme and which are easily interpreted as one-sided either physical or sexual or unsaid. In other respect I have stressed the personality of St Teresa that was represented as both strong and weak. The strong personality for her is demonstrated by religious faith and in its practice. The weak personality was for her a natural personal identity. St Teresa saw a unifying aspect in almost all. Firstly, her mysticism was aimed towards union with God and secondly, the unifying aspects and common rules in human relations in community life were central. Union with God is based on the fact that in a soul God is living in its centre, where God is present in the Trinitarian way. The picture of God in ourselves is a mirror but to get to know God better is to recognize his/her presence in us. When the soul recognizes itself as a dwelling place of God, it knows itself as God knows him/herself. There is equality between God and the soul. To be a Christian means to participate in God in his Trinitarian being. The participation to God is a process of divinization that puts a person into transformation, change and renewal. The unitive aspect concludes also knowledge of opposites between experience of community and solitude as well as community and separateness. As a founder of monasteries St Teresa practiced theology of poverty. She renewed the monastic life founding a rule called discalced that stressed ascetic tendencies. Supporters of her work were after the difficulties in the beginning both society and churchly leaders. She wrote about the monasteries including in her description at times seriousness at times humor and irony. Her stories are said to be picaresque histories that contain stories of ordinary laymen and many unexpected occasions. She exercised a kind of Bakhtinian dialogue in her letters. St Teresa stressed the virtues like sacrifice, determination and courage in the monastic life. Most of what she taught of virtues is based on biblical spirituality but there are also psychological tendencies in her writings. The theological pedagogical advice is mixed with psychology, but she herself made no distinction between different aspects in her teaching. To understand St Teresa and her mysticism is to recognize that she mixes her personal religious experience and mysticism, which widens mysticism to religious experience in a new way, although this corresponds also the very definition of mysticism. St Teresa concentrated on mental-spiritual experiences and the aim of her mystical teaching was to produce a human mind well cured like a garden that has God as its gardener.


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The aim of the study is to examine Luther s theology of music from the standpoint of pleasure. The theological assessment of musical pleasure is related to two further questions: the role of emotions in Christianity and the apprehension of beauty. The medieval discussion of these themes is portrayed in the background chapter. Significant traits were: the suspicion felt towards sensuous gratification in music, music as a mathematical discipline, the medieval theory of emotions informed by Stoic apatheia and Platonic-Aristotelian metriopatheia, the notion of beauty as an attribute of God, medieval aesthetics as the aesthetic of proportion and the aesthetic of light and the emergence of the Aristotelian view of science that is based on experience rather than speculation. The treatment of Luther s theology of music is initiated with the notion of gift. Luther says that music is the excellent (or even the best) gift of God. This has sometimes been understood as a mere music-lover s enthusiasm. Luther is, however, not likely to use the word gift loosely. His theology can be depicted as a theology of gift. The Triune God is categorically giving. The notion of gift also includes reciprocity. When we receive the gifts of God, it evokes praise in us. Praising God is predominantly a musical phenomenon. The particular benefit of music in Luther s thought is that it can move human emotions. This emphasis is connected to the overall affectivity of Luther s theology. In contrast to the medieval discussion, Luther ascribes to saints not just emotions but particularly warm and tender affections. The power of music is related to the auditory and vocal character of the Word. Faith comes through hearing the Word that is at once musical and affective perception. Faith is not a mere opinion but the affective trust of the heart. Music can touch the human heart and persuade with its sweetness, like the good news of the Gospel. Music allows us to perceive Luther s theology as a theology of joy and pleasure. Joy is for Luther a gift of the Holy Spirit that fills the heart and bursts out in voice and gestures. Pleasure appears to be a central aspect to Luther s theology. The problem of the Bondage of the Will is precisely the human inability to feel pleasure in God s will. To be pleased in the visible and tangible creation is not something a Christian should avoid. On the contrary, if one is not pleased with the world that God has created, it is a sign of unbelief and ingratitude. The pleasure of music is aesthetic perception. This in turn necessitates the investigation of Luther s aesthetics. Aesthetic evaluation is not just a part of Luther s thought. Eventually his theology as a whole could be portrayed in aesthetic terms. Luther s extremely positive appreciation of music illutrates his theology as an affective acknowledgement of the goodness of the Creation and faith as an aesthetic contentment.


