998 resultados para Matias Aires


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O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar as causas mais freqüentes de emergências em pacientes com doença de Chagas. Entre janeiro de 1998 e janeiro de 1999, foram incluídos num estudo prospectivo, indivíduos com doença de Chagas que ingressaram no pronto socorro do Hospital Santojanni da Cidade de Buenos Aires. Para a análise estatística, utilizou-se o teste de X² com correção de Yates. De um total de 1.680 pacientes ingressados, houve 95 (6%) com sorologia reativa para doença de Chagas. Em 31 indivíduos, a causa de ingresso foi síncope, em 28 insuficiência cardíaca, em 18 eventos coronários agudos, em 5 acidentes vasculares cerebrais, em 3 hipertensão arterial com edema agudo de pulmão e em 2 encefalite aguda associada à SIDA. Como conclusão observou-se uma associação significativa entre: 1) presença de cardiopatia e hospitalização, 2) insuficiência cardíaca, síncope, encefalite aguda e mortalidade, 3) progresso de cardiopatia e mortalidade e 4) lugar de procedência e mortalidade.


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Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em História da Arte


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Hydatidosis is a zoonosis of worldwide distribution produced mainly by the metacestode Echinococcus granulosus. In Argentina, its distribution reaches endemic levels. The aims of this investigation were to contribute to the knowledge of hydatidosis in the southeast of Buenos Aires province, study its evolution at the Interzonal General Hospital for Acute Diseases between 1992 and 2002 and discuss its importance. Clinical records of operated and/or diagnosed patients were reviewed with regard to this disease. One hundred and twenty cases were analyzed. Among the patients, 56.7% were women. The average age was 42.2+16.8 years. 68.3% lived in urban areas. In 75% of the cases, ultrasonography was used. Hepatic location was most frequently seen. 89.2% received surgical treatment. Albendazole was used for 19 patients. The mean length of hospital stay was 16 days. We conclude that this zoonosis is a disease that generates high costs in medical care and for this reason more epidemiological studies should be carried out and public health authorities should implement control and prevention strategies in the region.


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In seeking to advance the possibility of justice, gender and postcolonial studies have argued for the importance of the study of masculinities, through the acknowledgment that a richer understanding of such gendered formations may provide the basis for recognition of the Other and that, left uncriticised, such formations may be continuously delineated by the reproduction of systems of domination. The current study finds as its object the representations of masculinities in J. M. Coetzee’s Boyhood (1997), Youth (2002) and Summertime (2009). As works of transition in terms of Coetzee’s oeuvre - post-apartheid and post-Disgrace - the trilogy provides an account of the development of a man through several stages of life. While portraying the tensions of different geographical and cultural locations, such as apartheid South Africa and the London of the Sixties, the trilogy articulates the various norms that impact in the formation of gender, particularly of masculinities, through a complex system of power relations. The adherence to such norms is never linear, as the trilogy provides imaginative accounts of the contradictions that assist in the formulation of gender, depicting both the allure and the terror that constitute hegemonic masculinity. Located in the intersection of gender and postcolonial studies, the present study is based on the works by Raewyn Connell on masculinities. Animated by such a critical framework, the main research question of the present study is whether the trilogy advances a notion of masculinity that differs from the traditional rigid model, that is, whether there is resistance to hegemonic masculinity and what the spaces inhabited by the subaltern are. It is suggested that the trilogy presents the reader with instances of resistance to normative formulations of masculinity, by contrasting domination with the possibility of justice, and advancing an understanding of the often fatal consequences of gender norms to one’s sense of being in the world.


