994 resultados para Multi-functionality


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A pesquisa considera a difusão de celulares e smartphones e as consequências deste fato em possibilidades para o ensino-aprendizagem. Aparatos de comunicação sempre estiveram ligados ao processo de ensino-aprendizagem. Entretanto, com o desenvolvimento mais intenso, nas últimas décadas, das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TIC), essa relação vem ganhando novos contornos. Surge a Internet, a evolução das máquinas computacionais e, recentemente, a explosão dos dispositivos móveis, fornecendo novos produtos e serviços convergentes. Nesse contexto, celulares e smartphones tem sido utilizados e recomendados para apoio e complemento do processo de ensino-aprendizagem: a chamada Aprendizagem Móvel. Esse ramo cresce devido à rápida expansão e barateamento dessas tecnologias na sociedade. Para verificar cientificamente essa relação foi realizada uma pesquisa de natureza qualitativa, do tipo exploratória, com dois projetos de Aprendizagem Móvel em andamento no Brasil, o Palma – Programa de Alfabetização na Língua Materna e o Escola Com Celular – ECC. Assim, a partir dos dados provenientes da pesquisa, identificamos alguns aspectos relacionados ao uso de celulares e smartphones para o processo de ensino-aprendizagem que contribuem na compreensão desse campo ainda em construção no Brasil. O uso desses dispositivos como suporte para processos de ensino-aprendizagem nos projetos estudados é delineado pelos aspectos tecnologia, dispositivo, público e contexto e novas tecnologias e Aprendizagem Móvel. O aspecto dispositivo desdobra-se em dimensões como disseminação, multifuncionalidade e acessibilidade que embasam os projetos, ainda favorece características apontadas como importantes para o processo de ensino-aprendizagem na atualidade, como mobilidade e portabilidade. Os projetos pesquisados demonstram potencial e metodologia adequada aos contextos para os quais foram criados e aplicados. Entretanto, a pesquisa indicou que ao mesmo tempo em que celulares e smartphones representam o ápice da convergência tecnológica e são considerados extremamente populares e acessíveis na sociedade contemporânea, com possibilidades concretas como nos projetos estudados, não conseguiram conquistar uma posição sólida como suporte para o ensino-aprendizagem. Tal indicação se deve, de acordo com o corpus, à carência de alguns fatores, como: fomento, as práticas se mostram extremamente dependentes da iniciativa pública ou privada para sua extensão e continuidade; sensibilização para o uso de tecnologias disponíveis, não consideram o aparelho dos próprios alunos e um planejamento que inclua, capacite e incentive o uso desses dispositivos. Além disso, a pesquisa também destaca a necessidade de uma visão crítica do uso e papel da tecnologia nesses processos.


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A presente dissertação constitui o culminar do Mestrado Integrado em Arquitetura e Urbanismo, da Universidade Fernando Pessoa – Porto. Tem como objeto de estudo a indústria em Território de Urbanização Difusa, sendo o objetivo maior a sua compreensão através, principalmente, da relação entre a dispersão industrial e as diretrizes de ocupação determinadas pelos planos de ordenamento do território, no contexto do concelho. Com este intuito foram analisadas quatro zonas que abrangem parte das freguesias de Gandra, Rebordosa, Lordelo, Vilela, Sobrosa e Duas Igrejas, localizadas no noroeste do concelho de Paredes, as quais se observaram num período cronológico delimitado entre 1947 e 2011. Trata-se de um território de grande complexidade onde existe uma multifuncionalidade de espaços. Caracteriza-se, fundamentalmente, por uma ocupação difusa/dispersa, tendo como suporte a rede de estradas e caminhos públicos em que a atividade industrial predomina nas mais diversas dimensões, desde as zonas industriais aquela inserida nos aglomerados residenciais de cariz familiar. Esta dispersão intensificou-se ao longo do séc. XX, com a fixação dispersa das indústrias que promoveram o desenvolvimento de um modelo de economia familiar que se reflete no território. A implementação do Planeamento formal, em finais desse século, virá estabelecer regras que ainda assim parecem insuficientes para controlar os aspetos mais negativos das opções individuais pré-plano. Na verdade, o atual modelo de implantação industrial levanta muitas preocupações no que concerne à preservação das estruturas “verdes”, podendo vir a comprometer, no futuro, a sustentabilidade ambiental e ecológica deste território. Será com algumas breves reflexões a este propósito, após repassar as questões principais do trabalho, que o terminaremos.


