989 resultados para Mola invasiva (MI)


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Capítulo 5 del libro: Guisasola, Jenaro ; Garmendia, Mikel (eds.) "Aprendizaje basado en problemas, proyectos y casos: diseño e implementación de experiencias en la universidad" (ISBN: 978-84-9860-959-2)


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Pesquisa piloto de intervenção com dados prospectivos, grupo único de intervenção, cujo desfecho é a medida da dor de mulheres em trabalho de parto. Apresenta como objetivo discutir os efeitos da crioterapia no alívio da dor das parturientes. Como referencial teórico este trabalho apresentou o descrito por Soares e Low, onde se encontra que os mecanismos de ação do gelo para alívio da dor propiciam o decréscimo da transmissão das fibras de dor, a diminuição da excitabilidade nas terminações livres, a redução no metabolismo tecidual aumentando o limiar das fibras de dor e a liberação de endorfinas. Baseou-se ainda nos princípios da desmedicalização e do emprego de tecnologias não-invasivas de cuidado de enfermagem obstétrica conforme descritos por Vargens e Progianti. A pesquisa foi realizada no Centro Obstétrico do Hospital Municipal Maternidade Carmela Dutra, no Rio de Janeiro de abril a agosto de 2011. O gelo foi aplicado, utilizando-se para tal uma bolsa-cinta ajustável à região tóraco-lombar de 36 gestantes. A bolsa/cinta é descartável, de tecido TNT, com abertura na parte superior para introdução de gelo picado envolto em plástico. As aplicações se deram aos cinco centímetros de dilatação do colo uterino; e/ou aos sete centímetros de dilatação do colo uterino; e/ou aos nove centímetros de dilatação uterina, totalizando ao final das três aplicações um tempo de 60 minutos, que corresponde ao somatório de 20 minutos para cada uma. O gelo foi produzido em fôrma exclusiva para o projeto, em freezer da unidade. Os dados referentes à avaliação da dor foram coletados através de entrevista estruturada guiada por formulário previamente elaborado. Os resultados evidenciaram que a crioterapia produziu extinção ou alívio da dor quando aplicada na região tóraco-lombar das parturientes aos cinco, sete ou nove centímetros de dilatação do colo uterino, dando-lhes maiores condições de vivenciar o seu trabalho de parto; produziu um relaxamento geral e local (na região lombar) das parturientes; não interferiu na dinâmica uterina e, não causou dano ao binômio mãe-filho. Concluiu-se que a crioterapia, na forma como descrita no presente estudo, pode ser considerada uma tecnologia não-invasiva de cuidado de enfermagem obstétrica para alivio da dor no trabalho de parto.


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Studies were carried out during May 1997 to January 1998 in Kishoregani district in Bangladesh to investigate the production potential of carp polyculture in combination with Amblypharyngodon mola in seasonal ponds. The preliminary results indicate that A. mola can be successfully cultured in small seasonal ponds in polyculture with carp. This practice can result in an increase in the households' consumption of small fish which have a very high content of calcium, iron and vitamin A. In addition to the nutritional benefits, it can also provide additional income through sale of carp and surplus small fish.


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The effect of introduction of mola (Amblypharyngodon mala) in polyculture with rohu (Labeo rohita), catla (Catla catla) and mirror carp (Cyprinus carpio var. specularis) was studied in semi-intensive culture system in the pond complex of the Fisheries Faculty, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh. Mala, a small indigenous fish was found to exert a negative impact on growth and production of carps. After four months' rearing, significant difference (P<0.05) was observed in the net production between the treatments.


