985 resultados para Motor sports events


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Sports events represent a major category of event revenue contributing economic benefits to cities and regions. Attendance at sports events is recognised as an important activity (Shamir and Ruskin 1984), but over the past 20 years sports event attendance expenditure has declined (Ross 2006). Consequently, understanding the factors that influence sports event attendance is crucial to the sustainability of these events. This study identifies the antecedents of sports event attendance among 460 respondents who were surveyed in Melbourne, Australia. Structural Equation Modelling was used to test an empirical model of attendance motivations. The model identifies constructs relating to emotional responses and facilities, as the predictors of event attendance.


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Aerobic Gymnastic is the ability to perform complex movements produced by the traditional aerobic exercises, in a continuous manner, with high intensity, perfectly integrated with soundtracks. This sport is performed in an aerobic/anaerobic lactacid condition and expects the execution of complex movements produced by the traditional aerobic exercises integrated with difficulty elements performed with a high technical level. An inaccuracy about this sport is related to the name itself “aerobic” because Aerobic Gymnastic does not use just the aerobic work during the competition, due to the fact that the exercises last among 1’30” and 1’45” at high rhythm. Agonistic Aerobics exploit the basic movements of amateur Aerobics and its coordination schemes, even though the agonistic Aerobics is so much intense than the amateur Aerobics to need a completely different mix of energetic mechanisms. Due to the complexity and the speed with which you perform the technical elements of Aerobic Gymnastic, the introduction of video analysis is essential for a qualitative and quantitative evaluation of athletes’ performance during the training. The performance analysis can allow the accurate analysis and explanation of the evolution and dynamics of a historical phenomenon and motor sports. The notational analysis is used by technicians to have an objective analysis of performance. Tactics, technique and individual movements can be analyzed to help coaches and athletes to re-evaluate their performance and gain advantage during the competition. The purpose of the following experimental work will be a starting point for analyzing the performance of the athletes in an objective way, not only during competitions, but especially during the phases of training. It is, therefore, advisable to introduce the video analysis and notational analysis for more quantitative and qualitative examination of technical movements. The goal is to lead to an improvement of the technique of the athlete and the teaching of the coach.


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Ageing populations with greater wellness and athletic expectations require quality sports and active living experiences in order to increase and sustain participation levels. Responding to the diverse needs and circumstances of Masterslveterans players is a complex and multi-faceted process. While sports science contributions have been very effective at enhancing active living in a variety of youth and adult sports events, very little has been documented regarding their efficacy in events for Masterslveteran players. This paper draws upon action research to examine the growth and development of a unique Masters World Cup 6-0-side Soccer Tournament, involving representative teams from twelve nations. lntegrated sports science concepts and strategies were employed to develop quality soccer experiences. Longitudinal data suggest that fostering a community of practice is critical to the success of Masters soccer programs. In addition to critical leadership contributions, an eclectic range of age-appropriate and responsive soccer experiences are essential to ensure that Masters events meet the diverse needs and circumstances of the players.


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Copies of photos and documents pertaining to Regina Teitelbaum's sports activities in Jewish sports events during the 1920s and 1930s, including clippings about these events (from Der Makkabi, 1935), and certificates for Teitelbaum's accomplishments.


