929 resultados para Monotone And Semi-monotone Operators


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This Value for Money and Policy Review (VFM&PR) of the Economic Cost and Charges Associated with Private and Semi-Private Treatment Services in Public Hospitals was initiated by the Department of Health and Children in June 2009 and was conducted under the auspices of the Governmentâ?Ts Value for Money & Policy Review Initiative 2009-2011. The Review was overseen by an independently chaired National Steering Group comprised of senior representatives from the Department of Health and Children, the Department of Finance, and the Health Service Executive (HSE). Download document here Download Explanatory Note  


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This report sets out a revised costing methodology and an estimate of the gap which currently exists between private and semi-private bed charges and the average economic cost. While the Steering Group considers the costing methodology proposed as an improvement on the approach taken in previous years and a good overall approximation of the difference on average between economic costs and current charges, it recognises that the current charging regime does not take sufficient account of the variation between different categories of patient. Download document here Note to Readers


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Summary: Detailed knowledge on tumor antigen expression and specific immune cells is required for a rational design of immunotherapy for patients with tumor invaded liver. In this study, we confirmed that Cancer/Testis (CT) tumor-associated antigens are frequently expressed in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and searched for the presence of CD8+ T cells specific for these antigens. In 2/10 HLA-A2+ patients with HCC, we found that MAGE-A10 and/or SSX-2 specific CD8+ T cells naturally responded to the disease, since they were enriched in tumor lesions but not in non-tumoral liver. Isolated T cells specifically and strongly killed tumor cells in vitro, suggesting that these CTL were selected in vivo for high avidity antigen recognition, providing the rational for specific immunotherapy of HCC, based on immunization with CT antigens such as MAGE-Al 0 and SSX-2. Type 1 NKT cells express an invariant TCR α chain (Vα24.1α18, paired with Vβ11 in human) and share a specific reactivity to αGalactosylceramide (αGC) presented by CD1d. These cells can display paradoxical immuno-regulatory properties including strong anti-tumor effects upon αGC administration in murine models. To understand why NKT cells were not sufficiently protective against tumor development in patients with tumor invaded liver, we characterized the diversity of Vα24/Vβ11 NKT cells in healthy donors (HD) and cancer patients: NKT cells from HD and patients were generally diverse in terms of TCR β chain (Vβ11) variability and NKT cells from HD showed a variable recognition of αGC loaded CD 1 d multimers. Vα24/ Vβ11 NKT cells can be divided in 3 populations, the CD4, DN (CD4-/CD8-) and CD8 NKT cell subsets that show distinct ability of cytokine production. In addition, our functional analysis revealed that DN and CD8 subsets displayed a higher cytolytic potential and a weaker IFNγ release than the CD4 NKT cell subset. NKT cell subsets were variably represented in the blood of HD and cancer patients. However, HD with high NKT cell frequencies displayed an enrichment of the DN and CD8 subsets, and few of them were suggestive of an oligoclonal expansion in vivo. Comparable NKT cell frequencies were found between blood, non-tumoral liver and tumor of patients. In contrast, we identified a gradual enrichment of CD4 NKT cells from blood to the liver and to the tumor, together with a decrease of DN and CD8 NKT cell subsets. Most patient derived NKT cells were unresponsive upon αGalactosylceramide stimulation ex vivo; NKT cells from few patients displayed a weak responsiveness with different cytokine polarization. The NKT cell repertoire was thus different in tumor tissue, suggesting that CD4 NKT cells infiltrating tumors may be detrimental for protection against tumors and instead may favour the tumor growth/recurrence as recently reported in mice. Résumé en français scientifique : Afin de développer le traitement des patients porteurs d'une tumeur dans le foie par immunothérapie, de nouvelles connaissances sont requises concernant l'expression d'antigènes par les tumeurs et les cellules immunitaires spécifiques de ces antigènes. Nous avons vérifié que des antigènes associés aux tumeurs, tels que les antigènes « Cancer-Testis » (CT), sont fréquemment exprimés par le carcinome hepatocéllulaire (CHC). La recherche de lymphocytes T CD8+ spécifiques (CTL) de ces antigènes a révélé que des CTL spécifiques de MAGE-A10 et/ou SSX-2 ont répondu naturellement à la tumeur chez 2/10 patients étudiés. Ces cellules étaient présentes dans les lésions tumorales mais pas dans le foie adjacent. De plus, ces CTL ont démontré une activité cytolytique forte et spécifique contre les cellules tumorales in vitro, ce qui suggère que ces CTL ont été sélectionnés pour une haute avidité de reconnaissance de l'antigène in vivo. Ces données fournissent une base pour l'immunothérapie spécifique du CHC, en proposant de cibler les antigènes