989 resultados para Multimethod Probes


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Catalytic probes are used for plasma diagnostics in order to quantify the density of neutral atoms. The probe response primarily depends on the probe material and its surface morphology. Here we report on the design, operation and modelling of the response of niobium pentoxide sensors with a flat and nanowire (NW) surfaces. These sensors were used to detect neutral oxygen atoms in the afterglow region of an inductively coupled rf discharge in oxygen. A very different response of the flat-surface and NW probes to the varying densities of oxygen atoms was explained by modelling heat conduction and taking into account the associated temperature gradients. It was found that the nanostructure probe can measure in a broader range than the flat oxide probe due to an increase in the surface to volume ratio, and the presence of nanostructures which act as a thermal barrier against sensor overheating. These results can be used for the development of the new generation of catalytic probes for gas/discharge diagnostics in a range of industrial and environmental applications.


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Three fullerene isoindoline nitroxides N-methyl-3,4-fulleropyrrolidine-2-spiro-5′- (1′,1′,3′,3′-tetramethylisoindolin-2′-yloxyl), (C60-(TMIO)m, and C70-(TMIO)n) were synthesized by the covalent bonding of 5-formyl-1,1,3,3-tetramethyl isoindolin-2-yloxyl to the fullerenes C60 and C70. Significantly, the X-ray photoelectron spectra indicated the characteristic N 1s signals of NO. at 402 eV. The atomic force microscope morphologies showed that the average particle sizes of C60-(TMIO)m and C70-(TMIO)n were 38 and 15 nm. The electrochemical experiments indicated that fullerene bound isoindoline nitroxides retained similar electrochemical properties and redox reaction mechanisms as the parent nitroxides. The electron paramagnetic resonance spectra of the fullerene isoindoline nitroxides all exhibited the hyperfine splittings and characteristic spectra of tetramethyl isoindoline nitroxides, with typical nitroxide g-values and nitrogen isotropic hyperfine coupling constants. Therefore, these fullerene isoindoline nitroxides may be considered as potential candidates for novel biological spin probes using electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy.


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Novel profluorescent mono- and bis-​isoindoline nitroxides linked to naphthalimide and perylene diimide structural cores are described. These nitroxide-​fluorophore probes display strongly suppressed fluorescence in comparison to their corresponding non-​radical diamagnetic methoxyamine derivs. The perylene-​based probe possessing two isoindoline systems tethered through ethynyl linkages was shown to be the most photostable in soln., demonstrating significantly enhanced longevity over the 9,​10-​bis(phenylethynyl)​anthracene fluorophore used in previous profluorescent nitroxide probes.


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The stable free radical 1,1,3,3-tetramethylisoindolin-2-yloxyl (TMIO) has proved to be very suitable for use as a spin probe for a number of applications. Because it is soluble mainly in non-polar liquids, there is a need for new derivatives that can be used in a variety of environments. This has been done by introducing substituents in the 5-position of the aromatic ring, namely carboxyl (CTMIO), trimethylamino (TMTMIOI) and sodium sulphonate (NaTMIOS). An accurate ESR method was developed for the measurement of partition coefficients in n-octanol–water. For comparison purposes the method was also applied to some Tempo derivatives. The effect of temperature on the rotational correlation times and the nitrogen-14 hyperfine coupling constant of some of the spin probes was investigated. There is evidence for dimerization of CTMIO to form a biradical


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Linalool-8-monoxygenase, a typical bacterial P-450 heme thiolase, shows a high degree of substrate specificity towards linalool. The active site of the pure enzyme has been probed with a large number of substrate analogues with systematic alterations or conformational variations in the linalool molecule. The comparison of three parameters, the mo→mos conversion of the enzyme as a result of substrate binding monitored at 392 nm, theK D of the analogues giving information about energies of association and the relative turnover as substrate have given information about the space-filling characteristics of the substrates in the enzyme cleft, the number of contacts the molecules make with the respective domains of the enzyme and the distance of the site undergoing hydroxylation from the oxygen site, respectively. The data permit the conclusion that linalool makes contact with the enzyme by hydrogen bonding with the hydroxyl group as well through hydrophobic association with all the eight carbons carrying hydrogen in the molecules.


