969 resultados para Magnetic vortex. Dipolar field. Anisotropy field. Magnetic states. Thermalhysteresis. Interface exchange field


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We report a theoretical investigation of the magnetic phases and hysteresis of exchange biased ferromagnetic (F) nanoelements for three di erent systems: exchange biased nanoparticles, exchange biased narrow ferromagnetic stripes and exchange biased thin ferromagnetic lms. In all cases the focus is on the new e ects produced by suitable patterns of the exchange energy coupling the ferromagnetic nanoelement with a large anisotropy antiferromagnetic (AF) substrate. We investigate the hysteresis of iron and permalloy nanoparticles with a square basis, with lateral dimensions between 45 nm and 120 nm and thickness between 12 nm and 21 nm. Interface bias is aimed at producing large domains in thin lms. Our results show that, contrary to intuition, the interface exchange coupling may generate vortex states along the hysteresis loop. Also, the threshold value of the interface eld strength for vortex nucleation is smaller for iron nanoelements. We investigate the nucleation and depinning of an array of domain walls pinned at interface defects of a vicinal stripe/AF bilayer. The interface exchange eld displays a periodic pattern corresponding to the topology of the AF vicinal substrate. The vicinal AF substrate consists of a sequence of terraces, each with spins from one AF subalattice, alternating one another. As a result the interface eld of neighboring terraces point in opposite direction, leading to the nucleation of a sequence of domain walls in the ferromagnetic stripe. We investigated iron an permalloy micrometric stripes, with width ranging from 100 nm and 300 nm and thickness of 5 nm. We focused in domain wall sequences with same chirality and alternate chirality. We have found that for 100nm terraces the same chiraility sequence is more stable, requiring a larger value of the external eld for depinning. The third system consists of an iron lm with a thickness of 5 nm, exchange coupled to an AF substrate with a periodic distribution of islands where the AF spins have the opposite direction of the spins in the background. This corresponds to a two-sublattice noncompensated AF plane (such as the surface of a (100) FeF2 lm), with monolayer-height islands containing spins of one sublattice on a surface containing spins of the opposite sublattice. The interface eld acting in the ferromagnetic spins over the islands points in the opposite direction of that in the spins over the background. This a model system for the investigation of interface roughness e ects. We have studied the coercicivity an exchange bias hysteresis shift as a function of the distance between the islands and the degree of interface roughness. We have found a relevant reduction of coercivity for nearly compensated interfaces. Also the e ective hysteresis shift is not proportional to the liquid moment of the AF plane. We also developed an analytical model which reproduces qualitatively the results of numerical simulations


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird die binäre intermetallische Verbindung TixFe1-x im C14 Laves-Phase Stabilitätsbereich anhand von dünnen Schichten untersucht. TiFe2 weist zwei energetisch nahezu entartete magnetische Grundzustände auf. Dies führt zu einer starken Korrelation von strukturellen und magnetischen Eigenschaften, die im Rahmen dieser Arbeit untersucht wurden. Es wurden daher epitaktische Schichten mit variabler Zusammensetzung im C14 Stabilitätsbereich auf Al2O3 (001)-orientierten Substraten mittels Molekularstrahlepitaxie präpariert und strukturell charakterisiert. Die temperatur- und magnetfeldabhängigen magnetischen Eigenschaften dieser Proben wurden mittels DC-SQUID Magnetisierungsmessungen bestimmt. Es zeigte sich eine magnetische Phasenseparation von Antiferromagnetismus und Ferromagnetismus in Abhängigkeit von der Zusammensetzung. Aus den charakteristischen Ordnungstemperaturen konnte ein magnetisches Phasendiagramm für dünne Schichten und niedrige Aligning-Felder erstellt werden. Ein Phasendiagramm für Volumenproben bei hohem Magnetfeld unterscheidet sich von diesem im Wesentlichen durch den Einfluß von Fe-Segregation in den Volumenproben, welche bei der epitaktischen Präparation nicht auftritt. Anhand von Monte-Carlo Verfahren, denen ein „quenched random disorder“ Modell zugrunde lag, wurde das Verhalten der Dünnschichtproben simuliert und daraus ein magnetisches Phasendiagramm abgeleitet. Das simulierte und experimentelle Phasendiagramm stimmt in den wesentlichen Punkten überein. Die Unterschiede sind durch die speziellen Wachstumseigenschaften von TiFe2 erklärbar. Als Ergebnis kann die magnetische Phasenseparation in diesem System als Auswirkung einer Symmetriebrechung durch Substitution in der Einheitszelle beschrieben werden.