CT tels que MAGE-A10 ou SSX-2. Les cellules NKT de type 1 ont une chaîne α de TCR qui est invariante (chez l'homme, Vα24Jα18, apparié avec Vβ11) et reconnaissent spécifiquement l'αGalactosylceramide (αGC) présenté par CD1d. Ces cellules ont des propriétés immuno¬régulatrices qui peuvent être parfois contradictoires et leur activation par l'αGC induit une forte protection anti-tumorale chez la souris: Afin de comprendre pourquoi ces cellules ne sont pas assez protectrices contre le développement des tumeurs dans le foie chez l'homme, nous avons étudié la diversité des cellules NKT Vα24/Vβ11 d'individus sains (IS) et de patients cancéreux. Les cellules NKT peuvent être sous-divisées en 3 populations : Les CD4, DN (CD4- /CD8-) ou CDS, qui ont la capacité de produire des cytokines différentes. Nos analyses fonctionnelles ont aussi révélé que les sous-populations DN et CD8 ont un potentiel cytolytique plus élevé et une production d'IFNγ plus faible que la sous-population CD4. Ces sous-populations sont représentées de manière variable dans le sang des IS ou des patients. Cependant, les IS avec un taux élevé de cellules NKT ont un enrichissement des sous- populations DN ou CDS, et certains suggèrent qu'il s'agit d'une expansion oligo-clonale in vivo. Les patients avaient des fréquences comparables de cellules NKT entre le sang, le foie et la tumeur. Par contre, la sous-population CD4 était progressivement enrichie du sang vers le foie et la tumeur, tandis que les sous-populations DN ou CD8 était perdues. La plupart des cellules NKT des patients ne réagissaient pas lors de stimulation avec l'αGC ex vivo et les cellules NKT de quelques patients répondaient faiblement et avec des polarisations de cytokines différentes. Ces données suggèrent que les cellules NKT CD4, prédominantes dans les tumeurs, sont inefficaces pour la lutte anti-tumorale et pourraient même favoriser la croissance ou la récurrence tumorale. Donc, une mobilisation spécifique des cellules NKT CD4 négatives par immunothérapie pourrait favoriser l'immunité contre des tumeurs chez l'homme. Résumé en français pour un large public Au sein des globules blancs, les lymphocytes T expriment un récepteur (le TCR), qui est propre à chacun d'entre eux et leur permet d'accrocher de manière très spécifique une molécule appelée antigène. Ce TCR est employé par les lymphocytes pour inspecter les antigènes associés avec des molécules présentatrices à la surface des autres cellules. Les lymphocytes T CD8 reconnaissent un fragment de protéine (ou peptide), qui est présenté par une des molécules du Complexe Majeur d'Histocompatibilité de classe I et tuent la cellule qui présente ce peptide. Ils sont ainsi bien adaptés pour éliminer les cellules qui présentent un peptide issu d'un virus quand la cellule est infectée. D'autres cellules T CD8 reconnaissent des peptides comme les antigènes CT, qui sont produits anormalement par les cellules cancéreuses. Nous avons confirmé que les antigènes CT sont fréquemment exprimés par le cancer du foie. Nous avons également identifié des cellules T CD8 spécifiques d'antigènes CT dans la tumeur, mais pas dans le foie normal de 2 patients sur 10. Cela signifie que ces lymphocytes peuvent être naturellement activés contre la tumeur et sont capables de la trouver. De plus les lymphocytes issus d'un patient ont démontré une forte sensibilité pour reconnaître l'antigène et tuent spécifiquement les cellules tumorales. Les antigènes CT représentent donc des cibles intéressantes qui pourront être intégrés dans des vaccins thérapeutiques du cancer du foie. De cette manière, les cellules T CD8 du patient lui-même pourront être induites à détruire de manière spécifique les cellules cancéreuses. Un nouveau type de lymphocytes T a été récemment découvert: les lymphocytes NKT. Quand ils reconnaissent un glycolipide présenté par la molécule CD1d, ils sont capables, de manière encore incomprise, d'initier, d'augmenter, ou à l'inverse d'inhiber la défense immunitaire. Ces cellules NKT ont démontré qu'elles jouent un rôle important dans la défense contre les tumeurs et particulièrement dans le foie des souris. Nous avons étudié les cellules NKT de patients atteints d'une tumeur dans le foie, afin de comprendre pourquoi elles ne sont pas assez protectrice chez l'homme. Les lymphocytes NKT peuvent être sous-divisés en 3 populations: Les CD4, les DN (CD4-/CD8-) et les CD8. Ces 3 classes de NKT peuvent produire différents signaux chimiques appelés cytokines. Contrairement aux cellules NKT DN ou CDS, seules les cellules NKT CD4 sont capables de produire des cytokines qui sont défavorables pour la défense anti-tumorale. Par ailleurs nous avons trouvé que les cellules NKT CD4 tuent moins bien les cellules cancéreuses que les cellules NKT DN ou CD8. L'analyse des cellules NKT, fraîchement extraites du sang, du foie et de la tumeur de patients a révélé que les cellules NKT CD4 sont progressivement enrichies du sang vers le foie et la tumeur. La large prédominance des NKT CD4 à l'intérieur des tumeurs suggère que, chez l'homme, ces cellules sont inappropriées pour la lutte anti-tumorale. Par ailleurs, la plupart des cellules NKT de patients n'étaient pas capables de produire des cytokines après stimulation avec un antigène. Cela explique également pourquoi ces cellules ne protègent pas contre les tumeurs dans le foie.