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An experiment was conducted to assess the performance of mola (Amblyphmyngodon mola) in rice fish culture system with freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii), Thai silver barb (Bm·bades ganianotus) and common carp (Cyprinus cmpia) for a period of 4 months at the Agronomy Field Laboratory, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh. Four treatments viz., treatment-I (T1) with A. mala and M. rosenbergii; treatmen t-II (T2) with A. mala, M. rosenbergii and B. gonianatus ; treatmentIII (T3) with A. mala, 1Vf. rosenbergii and C. cmpia, and treatment- IV (T4) as control (without fish) were used in triplicate. All treatments were equally fertilized with urea (200 kg/ha), TSP (150 kg/ha) and MP (75 kg/ha). The mean values of water quality parameters viz., temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, nitrate-nitrogen showed a very small variations among different treatments, but phosphate-phosphorus and chlorophyll-a were relatively higher in T4 without fish (i.e., control). The fish production of 480.5 kg/ha in T3 was significantly higher than that of 355.6 kg/ha T2 and 223.8 kg/ha in T 1• The values of soil organic matter, total-nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium at harvest were significantly (P<0.05) higher in the treatments with fish than without fish, but pH did not show any significant differences. The yield of rice grain and straw was also obtained significantly (P<0.05) higher in the treatments with fish. The increase in grain was higher over the control by 11.81%, 9.41% and 14.76% and that in straw was by 9.83%, 4.77% and 13.29% in Tl> T2, and T3 respectively.


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A rice-fish culture experiment with four treatments viz., T 1 with Amblyphmyngadan mala alone, T 2 with A. mala and Barbodes gonionotus, T3 with A. mala and Cyprinis carpio and T4 as control (without fish) was carried out in the rice fields during April through August1999. The recovery rate of A. mala were 42%, 37% and 42% in treatments 1, 2 and 3 respectively and the same recorded for B. gonionotus and C. cmpio were 62% and 55% respectively. Among the three species of fish, B. gonionotus showed much higher recovery rate than both of A. mala and C. carpio. The production of A. nwla was 12.50 kg/ha/3 months in monoculture, and 7.92 kglha/3 months and 8.86 kglha/3 months in combination with B. gonionotus and C. carpio, respectively. The production of B. gonionotus in T2 was 169.29 kg/ha/3 months and C. cmpio in T 3 was 252.92 kg/ha/3 months. The total fish production was 12.50 kg/ha/3 months, 175.21 kg/ha/3 months and 261.88 kg/ha/3 months in Tp T2 and T3, respectively. The highest yields of rice grain (5.78 ton/ha) and straw (7.83 ton/ha) were recorded in T3 and the lowest of the same was in T4 (grain 4.96 ton/ha and straw 6.62 ton/ha). Rice yield increased by about 12.10% in T1, 13.30% in T2 and 16.33% in T3 in context to T4, rice-alone culture. The results demonstrated that the culture of fish in rice fields had profound beneficial impact on the production of rice grain and straw.


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To assess the production potentials of small indigenous fish species (SIS) in semi-intensive monoculture system, an experiment was carried out with Amblypharyngadan mala, Chela cachius and Puntius sophore. Three treatments each with three replications were tested with mola, chela and punti individually and the stocking density of each species was 100,000/ha. Organic fertilizer was applied to the ponds at the rate of 1,000 kg/ha at fortnightly and rice bran was supplemented daily at 3% of the total fish biomass. Partial harvesting was made after three months of stocking. Gross production of 805±52.94, 1,120±41.62 and 509±48.81 kg/ha, respectively for mola, chela and punti over a period of six months were obtained. The yield of punti was found to vary significantly (P < 0.05) from that of mola and chela.


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To assess the culture potential of mola (Amblypharyngodon mola) along with carps in polyculture systems, an experiment consisted of three treatments each with five replications was conducted for 4 months in two villages of Parbatipur upazilla under Dinajpur district. In the first treatment (SS), catla, rohu, mrigal, grass carp, Thai punti, common carp and a higher density of silver carp (8 per 40m²) were stocked. In the second treatment (SM), stocking density of silver carp was reduced to half and mola was added at a stocking density of 12,500/ha with all other fishes used in SS. In the third treatment (MM), no silver carp was stocked and mola was added at a stocking density of 25,000/ha with all other fishes used in SS. All treatments were subjected to the same regime of feed and fertilizers. The yields of large carps were 2035 kg/ha, 1757 kg/ha and 1326 kg/ha for treatments SS, SM and MM, respectively. Catla, grass carp and carpio showed better growth and production performance in presence of mola at a higher density, while rohu, Thai punti and mrigal showed better performance when stocking density of mola was relatively low. Mola yield was almost two times higher (184 kg/ha) in absence of silver carp (MM) than (62 kg/ha) in presence of silver carp (SM). The result showed that there was a significantly (p<0.01) lower total fish production in treatment MM. But there were no significant difference in total production between treatment SS and SM.