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Since the discovery of the nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) phenomenon, countless NMR techniques have been developed that are today indispensable tools in physics, chemistry, biology, and medicine. As one of the main obstacles in NMR is its notorious lack of sensitivity, different hyperpolarization (HP) methods have been established to increase signals up to several orders of magnitude. In this work, different aspects of magnetic resonance, using HP noble gases, are studied, hereby combining different disciplines of research. The first part examines new fundamental effects in NMR of HP gases, in theory and experiment. The spin echo phenomenon, which provides the basis of numerous modern experiments, is studied in detail in the gas phase. The changes of the echo signal in terms of amplitude, shape, and position, due to the fast translational motion, are described by an extension of the existing theory and computer simulations. With this knowledge as a prerequisite, the detection of intermolecular double-quantum coherences was accomplished for the first time in the gas phase. The second part of this thesis focuses on the development of a practical method to enhance the dissolution process of HP 129Xe, without loss of polarization or shortening of T1. Two different setups for application in NMR spectroscopy and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are presented. The continuous operation allows biological and multidimensional spectroscopy in solutions. Also, first in vitro MRI images with dissolved HP 129Xe as contrast agent were obtained at a clinical scanner.


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A wide class of nanomagnets shows striking quantum behaviour, known as quantum spin tunnelling (QST): instead of two degenerate ground states with opposite magnetizations, a bonding-antibonding pair forms, resulting in a splitting of the ground-state doublet with wave functions linear combination of two classically opposite magnetic states, leading to the quenching of their magnetic moment. Here we study how QST is destroyed and classical behaviour emerges in the case of magnetic adatoms, where, contrary to larger nanomagnets, the QST splitting is in some instances bigger than temperature and broadening. We analyze two different mechanisms for the renormalization of the QST splitting: Heisenberg exchange between different atoms, and Kondo exchange interaction with the substrate electrons. Sufficiently strong spin-substrate and spin-spin coupling renormalize the QST splitting to zero allowing the environmental decoherence to eliminate superpositions between classical states, leading to the emergence of spontaneous magnetization. Importantly, we extract the strength of the Kondo exchange for various experiments on individual adatoms and construct a phase diagram for the classical to quantum transition.


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Wydział Fizyki: Zakład Fizyki Komputerowej


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Die lokale Anlagerung molekularer Substanzen auf Oberflächen ist technologisch von großem Interesse. Die Beeinflussung selbstassemblierender Materialien bietet dabei große Vorteile, da sie kostengünstig und großflächig angewendet werden kann. Untersuchungen einer solchen Beeinflussung mithilfe von magnetischen Feldern wurden bisher jedoch noch nicht durchgeführt. Ursache hierfür ist das, insbesondere bei der Verwendung von diamagnetischen Substanzen, geringe induzierte magnetische Moment und die daraus resultierenden geringen magnetischen Kräfte. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde untersucht, ob es möglich ist, die lokale Anlagerung von selbstassemblierenden, diamagnetischen Substanzen durch die Verwendung von magnetischen Streufeldern zu beeinflussen und somit ein Schichtwachstum bevorzugt in gewünschten Bereichen eines Substrats zu erreichen. Es wurde ein austauschverschobenes Dünnschichtsystem über das Verfahren der ionenbeschuss-induzierten magnetischen Strukturierung mit einem künstlichen Domänenmuster in streifenförmiger Anordnung im Mikrometermaßstab erzeugt. Über experimentelle Untersuchungen wurden die aus diesem Schichtsystem austretenden magnetischen Streufelder erstmals quantifiziert. Die experimentell unvermeidbaren Mittelungen und technischen Limitierungen wurden mithilfe eines theoretischen Modells herausgerechnet, sodass letztlich die resultierende Magnetfeldlandschaft in allen drei Dimensionen über der Probenoberfläche erhalten wurde. Durch die Bestimmung der magnetischen Suszeptibilitäten der hier verwendeten thioethersubstituierten Subphthalocyanin-Derivate konnte somit die Berechnung der induzierten magnetischen Kräfte erfolgen, deren Vergleich mit Literaturwerten eine erfolgreiche Beeinflussung der Anlagerung dieser Substanzen erhoffen ließ. Aufgrund der Kombination diverser, anspruchsvoller Nachweisverfahren konnte der experimentelle Beweis für die erfolgreiche Positionierung der molekularen Substanzen durch die magnetischen Streufelder des Dünnschichtsystems erbracht werden. Zunächst wurde nachgewiesen, dass sich die Subphthalocyanin-Derivate auf der Probenoberfläche befinden und in einer mit der Periode der magnetischen Domänenstruktur korrelierenden Geometrie anlagern. Über Untersuchungen an Synchrotronstrahlungsquellen konnte die magnetische Streifenstruktur mit der Struktur der angelagerten Moleküle überlagert werden, sodass bekannt wurde, dass sich die Moleküle bevorzugt in den magnetisch begünstigten Bereichen anlagern. Um mögliche Einflüsse einer eventuell durch den magnetischen Strukturierungsprozess lokal modifizierten Substratoberfläche als Ursache für die lokale Molekülanlagerung ausschließen zu können, wurden zusätzliche Referenzmessungen durchgeführt. Alle Untersuchungen zeigen, dass die Molekülpositionierung auf der Wechselwirkung der diamagnetischen Substanzen mit den Streufeldern des Substrats zurückzuführen ist. Der im Rahmen dieser Arbeit entwickelte Mechanismus der magnetischen Beeinflussung der lokalen Molekülanlagerung besagt dabei, dass insbesondere die Oberflächendiffusion der selbstassemblierenden Substanz durch die in-plane-Magnetfeldkomponente beeinflusst wird und vermutlich die Nukleationsphase der Selbstassemblierung entscheidend für die lokale Materialabscheidung ist. Es konnte in dieser Arbeit somit gezeigt werden, dass eine Beeinflussung der Selbstassemblierung von diamagnetischen Subphthalocyanin-Derivaten und somit eine lokal bevorzugte Anlagerung dieser Substanzen durch magnetische Streufelder von magnetisch strukturierten austauschverschobenen Dünnschichtsystemen erreicht werden kann. Es resultiert somit eine neue Möglichkeit die technologisch wichtigen Selbstassemblierungsprozesse nun auch über magnetische Streufelder beeinflussen und kontrollieren zu können. Durch die hohe Flexibilität bei den Strukturierungsmöglichkeiten der magnetischen Domänengeometrien der hier verwendeten austauschverschobenen Dünnschichtsysteme resultieren aus den hier gezeigten Ergebnissen vielfältige Anwendungsmöglichkeiten im Bereich der Beschichtungstechnik.


