711 resultados para Maple Shade
Ontario Editorial Bureau (O.E.B.)
Análisis del programa Maple como herramienta didáctica para la enseñanza de las Matemáticas. En el artículo se pretende cuantificar los efectos en la enseñanza del álgebra lineal atendiendo a dos variables; el grado de acierto y la resolución de los ejercicios.
Realizado en la Escuela Politécnica Superior, por 4 profesores del centro y dos colaboradores, para las Titulaciones de Ingeniería Técnica en Obras Públicas e Ingeniería de Caminos, Canales y Puertos. Los objetivos principales han sido, por un lado, introducir al alumnado en los conocimientos fundamentales de las matemáticas y, por otro lado, incorporar el Campus Electrónico, de reciente creación en la Universidad de Burgos, como una nueva estrategia en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. En cuanto a la metodología empleada: se realizaron guías, programas y hojas de problemas; se elaboraron prácticas de matemáticas a modo de evaluación continua; se presentaron en un Congreso Internacional; se programaron cuestionarios con Scientific Notebook; se utilizó el campus electrónico para programar distintos foros y tutorías. En el curso 2004/2005 se pone en práctica en las clases y los resultados se tendrán que comparar con los siguientes años académicos.
Construir un libro electrónico interactivo como modelo de enseñanza-aprendizaje de los conceptos de límites de sucesiones, límites de funciones y derivadas a través de MAPLE para que los alumnos de Bachillerato adquieran un conocimiento profundo de los mismos.
Following an introduction to the diagonalization of matrices, one of the more difficult topics for students to grasp in linear algebra is the concept of Jordan normal form. In this note, we show how the important notions of diagonalization and Jordan normal form can be introduced and developed through the use of the computer algebra package Maple®.
Growth patterns and cropping were evaluated over the season for the everbearing strawberry 'Everest' at a range of temperatures (15-27degreesC) in two light environments (ambient and 50% shade). The highest yield was recorded for unshaded plants grown at 23degreesC, but the optimum temperature for vegetative growth was 15degreesC. With increasing temperature fruit number increased, but fruit weight decreased. Fruit weight was also significantly reduced by shade, and although 'Everest' showed a degree of shade tolerance in vegetative growth, yield was consistently reduced by shade. Shade also reduced the number of crowns developed by the plants over the course of the season, emphasising that crown number was ultimately the limiting factor for yield potential. We conclude that, in contrast to Junebearers which partition more assimilates to fruit at temperatures around 15degreesC (Le Miere et al., 1998), optimised cropping in the everbearer 'Everest' is achieved at the significantly higher temperature of 23degreesC. These findings have significance for commercial production, in which protection tends to reduce light levels but increase average temperature throughout the season.
The physiological performance of four cacao clones was examined under three artificial shade regimes over the course of a year in Ghana. Plants under light shade had significantly higher photosynthetic rates in the rainy seasons whereas in the dry season there was a trend of higher photosynthetic rates under heavy shade. The results imply that during the wet seasons light was the main limiting factor to photosynthesis whereas in the dry season vapour pressure deficit was the major factor limiting photosynthesis through stomatal regulation. Leaf area was generally lower under heavier shade but the difference between shade treatments varied between clones. Such differences in leaf area allocation appeared to underlie genotypic differences in final biomass production in response to shade. The results suggest that shade for young cacao should be provided based on the current ambient environment and genotype.