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Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan jalkapallon seuraamista elämyskuluttamisen näkökulmasta. Elämyskulutuksella tarkoitetaan tässä yhteydessä tapahtumia ja hetkiä, jolloin ihminen kokee tavallisuudesta poikkeavan ja mieleenpainuvan tunnetilan. Elämyksiä tarjoavat palvelut ovat lisänneet jatkuvasti suosiotaan, kun arjessa rationaalisuus ylikorostuu ja sille halutaan vastapainoa. Aihetta taustoitetaan elämysyhteiskunnan, yhteisöllisyyden ja kuluttajaheimojen käsitteiden avulla. Erityishuomion saavat kulttuuritapahtumat elämystuotteina, penkkiurheilu yhteiskunnallisena ilmiönä sekä erilaiset jalkapalloon liittyvät kulutustavat. Tutkielma on luonteeltaan fenomenologis-etnografinen kuvaileva tutkimus. Tutkimusmenetelminä on käytetty osallistuvaa havainnointia ja haastatteluita. Tutkimusperinteen mukaisesti ilmiön ymmärtäminen, kuvaaminen ja kirjoittaminen ovat tärkeässä osassa. Havainnointiaineisto on kerätty kolmessa eri tapahtumassa seuraamalla katsojien käyttäytymistä ja tunnelman syntymiseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Haastateltavat on valittu harkinnanvaraisesti jalkapalloa aktiivisesti seuraavista henkilöistä ja menetelmänä on käytetty avoimia teemahaastatteluita. Urheilun vetovoima ajanvietteenä perustuu vahvojen tunteiden herättämiseen, joten penkkiurheilu on elämyskulutusta puhtaimmillaan. Urheilu elämystuotteena on oivallinen, sillä sen lukuisten kulutustapojen lisäksi tapahtumat muodostavat päättymättömän jatkumon. Myös oman aineistoni perusteella osoittautui, että menneiden tapahtumien avulla ankkuroidutaan yhteisöön ja tulevien tapahtumien avulla pidetään innostusta yllä. Pettymysten hetkelläkään koukusta ei haluta irti, sillä jokainen kokemus lisää tunteita omaa urheilulajia ja yhteisöä kohtaan. Urheilutapahtumissa katsojan elämys syntyy subjektiivisen kokemuksen kautta, mutta yhteisö luo elämyksen toteutumisen välttämättömät edellytykset. Jalkapalloyleisöön kuuluvissa henkilöissä yhdistyvät halu kuulua ryhmään ja olla samaan aikaan sen ulkopuolella. Peliä voidaan tarkkailla itsekseen ja keskittyneesti suuren joukon keskellä tai hurrata muiden mukana. Aineistoni perusteella jalkapallofanin innostus pulppuaa kahdesta lähteestä: yhteisöllisyydestä ja kiinnostuksesta lajiin. Yhteisöllisyyden tunne syntyy kuulumisesta globaaliin jalkapalloyhteisöön, oman suosikkijoukkueen kannattajiin ja samaa lajia seuraavien kaverien muodostamaan lähipiiriin. Urheilullinen puoli innostuksesta syntyy kiinnostuksesta jalkapalloa kohtaan lajina, aktiivisesti seuratuista säännöllisistä tapahtumista ja oman joukkueen kannattamisesta. Jalkapallon seuraajiin teoria jatkuvasti muuttuvista uusyhteisöistä pätee melko huonosti, sillä lajille ja seuralle ollaan hyvin uskollisia. Faneille on tärkeää sitoutua pieneen lähiyhteisöön, jonka kanssa heillä on yhteinen historia ja mahdollisuus jakaa kokemuksia keskustelemalla ja muistelemalla.


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Reclamações contra a sinalização viária existente no Rio de Janeiro são comuns. A cidade ainda é a porta de entrada do Brasil e o destino preferido dos visitantes. Dentro de pouco tempo, o Rio será palco de importantes eventos esportivos internacionais e há preocupação em como poderá a cidade oferecer orientação para os turistas que nela venham a transitar. Este estudo procura saber quais são, de fato, os motivos que justificam as incessantes queixas contra a sinalização instalada e procura extrair daí diretrizes que possam ser aplicadas aos projetos de sistemas de sinalização que efetivamente resolvam os problemas de orientação dos usuários. Para isso, procurou-se primeiro mapear o contexto histórico em que vem evoluindo a sinalização de trânsito; em seguida, examinou-se em que implica o desenvolvimento de projetos de sinalização em geral; para no próximo passo se focar questões da sinalização de trânsito. Foram feitos dois levantamentos: o primeiro, de entrevistas estruturadas individualizadas com taxistas, que são usuários intensos das vias e da sinalização. A amostra escolhida foi de 19 taxistas frequentadores da Praça Santos Dumont, localizada na Zona Sul da cidade, e um importante entroncamento de tráfego. O segundo envolveu cinco profissionais designers com o perfil de experiência prévia no desenvolvimento de projetos de sistemas de sinalização. Com esse grupo, a técnica utilizada foi a de Think Aloud Protocol, através da qual cada um desses indivíduos foi acompanhado e documentado enquanto dirigia e se orientava pela sinalização num trajeto que vai desde a citada Praça Santos Dumont até o Estádio do Maracanã, situado na Zona Norte da cidade, e que costuma ser um destino preferencial em eventos esportivos. Os resultados das duas pesquisas foram analisados e deles extraídas diretrizes que são apresentadas nas Conclusões e que objetivam a eficácia do sistema através de mensagens claras, textos legíveis, posicionamento oportuno e estabilidade formal visando o reconhecimento e o entendimento por parte do usuário.