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Este artículo pone en diálogo a Hadewijch de Amberes con Adolphe Gesché, a través de una mediación antropológica. Ambos conciben al ser humano como constituido por un exceso, un plus ultra, una realidad que le viene de otro lado. Desde esta sintonía antropológico-teológico-mística, la opción de poner en juego a ambos quiere destacar la cercanía de pensamiento, de experiencia y de sentimiento que, como un puente, tensado sobre los siete siglos que los separan, los acercan de un modo sugestivo. Los extraordinarios y bellos poemas y escritos de Hadewijch, por un lado, y la sólida y atractiva teología de Gesché, por otro, se entrelazan con un objetivo común: asegurar la inefable dignidad del hombre pensante, sentiente, deseante, anhelante que sugiere a un “otro” que lo habita, que está más allá de toda realidad fáctica y al cual se intuye más que se define, se desea más que se posee, se apunta más que se nombra.


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Resumen: Santa Gertrudis se ubica en el punto de inflexión en que la unidad tradicional entre teología y vida espiritual comienza a debilitarse. Contemporánea al desarrollo de la escolástica, pertenece sin embargo al mundo monástico, donde la integración entre la vida y la teología, se cultiva y se defiende. Su vida se nos presenta como la de aquélla en quien se cumple la finalidad teológica que subyace a toda vida cristiana: la comprensión vital del misterio por la experiencia de íntima comunión con lo divino. Su doctrina ilumina el núcleo de la fe a partir de las fuentes de la liturgia, la revelación y la tradición patrística, asimiladas a través de su experiencia espiritual. Esta se expresa en la originalidad y precisión teológica de sus visiones y oraciones, vertidas en un lenguaje afectivo y simbólico, en el equilibrio de su doctrina espiritual y en su hondo sentido de Iglesia. Su experiencia constituye una mística dogmática, eclesial y esponsal, cuya universalidad y actualidad la hacen apta y atractiva al público creyente y no creyente de hoy


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Resumen: Desde el marco epistemológico de la interdisciplinariedad entre literatura, estética y teología el artículo propone pensar la estética teológica en una circularidad relacional, desde la clave mística de la nupcialidad como la morada actual de la expectación del Tú. Para demostrar esta hipótesis el artículo se divide en dos partes: en la primera, desarrolla los fundamentos teóricos de la nupcialidad como centro del dinamismo de una estética teológica situada en el contexto posmoderno de la expectación del otro; en la segunda, se muestra la aplicabilidad poética de la figura canónica del centro desde las figuras derivadas de expectación, morada y nupcialidad.


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Resumen: El cardenal Nicolás de Cusa se propuso resolver el impasse que en el campo teológico implica la descalificación que desde el nominalismo se hizo conocimiento metafísico. Fue su particular interpretación de la naturaleza de Dios y su modo de conocerla, la que le permitió fundar una nueva teología con la que pretendía superar las limitaciones de un saber que en su opinión sólo era apto para conocer el orden finito. Para ello propone sustituir la vía de conocimiento racional, por otra de carácter puramente intuitivo, cuyo rasgo esencial es el saber del no saber, esto es, la vía de la “docta ignorancia”. Con lo cual el hombre está en condiciones de alcanzar un tipo de saber de orden místico sólo parangonable con el que se puede alcanzar en la bienaventuranza eterna. Es propósito del presente estudio determinar si, sobre las bases presentadas por el Cusano es posible erigir el saber que conviene a una teología natural, e incluso al de una teología mística.


