996 resultados para Love relationships


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Love experiences have changed along time and have set new meanings, especially for young people. Thus, this qualitative research aimed at understanding the meanings of love relationships, hooking up and dating in the vision of ten adolescents between 17 and 23 years old using a questionnaire. The results revealed that the hooking up is permeated by kisses, fondling and even by sexual intercourse in a short period of time and often through the intermediary of a friend at the time of the conquest. The commitment of dating, on the other hand, is established when love is present in the relationship. Therefore, adolescents revealed that opt for dating, which can begin in the hooking up. However, in the opinion of the participants, the young people's preference nowadays is the hooking up.


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The researches on sexuality, especially from Foucault’s critical analysis, have been denouncing that the sexual repression also happens through the patterns that suggest a fixed happiness model to be followed, not considering the autonomous development of the subject. The aim of this descriptive-qualitative study was to make a critical analysis of the content of the book Sex and The City, which presents narratives about sexual and love relationships in New York. This analysis evidenciated the reproduction of outdated sexual concepts presented on the following thematic categories: (1) Comprehension of the single woman as lonely and unhappy; (2) Comprehension of the single woman as independent and consumerist; (3) Comprehension that the single woman needs a heterosexual relationship related to the happy romantic ideal; (4) Comprehension of the love relationships as commodities: people as objects of use and exchange. The sexual and love patterns presented by the book demonstrate the repression reproduced uncritically by the mass culture. The Psychology has been an important area of the science to denounce the control of the sexuality from these perverse and ideological patterns.


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The contemporary culture is based in a logic of acceleration and shortening of the relationships, a logic that disseminates and lodges in the subjectivity, so as to affect the most varied spheres of life. The purpose of the present work is to examine the conflicts that emerge in love relationships lived in such context. Seventy-four queries submitted by the users of two love-consultancy websites were taken as the object of our analysis. The complaints presented by the users were collated to the paradigms of relationship produced in the contemporary days. It was possible to observe that the modes of subjectification predominant nowadays can be apprehended in the love sphere of the human life and that from those modes derive most of the affective conflicts reported by people who seek advice in those websites. The sentimental hardship of these subjects denounces the ills of our days.


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Pós-graduação em Educação Sexual - FCLAR


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Arreda homem que aí vem mulher... , trata das representações de gênero nas manifestações da Pombagira, entidade espiritual da religiosidade afro-brasileira. O trabalho faz uma leitura diferenciada sobre a figura da Pombagira trazendo-a para o campo social, mostrando sua construção e suas funções, desmistificando sua associação com o mal que supomos esteja relacionado com a sua função de intermediadora das relações amorosas, vinculadas ao poder via sexualidade, além da sua manifestação como contestadora do papel feminino construído. A pesquisa foi realizada por meio da observação dos rituais e entrevistas semi-estruturadas com sacerdotes, sacerdotisas e adeptos da religiosidade afro-brasileira em terreiros de Candomblé e Umbanda na cidade de Porto Velho - Rondônia. Apresentamos no primeiro capítulo algumas observações sobre as suas imagens, funções e representações. No segundo capítulo trazemos as construções da sua figura pelos cientistas sociais, religiosos, entrevistados e entrevistadas. O terceiro capítulo foi dedicado às observações sobre as representações da Pombagira, objetivo central do trabalho.AU)


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Arreda homem que aí vem mulher... , trata das representações de gênero nas manifestações da Pombagira, entidade espiritual da religiosidade afro-brasileira. O trabalho faz uma leitura diferenciada sobre a figura da Pombagira trazendo-a para o campo social, mostrando sua construção e suas funções, desmistificando sua associação com o mal que supomos esteja relacionado com a sua função de intermediadora das relações amorosas, vinculadas ao poder via sexualidade, além da sua manifestação como contestadora do papel feminino construído. A pesquisa foi realizada por meio da observação dos rituais e entrevistas semi-estruturadas com sacerdotes, sacerdotisas e adeptos da religiosidade afro-brasileira em terreiros de Candomblé e Umbanda na cidade de Porto Velho - Rondônia. Apresentamos no primeiro capítulo algumas observações sobre as suas imagens, funções e representações. No segundo capítulo trazemos as construções da sua figura pelos cientistas sociais, religiosos, entrevistados e entrevistadas. O terceiro capítulo foi dedicado às observações sobre as representações da Pombagira, objetivo central do trabalho.AU)