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El empleo de isótopos estables en el ámbito de la ecología forestal ha ido creciendo progresivamente en las últimas dos décadas. Cabe esperar que esta tendencia se mantenga en el futuro, ya que éstos aportan una visión integradora de cómo las plantas, hoy y en el pasado, han interaccionado con el medio así como con otros organismos. Su implementación es particularmente relevante en climas secos debido a la fuerte limitación de recursos que en ellos acontece. Tras una breve introducción sobre las bases teóricas de los isótopos estables en fisiología vegetal, esta revisión destaca, sobre diferentes escalas espaciales y temporales, los últimos avances en ecología forestal empleando esta metodología y con un énfasis especial en los sistemas áridos y semiáridos.


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Background: Some countries have recently extended smoke-free policies to particular outdoor settings; however, there is controversy regarding whether this is scientifically and ethically justifiable. Objectives: The objective of the present study was to review research on secondhand smoke (SHS) exposure in outdoor settings. Data sources: We conducted different searches in PubMed for the period prior to September 2012. We checked the references of the identified papers, and conducted a similar search in Google Scholar. Study selection: Our search terms included combinations of"secondhand smoke,""environmental tobacco smoke,""passive smoking" OR"tobacco smoke pollution" AND"outdoors" AND"PM" (particulate matter),"PM2.5" (PM with diameter ≤ 2.5 µm),"respirable suspended particles,""particulate matter,""nicotine,""CO" (carbon monoxide),"cotinine,""marker,""biomarker" OR"airborne marker." In total, 18 articles and reports met the inclusion criteria. Results: Almost all studies used PM2.5 concentration as an SHS marker. Mean PM2.5 concentrations reported for outdoor smoking areas when smokers were present ranged from 8.32 to 124 µg/m3 at hospitality venues, and 4.60 to 17.80 µg/m3 at other locations. Mean PM2.5 concentrations in smoke-free indoor settings near outdoor smoking areas ranged from 4 to 120.51 µg/m3. SHS levels increased when smokers were present, and outdoor and indoor SHS levels were related. Most studies reported a positive association between SHS measures and smoker density, enclosure of outdoor locations, wind conditions, and proximity to smokers. Conclusions: The available evidence indicates high SHS levels at some outdoor smoking areas and at adjacent smoke-free indoor areas. Further research and standardization of methodology is needed to determine whether smoke-free legislation should be extended to outdoor settings.


