1000 resultados para Medical Physiology


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Inhibition of programmed cell death of motoneurons during embryonic development requires the presence of their target muscle and coincides with the initial stages of synaptogenesis. To evaluate the role of synapse formation on motoneuron survival during embryonic development, we counted the number of motoneurons in rapsyn-deficient mice. RaDsyn is a 43 kDa protein needed for the formation of postsynaptic specialisations at vertebrate neuromuscular synapses. Here we show that the rapsyn-deficient mice have a significant increase in the number of motoneurons in the brachial lateral motor column during the period of naturally occurring programmed cell death compared to their wild-type littermates. In addition, we observed an increase in intramuscular axonal branching in the rapsyn-deficient diaphragms compared to their wild-type littermates at embryonic day 18.5. These results suggest that deficits in the formation of the postsynaptic specialisation at the neuromuscular synapse, brought about by the absence of rapsyn, are sufficient to induce increases in both axonal branching and the survival of the innervating motoneuron. Moreover, these results support the idea that skeletal muscle activity through effective synaptic transmission and intramuscular axonal branching are major mechanisms that regulate motoneuron survival during development. (C) 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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This study compared the effects of zinc and odorants on the voltage-gated K+ channel of rat olfactory neurons. Zinc reduced current magnitude, depolarized the voltage activation curve and slowed activation kinetics without affecting inactivation or deactivation kinetics. Zinc inhibition was potentiated by the NO compound, S-nitroso-cysteine. The pH- and diethylpyrocarbonate-dependence of zinc inhibition suggested that zinc acted by binding to histidine residues. Cysteine residues were eliminated as contributing to the zinc-binding site. The odorants, acetophenone and amyl acetate, also reduced current magnitude, depolarized the voltage activation curve and selectively slowed activation kinetics. Furthermore, the diethylpyrocarbonate- and pH-dependence of odorant inhibition implied that the odorants also bind to histidine residues. Zinc inhibitory potency was dramatically diminished in the presence of odorants, implying competition for a common binding site. These observations indicate that the odorants and zinc share a common inhibitory binding site on the external surface of the voltage-gated K+ channel.


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The beta -amino acid, taurine, is a full agonist of the human glycine receptor al subunit when recombinantly expressed in a mammalian (HEK293) cell line, but a partial agonist of the same receptor when expressed in Xenopus oocytes. Several residues in the Ala101-Thr112 domain have previously been identified as determinants of beta -amino acid binding and gating mechanisms in Xenopus oocyte-expressed receptors. The present study used the substituted cysteine accessibility method to investigate the role of this domain in controlling taurine-specific binding and gating mechanisms of glycine receptors recombinantly expressed in mammalian cells. Asn102 and Glu103 are identified as taurine and glycine binding sites, whereas Ala101 is eliminated as a possible binding site. The N102C mutation also abolished the antagonistic actions of taurine, indicating that this site does not discriminate between the putative agonist- and antagonist-bound conformations of beta -amino acids. The effects of mutations from Lys104-Thr112 indicate that the mechanism by which this domain controls beta -amino acid-specific binding and gating processes differs substantially depending on whether the receptor is expressed in mammalian cells or Xenopus oocytes. Thr112 is the only domain element in mammalian cell-expressed GlyRs which was demonstrated to discriminate between glycine and taurine.


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This study investigated the residues responsible for the reduced picrotoxin sensitivity of the alpha beta heteromeric glycine receptor relative to the alpha homomeric receptor. By analogy with structurally related receptors, the beta subunit M2 domain residues P278 and F282 were considered the most likely candidates for mediating this effect. These residues align with G254 and T258 of the alpha subunit. The T258A, T258C and T258F mutations dramatically reduced the picrotoxin sensitivity of the alpha homomeric receptor. Furthermore, the converse F282T mutation in the beta subunit increased the picrotoxin sensitivity of the alpha beta heteromeric receptor. The P278G mutation in the beta subunit did not affect the picrotoxin sensitivity of the alpha beta heteromer. Thus, a ring of five threonines at the M2 domain depth corresponding to alpha subunit T258 is specifically required for picrotoxin sensitivity. Mutations to alpha subunit T258 also profoundly influenced the apparent glycine affinity. A substituted cysteine accessibility analysis revealed that the T258C sidechain increases its pore exposure in the channel open state. This provides further evidence for an allosteric mechanism of picrotoxin inhibition, but renders it unlikely that picrotoxin las an allosterically acting 'competitive' antagonist) binds to this residue.