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The interaction of the cholinergic fluorescent probes, 1-(5-dimethyl-aminoaphthalene-1-sulfonamido) ethane-2-trimethylammonium perchlorate, 1-(5-dimethylaminonaphthalene-1-sulfonamido) pentane-5-trimethylammonium tartarate and 1-(5-dimethylaminonaphthalene-1-sulfonamido) decane-10- trimethylammonium tartarate with horse serum cholinesterase has been examined by fluorescence and n.m.r. methods. Fluorescence titrations show binding of the decane derivative to two sites on the protein whereas the lower homologs bind largely to one site. Active site inhibitors like curbamylcholine and decamethonium abolish binding of the decane derivative to the high affinity site. The inhibitors are largely without effect on the binding of the lower homologs. N.m.r. studies clearly establish immobilization of both ends of the molecule on binding in the case of the decane derivative, whereas in the lower homologs the dimethylamino group on the naphthalene ring is significantly more affected in the presence of enzyme. The probes are effective inhibitors of the enzyme with the decane derivative being two orders of magnitude more effective than its lower homologs. Based on the n.m.r., fluorescence and inhibition studies, a model for probe binding to the enzyme is advanced. It appears that the decane derivative binds with high affinity to the catalytic anionic site while the lower affinity site is assigned to a peripheral anionic site. The lower homologs probe only the peripheral site. A comparison of fluorescence, n.m.r. and inhibition studies with acetylcholinesterases from electric eel and bovine erythrocytes is presented.


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7-Alkoxy and 4-methyl-7-alkoxy coumarins show solvent-dependent fluorescence emission. The monomeric fluorescence emission of these alkoxy coumarins was exploited as a probe to measure the surface polarity of the micelles formed by ionic (sodium dodecylsulphate and cetyltrimethyl-ammonium bromide) and non-ionic (Triton X-100) detergents. By comparing the solvent-dependent fluorescence of these alkoxy coumarins in various homogeneous solvents, the polarity of the micelles was determined qualitatively. All three micelles are more polar than hydrocarbon solvents but are less polar than water.


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The use of paramagnetic probes in membrane research is reviewed. Electron paramagnetic resonance studies on model and biological membranes doped with covalent and non-covalent spin-labels have been discussed with special emphasis on the methodology and the type of information obtainable on several important phenomena like membrane fluidity, lipid flip-flop, lateral diffusion of lipids, lipid phase separation, lipid bilayer phase transitions, lipid-protein interactions and membrane permeability. Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy has also been effectively used to study the conformations of cation mediators across membranes and to analyse in detail the transmembrane ionic motions at the mechanistic level.


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In cells, the balance of oxidation and reduction reactions (redox chemistry) plays a significant role in key biological processes such as cell signaling, cell fate determination and the body's defence systems, all of which contribute significantly to the overall well-being of the body. This project served as a step forward in developing a more efficient method to monitor mitochondrial redox status. The method is based on the application of profluorescent nitroxides (PFN) that change in fluorescent intensity based on changing mitochondrial redox status. A major impact of this project is to facilitate assessment of mitochondrial redox status and thereby determine the efficacy of antioxidant treatments.


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Polymer-DNA conjugates in which one nucleic acid strand contains fluorine-substituted nucleobases have been prepared and characterised. The efficacy of these novel F-19 nucleic acid-polymer conjugates as sensitive and selective in vitro reporters of DNA binding events is demonstrated through a number of rapid-acquisition MR sequences. The conjugates respond readily and in a sequence specific manner to external target oligonucleotide sequences by changes in hybridisation. In turn, these structural changes in polymer-nucleotide conjugates translate into responses which are detectable in fluorine relaxation and diffusion switches, and which can be monitored by in vitro Spin Echo and DOSY NMR spectroscopy. Although complementary to conventional FRET methods, the excellent diagnostic properties of fluorine nuclei make this approach a versatile and sensitive probe of molecular structure and conformation in polymeric assemblies.