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Numa época em que se atravessam dificuldades ligadas aos efeitos das alterações climáticas, a agricultura é um sector muito afectado e que necessita urgentemente que sejam tomadas medidas que ajudem a mitigar os efeitos dessas alterações. É inadiável a integração de critérios de sustentabilidade nas explorações agro-pecuárias, para que através da prática de uma agricultura sustentável, seja possível resgatar os ecossistemas em risco e que podem contribuir para a redução dos impactos negativos. O estudo de caso da Herdade do Freixo do Meio revelou que é possível a conciliação de aspectos ambientais e socioeconómicos, recorrendo à multifuncionalidade que a actividade agrícola apresenta na sua função de produtora de bens e serviços. A existência de políticas baseadas na valorização ambiental contribui para o bem-estar social e para a conservação dos recursos naturais, através de uma maior eficiência na sua afectação. ABSTRACT; ln a time that we are going through difficulties related to the climate changing effects, agriculture is a very affected sector that needs urgent measurements to be taken, that would assist to mitigate the change effects. Integration of sustainability criteria in the mixed farming production cannot be delayed, through the practice of sustainable agriculture it can be possible to rescue threatened ecosystems that could contribute for the reduction of negative impacts. The case study of Herdade do Freixo do Meio revealed that is possible the reconciliation of environmental and socio-economic aspects, using the multi functionality that farming activity presents in its role as a producer of goods and services. The existence of policies based in environment valorization contributes to the welfare and to the conservation of natural resources, through greater efficiency in its allocation.


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The multi-level current reinjection concept described in literature is well-known to produce high quality AC current waveforms in high power and high voltage self-commutating current source converters. This paper proposes a novel reinjection circuitry which is capable of producing a 7-level reinjection current. It is shown that this reinjection current effectively increases the pulse number of the converter to 72. The use of PSCAD/EMTDC simulation validates the functionality of the proposed concept illustrating its effectiveness on both AC and DC sides of the converter.


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In this paper, we integrate two or more compliant mechanisms to get enhanced functionality for manipulating and mechanically characterizing the grasped objects of varied size (cm to sub-mm), stiffness (1e5 to 10 N/m), and materials (cement to biological cells). The concepts of spring-lever (SL) model, stiffness maps, and non-dimensional kinetoelastostatic maps are used to design composite and multi-scale compliant mechanisms. Composite compliant mechanisms comprise two or more different mechanisms within a single elastic continuum while multi-scale ones possess the additional feature of substantial difference in the sizes of the mechanisms that are combined into one. We present three applications: (i) a composite compliant device to measure the failure load of the cement samples; (ii) a composite multi-scale compliant gripper to measure the bulk stiffness of zebrafish embryos; and (iii) a compliant gripper combined with a negative-stiffness element to reduce the overall stiffness. The prototypes of all three devices are made and tested. The cement sample needed a breaking force of 22.5 N; the zebrafish embryo is found to have bulk stiffness of about 10 N/m; and the stiffness of a compliant gripper was reduced by 99.8 % to 0.2 N/m.


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FEA and CFD analysis is becoming ever more complex with an emerging demand for simulation software technologies that can address ranges of problems that involve combinations of interactions amongst varying physical phenomena over a variety of time and length scales. Computation modelling of such problems requires software technologies that enable the representation of these complex suites of 'physical' interactions. This functionality requires the structuring of simulation modules for specific physical phemonmena so that the coupling can be effectiely represented. These 'multi-physics' and 'multi-scale' computations are very compute intensive and so the simulation software must operate effectively in parallel if it is to be used in this context. Of course the objective of 'multi-physics' and 'multi-scale' simulation is the optimal design of engineered systems so optimistation is an important feature of such classes of simulation. In this presentation, a multi-disciplinary approach to simulation based optimisation is described with some key examples of application to challenging engineering problems.


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This paper provides an overview of the developing needs for simulation software technologies for the computational modelling of problems that involve combinations of interactions amongst varying physical phenomena over a variety of time and space scales. Computational modelling of such problems requires software tech1nologies that enable the mathematical description of the interacting physical phenomena together with the solution of the resulting suites of equations in a numerically consistent and compatible manner. This functionality requires the structuring of simulation modules for specific physical phenomena so that the coupling can be effectively represented. These multi-physics and multi-scale computations are very compute intensive and the simulation software must operate effectively in parallel if it is to be used in this context. An approach to these classes of multi-disciplinary simulation in parallel is described, with some key examples of application to2 challenging engineering problems.


