365 resultados para Martens
"Cantate compos"ee pour l'inauguration de la statue de Thierry Martens," 3 l. at end.
Pref. signed: J. Hopf.
Mode of access: Internet.
Text in English, French, and German.
The present investigation is the first part of an initiative to prepare a regional map of the natural abundance of selenium in various areas of Brazil, based on the analysis of bean and soil samples. Continuous-flow hydride generation electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry (HG-ET AAS) with in situ trapping on an iridium-coated graphite tube has been chosen because of the high sensitivity and relative simplicity. The microwave-assisted acid digestion for bean and soil samples was tested for complete recovery of inorganic and organic selenium compounds (selenomethionine). The reduction of Se(VI) to Se(IV) was optimized in order to guarantee that there is no back-oxidation, which is of importance when digested samples are not analyzed immediately after the reduction step. The limits of detection and quantification of the method were 30 ng L(-1) Se and 101 ng L(-1) Se, respectively, corresponding to about 3 ng g(-1) and 10 ng g(-1), respectively, in the solid samples, considering a typical dilution factor of 100 for the digestion process. The results obtained for two certified food reference materials (CRM), soybean and rice, and for a soil and sediment CRM confirmed the validity of the investigated method. The selenium content found in a number of selected bean samples varied between 5.5 +/- 0.4 ng g(-1) and 1726 +/- 55 ng g(-1), and that in soil samples varied between 113 +/- 6.5 ng g(-1) and 1692 +/- 21 ng g(-1). (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This paper studies the role of income distribution and technology transfer in the process of economic development. A novel aspect of the model is that the composition of human capital as well as the level affect economic growth. Utilizing an overlapping-generations model in which income distribution changes endogenously, we present an economic explanation for why some countries could not start modern economic growth; why some countries took off but have apparently stopped growing after some time; and why some countries have successfully developed and continue to grow
A new species of polychaete, Stratiodrilus vilae, epizoic on Parastacus brasiliensis (von Martens, 1869) and P. defossus Faxon, 1898, is described from the State of Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil. The new species has one pair of long, anal, conical ventral lobes, one on each side of the anus, claspers in the males, and one pair of tubercles in each of the posterior locomotor appendages; and the jaw apparatus not reaching the limit between the head and the first segment.
A new species of Thaumastus (Thaumastus) Martens, 1860, from Minas Gerais State, Brazil, is described and illustrated, based on the morphology of the shell, jaw, radula and soft parts.
Parastacus brasiliensis (von Martens, 1869) é um lagostim de água doce endêmico da região meridional brasileira, ocorrendo nas bacias que formam o estuário do Guaíba, na depressão central do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. O objetivo deste estudo é descrever e ilustrar a morfologia externa e a distribuição dos diferentes tipos de setas nos apêndices de exemplares adultos de P. brasiliensis. Em laboratório, os exemplares foram dissecados e detalhes da organização morfológica foram descritos e ilustrados com auxílio de câmara clara adaptada ao estereomicroscópio. Microscopia eletrônica de varredura foi utilizada para um melhor detalhamento no estudo das setas. Os resultados obtidos foram comparados com outras espécies de lagostins e com estágios juvenis de P. brasiliensis. Os tipos de setas e o padrão de distribuição observados são similares ao encontrado em Austropotamobius pallipes (Lereboullet, 1858). Diferenças foram encontradas no basipodito e no coxopodito do primeiro maxilípodo e na primeira maxila de P. brasiliensis, onde setas serradas são substituídas por formas plumodenticuladas e multidenticuladas.
The goal of this study was to evaluate the effects of seasonal variations on energy metabolism in different tissues of the freshwater crayfish Parastacus brasiliensis (von Martens, 1869). Crayfish were collected monthly from January 2001 to January 2003 in São Francisco de Paula, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, in a stream and in a culture tank. Haemolymph samples were collected from each crayfish in the field with a syringe, by puncturing the membrane at the base of the chelipeds. Hepatopancreas, gills, and abdominal muscle were removed for determination of free glucose, glycogen, total lipids, and triglycerides. The haemolymph samples were used for determination of glucose, total proteins, total lipids, and triglycerides. Statistical analysis revealed significant differences in biochemical composition in crayfish collected in the stream compared to the experimental tank during the year, principally in glucose and triglycerides in haemolymph, glycogen and total lipids in all tissues study, and triglycerides only in abdominal muscle. The regular food intake partially modified these seasonal variations of the metabolic pattern. Environmental conditions (e.g., food availability and water temperature) and reproductive period appeared to be the main factors influencing the seasonal patterns of variation in energy metabolism.