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Arreda homem que aí vem mulher... , trata das representações de gênero nas manifestações da Pombagira, entidade espiritual da religiosidade afro-brasileira. O trabalho faz uma leitura diferenciada sobre a figura da Pombagira trazendo-a para o campo social, mostrando sua construção e suas funções, desmistificando sua associação com o mal que supomos esteja relacionado com a sua função de intermediadora das relações amorosas, vinculadas ao poder via sexualidade, além da sua manifestação como contestadora do papel feminino construído. A pesquisa foi realizada por meio da observação dos rituais e entrevistas semi-estruturadas com sacerdotes, sacerdotisas e adeptos da religiosidade afro-brasileira em terreiros de Candomblé e Umbanda na cidade de Porto Velho - Rondônia. Apresentamos no primeiro capítulo algumas observações sobre as suas imagens, funções e representações. No segundo capítulo trazemos as construções da sua figura pelos cientistas sociais, religiosos, entrevistados e entrevistadas. O terceiro capítulo foi dedicado às observações sobre as representações da Pombagira, objetivo central do trabalho.AU)


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Bakgrund: Endometrios är en sjukdom där livmoderslemhinnan förekommer på andra platser än i livmoderhålan. Den ektopiska vävnaden följer menstruationscykeln och blöder därför som livmoderslemhinnan vanligtvis gör vid menstruation. Detta kan leda till inflammationer och smärtsamma sammanväxningar i bukhålan. Kvinnorna kan i och med detta få lov att utstå mycket lidande. Sjuksköterskans kommunikativa förmåga är en viktig del i strävan mot att lindra lidande. Syfte: Att undersöka kvinnors upplevelser av att leva med endometrios samt hur de upplever vårdpersonalens bemötande. Metod: Studien genomfördes som en litteraturöversikt. Databaser CINAHL, PubMED och PsycINFO användes för att söka vetenskapliga artiklar. Tio vetenskapliga artiklar var av kvalitativ ansats, två vetenskapliga artiklar var av kvantitativ ansats och en vetenskaplig artikel var av mixad design. Resultat: Tre domäner identifierades utifrån studierna: Sjukdomens inverkan på livet, Vårdpersonalens bemötande och Positiva aspekter i samband med sjukdomen. Kvinnornas symtom togs sällan på allvar. Kvinnorna antog att deras symtom och smärtor var “normala”. Endometriosen påverkade livet negativt, såväl kärleksrelationer samt arbetsliv och ekonomi påverkades av sjukdomen. Många kvinnor använde sig av egenvård för att hantera sin sjukdom, dock kände sig en del kvinnor stressade då de inte klarade av att leva upp till livsstilsförändringarna. Kvinnorna beskrev att de ofta kände sig avfärdade av vårdpersonal då de sökte vård. Många blev misstrodda och deras symtom klassades som psykosomatiska. Slutsats: Kvinnorna ansåg att bemötandet de fick av vårdpersonalen var bristfälligt och att deras symtom blev normaliserade. Sjuksköterskor behöver bli medvetna om kvinnornas situation för att kunna bekräfta deras upplevelser.


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O amor é uma das emoções mais intensas e transformadoras no ser humano. Por este motivo o presente estudo propôs-se a investigar a qualidade das relações amorosas, tendo em conta o tempo de duração do relacionamento: curto (até 12 meses) e longo (mais de 12 meses), verificando a influência das competências interpessoais e da proximidade assim como do tempo despendido nas redes virtuais a comunicar com o parceiro. A amostra foi constituída por 198 adolescentes e jovens adultos/as portugueses/as com idades entre 16 e 24 anos que mantem uma relação amorosa. A investigação quantitativa utilizou um protocolo constituído pelos instrumentos: Questionário do Relacionamento Amoroso, Escala da Inclusão do Outro no Self e Questionário de Competências Interpessoais. Considerando os resultados obtidos concluiu-se que não existe uma relação entre a qualidade das relações amorosas e o tempo de duração das mesmas. Porém, admite-se que as competências interpessoais interferem preponderantemente na qualidade das relações; ABSTRACT: "What is the missing piece of me?". A study on the quality of love relationships and interpersonal skills. Love is one of the most intense and transforming emotions in humans. For this reason the present study was to investigate the quality of relationships, taking into account the relationship duration: short (up to 12 months) and long (over 12 months), checking the influence of interpersonal skills and proximity as well as the time spent in virtual networks to communicate with the partner. The study sample consisted of 198 Portuguese adolescents and (young) adults aged between 16 and 24 years. The quantitative research used a protocol formed by the instruments: Loving Relationship Questionnaire, Other Inclusion of scale in Self and Interpersonal Skills Questionnaire. Considering the results obtained, it was concluded that, there is a not relationship between quality of relationships and the duration thereof. However, it is assumed that interpersonal skills affect mainly the quality of relations.