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This paper presents a multi-language framework to FPGA hardware development which aims to satisfy the dual requirement of high-level hardware design and efficient hardware implementation. The central idea of this framework is the integration of different hardware languages in a way that harnesses the best features of each language. This is illustrated in this paper by the integration of two hardware languages in the form of HIDE: a structured hardware language which provides more abstract and elegant hardware descriptions and compositions than are possible in traditional hardware description languages such as VHDL or Verilog, and Handel-C: an ANSI C-like hardware language which allows software and hardware engineers alike to target FPGAs from high-level algorithmic descriptions. On the one hand, HIDE has proven to be very successful in the description and generation of highly optimised parameterisable FPGA circuits from geometric descriptions. On the other hand, Handel-C has also proven to be very successful in the rapid design and prototyping of FPGA circuits from algorithmic application descriptions. The proposed integrated framework hence harnesses HIDE for the generation of highly optimised circuits for regular parts of algorithms, while Handel-C is used as a top-level design language from which HIDE functionality is dynamically invoked. The overall message of this paper posits that there need not be an exclusive choice between different hardware design flows. Rather, an integrated framework where different design flows can seamlessly interoperate should be adopted. Although the idea might seem simple prima facie, it could have serious implications on the design of future generations of hardware languages.


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Composites of multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) of varied functionality (unfunctionalised and carboxyl and amine functionalised) with polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) were prepared for use as a bone cement. The MWCNT loadings ranged from 0.1 to 1.0 wt.%. The fatigue properties of these MWCNT–PMMA bone cements were characterised at MWCNT loading levels of 0.1 and 0.25 wt.% with the type and wt.% loading of MWCNT used having a strong influence on the number of cycles to failure. The morphology and degree of dispersion of the MWCNT in the PMMA matrix at different length scales were examined using field emission scanning electron microscopy. Improvements in the fatigue properties were attributed to the MWCNT arresting/retarding crack propagation through the cement through a bridging effect and hindering crack propagation. MWCNT agglomerates were evident within the cement microstructure and the degree of agglomeration was dependent on the level of loading and functionality of the MWCNT. The biocompatibility of the MWCNT–PMMA cements at MWCNT loading levels upto 1.0 wt.% was determined by means of established biological cell culture assays using MG-63 cells. Cell attachment after 4 h was determined using the crystal violet staining assay. Cell viability was determined over 7 days in vitro using the standard colorimetric MTT assay. Confocal scanning laser microscopy and SEM analysis was also used to assess cell morphology on the various substrates.


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The proposed multi-table lookup architecture provides SDN-based, high-performance packet classification in an OpenFlow v1.1+ SDN switch. The objective of the demonstration is to show the functionality of the architecture deployed on the NetFPGA SUME Platform.


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Tese de Doutoramento, Ciências do Mar (Biologia Marinha)


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In this paper we present the novel concepts incorporated in a planetary surface exploration rover design that is currently under development. The Multitasking Rover (MTR) aims to demonstrate functionality that will cover many of the current and future needs such as rough-terrain mobility, modularity and upgradeability. The rover system has enhanced mobility characteristics. It operates in conjunction with Science Packs (SPs) and Tool Packs (TPs)-modules attached to the main frame of the rover, which are either special tools or science instruments and alter the operation capabilities of the system.


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Current and planned robotic rovers for space exploration are focused on science and correspondingly carry a science payload. Future missions will need robotic rovers that can demonstrate a wider range of functionality. This paper proposes an approach to offering this greater functionality by employing science and/or tool packs aboard a highly mobile robotic chassis. The packs are interchangeable and each contains different instruments or tools. The appropriate selection of science and/or tool packs enables the robot to perform a great variety of tasks either alone or in cooperation with other robots. The multi-tasking rover (MTR), thus conceived, provides a novel method for high return on investment. This paper describes the mobility system of the MTR and reports on initial experimental evaluation of the robotic chassis.


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Building Management Systems (BMS) are widely adopted in modern buildings around the world in order to provide high-quality building services, and reduce the running cost of the building. However, most BMS are functionality-oriented and do not consider user personalization. The aim of this research is to capture and represent building management rules using organizational semiotics methods. We implement Semantic Analysis, which determines semantic units in building management and their relationship patterns of behaviour, and Norm Analysis, which extracts and specifies the norms that establish how and when these management actions occur. Finally, we propose a multi-agent framework for norm based building management. This framework contributes to the design domain of intelligent building management system by defining a set of behaviour patterns, and the norms that govern the real-time behaviour in a building.


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Awareness of emerging situations in a dynamic operational environment of a robotic assistive device is an essential capability of such a cognitive system, based on its effective and efficient assessment of the prevailing situation. This allows the system to interact with the environment in a sensible (semi)autonomous / pro-active manner without the need for frequent interventions from a supervisor. In this paper, we report a novel generic Situation Assessment Architecture for robotic systems directly assisting humans as developed in the CORBYS project. This paper presents the overall architecture for situation assessment and its application in proof-of-concept Demonstrators as developed and validated within the CORBYS project. These include a robotic human follower and a mobile gait rehabilitation robotic system. We present an overview of the structure and functionality of the Situation Assessment Architecture for robotic systems with results and observations as collected from initial validation on the two CORBYS Demonstrators.