999 resultados para Maturing Stem


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Multipotent mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), first identified in the bone marrow, have subsequently been found in many other tissues, including fat, cartilage, muscle, and bone. Adipose tissue has been identified as an alternative to bone marrow as a source for the isolation of MSCs, as it is neither limited in volume nor as invasive in the harvesting. This study compares the multipotentiality of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (BMSCs) with that of adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells (AMSCs) from 12 age- and sex-matched donors. Phenotypically, the cells are very similar, with only three surface markers, CD106, CD146, and HLA-ABC, differentially expressed in the BMSCs. Although colony-forming units-fibroblastic numbers in BMSCs were higher than in AMSCs, the expression of multiple stem cell-related genes, like that of fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF2), the Wnt pathway effectors FRAT1 and frizzled 1, and other self-renewal markers, was greater in AMSCs. Furthermore, AMSCs displayed enhanced osteogenic and adipogenic potential, whereas BMSCs formed chondrocytes more readily than AMSCs. However, by removing the effects of proliferation from the experiment, AMSCs no longer out-performed BMSCs in their ability to undergo osteogenic and adipogenic differentiation. Inhibition of the FGF2/fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 signaling pathway demonstrated that FGF2 is required for the proliferation of both AMSCs and BMSCs, yet blocking FGF2 signaling had no direct effect on osteogenic differentiation. Disclosure of potential conflicts of interest is found at the end of this article.


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High renewal and maintenance of multipotency of human adult stem cells (hSCs), are a prerequisite for experimental analysis as well as for potential clinical usages. The most widely used strategy for hSC culture and proliferation is using serum. However, serum is poorly defined and has a considerable degree of inter-batch variation, which makes it difficult for large-scale mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) expansion in homogeneous culture conditions. Moreover, it is often observed that cells grown in serum-containing media spontaneously differentiate into unknown and/or undesired phenotypes. Another way of maintaining hSC development is using cytokines and/or tissue-specific growth factors; this is a very expensive approach and can lead to early unwanted differentiation. In order to circumvent these issues, we investigated the role of sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P), in the growth and multipotency maintenance of human bone marrow and adipose tissue-derived MSCs. We show that S1P induces growth, and in combination with reduced serum, or with the growth factors FGF and platelet-derived growth factor-AB, S1P has an enhancing effect on growth. We also show that the MSCs cultured in S1P-supplemented media are able to maintain their differentiation potential for at least as long as that for cells grown in the usual serum-containing media. This is shown by the ability of cells grown in S1P-containing media to be able to undergo osteogenic as well as adipogenic differentiation. This is of interest, since S1P is a relatively inexpensive natural product, which can be obtained in homogeneous high-purity batches: this will minimize costs and potentially reduce the unwanted side effects observed with serum. Taken together, S1P is able to induce proliferation while maintaining the multipotency of different human stem cells, suggesting a potential for S1P in developing serum-free or serum-reduced defined medium for adult stem cell cultures.


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Emerging evidence supports that prostate cancer originates from a rare sub-population of cells, namely prostate cancer stem cells (CSCs). Conventional therapies for prostate cancer are believed to mainly target the majority of differentiated tumor cells but spare CSCs, which may account for the subsequent disease relapse after treatment. Therefore, successful elimination of CSCs may be an effective strategy to achieve complete remission from this disease. Gamma-tocotrienols (-T3) is one of the vitamin-E constituents which have been shown to have anticancer effects against a wide-range of human cancers. Recently, we have reported that -T3 treatment not only inhibits prostate cancer cell invasion but also sensitizes the cells to docetaxel-induced apoptosis, suggesting that -T3 may be an effective therapeutic agent against advanced stage prostate cancer. Here, we demonstrate for the first time that -T3 can down-regulate the expression of prostate CSC markers (CD133/CD44) in androgen independent (AI) prostate cancer cell lines (PC-3 & DU145), as evident from western blotting analysis. Meanwhile, the spheroid formation ability of the prostate cancer cells was significantly hampered by -T3 treatment. In addition, pre-treatment of PC-3 cells with -T3 was found to suppress tumor initiation ability of the cells. More importantly, while CD133-enriched PC-3 cells were highly resistant to docetaxel treatment, these cells were as sensitive to -T3 treatment as the CD133-depleted population. Our data suggest that -T3 may be an effective agent in targeting prostate CSCs, which may account for its anticancer and chemosensitizing effects reported in previous studies.