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This paper reports on the identification of volatile and semi-volatile compounds and a comparison of the chromatographic profiles obtained by Headspace Solid-Phase Microextraction/Gas Chromatography with Mass Spectrometry detection (HS-SPME-GC-MS) of dried leaves of Mikania glomerata Sprengel (Asteraceae), also known as 'guaco.' Three different types of commercial SPME fibers were tested: polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS), polydimethylsiloxane/divinylbenzene (PDMS/DVB) and polyacrylate (PA). Fifty-nine compounds were fully identified by HS-SPME-HRGC-MS, including coumarin, a marker for the quality control of guaco-based phytomedicines; most of the other identified compounds were mono- and sesquiterpenes. PA fibers performed better in the analysis of coumarin, while PDMS-DVB proved to be the best choice for a general and non-selective analysis of volatile and semi-volatile guaco-based compounds. The SPME method is faster and requires a smaller sample than conventional hydrodistillation of essential oils, providing a general overview of the volatile and semi-volatile compounds of M. glomerata.


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The objective of this work was to determine the effect of environmental variables and supplementation levels on physiological parameters of Moxotó goats in confined and semi-confined rising systems, in the Brazilian semi-arid region. The semi-confined individuals were kept on a grass based diet during the day and arrested in the end of the afternoon. The confined animals were kept in a management center, receiving two diets composed by forage cactus and maniçoba hay into two different levels (0.5 and 1.5% of the body weight). Inside the management center and in the external environment the environmental comfort parameters were set high during the afternoon period characterizing a situation of thermal discomfort for the animals. During the morning the semi-confined animals presented an average respiratory frequency (69.5 mov min-1) and rectal temperature (39.5 ºC) higher than the confined ones (62.6 mov min-1 and 39.0 ºC, respectively). The confined and semi-confined animals were able to maintain their rectal temperature within normal limits, with increase in the cardiac beatings rate and respiratory frequency. The greater percentage of the used supplementations (1.5%) seemed to increase rectal temperature in the two studied rising systems.


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Potato is an important crop plant throughout the world. Harvesting is a fundamental step in its production system. Maybe, it is the most complex and expensive operation. Thus, the objective of this work was to compare the cost of the mechanized and semi-mechanized harvest, the operational capacity and the production losses during the potato harvest process. The work was accomplished in a commercial farming, cultivated under pivot system, in the municipal district of Perdizes - MG, Brazil. A completely randomized design with two treatments was used: mechanized and semi-mechanized harvest. The mechanized harvest used a self-propelled harvester. In the semi-automated harvest, a digger mounted on tractor was used and the potato was manually harvested. It was concluded that the cost of mechanized harvest was 49.03% lower than the cost of semi-mechanized harvest. On average, the harvester had a work for 23 workers in manual harvest. Mechanized harvest showed losses of 2.35% of potato yield, while the semi-mechanized harvest showed losses of 6.32%.


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Extracellular matrix plays an important role in chronic hepatic lesions and has been studied in experimental intoxication models. However in cattle, studies on chronic disease have focused on the hepatocellular damage and extracellular matrix (ECM) changes are usually overlooked. There are no specific studies on the hepatic ECM in either normal or chronically damaged bovine liver. Thus an experimental model of hepatic toxicity model using Senecio brasiliensis poisoned calves was designed. Senecio brasiliensis contains pyrrolizidine alkaloids which cause either acute or chronic progressive dose dependent liver damage. Five calves were orally fed with 0.38g of dry leaves of S. brasiliensis/kg/day for 24 days. Liver needle biopsy specimens were obtained every 15 days for 60 days. Clinical signs of digestive complications appeared at 3rd week. One calf died on 45th day and four were evaluated up to 60th day. Biopsy samples were processed for routine light microscopy, immuno-histochemistry and transmission electron microscopy. From 30th day on progressive liver damage characterized by hepatocellular ballooning, necrosis, apoptosis and megalocytosis, centrilobular, pericellular and portal fibrosis were seen by light microscopy. Quantitative and semi-quantitative measurements of hepatic ECM components were performed before and after the onset of lesions. Morphometric analysis of total collagen and elastic fiber system was conducted. Total collagen and I and III collagen types progressively increased in throughout the liver of affected calves. Changes in location, amount and disposition of the elastic fiber system were also observed. Then numbers of Kupffer cells were significantly increased at 30th day and total numbers of sinusoidal cells were significantly increased at 45th and 60th days. Liver damage was progressive and irreversible even after the exposure to the plant was discontinued. Severe fibrotic lesions occurred mainly in portal tracts, followed by veno-occlusive and pericellular fibrosis. Collagen types I and III s were present in every normal and damaged liver, with predominance of type I. In affected calves the increase of total collagen and elastic fibers system paralleled the number of total sinusoidal cells.