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O objetivo do estudo foi compreender quais as estratégias de preparação de voluntários para a atuação em megaeventos esportivos no Brasil. A pesquisa foi de natureza qualitativa e de cunho exploratório, tendo como técnica para a coleta de dados a entrevista com roteiro de perguntas semiestruturado e o caderno de campo. A entrevista foi realizada com o responsável pelo programa de treinamento dos voluntários do V Jogos Mundiais Militares (2011) sobre a organização realizada. A análise do conteúdo (BARDIN, 2011) foi utilizada para análise das experiências relatadas de acordo com 3 categorias: perfil do voluntariado esportivo e do líder de voluntários; dificuldades em se trabalhar, compreender e valorizar o voluntariado no esporte e modelo de treinamento e de gestão do programa de voluntários esportivos. Os resultados desta pesquisa contribuíram para a literatura nesta temática, bem como ponto de partida para o design e coleta de dados de pesquisas sobre voluntários para os próximos megaeventos esportivos que serão sediados no Brasil, Copa do Mundo de 2014 e Jogos Olímpicos de 2016.


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O presente documento apresenta sucintamente os conceitos e definições das geotecnologias, com ênfase em duas ferramentas tecnológicas de suporte a utilização desta metodologia: o geoprocessamento e o sistema de informação geográfica (SIG). A proposta metodológica da utilização da geotecnologias teve como objetivo a observação dos fenômenos dos megaeventos esportivos, que serão sediados na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, a Copa do Mundo de Futebol 2014 e os Jogos Olímpicos e Paralímpicos de 2016, bem como atender as exigências de conclusão da tese de doutorado. Para tal, foram realizados dois artigos que observaram o fenômeno megaeventos esportivos no espaço geográfico da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. O primeiro verificou as mudanças urbanas com as características socioeconômicas ocorridas nas proximidades do parque olímpico, a partir de uma visão temporal da década de 2000. O segundo artigo observou o espaço geográfico da cidade junto aos sítios olímpicos e as mudanças climáticas que vêm ocorrendo nesses locais, através da observação da evolução da temperatura de superfície com a construção de mapas termais, e de dados meteorológicos.


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BACKGROUND: Variations in emergency department admissions have been reported to happen as a result of major sports events. The work presented assessed changes in volume and urgency level of visits to a major Emergency Department in Lisbon during and after the city's football derby. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Volume of attendances and patient urgency level, according to the Manchester Triage System, were retrospectively analyzed for the 2008-2011 period. Data regarding 24-hour periods starting 45 minutes before kick-off was collected, along with data from similar periods on the corresponding weekdays in the previous years, to be used as controls. Data samples were organized according to time frame (during and after the match), urgency level, and paired accordingly. RESULTS: A total of 14 relevant periods (7 match and 7 non-match) were analyzed, corresponding to a total of 5861 admissions. During the match time frame, a 20.6% reduction (p = 0.06) in the total number of attendances was found when compared to non-match days. MTS urgency level sub-analysis only showed a statistically significant reduction (26.5%; p = 0.05) in less urgent admissions (triage levels green-blue). Compared to controls, post-match time frames showed a global increase in admissions (5.6%; p = 0.45), significant only when considering less urgent ones (18.9%; p = 0.05). DISCUSSION: A decrease in the total number of emergency department attendances occurred during the matches, followed by a subsequent increase in the following hours. These variations only reached significance among visits triaged green-blue. CONCLUSION: During major sports events an overall decrease in emergency department admissions seems to take place, especially due to a drop in visits associated with less severe conditions.