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The pore architecture of scaffolds is known to play a critical role in tissue engineering as it provides the vital framework for seeded cells to organize into a functioning tissue. In this report we have investigated the effects of different concentrations of silk fibroin protein on three-dimensional (3D) scaffold pore microstructure. Four pore size ranges of silk fibroin scaffolds were made by the freeze drying technique, with the pore sizes ranging from 50 to 300 lm. The pore sizes of the scaffolds decreased as the concentration of fibroin protein increased. Human bone marrow mesenchymal stromal cells (BMSC) transfected with the BMP7 gene were cultured in these scaffolds. A cell viability colorimetric assay, alkaline phosphatase assay and reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction were performed to analyze the effect of pore size on cell growth, the secretion of extracellular matrix (ECM) and osteogenic differentiation. Cell migration in 3D scaffolds was confirmed by confocal microscopy. Calvarial defects in SCID mice were used to determine the bone forming ability of the silk fibroin scaffolds incorporating BMSC expressing BMP7. The results showed that BMSC expressing BMP7 preferred a pore size between 100 and 300 lm in silk fibroin protein fabricated scaffolds, with better cell proliferation and ECM production. Furthermore, in vivo transplantation of the silk fibroin scaffolds combined with BMSC expressing BMP7 induced new bone formation. This study has shown that an optimized pore architecture of silk fibroin scaffolds can modulate the bioactivity of BMP7-transfected BMSC in bone formation.


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Tissue engineering allows the design of functionally active cells within supportive bio-scaffolds to promote the development of new tissues such as cartilage and bone for the restoration of pathologically altered tissues. However, all bone tissue engineering applications are limited by a shortage of stem cells. The adult bone marrow stroma contains a subset of nonhematopoietic cells referred to as bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (BMSCs). BMSCs are of interest because they are easily isolated from a small aspirate of bone marrow and readily generate single- cell-derived colonies. These cells have the capacity to undergo extensive replication in an undifferentiated state ex vivo. In addition, BMSCs have the potential to develop either in vitro or in vivo into distinct mesenchymal tissues, including bone, cartilage, fat, tendon, muscle, and marrow stroma. Thus, BMSCs are an attractive cell source for tissue engineering approaches. However, BMSCs are not homo- geneous and the quantity of stem cells decreases in the bone marrow in aged population. A sequential loss of lineage differentiation potential has been found in the mixed culture of bone marrow stromal cells due to a heterogenous popu- lation. Therefore, a number of studies have proposed that homogenous bone marrow stem cells can be generated from clonal culture of bone marrow cells and that BMSC clones have the greatest potential for the application of bone regeneration in vivo


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Numerous challenges remain in the successful clinical translation of cell-based therapies for musculoskeletal tissue repair, including the identification of an appropriate cell source and a viable cell delivery system. The aim of this study was to investigate the attachment, colonization, and osteogenic differentiation of two stem cell types, human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) and human amniotic fluid stem (hAFS) cells, on electrospun nanofiber meshes. We demonstrate that nanofiber meshes are able to support these cell functions robustly, with both cell types demonstrating strong osteogenic potential. Differences in the kinetics of osteogenic differentiation were observed between hMSCs and hAFS cells, with the hAFS cells displaying a delayed alkaline phosphatase peak, but elevated mineral deposition, compared to hMSCs. We also compared the cell behavior on nanofiber meshes to that on tissue culture plastic, and observed that there is delayed initial attachment and proliferation on meshes, but enhanced mineralization at a later time point. Finally, cell-seeded nanofiber meshes were found to be effective in colonizing three-dimensional scaffolds in an in vitro system. This study provides support for the use of the nanofiber mesh as a model surface for cell culture in vitro, and a cell delivery vehicle for the repair of bone defects in vivo.


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The absence of cellular immunity is central to the pathogenesis of herpesvirus-mediated diseases after allogeneic hemopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). For both bone marrow (BM)– and granulocyte-colony stimulating factor–mobilized peripheral blood stem cells (PBSCs) HSCT, donor-derived Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and cytomegalovirus (CMV) peptide–specific CD8+ T cells clones undergo early expansion and persist long-term, with additional diversification arising from novel antigen-specific clones from donor-derived progenitors. Whether BM or PBSC is the superior source of antiviral CD8+ T cells is unclear. Given that PBSC has largely replaced BM as a source of stem cells for HSCT, it is unlikely that herpesvirus effector T-cell reconstitution will ever be compared prospectively. PBSC grafts contain 10 to 30 times more T cells than BM and a randomized study found proven viral infections were more frequent in BM than PBSC recipients, suggesting viral-specific T-cell immunity is enhanced in PBSC. Recently Moss showed in lung cancer patients that herpesvirus-specific BM-derived CD8+ T cells have unique homing properties relative to herpesvirus-specific CD8+ T cells present in unmobilized peripheral blood (PB). Immunodominant EBV-lytic peptide–specific CD8+ T cells were enriched in BM but were reduced for CMV peptide–specific CD8+ T cells relative to PB. EBV-latent peptide–specific CD8+ T cells were equivalent, which has relevance in the context of posttransplantation lymphoproliferative disorder for which impaired EBV-latent CD8+ T-cell immunity is a risk-factor. A comparison of herpesvirus-specific cellular immunity in PBSC versus PB has yet to be performed.