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A scanning tunneling microscope can probe the inelastic spin excitations of a single magnetic atom in a surface via spin-flip assisted tunneling in which transport electrons exchange spin and energy with the atomic spin. If the inelastic transport time, defined as the average time elapsed between two inelastic spin flip events, is shorter than the atom spin-relaxation time, the scanning tunnel microscope (STM) current can drive the spin out of equilibrium. Here we model this process using rate equations and a model Hamiltonian that describes successfully spin-flip-assisted tunneling experiments, including a single Mn atom, a Mn dimer, and Fe Phthalocyanine molecules. When the STM current is not spin polarized, the nonequilibrium spin dynamics of the magnetic atom results in nonmonotonic dI/dV curves. In the case of spin-polarized STM current, the spin orientation of the magnetic atom can be controlled parallel or antiparallel to the magnetic moment of the tip. Thus, spin-polarized STM tips can be used both to probe and to control the magnetic moment of a single atom.


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The wide-line H-1 nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectrum of paper in equilibrium with ambient humidity consists of super-imposed relatively broad and narrow lines. The narrower line is of the order of 2 kHz wide at half the maximum height, while the broader line is of the order of 40 kHz in width at half height. On the basis of these line widths, the narrow line is assigned to water sorbed to the paper, and the broad line to the polymeric constituents of the paper. It was not possible to distinguish between the various polymeric components of paper contributing to the H-1 NMR spectra. A modified Goldman-Shen pulse sequence was used to generate a spatial magnetisation gradient between the polymer and water phases. The exchange of magnetisation between protons associated with water and those associated with the macromolecules in paper was observed. The exchange of magnetisation is discussed within a heat transfer model for homonuclear dipolar coupling, with exchange being characterised by a spin-diffusion coefficient. Consideration of the magnitude of the initial rate of the exchange process and estimates of the spin-spin relaxation times based on H-1 line widths indicate that some water must exist in a sufficiently immobile state as to allow homonuclear dipolar interactions between adjacent polymer and water protons. Thus, water sorbed onto paper must exist in at least two states in mass exchange with each other. This observation allows certain conclusions to be drawn about the ratio of free/bound water as a function of moisture content and the dispersal of water within the polymer matrix.