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Objective: The purpose of this study was to compare the energy cost of standardized physical activity (ECA) between patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) and healthy control subjects. Design: Cross-sectional study using patients with CF and volunteers from the community. Setting: University laboratory. Subjects: Fifteen patients (age 24.6 +/- 4.6 y) recruited with consent from their treating physician and 16 healthy control subjects (age 25.3 +/- 3.2) recruited via local advertisement. Interventions. Patients and controls walked on a computerised treadmill at 1.5 km/h for 60 min followed by a 60 min recovery period and, on a second occasion, cycled at 0.5 kp (kilopond), 30 rpm followed by a 60 min recovery. The ECA was measured via indirect calorimetry. Resting energy expenditure (REE), nutritional status, pulmonary function and genotype were determined. Results: The REE in patients was significantly greater than the REE measured in controls (P = 0.03) and was not related to the severity of lung disease or genotype. There was a significant difference between groups when comparing the ECA for walking kg root FFM (P = 0.001) and cycling kg root FFM (P = 0.04). The ECA for each activity was adjusted (ECA(adj)) for the contribution of REE (ECA kJ kg root FFM 120 min(-1) - REE kJ kg root FFM 120 min(-1)). ECA(adj) revealed a significant difference between groups for the walking protocol (P = 0.001) but no difference for the cycling protocol (P = 0.45). This finding may be related to the fact that the work rate during walking was more highly regulated than during cycling. Conclusions ECA in CF is increased and is likely to be explained by an additional energy-requiring component related to the exercise itself and not an increased REE. Sponsorship. The Prince Charles Hospital Foundation; MLR was in receipt of a QUTPRA Scholarship.


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The placenta must allow the passage of iodide from the maternal to the fetal circulation for synthesis of thyroxine by the fetal thyroid. The thyroid sodium iodide symporter (NIS) was cloned in 1996 and, although widely distributed among epithelial tissues, early studies failed to detect it in placenta. We demonstrated NIS mRNA in human placenta and in the human choriocarcinoma cell line, JAr. NIS protein was localized to trophoblasts, with a tendency to apical distribution, in sections of human placenta immunostained with a monoclonal antibody against hNIS. We conclude that NIS is expressed in placenta and may mediate placental iodide transport. (C) 2001 Harcourt Publishers Ltd.


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Syntaxin 7 is a mammalian target soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptor (SNARE) involved in membrane transport between late endosomes and lysosomes. The aim of the present study was to use immunoaffinity techniques to identify proteins that interact with Syntaxin 7. We reasoned that this would be facilitated by the use of cells producing high levels of Syntaxin 7, Screening of a large number of tissues and cell lines revealed that Syntaxin 7 is expressed at very high levels in B16 melanoma cells. Moreover, the expression of Syntaxin 7 increased in these cells as they underwent melanogenesis. From a large scale Syntaxin 7 immunoprecipitation, we have identified six polypeptides using a combination of electrospray mass spectrometry and immunoblotting. These polypeptides corresponded to Syntaxin 7, Syntaxin 6, mouse Vps10p tail interactor 1b (mVti1b), alpha -synaptosome-associated protein (SNAP), vesicle-associated membrane protein (VAMP)8, VAMP7, and the protein phosphatase 1M regulatory subunit. We also observed partial colocalization between Syntaxin 6 and Syntaxin 7, between Syntaxin 6 and mVti1b, but not between Syntaxin 6 and the early endosomal t-SNARE Syntaxin 13. Based on these and data reported previously, we propose that Syntaxin 7/mVti1b/Syntaxin 6 may form discrete SNARE complexes with either VAMP7 or VAMPS to regulate fusion events within the late endosomal pathway and that these events may play a critical role in melanogenesis.