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This paper was retracted by the Journal of Stem Cells and Development on February 15, 2013.


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Human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) possess great therapeutic potential for the treatment of bone disease and fracture non-union. Too often however, in vitro evidence alone of the interaction between hMSCs and the biomaterial of choice is used as justification for continued development of the material into the clinic. Clearly for hMSC-based regenerative medicine to be successful for the treatment of orthopaedic trauma, it is crucial to transplant hMSCs with a suitable carrier that facilitates their survival, optimal proliferation and osteogenic differentiation in vitro and in vivo. This motivated us to evaluate the use of polycaprolactone-20% tricalcium phosphate (PCL-TCP) scaffolds produced by fused deposition modeling for the delivery of hMSCs. When hMSCs were cultured on the PCL-TCP scaffolds and imaged by a combination of phase contrast, scanning electron and confocal laser microscopy, we observed five distinct stages of colonization over a 21-day period that were characterized by cell attachment, spreading, cellular bridging, the formation of a dense cellular mass and the accumulation of a mineralized extracellular matrix when induced with osteogenic stimulants. Having established that PCL-TCP scaffolds are able to support hMSC proliferation and osteogenic differentiation, we next tested the in vivo efficacy of hMSC-loaded PCL-TCP scaffolds in nude rat critical-sized femoral defects. We found that fluorescently labeled hMSCs survived in the defect site for up to 3 weeks post-transplantation. However, only 50% of the femoral defects treated with hMSCs responded favorably as determined by new bone volume. As such, we show that verification of hMSC viability and differentiation in vitro is not sufficient to predict the efficacy of transplanted stem cells to consistently promote bone formation in orthotopic defects in vivo.


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Rupestris stem pitting (rSP), a graft-transmissible grapevine disease, can be identified only by its reaction (pitted wood) on inoculated Vitis rupestris ‘St. George.’ DsRNA was extracted from grapevines from California and Canada that indexed positive for rSP on St. George. Two distinct dsRNA species (B and C) (Mr = 5.3 × 106 and 4.4 × 106, respectively) were detected from the stem tissue of rSP-positive samples. Although similar dsRNA species (B and C) were detected in extracts of grapevines from New York, the association of dsRNA B and C with rSP in New York samples was not consistent. Also, eight different dsRNAs, known to be associated with the powdery mildew fungus, Uncinula necator, were detected in leaves of New York samples. In New York, the dsRNAs were not observed in leaves or stem samples collected from June through late August during the 1988 and 1989 growing seasons, suggesting that dsRNA detection in the grape tissue is variable throughout the season. We suggest that dsRNA species B and C are associated with rSP disease. The inconsistent results with New York samples are discussed.


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Cell based therapies for bone regeneration are an exciting emerging technology, but the availability of osteogenic cells is limited and an ideal cell source has not been identified. Amniotic fluid-derived stem (AFS) cells and bone-marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) were compared to determine their osteogenic differentiation capacity in both 2D and 3D environments. In 2D culture, the AFS cells produced more mineralized matrix but delayed peaks in osteogenic markers. Cells were also cultured on 3D scaffolds constructed of poly-e-caprolactone for 15 weeks. MSCs differentiated more quickly than AFS cells on 3D scaffolds, but mineralized matrix production slowed considerably after 5 weeks. In contrast, the rate of AFS cell mineralization continued to increase out to 15 weeks, at which time AFS constructs contained 5-fold more mineralized matrix than MSC constructs. Therefore, cell source should be taken into consideration when used for cell therapy, as the MSCs would be a good choice for immediate matrix production, but the AFS cells would continue robust mineralization for an extended period of time. This study demonstrates that stem cell source can dramatically influence the magnitude and rate of osteogenic differentiation in vitro.