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Fish pickles (with olive and tamarind) were prepared from mola fish (Amblypharyngodon mola) and their nutritional and food quality were assessed. The quality of the pickle prepared with olive was excellent and the pickle prepared with tamarind was found good. Moisture content of the two pickle products were 43.85% (with tamarind) and 50.89% (with olive). The protein and lipid contents of tamarind added pickle were 19.13 and 35.64% respectively; pickle with olive contained less protein (13.16%) compared to tamarind added mola pickle. Lipid contents were almost same in both cases. Ash content of two pickles was also found similar (1.00%). The quality of mola pickles stored either in cool condition (4°C) with vinegar or at room temperature with Na-benzoate were found good for consumption up to 90 days of storage. All of the fish pickles preserved under different condition were found in acceptable condition up to 240 days storage and pickle with vinegar stored at 4°C was found good for consumption at the end of 240 days.


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树突状细胞(dendritic cells, DC)作为机体天然免疫和获得性免疫反应的桥梁和枢纽,发挥着重要的启动和调控作用。随着体外诱导方法的建立和生物学技术的进步,有关DC 的基础生物学研究得到了快速的发展,在诱导方法、个体发生及基因表达和调控等方面,涌现出很多新的、未解的关键问题。同时,随着对粘膜免疫机理研究的深入,DC 在粘膜生态环境中的功能和影响,渐已成为免疫学研究前沿领域中的热点和要点。在本研究中,为了确定DC 体外分化成熟的最短时程,同时为了研究DC 分化成熟相关的基因表达调控,我们建立了快速的DC 体外诱导方法,分析了体外快速诱导 DC 的mi/mRNA 表达谱。此外,在原始分离的女性生殖道共生乳酸杆菌的基础上,以THP-1作为DC 前体细胞的细胞系模型,开展了女性生殖道共生乳酸杆菌刺激活化 THP-1 的研究,希望能够为乳酸杆菌作为生殖道粘膜免疫疫苗的应用提供理论基础。首先,采用外周血单个核细胞(peripheral blood mononuclear cells, PBMC)来源的CD14+细胞为DC 前体,经过GM-CSF 和IL-4 的刺激,1-6 天后得到未成熟DC (immature dendritic cells, iDC),并经成熟因子(TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6 与PGE2)诱导 1-2 天后,获得成熟DC(mature dendritic cells, mDC)。经过比较和分析,明确了完全分化和成熟各2 天,即“2+2”,为DC 诱导分化的最佳和最短时程,从而证实和建立了DC 体外快速诱导的体系和方法。该方法获得的iDC 与mDC,具有与传统的“6+2” 方法获得的DC 相同的形态与表型,而且,利用该方法获得的DC 总数高于“1+1”, “1+2”与“6+2”的方法,为DC 的生物学研究提供了基础数据。我们进而采用芯片技术,对体外快速分化成熟的DC 进行了mi/mRNA 表达谱分析,确定了DC 不同分化发育阶段特征性的mi/mRNA 表达差异。结果发现,与CD14+ 单核细胞即DC 前体相比,iDC 与mDC 之间具有更加相近的mi/mRNA 表达方式。 miRNA 表达谱分析则表明,不同的miRNA 表达与DC 的不同分化和发育阶段相关。而且,位于同一基因簇内的miRNA,呈现协同表达的情况。特别值得注意的是,本研究发现了在DC 的某些发育阶段特异表达的miRNA,它们在DC 发育过程中的功能,还未得到诠释,它们在DC 某些分化阶段的特异表达,提示了DC 各分化阶段的相关性与特异性。结合mRNA 表达谱分析,我们发现miRNA 的表达与其目的基因的表达在mRNA 水平呈现负相关的特性。同时,免疫相关mRNA 与miRNA 在DC 体外不同发育阶段的表达亦呈现差异,其中,miRNA(如hsa-miR-181a, hsa-miR-223, hsa-miR-155, hsa-miR-146, hsa-miR-106a 与hsa-miR-20a 等)与mRNA(如ALM1 等)参与了特定的与免疫相关的GO(Gene Ontology)与通路(Pathway),提示这些miRNA 与mRNA 可能通过不同的方式调节控制着DC 的体外诱导过程。在有关粘膜生态环境中DC 的分化、成熟及其功能影响的研究中,我们首先通过各种乳酸杆菌鉴定方法的综合应用,确定了6 种原始分离的女性生殖道主要共生乳酸杆菌:发酵乳酸杆菌(L.Fermentum)、约氏乳酸杆菌(L.Johnsonni)、卷曲乳酸杆菌(L.Crispatus)、革氏乳酸杆菌(L.Gasseri)、詹氏乳酸杆菌(L.Jensenii)与德氏乳酸杆菌(L.Delbrueckii )。其中,德氏乳酸杆菌(L.Delbrueckii)和发酵乳酸杆菌(L.Fermentum)具有较高的产H2O2 的能力。在此基础上,我们在与THP-1 的共同培养体系中,将乳酸杆菌对DC 前体的作用和影响进行了比较和研究。结果发现,L.Crispatus 在分离的各原始菌株中,具有最强的刺激THP-1 活化的能力,而且,在相同刺激比例下,L.Crispatus 活菌具有比死菌更强的免疫刺激能力,表现为明显上调THP-1 细胞表面标志CD40、CD80、CD86、 CD1a、CCR6 与CD324 的表达水平,同时可诱导活化THP-1 上调表达Th1 型细胞因子。通过FITC-Dextran 吞噬实验,我们发现,经过L.Crispatus 刺激的THP-1 细胞,其吞噬外来抗原的能力明显下降,但尚未检测到经过活化的THP-1 细胞刺激T 细胞增殖的能力。通过流式细胞术分析的方法,我们检测了TLR1、TLR2、TLR4 与TLR6 在不同的刺激分化阶段的表达水平,结果表明,THP-1 主要通过TLR2 与TLR6 识别女性生殖道L.Crispatus。综上所述,本研究首先通过对DC 体外分化成熟的最短时程的分析,确立了快速诱导DC 的最佳方法,进而利用芯片技术,研究了快速诱导DC 的mi/mRNA 表达谱,揭示了DC 体外分化发育过程中可能的调控途径,为进一步研究DC 的基础生物学提供了恰当的模型和具有指向性的线索。同时,通过与DC 前体THP-1 的共同培养体系,证实了生殖道共生乳酸杆菌的免疫调节作用,为以乳酸杆菌为载体的生殖道粘膜免疫疫苗的研究和应用提供了实验依据