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Delivery of endocytosed macromolecules to lysosomes occurs by means of direct fusion of late endosomes with lysosomes. This has been formally demonstrated in a cell-free content mixing assay using late endosomes and lysosomes from rat liver. There is evidence from electron microscopy Studies that the same process occurs in intact cells. The fusion process results in the formation of hybrid organelles from which lysosomes are reformed. The discovery of the hybrid organelle has opened up three areas of investigation: (i) the mechanism of direct fusion of late endosomes and lysosomes, (ii) the mechanism of re-formation of lysosomes from the hybrid organelle, and (iii) the function of the hybrid organelle. Fusion has analogies with homotypic vacuole fusion in yeast. It requires syntaxin 7 as part of the functional trans-SNARE [SNAP receptor, where SNAP is soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor (NSF) attachment protein] complex and the release of lumenal calcium to achieve membrane fusion. Reformation of lysosomes from the hybrid organelle occurs by a maturation process involving condensation of lumenal content and probably removal of some membrane proteins by vesicular traffic. Lysosomes may thus be regarded as a type of secretory granule, storing acid hydrolases in between fusion events with late endosomes. The hybrid organelle is predicted to function as a 'cell stomach', acting as a major site of hydrolysis of endocytosed macromolecules.


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Sec1p-like/Munc-18 (SM) proteins bind to t-SNAREs and inhibit ternary complex formation. Paradoxically, the absence of SM proteins does not result in constitutive membrane fusion, Here, we show that in yeast cells lacking the SM protein Vps45p, the t-SNARE Tlg2p is down-regulated, to undetectable levels, by rapid proteasomal degradation. In the absence of Vps45p, Tlg2p can be stabilized through abolition of proteasome activity. Surprisingly, the stabilized Tlg2p was targeted to the correct intracellular location. However, the stabilized Tlg2p is non-functional and unable to bind its cognate SNARE binding partners, Tlg1p and Vti1p, in the absence of Vps45p, A truncation mutant lacking the first 230 residues of Tlg2p no longer bound Vps45p but was able to form complexes with Tlg1p and Vti1p in the absence of the SM protein. These data provide us with two valuable insights into the function of SM proteins. First, SM proteins act as chaperone-like molecules for their cognate t-SNAREs, Secondly, SM proteins play an essential role in the activation process allowing their cognate t-SNARE to participate in ternary complex formation.


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Red cell number and size increase during puberty, particularly in males. The aim of the present study was to determine whether expression of genes affecting red cell indices varied with age and sex. Haemoglobin, red cell count, and mean cellular volume were measured longitudinally on 578 pairs of twins at twelve, fourteen and sixteen years of age. Data were analysed using a structural equation modeling approach, in which a variety of univariate and longitudinal simplex models were fitted to the data. Significant heritability was demonstrated for all variables across all ages. The genes involved did not differ between the sexes, although there was evidence for sex limitation in the case of haemoglobin at age twelve. Longitudinal analyses indicated that new genes affecting red cell indices were expressed at different stages of puberty. Some of these genes affected the different red cell indices pleiotropically, while others had effects specific to one variable only.


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Purpose: The aim of this study was to assess the accuracy of a (CO2)-C-13 breath test for the prediction of short-duration energy expenditure. Methods: Eight healthy volunteers walked at 1.5 km.h(-1) for 60 min followed by 60-min recovery. During this time, the energy cost of physical activity was measured via respiratory calorimetry and a C-13 bicarbonate breath test. A further eight subjects were tested using the same two methods during a 60-min cycle at 0.5 kp. 30 ipm followed by a 60-min recovery. The rate of appearance of (CO2)-C-13, (RaCO2) was measured and the mean ratio, (V) over dot CO2/RaCO2 was used to calculate energy expenditure using the isotopic approach. Results: As would be expected, there was a significant difference in the energy cost of walking and cycling using both methods (P < 0.05). However. no significant differences were observed between respiratory calorimetry and the isotope method for measurement of energy expenditure while walking or cycling. Conclusions: These data suggest that the C-13 breath test is a valid method that can be used to measure the energy cost of short duration physical activity in a field setting.