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We have studied the microstructure, surface states, valence fluctuations, magnetic properties, and exchange bias effect in MnO2 nanowires. High purity α-MnO 2 rectangular nanowires were synthesized by a facile hydrothermal method with microwave-assisted procedures. The microstructure analysis indicates that the nanowires grow in the [0 0 1] direction with the (2 1 0) plane as the surface. Mn3+ and Mn2+ ions are not found in the system by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The effective magnetic moment of the manganese ions fits in with the theoretical and experimental values of Mn4+ very well. The uncoupled spins in 3d3 orbitals of the Mn 4+ ions in MnO 6 octahedra on the rough surface are responsible for the net magnetic moment. Spin glass behavior is observed through magnetic measurements. Furthermore, the exchange bias effect is observed for the first time in pure α-MnO2 phase due to the coupling of the surface spin glass with the antiferromagnetic α-MnO2 matrix. These α-MnO2 nanowires, with a spin-glass-like behavior and with an exchange bias effect excited by the uncoupled surface spins, should therefore inspire further study concerning the origin, theory, and applicability of surface structure induced magnetism in nanostructures.


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Organic molecules adsorbed on magnetic surfaces offer the possibility to merge the concepts of molecular electronics with spintronics to build future nanoscale data storage, sensing, and computing multifunctional devices. In order to engineer the functionalities of such hybrid spintronic devices, an understanding of the electronic and magnetic properties of the interface between carbon-based aromatic materials and magnetic surfaces is essential. In this article, we discuss recent progress in the study of spin-dependent chemistry and physics associated with the above molecule-ferromagnet interface by combining state-of-the-art experiments and theoretical calculations. The magnetic properties such as molecular magnetic moment, electronic interface spin-polarization, magnetic anisotropy, and magnetic exchange coupling can be specifically tuned by an appropriate choice of the organic material and the magnetic substrate. These reports suggest a gradual shift in research toward an emerging subfield of interface-assisted molecular spintronics.


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The electrical transport properties and lattice spacings of simple cubic Te-Au, Te-Au-Fe, and Te-Au-Mn alloys, prepared by rapid quenching from the liquid state, hove been measured and correlated with a proposed bond structure. The variations of superconducting transition temperature, absolute thermoelectric power, and lattice spacing with Te concentration all showed related anomalies in the binary Te-Au alloys. The unusual behavior of these properties has been interpreted by using nearly free electron theory to predict the effect of the second Brillouin zone boundary on the area of the Fermi surface, and the electronic density of states. The behavior of the superconducting transition temperature and the lattice parameter as Fe and Mn ore added further supports the proposed interpretation as well as providing information on the existence of localized magnetic states in the ternary alloys. In addition, it was found that a very distinct bond structure effect on the transition temperatures of the Te-Au-Fe alloys could be identified.


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One pair of reactants, Cu(hfac)(2) = M and the hinge-flexible radical ligand 5-(3-N-tert-butyl-N-aminoxylphenyl)pyrimidine (3PPN = L), yields a diverse set of five coordination complexes: a cyclic loop M(2)L(1) dimer; a 1:1 cocrystal between an M(2)L(2) loop and an ML(2) fragment; a ID chain of M(2)L(2) loops linked by M; two 2D M(3)L(2) networks of (M-L)(n) chains crosslinked by M with different repeat length pitches; a 3D M(3)L(2) network of M(2)L(2) loops cross-linking (M-L)(n)-type chains with connectivity different from those in the 2D networks. Most of the higher dimensional complexes exhibit reversible, temperature-dependent spin-state conversion of high-temperature paramagnetic states to lower magnetic moment states having antiferromagnetic exchange within Cu-ON bonds upon cooling, with accompanying bond contraction. The 3D complex also exhibited antiferromagnetic exchange between Cu(II) ions linked in chains through pyrimidine rings.


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A new class of hybrid ruteno-cuprates - such as Ru-1212 and Ru-1222 - was discovered in 1995 by Bauerfeind and collaborators. These materials present superconducting and magnetic states at low temperatures, an atypical duality in other superconductors. The superconductivity is more easily observed in Ru-1222, while Ru-1212 is a more problematic case, due to the strong effects of the preparation details in its superconducting properties, becoming the material superconductor or not. Ru-1212 presents a critical temperature that can vary between 0 and 46 K, depending on the preparation conditions, and a temperature of magnetic transition of around 132 K. The samples were prepared through solid state reactions, by using a mixture of high purity powders, followed by calcination and sinterization in the nitrogen and oxygen atmospheres. This paper shows the preparation process of Ru-1212 samples, followed by their structural and magnetic characterization.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)