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Cell based therapies as they apply to tissue engineering and regenerative medicine, require cells capable of self renewal and differentiation, and a prerequisite is to be able to prepare an effective dose of ex vivo expanded cells for autologous transplants. The in vivo identification of a source of physiologically relevant cell types suitable for cell therapies therefore figures as an integral part of tissue engineering. Stem cells serve as a reserve for biological repair, having the potential to differentiate into a number of specialised cell types within the body; they therefore represent the most useful candidates for cell based therapies. The primary goal of stem cell research is to produce cells that are both patient specific, as well as having properties suitable for the specific conditions for which they are intended to remedy. From a purely scientific perspective, stem cells allow scientists to gain a deeper understanding of developmental biology and regenerative therapies. Stem cells have acquired a number of uses for applications in regenerative medicine, immunotherapy, gene therapy, but it is in the area of tissue engineering that they generate most excitement, primarily as a result of their capacity for self-renewal and pluripotency. A unique feature of stem cells is their ability to maintain an uncommitted quiescent state in vivo and then, once triggered by conditions such as disease, injury or natural wear or tear, serve as a reservoir and natural support system to replenish lost cells. Although these cells retain the plasticity to differentiate into various tissues, being able to control this differentiation process is still one of the biggest challenges facing stem cell research. In an effort to harness the potential of these cells a number of studies have been conducted using both embryonic/foetal and adult stem cells. The use of embryonic stem cells (ESC) have been hampered by strong ethical and political concerns, this despite their perceived versatility due to their pluripotency. Ethical issues aside, other concerns raised with ESCs relates to the possibility of tumorigenesis, immune rejection and complications with immunosuppressive therapies, all of which adds layers of complications to the application ESC in research and which has led to the search for alternative sources for stem cells. The adult tissues in higher organisms harbours cells, termed adult stem cells, and these cells are reminiscent of unprogrammed stem cells. A number of sources of adult stem cells have been described. Bone marrow is by far the most accessible source of two potent populations of adult stem cells, namely haematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) and bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (BMSCs). Autologously harvested adult stem cells can, in contrast to embryonic stem cells, readily be used in autografts, since immune rejection is not an issue; and their use in scientific research has not attracted the ethical concerns which have been the case with embryonic stem cells. The major limitation to their use, however, is the fact that adult stem cells are exceedingly rare in most tissues. This fact makes identifying and isolating these cells problematic; bone marrow being perhaps the only notable exception. Unlike the case of HSCs, there are as yet no rigorous criteria for characterizing MSCs. Changing acuity about the pluripotency of MSCs in recent studies has expanded their potential application; however, the underlying molecular pathways which impart the features distinctive to MSCs remain elusive. Furthermore, the sparse in vivo distribution of these cells imposes a clear limitation to their study in vitro. Also, when MSCs are cultured in vitro, there is a loss of the in vivo microenvironment, resulting in a progressive decline in proliferation potential and multipotentiality. This is further exacerbated with increased passage numbers in culture, characterized by the onset of senescence related changes. As a consequence, it is necessary to establish protocols for generating large numbers of MSCs but without affecting their differentiation potential. MSCs are capable of differentiating into mesenchymal tissue lineages, including bone, cartilage, fat, tendon, muscle, and marrow stroma. Recent findings indicate that adult bone marrow may also contain cells that can differentiate into the mature, nonhematopoietic cells of a number of tissues, including cells of the liver, kidney, lung, skin, gastrointestinal tract, and myocytes of heart and skeletal muscle. MSCs can readily be expanded in vitro and can be genetically modified by viral vectors and be induced to differentiate into specific cell lineages by changing the microenvironment–properties which makes these cells ideal vehicles for cellular gene therapy. MSCs can also exert profound immunosuppressive effects via modulation of both cellular and innate immune pathways, and this property allows them to overcome the issue of immune rejection. Despite the many attractive features associated with MSCs, there are still many hurdles to overcome before these cells are readily available for use in clinical applications. The main concern relates to in vivo characterization and identification of MSCs. The lack of a universal biomarker, sparse in vivo distribution, and a steady age related decline in their numbers, makes it an obvious need to decipher the reprogramming pathways and critical molecular players which govern the characteristics unique to MSCs. This book presents a comprehensive insight into the biology of adult stem cells and their utility in current regeneration therapies. The adult stem cell populations reviewed in this book include bone marrow derived MSCs, adipose derived stem cells (ASCs), umbilical cord blood stem cells, and placental stem cells. The features such as MSC circulation and trafficking, neuroprotective properties, and the nurturing roles and differentiation potential of multiple lineages have been discussed in details. In terms of therapeutic applications, the strengths of MSCs have been presented and their roles in disease treatments such as osteoarthritis, Huntington’s disease, periodontal regeneration, and pancreatic islet transplantation have been discussed. An analysis comparing osteoblast differentiation of umbilical cord blood stem cells and MSCs has been reviewed, as has a comparison of human placental stem cells and ASCs, in terms of isolation, identification and therapeutic applications of ASC in bone, cartilage regeneration, as well as myocardial regeneration. It is my sincere hope that this book will update the reader as to the research progress of MSC biology and potential use of these cells in clinical applications. It will be the best reward to all contributors of this book, if their efforts herein may in some way help the readers in any part of their study, research, and career development.