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in a recent publication, Eriksson et al. [1] explored the relationship between size at birth and resting metabolic rate and body composition in adulthood in a cohort of over 300 men and women. They reported an unexpected finding that people of both sexes who had a low birth weight also had a higher metabolic activity per unit muscle tissue. This conclusion was drawn from an analysis where resting metabolic rate (expressed as kcal/kg fat-free mass) in adulthood was examined relative to the birth weight of the subject. One explanation that they suggested was that the apparent increased activity of muscle tissue resulted from an increased sympathetic drive associated with low birth weight. There may be a less physiological reason for the findings of Eriksson et al. Whilst the data are not given specifically in the text, it can be seen clearly from Fig. 1 in the paper that the mean fat-free mass measured in adulthood increased, in both sexes, from the lightest birth weight group to the heaviest birth weight group when the cohort were divided into tertiles based on birth weight. The crux of the issue is that in many - indeed most - cases, expressing resting energy expenditure as kcal/kg fat-free mass does not totally adjust for fat-free mass [2 - 5], and a bias is introduced so that those who have a higher fat-free mass will tend to have a lower resting energy expenditure when expressed per kg fat-free mass. This bias found when expressing many physiological parameters relative to body size, body weight or body composition has long been known [6], and should be carefully considered by appropriate adjustment and hence analysis.


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In this study we examined the repeatability and reliability of the surface electromyographic (sEMG) signal mean frequency (MNF), average rectified value (ARV) and conduction velocity (CV) measured for the sternocleidomastoid (SCM) and the anterior scalene (AS) muscles in nine healthy volunteers during 15-s isometric cervical flexion contractions at 50% of the maximal voluntary contraction level over 3 non-consecutive days. Repeatability and reliability estimates were obtained for the initial values and rates of change of each sEMG variable by using both the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC) and the normalised standard error of the mean (nSEM). Results from SCM indicated good levels of repeatability for the initial value and slope of ARV (ICC > 65%). For the AS, high levels of repeatability were identified for the initial value of MNF (ICC > 70%) and the slope of ARV (ICC > 75%). Values of nSEM in the range 2.8-7.2% were obtained for the initial values of MNF and CV for both SCM and AS, indicating clinically acceptable measurement precision. The low value obtained for the nSEM of the initial value of MNF for the AS, in combination with the high ICC, indicates that of all of the variables examined, this variable could offer the best normative index to distinguish between subjects with and without neck pain, and represents the sEMG variable of choice for future evaluation purposes.


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Objectives: Advances in surface electromyography (sEMG) techniques provide a clear indication that refinement of electrode location relative to innervation zones (IZ) is required in order to optimise the accuracy, relevance and repeatability of the sEMG signals. The aim of this study was to identify the IZ for the sternocleidomastoid and anterior scalene muscles to provide guidelines for electrode positioning for future clinical and research applications. Methods: Eleven volunteer subjects participated in this study. Myoelectric signals were detected from the sternal and clavicular heads of the stemocleidomastoid and the anterior scalene muscles bilaterally using a linear array of 8 electrodes during isometric cervical flexion contractions. The signals were reviewed and the IZ(s) were identified, marked on the subjects' skin and measurements were obtained relative to selected anatomical landmarks. Results: The position of the IZ lay consistently around the mid-point or in the superior portion of the muscles studied. Conclusions: Results suggest that electrodes should be positioned over the lower portion of the muscle and not the mid-point, which has been commonly used in previous studies. Recommendations for sensor placement on these muscles should assist investigators and clinicians to ensure improved validity in future sEMG applications. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Fibroblast growth factor receptors (FGFRs) undergo highly regulated spatial and temporal changes of expression during development. This study describes the use of quantitative reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction and immunochemistry to assess the changes in expression of FGFR4 as compared to its FGFR4-17a and -17b isoforms in mouse tissues, from early embryogenesis through to adulthood. Compared to FGFR4, the expression of the isoforms is more restricted at all developmental stages tested. The reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction demonstrated that FGFR4 is expressed in more tissue types than either of its isoforms: it was found predominantly in lung, liver, brain, skeletal muscle and kidney, whereas the FGFR4-17a form was detected in lung and skeletal muscle, and the FGFR4-17b form only in lung, liver, skeletal muscle and kidney. Immunohistochemistry confirmed strong FGFR4-17b expression in the postnatal lung. When combined, the results suggest that FGFR4 variants play important roles particularly in lung and skeletal muscle development.