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Logistics infrastructure and transportation services have been the liability of countries and governments for decades, or these have been under strict regulation policies. One of the first branches opened for competition in EU as well as in other continents, has been air transports (operators, like passenger and freight) and road transports. These have resulted on lower costs, better connectivity and in most of the cases higher service quality. However, quite large amount of other logistics related activities are still directly (or indirectly) under governmental influence, e.g. railway infrastructure, road infrastructure, railway operations, airports, and sea ports. Due to the globalization, governmental influence is not that necessary in this sector, since transportation needs have increased with much more significant phase as compared to economic growth. Also freight transportation needs do not correlate with passenger side, due to the reason that only small number of areas in the world have specialized in the production of particular goods. Therefore, in number of cases public-private partnership, or even privately owned companies operating in these sub-branches have been identified as beneficial for countries, customers and further economic growth. The objective of this research work is to shed more light on these kinds of experiments, especially in the relatively unknown sub-branches of logistics like railways, airports and sea container transports. In this research work we have selected companies having public listed status in some stock exchange, and have needed amount of financial scale to be considered as serious company rather than start-up phase venture. Our research results show that railways and airports usually need high fixed investments, but have showed in the last five years generally good financial performance, both in terms of profitability and cash flow. In contrary to common belief of prosperity in globally growing container transports, sea vessel operators of containers have not shown that impressive financial performance. Generally margins in this business are thin, and profitability has been sacrificed in front of high growth – this also concerns cash flow performance, which has been lower too. However, as we examine these three logistics sub-branches through shareholder value development angle during time period of 2002-2007, we were surprised to find out that all of these three have outperformed general stock market indexes in this period. More surprising is the result that financially a bit less performing sea container transportation sector shows highest shareholder value gain in the examination period. Thus, it should be remembered that provided analysis shows only limited picture, since e.g. dividends were not taken into consideration in this research work. Therefore, e.g. US railway operators have disadvantage to other in the analysis, since they have been able to provide dividends for shareholders in long period of time. Based on this research work we argue that investment on transportation/logistics sector seems to be safe alternative, which yields with relatively low risk high gain. Although global economy would face smaller growth period, this sector seems to provide opportunities in more demanding situation as well.


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In vivo proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (¹H-MRS) is a technique capable of assessing biochemical content and pathways in normal and pathological tissue. In the brain, ¹H-MRS complements the information given by magnetic resonance images. The main goal of the present study was to assess the accuracy of ¹H-MRS for the classification of brain tumors in a pilot study comparing results obtained by manual and semi-automatic quantification of metabolites. In vivo single-voxel ¹H-MRS was performed in 24 control subjects and 26 patients with brain neoplasms that included meningiomas, high-grade neuroglial tumors and pilocytic astrocytomas. Seven metabolite groups (lactate, lipids, N-acetyl-aspartate, glutamate and glutamine group, total creatine, total choline, myo-inositol) were evaluated in all spectra by two methods: a manual one consisting of integration of manually defined peak areas, and the advanced method for accurate, robust and efficient spectral fitting (AMARES), a semi-automatic quantification method implemented in the jMRUI software. Statistical methods included discriminant analysis and the leave-one-out cross-validation method. Both manual and semi-automatic analyses detected differences in metabolite content between tumor groups and controls (P < 0.005). The classification accuracy obtained with the manual method was 75% for high-grade neuroglial tumors, 55% for meningiomas and 56% for pilocytic astrocytomas, while for the semi-automatic method it was 78, 70, and 98%, respectively. Both methods classified all control subjects correctly. The study demonstrated that ¹H-MRS accurately differentiated normal from tumoral brain tissue and confirmed the superiority of the semi-automatic quantification method.