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Este proyecto estudiará los procesos de segmentación del mercado laboral y de segregación socio-espacial de los inmigrantes bolivianos en áreas urbanas y peri-urbanas de la ciudad de Córdoba, y las maneras en que dichos procesos son justificados a través de estereotipos basados en distinciones culturales y/o raciales. Focalizaremos sobre las relaciones de desigualdad y de explotación que signan el mercado de trabajo y otros espacios de sociabilidad en el contexto actual de acumulación del capital. Nos planteamos las siguientes hipótesis: 1) Los inmigrantes bolivianos que residen en la ciudad de Córdoba se vinculan, como mano de obra no calificada, con un mercado laboral informal segmentado étnicamente, en el marco de procesos discriminatorios basados en estereotipos étnico-raciales. 2) Algunos inmigrantes bolivianos lograron cierta movilidad económico-productiva, convirtiéndose en patrones de sus co-nacionales en diferentes sectores (construcción, horticultura, comercio informal, industria de indumentaria), hecho que es facilitado por la activación de redes migratorias. 3) Los estereotipos sobre los bolivianos son re-significados y, a veces, confrontados por agentes vinculados con los medios y con organismos gubernamentales y no gubernamentales. 4) La segregación residencial es otro mecanismo discriminatorio que favorece la exclusión de los inmigrantes trabajadores. Nuestro objetivo principal es caracterizar los diferentes ámbitos laborales en los que se desempeñan los inmigrantes bolivianos en la ciudad de Córdoba y conceptualizar las relaciones inter e intra culturales que se dan en ese marco, teniendo en cuenta la incidencia de: las redes migratorias, las trayectorias migratorias y laborales, y la heterogeneidad de los capitales de los inmigrantes; la localización socio-espacial de los lugares de trabajo y de otros espacios de sociabilidad; y, las maneras en que diversos agentes reproducen o confrontan los estereotipos sobre los bolivianos. Se aplicará una estrategia de triangulación de métodos y de técnicas. Desde un enfoque cuantitativo analizaremos los aspectos socio-demográficos de la población de origen boliviano que reside en la ciudad de Córdoba, teniendo en cuenta su inserción laboral y ubicación socio-espacial en áreas urbanas y peri-urbanas. Se analizarán periódicos de edición provincial y aquellos editados por organizaciones de inmigrantes bolivianos en Córdoba y en Buenos Aires. Se caracterizarán las acciones y políticas destinadas a inmigrantes bolivianos. Se realizarán estudios etnográficos de casos en las áreas urbanas y peri-urbanas en donde residen y/o trabajan inmigrantes bolivianos. Se desarrollarán talleres destinados a inmigrantes bolivianos con el objetivo de reflexionar sobre sus derechos laborales y sus derechos como inmigrantes.


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El Sistema Educativo constituye un conjunto organizado de servicios y acciones educativas reguladas por el Estado que posibilitan el ejercicio del derecho a la educación. Por ello, le corresponde garantizar el acceso de niños, adolescentes, jóvenes y adultos a la información, el conocimiento y la diversidad de bienes culturales, claves para el desarrollo personal y social y la participación ciudadana. Este Proyecto centra su interés en un nivel educativo que por la multiplicidad, diversidad y multicausalidad de las problemáticas que lo atraviesan se constituye en uno de los más críticos y complejos del sistema: el Nivel Secundario. Se propone, entonces, analizar la configuración de la Educación Secundaria Obligatoria en las provincias de Buenos Aires, Córdoba y Entre Ríos -en el contexto nacional- durante el período 2010-2015, en relación con el diseño y gestión de políticas públicas; comprender los procesos de mejora, identificar las problemáticas prioritarias y contribuir a la generación de nuevas alternativas y posibilidades en los respectivos territorios. Las jurisdicciones seleccionadas han adoptado un conjunto de decisiones contextualizadas tendientes a expandir y mejorar el servicio que brindan las escuelas secundarias de sus respectivos territorios, en concordancia con lo dispuesto en la Ley de Educación Nacional N°26.206. A partir de la focalización de diversos aspectos (ofertas formativas, normativa, implementación, cobertura, trayectoria educativa; organización institucional, currículum y prácticas; organización formal del trabajo docente y desarrollo profesional), se realizará un estudio de corte exploratorio-descriptivo, de base cuanti-cualitativa focalizado en las provincias seleccionadas. Se entiende que una investigación de esta naturaleza podrá contribuir con el conocimiento y comprensión de los cambios implementados en estas jurisdicciones, colaborando en la mejora de los procesos en curso y en la prevención de efectos no deseados en aquellas que aún no han tomado la decisión de innovar. El equipo de investigación desarrollará un análisis detallado de la realidad de la Educación Secundaria Obligatoria, las problemáticas que presenta el Nivel y los retos que, para enfrentarlas, se han asumido desde distintas gestiones. Se pretende dar cuenta de lo que sucede, intentar algunas interpretaciones sobre por qué es así y aportar a la construcción de alternativas de acción, cuya materialización pudiera contribuir con los procesos de mejora.


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The molt cycle of the natural population of Palaemonetes argentinus Nobili, 1901 from Los Padres Lagoon, Buenos Aires, Argentina, was studied in relation to age, sex, and environmental factors. A total of 1645 individuals (740 females, 539 males, and 366 juveniles) were collected and analyzed between December 1995 and December 1996. The results indicate that the sex ratio (males:females) remains around 1:1.4 throughout most of the year. The reproductive period extends from September until February (spring and summer), with maximum sexual activity in October and November. Two cohorts originated in the spring and in the summer were differentiated. Ovigerous females arrest their molt cycle during the intermolt period to restart it after oviposition. The duration of the intermolt period does not differ between adults and juveniles. Since the percentage of premolt individuals represents 60% of the total cycle, it was classified as a diecdysic cycle. Within the studied range of water temperatures, the observed variations in the span of the different stages, indicate that this factor does not alter the molt frequency. Like in the rest of decapods, the intermolt duration of P. argentinus is modified by ovarian maturation.