Aims: This experiment aimed to determine whether the soil application of organic fertilizers can help the establishment of cacao and whether shade alters its response to fertilizers. Study Design: The 1.6 ha experiment was conducted over a period of one crop year (between April 2007 and March 2008) at the Cocoa Research Institute of Ghana. It involved four cacao genotypes (T 79/501, PA 150, P 30 [POS] and SCA 6), three shade levels (‘light’, ‘medium’ and ‘heavy’) and two fertilizer treatments (‘no fertilizer’, and ‘140 kg/ha of cacao pod husk ash (CPHA) plus poultry manure at 1,800 kg/ha). The experiment was designed as a split-plot with the cacao genotypes as the main plot factor and shade x fertilizer combinations as the sub-plots. Methodology: Gliricidia sepium and plantains (Musa sapientum) were planted in different arrangements to create the three temporary shade regimes for the cacao. Data were collected on temperature and relative humidity of the shade environments, initial soil nutrients, soil moisture, leaf N, P and K+ contents, survival, photo synthesis and growth of test plants. Results: The genotypes P 30 [POS] and SCA 6 showed lower stomatal conductance under non-limiting conditions. In the rainy seasons, plants under light shade had the highest CO2 assimilation rates. However, in the dry season, plants under increased shade recorded greater photosynthetic rates (P = .03). A significant shade x fertilizer interaction (P = .001) on photosynthesis in the dry season showed that heavier shade increases the benefits that young cacao gets from fertilizer application in that season. Conversely, shade should be reduced during the wet seasons to minimize light limitation to assimilation. Conclusion: Under ideal weather conditions young cacao exhibits genetic variability on stomatal conductance. Also, to optimize plant response to fertilizer application shade must be adjusted taking the prevailing weather condition into account.
The objectives were to assess the degree of thermolysis capacity as a characteristic of heat tolerance of the Simmental beef cattle and evaluate the effects of shade and shade type (artificial: AS, trees: TS, or no shade: NS) on daily behavior patterns during summer. Black globe temperature (BGT) was different under the two types of shade (P < 0.05) and was lower under the TS (P < 0.01) and under AS (P > 0.01) than average BGT in the sun. Animals when in AS used more intensely the shade (P = 0.002) mostly lying down under it (10.00-14.00 hours), while time standing was similar (P = 0.107) between TS and NS. Bulls without shade (NS) spent significantly more time at the water trough and most part of the day standing idle (72.4%, 10.1 h/14 h). TS bulls spent more time grazing/standing (P < 0.001). The Simmental bulls that were in TS and AS spent more time ruminating than bulls that stay without shade (NS). The availability of shade changes grazing, rumination and idling behavior of cattle in response to environmental conditions. Shade provided by trees can be more efficient than artificial shading as cattle spent more time grazing when tree shade was available. Thermolysis capacity can be used to select heat-tolerant animals.
The aim of this study was to assess the relation between the number of free radicals generated and the polymerization depth in two different commercial brands of resin composites with different colors and translucence. Electron paramagnetic resonance quantified the radical populations through relative intensity (I (r)) of free radicals generated, and radical decay was monitored. Sample translucence and the classical polymerization depth were measured. The analysis indicated that resin with more color pigments (MA4, I (r) = 0.73 a.u) or more opacity components (ODA2, I (r) = 0.84 a.u) generated smaller populations of free radicals and have the lower polymerization depth than clearer (M, I (r) = 1.20 a.u and MA2, I (r) = 1.02) or more translucent (OEA2, I (r) = 1.00 a.u) composites for the same light-curing time. It seems that irradiation doses have to be adequate to more colored and less translucent resins.
The work: was carried out to evaluate the physiologic and productive responses of 16 Holstein breed cows, in different lactating stages and production levels, maintained in two free stall corral types, with or without plastic sheet covering, in the southeast-northwest of the covered area edges. The animals were confined in free stall system, during the months of the summer, with access to the constant or Limited shade. A complete randomized experimental design was: used. The physiological variables measured were respiratory frequency (morning an afternoon) and rectal temperature (morning and afternoon). The productive variables were milk production (morning, afternoon and daily), dry matter (DM) intake (% live weight) and efficiency of milk production (kg of milk/kg DM intake). The animals with access to the constant shade presented respiratory frequency (74.1 vs 81.0 breath/min.) and rectal temperature (39.5 vs 39.7 degrees C) lower and mirk production (22.6 vs 20.9 kg/day) and efficiency of milk production (1.3 vs 1.2 kg of milk/kg DM ingested) higher than the animals with access to the limited shade. There was no effect on the dry matter intake.