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Nuclear Overhauser effects (NOE) and circular dichroism (CD) techniques have been used to probe @-turn conformations in acyclic and cyclic peptides containingPro-Xsequences. The model peptides studied are of the type Piv-Pro-X-NHMe (X = Aib, D-Ala, Gly, Val, and Leu) and Boc-Cys-Pro-X-C s NHMe (X = Aib, L-Ala, D-Ala, Gly, and Leu). In the acyclic series, observation of NOES between Pro C"H and X-NH, together with solvent and temperature dependence of NH chemical shifts, establishes a 4 - 1 hydrogen bond stabilized type I1 @-turn in the Gly, D-Ala, and Aib peptides, in CDC13 and (CD3)2S0. A positive n-r* CD band at -225-230 nm appears to be characteristic of this structure. For the acyclic Pro-Leu peptide the observation of NOE's for both Pro and Leu C"H resonances on saturation of Leu NH is compatible with a type V bend or consecutive y-turn conformation. In the cyclic disulfide series the Pro-Aib and Pro-D-Ala peptides favor type I1 @-turns, whereas all other peptides adopt type I (111) conformations. All the cyclic disulfides exhibit an intense negative CD band at -228-230 nm. The results suggest thatgeneralcorrelations between CD spectral type and specific 0-turn conformations may not be obtained. Evidence for solvent-dependent structural changes in the Pro-Aib sequence in both cyclic and acyclic peptides is presented.


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Microbes in natural and artificial environments as well as in the human body are a key part of the functional properties of these complex systems. The presence or absence of certain microbial taxa is a correlate of functional status like risk of disease or course of metabolic processes of a microbial community. As microbes are highly diverse and mostly notcultivable, molecular markers like gene sequences are a potential basis for detection and identification of key types. The goal of this thesis was to study molecular methods for identification of microbial DNA in order to develop a tool for analysis of environmental and clinical DNA samples. Particular emphasis was placed on specificity of detection which is a major challenge when analyzing complex microbial communities. The approach taken in this study was the application and optimization of enzymatic ligation of DNA probes coupled with microarray read-out for high-throughput microbial profiling. The results show that fungal phylotypes and human papillomavirus genotypes could be accurately identified from pools of PCR amplicons generated from purified sample DNA. Approximately 1 ng/μl of sample DNA was needed for representative PCR amplification as measured by comparisons between clone sequencing and microarray. A minimum of 0,25 amol/μl of PCR amplicons was detectable from amongst 5 ng/μl of background DNA, suggesting that the detection limit of the test comprising of ligation reaction followed by microarray read-out was approximately 0,04%. Detection from sample DNA directly was shown to be feasible with probes forming a circular molecule upon ligation followed by PCR amplification of the probe. In this approach, the minimum detectable relative amount of target genome was found to be 1% of all genomes in the sample as estimated from 454 deep sequencing results. Signal-to-noise of contact printed microarrays could be improved by using an internal microarray hybridization control oligonucleotide probe together with a computational algorithm. The algorithm was based on identification of a bias in the microarray data and correction of the bias as shown by simulated and real data. The results further suggest semiquantitative detection to be possible by ligation detection, allowing estimation of target abundance in a sample. However, in practise, comprehensive sequence information of full length rRNA genes is needed to support probe design with complex samples. This study shows that DNA microarray has the potential for an accurate microbial diagnostic platform to take advantage of increasing sequence data and to replace traditional, less efficient methods that still dominate routine testing in laboratories. The data suggests that ligation reaction based microarray assay can be optimized to a degree that allows good signal-tonoise and semiquantitative detection.


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Monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) have been used extensively for identification of sequence-specific epitopes using either the ELISA or/and IRMA methods, However, attempts to use MAbs for identification of conformation-specific epitopes have been very few as they are considered very labile. We have investigated the stability of conformation-specific epitopes of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) using a quantitative solid-phase radioimmnunoassay (SPRIA) technique. Several epitopes are stable to mild modification (chemical and proteolytic) conditions, and epitopes show differential stability for these modifications. Based on these observations, a monoclonal antibody (MAb 16) for an a-subunit-specific epitope of hCG has been used to monitor changes at the epitopic site (identified as epitope 16) on modification of hCG, using SPRIA with immobilized MAb 16. Modifications of amino groups, hydroxyl group of tyrosine as well as carboxyl group of Asp/Glu all bring about sufficient changes in the epitope integrity. Peptide bond hydrolysis at lysine residues damages the epitope, but not at arginine residues, Hydrolysis at tyrosine does not affect the epitope, though modification of the side-chain of tyrosine inactivates the epitope. Destruction of the epitope occurs on reduction of the disulphide bonds. Partial retention of the epitope activity is seen on modification of carboxyl or the epsilon-amino groups of lysine. Based on these results four to six amino acids have been identified to be at the epitopic site, and the data suggest that two peptide segments are brought together by the disulphide bond Cys10-Cys60 to form the epitope.