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Big sports events like the 2008 European Football Championship are a challenge for anti-doping activities, particularly when the sports event is hosted by two different countries and there are two laboratories accredited by the World Anti-Doping Agency. This challenges the logistics of sample collection as well as the chemical analyses, which must be carried out timeously. The following paper discusses the handling of whereabouts information for each athlete and the therapeutic use exemption system, experiences in sample collection and transportation of blood and urine samples, and the results of the chemical analysis in two different accredited laboratories. An overview of the analytical results of blood profiling and growth hormone testing in comparison with the distribution of the normal population is also presented.


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Esta investigación se centra en la Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) como organización política. Intenta responder dos interrogantes primordiales: 1) ¿cómo la FIFA ha constituido el poder que tiene actualmente y, así, hacerse del monopolio indiscutido del fútbol? Y 2) ¿cómo ha cambiado en el tiempo la política interna de FIFA y su vínculo con la política internacional? Para lograr esto, se realiza un estudio histórico, basado principalmente en documentos, que intenta caracterizar y analizar los cambios de la organización en el tiempo. Se enfatizan las últimas dos presidencias de FIFA, de João Havelange y Joseph Blatter, como casos de estudio.


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This study examines the impact of a global sports event on gender representations in media reporting. Whereas previous research on gender, sport and media has been mainly concerned with sports events in the North American or Australian context, this study investigates the British media reporting before, during and after the London Olympics 2012. Our study follows the approach of Corpus-Assisted Discourse Studies (CADS) and uses both quantitative and qualitative research procedures. The results reveal more balanced gender representations during the London Olympics in that the ‘regular’ biased associations were supressed in favour of positive references to female achievements. However, little carry-though of the ‘gains’ was noted. Also, this study shows that the positive associations intersected with national sentiments and were used to celebrate the nation-state. At the same time, some subtle resistance was observed to accepting as ‘truly’ British the non-white athletes and those not born in Britain.


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Samhället blir allt mer digitaliserat, vilket lett till att en stor mängd företagbehövt förändra sin marknadsföring. Många företag marknadsför sig idaggenom digitala kanaler, en av dessa är e-post. Ett sätt att marknadsföra sig viae-post är med nyhetsbrev. Forskningen om e-postmarknadsföring är betydligtmer omfattande än den specifikt om nyhetsbrev, vilket gör nyhetsbrev till ettintressant ämne att studera närmre. Syftet med studien är att undersöka vad rådangående utformningen av nyhetsbrev behandlar och om råden som finns äranpassade specifikt för sportevenemangs nyhetsbrev. Studiens syfte är även attgranska om Skid-VM:s allmänna nyhetsbrev följer några av de generella rådensom valts ut och om tillämpningen av råden föredras av mottagarna eller inte.För att besvara studiens frågeställningar har en kartläggning, en jämförelse ochen enkätundersökning genomförts. Kartläggningen gjordes genom eninformationssökning och 65 råd hittades. Sex generella råd valdes ut ochjämfördes mot Skid-VM:s allmänna nyhetsbrev. Nya modifierade varianter pådelar av nyhetsbrevet formgavs utifrån om den ursprungliga delen av Skid-VM:s nyhetsbrev följde det generella rådet eller inte. De modifieradevarianterna och de ursprungliga sattes ihop till bildpar. I enkätundersökningensom publicerades på Facebook-sidor och grupper administrerade av Skid-VMfick deltagarna sedan välja vilken variant de föredrog. Kartläggningenresulterade i slutsatserna att många av råden behandlade utformningen avnyhetsbrevets texter och att råd om utformningen av nyhetsbrev specifiktanpassade för sportevenemang var sällsynta. Slutsatserna blev även att Skid-VM:s nyhetsbrev följde fyra av de sex generella råden och att varianten avnyhetsbreven som följde det generella rådet föredrogs i tre av sex fall.


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Peter Ollerton (centre) heads for goal for the Socceroos against Iran at Olympic Park in Melbourne in front of a full house on 14 August 1977.