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We study the phonon dispersion, cohesive and thermal properties of raxe gas solids Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe, using a variety of potentials obtained from different approaches; such as, fitting to crystal properties, purely ab initio calculations for molecules and dimers or ab initio calculations for solid crystalline phase, a combination of ab initio calculations and fitting to either gas phase data or sohd state properties. We explore whether potentials derived with a certain approaxih have any obvious benefit over the others in reproducing the solid state properties. In particular, we study phonon dispersion, isothermal ajid adiabatic bulk moduli, thermal expansion, and elastic (shear) constants as a function of temperatiue. Anharmonic effects on thermal expansion, specific heat, and bulk moduli have been studied using A^ perturbation theory in the high temperature limit using the neaxest-neighbor central force (nncf) model as developed by Shukla and MacDonald [4]. In our study, we find that potentials based on fitting to the crystal properties have some advantage, particularly for Kr and Xe, in terms of reproducing the thermodynamic properties over an extended range of temperatiures, but agreement with the phonon frequencies with the measured values is not guaranteed. For the lighter element Ne, the LJ potential which is based on fitting to the gas phase data produces best results for the thermodynamic properties; however, the Eggenberger potential for Ne, where the potential is based on combining ab initio quantum chemical calculations and molecular dynamics simulations, produces results that have better agreement with the measured dispersion, and elastic (shear) values. For At, the Morse-type potential, which is based on M0ller-Plesset perturbation theory to fourth order (MP4) ab initio calculations, yields the best results for the thermodynamic properties, elastic (shear) constants, and the phonon dispersion curves.


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Material synthesizing and characterization has been one of the major areas of scientific research for the past few decades. Various techniques have been suggested for the preparation and characterization of thin films and bulk samples according to the industrial and scientific applications. Material characterization implies the determination of the electrical, magnetic, optical or thermal properties of the material under study. Though it is possible to study all these properties of a material, we concentrate on the thermal and optical properties of certain polymers. The thermal properties are detennined using photothermal beam deflection technique and the optical properties are obtained from various spectroscopic analyses. In addition, thermal properties of a class of semiconducting compounds, copper delafossites, arc determined by photoacoustic technique.Photothermal technique is one of the most powerful tools for non-destructive characterization of materials. This forms a broad class of technique, which includes laser calorimetry, pyroelectric technique, photoacollstics, photothermal radiometric technique, photothermal beam deflection technique etc. However, the choice of a suitable technique depends upon the nature of sample and its environment, purpose of measurement, nature of light source used etc. The polynler samples under the present investigation are thermally thin and optically transparent at the excitation (pump beam) wavelength. Photothermal beam deflection technique is advantageous in that it can be used for the detennination of thermal diffusivity of samples irrespective of them being thermally thick or thennally thin and optically opaque or optically transparent. Hence of all the abovementioned techniques, photothemlal beam deflection technique is employed for the successful determination of thermal diffusivity of these polymer samples. However, the semi conducting samples studied are themlally thick and optically opaque and therefore, a much simpler photoacoustic technique is used for the thermal characterization.The production of polymer thin film samples has gained considerable attention for the past few years. Different techniques like plasma polymerization, electron bombardment, ultra violet irradiation and thermal evaporation can be used for the preparation of polymer thin films from their respective monomers. Among these, plasma polymerization or glow discharge polymerization has been widely lIsed for polymer thin fi Im preparation. At the earlier stages of the discovery, the plasma polymerization technique was not treated as a standard method for preparation of polymers. This method gained importance only when they were used to make special coatings on metals and began to be recognized as a technique for synthesizing polymers. Thc well-recognized concept of conventional polymerization is based on molecular processcs by which thc size of the molecule increases and rearrangemcnt of atoms within a molecule seldom occurs. However, polymer formation in plasma is recognized as an atomic process in contrast to the above molecular process. These films are pinhole free, highly branched and cross linked, heat resistant, exceptionally dielectric etc. The optical properties like the direct and indirect bandgaps, refractive indices etc of certain plasma polymerized thin films prepared are determined from the UV -VIS-NIR absorption and transmission spectra. The possible linkage in the formation of the polymers is suggested by comparing the FTIR spectra of the monomer and the polymer. The thermal diffusivity has been measured using the photothermal beam deflection technique as stated earlier. This technique measures the refractive index gradient established in the sample surface and in the adjacent coupling medium, by passing another optical beam (probe beam) through this region and hence the name probe beam deflection. The deflection is detected using a position sensitive detector and its output is fed to a lock-in-amplifIer from which the amplitude and phase of the deflection can be directly obtained. The amplitude and phase of the deflection signal is suitably analyzed for determining the thermal diffusivity.Another class of compounds under the present investigation is copper delafossites. These samples in the form of pellets are thermally thick and optically opaque. Thermal diffusivity of such semiconductors is investigated using the photoacoustic technique, which measures the pressure change using an elcctret microphone. The output of the microphone is fed to a lock-in-amplificr to obtain the amplitude and phase from which the thermal properties are obtained. The variation in thermal diffusivity with composition is studied.