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A presente pesquisa investiga a produção de subjetividade em seminários católicos. Por meio de diversos teóricos, girando em torno do eixo conceitual da Análise Institucional (em sua vertente socioanalítica e, principalmente, esquizoanalítica), pesquisou-se um importante seminário católico diocesano na região Sudeste, um dos primeiros fundados no Brasil. Um seminário é a instituição de internato em que muitos homens vivem, estudam e trabalham, durante oito anos em média, para se tornarem padres. Nossa pesquisa de campo utilizou-se da observação participante, oriunda da antropologia e sociologia, em diversas visitas ao estabelecimento, durante as quais fomos autorizados a participar de todas as atividades dos 110 seminaristas internos. Em seguida, alguns seminaristas, de todas as etapas da formação, e todos os 5 padres formadores foram entrevistados. Recorremos a entrevistas abertas de história de vida, segundo os procedimentos da História Oral italiana. Guiados pela distinção da filosofia de Spinoza de três gêneros de conhecimento, buscamos dramatizar a formação clerical em três níveis de compreensão: os Signos ou afectos, as Noções ou conceitos, as Essências ou perceptos. Por meio dessa trajetória, constatamos o predomínio da dimensão do instituído e de uma modelização homogeneizadora de tipo romana, resultando em que os clérigos ali formados se fechem em uma identidade sacerdotal claramente identificável e encapsulada na obediência aos centros de poder eclesiais: a Cúria romana, a Mitra diocesana e a Paróquia. Busca-se, na formação, reproduzir a subjetividade serializada segundo um Modelo sacerdotal institucionalizado, no qual as dimensões litúrgica e disciplinar são ressaltadas, em detrimento das dimensões místico-políticas sendo a perseguição à Teologia da Libertação um importante analisador dessa característica. A constante vigilância da pureza doutrinal, litúrgica, organizacional e teológica indicou-nos a pressão em reprimir a dimensão místico-profética, que range, querendo se expressar. Em vista disso, bem como de inúmeros outros analisadores, conceitos e personagens produzidos ao longo da pesquisa, pudemos constatar que o desejo clerical, modulado na formação seminarística, oscila entre dois pólos: um pólo sacerdotal-romano-paranóico e um pólo profético-libertador-esquizo. No primeiro, há redução à identidade hegemônica nascida nos centros de poder eclesiais, fechando-se à diferença, na busca de um projeto de imortalidade frente às intempéries da vida e transformações da História, produzindo práticas hierárquicas a partir de um pensamento de caráter transcendente, representativo. No segundo pólo, há busca de singularização, nascida do seguimento a Jesus, o conseqüente compromisso com os menores e excluídos dentro e fora da Igreja e o processo inerente a esta produção de sentido, criando-se, em conseqüência, uma radical imanentização da vida cristã e de seus pólos e transcendências: material/espiritual, fé/vida, Igreja/Mundo, mística/política. O seminário pesquisado, indicador das transformações micropolíticas da Igreja contemporânea, produz hegemonicamente um desejo sacerdotal-romano-paranóico, forjando funcionários do poder da Igreja, burocratas do aparelho de Estado romano, aplicadores de suas rubricas litúrgicas e normas doutrinais e morais, e não profetas do Reino de Deus, máquinas de guerra libertadoras quanto a tudo o que oprime a potência da vida e suas inauditas expressões singulares.


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The author examines several passages from Homer, Hesiod and the Hymns for content appropriate for religious instruction, a function both traditionally attributed to those works (by Herodotus) and denied them (at the earliest, by Xenophanes). The issues cover theodicy, the nature of deities and their honours, the efficacy of prayer and the meaning of sacrifices and food offering.


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The future of theology libraries is far from clear. Since the nineteenth century, theology libraries have evolved to support the work of theological education. This article briefly reviews the development of theology libraries in North America and examines the contextual changes impacting theology libraries today. Three significant factors that will shape theology libraries in the coming decade are collaborative models of pedagogy and scholarship, globalization and rapid changes in information technology, and changes in the nature of scholarly publishing including the digitization of information. A large body of research is available to assist those responsible for guiding the direction of theology libraries in the next decade, but there are significant gaps in what we know about the impact of technology on how people use information that must be filled in order to provide a solid foundation for planning.


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Traces the study of theology from its beginning until the beginning of the 20th century


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Sermon by William Fairfield Warren.


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