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Investigación producida a partir de una estancia en en las ciudades de Buenos Aires (Argentina) y Montevideo (Uruguay)durante los meses de octubre i noviembre del 2005. Se detalla el trabajo de recogida de datos en esta zona para la realización de una tesis doctoral, cuya temática será el estudio histórico del surgimiento y afianzamiento del estado nacional argentino y de la concepción particular de “homogeneidad nacional” establecida en su interior. Se considera que la comparación de esta formación con el estado nacional uruguayo puede ser muy provechosa en el aislamiento de esta particularidad. Para ello, se ha buscado en los archivos locales información relacionada con el grupo específico de los descendientes de esclavos africanos. Estos grupos en ambas ciudades mantenían publicaciones periódicas, cuyo número y cantidad era alto, y que permanecen aún inéditos y sin ser trabajados exhaustivamente por otros investigadores. Por lo tanto, el objetivo principal de la estancia fuera de Cataluña era la continuación del vaciado de fondos de archivo de las ciudades de Buenos Aires (Argentina) y Montevideo (Uruguay) –indispensables para cualquier investigación de corte histórico- y la recopilación de información bibliográfica de trabajos científicos locales. Asimismo, se han realizado de entrevistas a historiadores y expertos en el tema en investigación, como así a descendientes de esclavos del Río de la Plata. Este viaje ha permitido ampliar la base material que sustentará la tesis doctoral con fuentes específicas e inéditas, que no han sido trabajadas hasta el momento.


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In order to detect seasonal trends in the age structure of adult mosquitoes from Buenos Aires province, Argentina, female populations were sampled with CDC traps during 1989-1991 in Punta Lara and La Plata. The mosquitoes were dissected and age-grouped according to ovarian tracheation and ovariolar stages. All Runchomyia paranensis females were parous, suggesting that this species could be autogenous. Aedes albifasciatus showed parous peaks following population peaks, with shorter delays in spring-summmer and longer in fall-winter. Ae. crinifer and Culex dolosus showed wide fluctuations in age structure due to adult emergences during all months. Psorophora ferox showed high population replacement rates. Mansonia indubitans and Ma. titillans have few generations per year during their activity period. This is the first report on age-grading of adults of field mosquito populations from Argentina


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The molluscs Heleobia castellanosae and Ampullaria canaliculata and cichlid fishes were collected from an artificial pond at Tres de Febrero Park (Buenos Aires city), between June 1994 and May 1995. One hundred and eighty of 2,467 H. castellanosae examined were infected with pre-adults of Lobatostoma jungwirthi, 112 of them in concurrent infections with digeneans. L. jungwirthi was significantly more prevalent in larger snails, especially those infected with larval digeneans, but the prevalence of infection did not fluctuate significantly throughout the year. A. canaliculata and cichlids smaller than 10 cm were not infected, but larger Cichlasoma facetum harboured adults of L. jungwirthi in their intestines. Experimental infections of C. facetum and Gymnogeophagus meridionalis with pre-adult aspidogastreans obtained from H. castellanosae were successful. The development of L. jungwirthi in the snail host involves five arbitrary growth phases. Its life-cycle is heteroxenous, similar to that described for L. manteri, with H. castellanosae as the intermediate host and cichlid fishes as the definitive host in this pond.


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Aedes albifasciatus is a floodwater mosquito that breeds in temporary waters. This semi-domestic species, widely distributed in Argentina, is a competent vector of the western equine encephalitis. The present study was carried out in two rain pools of the city of Buenos Aires, from April 1998 through March 1999. Samples were taken twice a week during the cold season and daily during the warmer months, starting from October. Immature mosquitoes were collected with a dipper, being the number of dippers proportional to the flooded area. The estimated rainfall thresholds to initiate cohorts of Ae. albifasciatus were: 16-17 mm in the fall-winter period, 25 mm in the spring, and 30 mm in the summer. The development time of the different cohorts and the mean air temperature of their respective periods were estimated in all seasons, ranging from six days (at 24ºC) to 32 days (at 13ºC). The equation that best expresses the relationship between development time and mean air temperature is dt =166,27.e-0,1435.T (R²=0,92). Significantly shorter development times were recorded for larvae of the first three stages as compared to the fourth larval stage and pupae.


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Cemeteries with many water-filled containers, flowers, sources of human blood, and shade are favorable urban habitats for the proliferation of Aedes aegypti, a vector of yellow fever and dengue. A total of 22,956 containers was examined in the five cemeteries of the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina. The vector was found in four cemeteries that showed an average infestation level of 5.5% (617 positive out of 11,196 water-filled containers). The four cemeteries positive for Ae. aegypti showed significantly different (p<0.01) infestation levels. Vegetation cover and percentage of infestation were significantly correlated (p<0.01), but neither cemetery area nor number of available containers were significantly related to the proportion of positive vases. Our results suggest that the cemeteries of Buenos Aires represent a gradient of habitat favorableness for this vector species, some of which may act as foci for its proliferation and dispersal.