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Wydział Biologii: Instytut Biologii Środowiska/Zakład Hydrobiologii


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W nauce o stosunkach międzynarodowych porządek, czy też ład międzynarodowy, to zbiór podmiotów państwowych i niepaństwowych złączonych wzajemnymi relacjami o różnorodnym charakterze i działających według wspólnie wypracowanych lub narzuconych z zewnątrz reguł. Po zakończeniu zimnej wojny i utracie na znaczeniu ładu jałtańskiego rozgorzała dyskusja nad kształtem jaki ma przybrać ład postzimnowojenny. Z poczynionych rozważań wynika, że polityczny i gospodarczy ład międzynarodowy w najbliższych dekadach będzie wielobiegunowy. Szczególne znaczenie odgrywać w nim będą USA, Chiny , a także Unia Europejska, Japonia, Indie i Brazylia. Obecnie UE odgrywa jedną z najważniejszych ról w budowie ładu międzynarodowego. Widać to zwłaszcza pod względem gospodarczym jako że Unia UE jest obecnie największym światowym eksporterem i drugim (po USA) importerem. Wydaje się jednak, że tradycyjne opisywanie Unii Europejskiej jako przykładu obszaru sukcesu gospodarczego może w najbliższym czasie ulec zmianie. Europa w długiej perspektywie ulegnie marginalizacji jeśli nie wróci do projektów ściślejszej integracji, nie wykorzysta lepiej swojego potencjału intelektualnego i gospodarczego oraz nie przyspieszy rozwoju poprzez stawianie na nowe technologie. Dla podtrzymania swojej pozycji powinna ona aktywniej współpracować z USA, utrzymywać poprawne stosunki z krajami azjatyckimi a także zaangażować się we współpracę z organizacjami między- i pozarządowymi, które w najbliższych latach będą zyskiwać na znaczeniu