989 resultados para Monica-Santa-332-387


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The purpose of this study is to determine the correlation of socioeconomic, dietary, and anthropometric-nutritional variables of parents and their children to overweight (including obesity) in schoolchildren in Santa Catarina State, Brazil. This is a transversal study conducted on 4,964, 6 to 10-year-old schoolchildren registered in 345 Santa Catarina elementary schools. The following data were acquired: the children`s current weight and height, birth weight and length, duration of breastfeeding, age at which water, herbal tea and other foods were introduced to their diet; parental income, education level, age, weight and height were also obtained. The prevalence of overweight and obese children were estimated by point and by interval with a 95% confidence; prevalence rates were obtained based on the Poisson model. An hierarchical approach was used, in which variables were adjusted within blocks and included in the model when they presented p<0.05 at the outcome (overweight including obesity). The results indicate that 47.8% of the subjects were male. The prevalence of overweight and obese students was 15.4% (C195%: 14.4%-16.5%) and 6.1% (CI95%: 5.4%-6.7%) respectively and were statistically similar among sexes and age ranges. BMI values were higher in males and among older children (p<0.05). After adjustment within and among blocks, the variables per capita household income and parents` BM I values remained associated with overweight (including obesity). Overweight (including obesity) in schoolchildren is associated with a higher per capita household income and parental overweight and obesity.


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Este estudo surgiu da necessidade das indústrias cerâmicas do pólo de Santa Gertrudes (SP) se adaptarem às mudanças do comportamento do mercado e às exigências dos órgãos ambientais em relação aos riscos causados pela geração de poeira na fase de preparação da massa. Assim, o processo de preparação de massa via úmida pode ser uma alternativa para esta substituição, sendo necessária a obtenção de uma barbotina que apresente um comportamento reológico adequado ao processo e ao consumo de energia. Foram feitas medidas de viscosidade, tensão de cisalhamento e taxa de cisalhamento com viscosímetro rotacional, tendo como parâmetros de controle, o teor de sólidos da barbotina e a granulometria. Desta forma, foram verificadas variações das suspensões, como o comportamento pseudoplástico e a tixotropia. Também foi analisada a dependência do comportamento reológico com a mineralogia das argilas, obtida por difração de raios X. Os resultados das curvas reológicas mostraram-se muito coerentes com a mineralogia determinada, indicando uma piora do comportamento reológico no sentido da base para o topo da Formação Corumbataí, devido à alteração supérgena e presença de esmectitas.


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Objetivou-se neste estudo, avaliar a dinâmica da infecção intramamária de ovelhas por meio da avaliação clínica, da contagem de células somáticas e do isolamento de bactérias envolvidas na infecção mamária ao longo de toda a lactação, bem como o perfil de sensibilidade destes isolados frente a antimicrobianos. Foram avaliadas 34 ovelhas da raça Santa Inês criadas em sistema semi-intensivo e submetidas ao mesmo manejo higiênico-sanitário e nutricional acompanhadas antes e durante o período de lactação: aproximadamente 10 dias que precedeu ao parto, 15 dias pós-parto (dpp), 30 dpp, 60 dpp e 90 dpp (secagem). Nestes momentos foi realizado o exame clínico da glândula. A contagem de células somáticas (CCS) e o CMT foram realizados nos momentos seguintes ao parto (15dpp, 30dpp, 60dpp e 90dpp), assim como a análise bacteriológica, realizada além dos momentos citados anteriormente, também no momento que precedeu ao parto. A colheita do leite foi realizada por ordenha manual. Todas as ovelhas foram submetidas à sorologia para lentivírus. Os dados da variável CCS foram submetidos ao teste de normalidade segundo Kolmogorov-Smirnov e por não atender a premissa de normalidade, foram transformados em log de base 10 (Log10). Por conseguinte efetuou-se a análise de variância e contraste de médias pelo teste de Tukey com nível de significância de P<0,05. Foi realizado o estudo descritivo das variáveis empregando-se a distribuição de frequências (%). O valor médio da CCS das glândulas não reagentes ao CMT, ao longo do período de lactação, variou de 387.896,08 células/mL a 620.611,11 células/mL e nas glândulas reagentes, dependendo do escore do CMT, apresentou valores médios que variaram de 2.133.914,19 células/mL a 6.730.514,50 células/mL, sem contudo sofrer influência das diferentes fases da lactação. Os resultados obtidos permitiram concluir que a mastite subclínica representa uma preocupação sanitária na criação de ovelhas Santa Inês, chamando-se atenção para o período que precede o parto devido o alto percentual de isolamento bacteriano em glândulas aparentemente sadias, bem como a elevada frequência de isolamento, particularmente de Staphylococcus coagulase-negativo no primeiro mês de lactação.


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The Global River Discharge (RivDIS) data set contains monthly discharge measurements for 1018 stations located throughout the world. The period of record varies widely from station to station, with a mean of 21.5 years. These data were digitized from published UNESCO archives by Charles Voromarty, Balaze Fekete, and B.A. Tucker of the Complex Systems Research Center (CSRC) at the University of New Hampshire. River discharge is typically measured through the use of a rating curve that relates local water level height to discharge. This rating curve is used to estimate discharge from the observed water level. The rating curves are periodically rechecked and recalibrated through on-site measurement of discharge and river stage.


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Introducción La ventilación mecánica es fundamental en el manejo de la falla respiratoria aguda, actualmente no existe consenso sobre el momento exacto de extubación. Este estudio describe el comportamiento de la escala OMAHA+ en nuestra institución. Objetivo Principal Describir los desenlaces clínicos relacionados con la escala OMAHA+ durante la extubación de los pacientes de las unidades de cuidado intensivo del hospital universitario. Métodos Estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo, basado en el registro de la escala OMAHA+ de 68 pacientes durante el proceso de extubación en las Unidades de cuidado intensivo adulto de la Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá durante Agosto de 2014 a Mayo de 2015. Resultados Se encontraron valores gasométricos cercanos a la normalidad, con una PaO2/FiO2 media de 261 (DS 60,6), SaO2 media de 96% (DS 2%), media de lactato sérico de 1.5 mmol/L (DS 1,2 mmol/L), con signos vitales normales. La causa más común de ingreso a UCI fue Neumonía, seguida por cirugía cardiaca y abdominal. Las medias de parámetros ventilatorios al momento de extubación fueron; PEEP de 6 (DS 0,8), volumen corriente de 8ml/Kg (DS 1,4 ml/Kg), índice de Tobín de 34 (DS 11,9), test de fuga positivo 94%, y sólo una extubación fallida. Conclusiones La escala OMAHA+ puede ser una herramienta útil, aplicable y fácilmente reproducible en los pacientes con soporte ventilatorio mecánico invasivo previo al proceso de extubación, con baja proporción de fallo. Estos resultados deben ser evaluados en estudios prospectivos.


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Introduccion: El canal lumbar estrecho es un motivo de consulta frecuente en el servicio de columna de la Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá. Derivado del tratamiento quirurgico se pueden generar múltiples complicaciones, entre las que se encuentra la transfusión sanguínea. Objetivo: Identificar los factores sociodemográficos, antecedentes personales y factores quirúrgicos asociados a transfusión sanguínea en cirugía canal lumbar estrecho en la Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá 2003- 2013. Materiales y métodos: Se aplicó en diseño de estudio observacional analítico transversal. Se incluyeron 367 pacientes sometidos a cirugía de canal lumbar estrecho a quienes se les analizaron variables de antecedentes personales, características sociodemograficas y factores quirúrgicos. Resultados: La mediana de la edad fue de 57 años y la mayoría de pacientes fueron mujeres (55,6%). La mediana del Índice de Masa Corporal (IMC) fue de 24,9 clasificado como normal. Entre los antecedentes patológicos, la hipertensión arterial fue el más común (37,3%). La mayoría de pacientes (59,1%) presentaron clasificación ASA de II. El tipo de cirugía más prevalente fue el de descompresión (55,6%). En el 79,8% de los pacientes se intervinieron 2 niveles. Se realizó transfusión de glóbulos rojos en 26 pacientes correspondiente a 7,1% del total. En la mayoría de procedimientos quirúrgicos (42,5%) el sangrado fue clasificado como moderado (50-500 ml). En el modelo explicativo transfusión sanguínea en cirugía de canal lumbar estrecho se incluyen: antecedente de cardiopatía (OR 4,68, P 0,034, IC 1,12 – 19,44), Sangrado intraoperatorio >500ml (OR 6,74, p 0,001, 2,09 – 21,74) y >2 niveles intervenidos (OR 3,97, p 0,023, IC 1,20 – 13,09). Conclusión: Como factores asociados a la transfusión sanguínea en el manejo quirúrgico del canal lumbar estrecho a partir de la experiencia de 10 años en la Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá se encontraron: enfermedad cardiaca, sangrado intraoperatorio mayor de 500ml y más de dos niveles intervenidos.


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The GuRoo is a 1.2 m tall, 23 degree of freedom humanoid constructed at the University of Queensland for research into humanoid robotics. The key challenge being addressed by the GuRoo project is the development of appropriate learning strategies for control and coordination of the robot's many joints. The development of learning strategies is seen as a way to side-step the inherent intricacy of modeling a multi-DOF biped robot. This paper outlines the approach taken to generate an appropriate control scheme for the joints of the GuRoo. The paper demonstrates the determination of local feedback control parameters using a genetic algorithm. The feedback loop is then augmented by a predictive modulator that learns a form of feed-forward control to overcome the irregular loads experienced at each joint during the gait cycle. The predictive modulator is based on the CMAC architecture. Results from tests on the GuRoo platform show that both systems provide improvements in stability and tracking of joint control.


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The Sascha-Pelligrini low-sulphidation epithermal system is located on the western edge of the Deseado Massif, Santa Cruz Province, Argentina. Outcrop sampling has returned values of up to 160g/t gold and 796g/t silver, with Mirasol Resources and Coeur D.Alene Mines currently exploring the property. Detailed mapping of the volcanic stratigraphy has defined three units that comprise the middle Jurassic Chon Aike Formation and two units that comprise the upper Jurassic La Matilde Formation. The Chon Aike Formation consists of rhyodacite ignimbrites and tuffs, with the La Matilde Formation including rhyolite ash and lithic tuffs. The volcanic sequence is intruded by a large flow-banded rhyolite dome, with small, spatially restricted granodiorite dykes and sills cropping out across the study area. ASTER multispectral mineral mapping, combined with PIMA (Portable Infrared Mineral Analyser) and XRD (X-ray diffraction) analysis defines an alteration pattern that zones from laumontite-montmorillonite, to illite-pyritechlorite, followed by a quartz-illite-smectite-pyrite-adularia vein selvage. Supergene kaolinite and steam-heated acid-sulphate kaolinite-alunite-opal alteration horizons crop out along the Sascha Vein trend and Pelligrini respectively. Paragenetically, epithermal veining varies from chalcedonic to saccharoidal with minor bladed textures, colloform/crustiform-banded with visible electrum and acanthite, crustiform-banded grey chalcedonic to jasperoidal with fine pyrite, and crystalline comb quartz. Geothermometry of mineralised veins constrains formation temperatures from 174.8 to 205.1¡ÆC and correlates with the stability field for the interstratified illite-smectite vein selvage. Vein morphology, mineralogy and associated alteration are controlled by host rock rheology, permeability, and depth of the palaeo-water table. Mineralisation within ginguro banded veins resulted from fluctuating fluid pH associated with selenide-rich magmatic pulses, pressure release boiling and wall-rock silicate buffering. The study of the Sascha-Pelligrini epithermal system will form the basis for a deposit-specific model helping to clarify the current understanding of epithermal deposits, and may serve as a template for exploration of similar epithermal deposits throughout Santa Cruz.


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With a focus on understanding the overall effect of DFM on human factors aspects, DFM/DFA literature was systematically searched, reviewed and critically assessed. The influence of DFM on work organization is analysed using examples from literature, with the aim of quantifying consequences on work performance, job satisfaction and human work load where possible. It is also shown that job enlargement through DFM tasks increases the workload for the Product Designer, who is on the critical path of the engineering process. Without taking measures to counterbalance this higher workload of the Product Designer, DFM projects in complex engineering environments are likely to fail.


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A single subject longevity study is presented as a case study for the Medical Device Partnering Program (MDPP). The MDPP supports the development of cutting-edge medical devices and assistive technologies, through unique collaborations between researchers, industry, clinical end-users and government. The study aimed to identify what effect the innersole has on specific muscles that may influence stability and whether the innersole had any influence on gait. Three tests were conducted; a standard gait test, dynamic balance test and a standing balance test. Results from the kinematic analysis showed reduced variability in post testing results when compared to pre testing results. Reductions in muscle activation levels were also found across all tests. Further testing with a larger sample size is required to determine if these effects are due to the innersole.


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Battery powered bed movers are increasingly being used within the hospital setting. These energy augmenting devices facilitate the safe movement of beds and patients by healthcare workers. The use of powered bed movers is believed to result in reduced physical efforts on the behalf of staff members, which may be associated with a decreased risk of occupational related injuries. A provisional study was performed in a hospital environment to assess the muscular efforts associated with moving hospital beds both manually and with the aid of a bed mover. The results enable the effects of using bed movers to be quantified.