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Este estudo propôs-se investigar, como a qualidade da relação amorosa era influenciada pela proximidade, tempo de duração da relação e ainda as dimensões propostas pelo CRQ 6.0 – Central Relationship Questionnaire. A amostra foi constituída por 179 (jovens) portugueses/as, com idades entre 16 e 24 anos, que, mantenham uma relação amorosa. A investigação, de natureza quantitativa, utilizou um protocolo formado pelos instrumentos: Questionário Relationship Questionaire (QRA), Escala de Inclusão do Self (IOS) e Central Relationship Questionnaire (CRQ 6.0) Tendo conta os resultados obtidos, é percetível que a qualidade da relação é influenciada por diversos fatores, apesar de não terem existido dados estatísticos significativos em comparação com as variáveis apresentadas no estudo. Apesar disso a Resposta do Eu, foi a dimensão que mais revelou dados significativos tanto na qualidade da relação, como no tempo de duração da mesma; I correspond or Do you answer me? A matter of desire A study on the quality of love relationships ABSTRACT: This study propose to investigate, how the quality of a relationship was influenced by proximity, duration of the relationship and also the dimensions proposed by the CRQ 6.0 - Central Relationship Questionnaire. The sample consisted of 179 Portuguese young adults, aged 16 and 24, who maintain a loving relationship. The research, quantitative, used a protocol formed by instruments: Relationship Questionnaire Questionnaire (QRA), Self Inclusion Scale (IOS) and Central Relationship Questionnaire (CRQ 6.0) Taking account of the results obtained, it is visible that the quality of the relationship is influenced by several factors, although there has been no significant statistical data compared to the variables presented in the study. Nevertheless the I response was the dimension that showed more significant data both in the quality of the relationship, as time duration.


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This article examines relationships between religion and racial intolerance across 47 countries by applying multilevel modeling to European survey data and is the first in-depth analysis of moderation of these relationships by European national contexts. The analysis distinguishes a believing, belonging, and practice-dimension of religiosity. The results yield little evidence of a link between denominational belonging, religious practice, and racial intolerance. The religiosity dimension that matters most for racial intolerance in Europe is believing: believers in a traditional God and believers in a Spirit/Life Force are decidedly less likely, and fundamentalists are more likely than non- believers to be racially intolerant. National contexts also matter greatly: individuals living in Europe’s most religious countries, countries with legacies of ethnic-religious conflict and countries with low GDP are significantly more likely to be racially intolerant than those living in wealthier, secular and politically stable countries. This is especially the case for the religiously devout.


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This study had three purposes. First, it aimed to re-conceptualize organization-public relationships (OPRs) in public relations and crisis communication. This OPR re-conceptualization helps find out when the OPR buffering effect or the OPR love-becomes-hate effect happens. Second, it aimed to examine how consumer emotions are influenced by OPRs and influence consumer behavioral intentions. Third, it aimed to address the current problematic operationalization of the concept of consumer. Three pilot studies and one main study were conducted. Apple and Whole Foods were the two brands examined. One crisis that undermined the self-defining attributes shared between the brand and its consumers and another crisis that did not were examined for each brand. Almost 500 Apple consumers and 400 Whole Foods consumers provided usable questionnaires. This study had several major findings. First, non-identifying relationship and identifying relationship were different constructs. Moreover, trust, satisfaction, and commitment were not conceptually separate dimensions of OPRs. Second, the non-identifying relationships offered buffering effects by increasing positive attitudes and tempering anger and disappointment. The identifying relationships primarily offered the love-becomes-hate effects by increasing anger and disappointment. Third, if the crisis was relevant to consumers’ daily lives, brand response strategies were less effective at mitigating consumer negative reactions. Moreover, apology-compensation-reminder strategy was more effective compared to no-comment strategy. However, the apology-compensation-reminder strategy was no more effective than other strategies as long as brands compensate to the victims. Identifying relationships increased the effectiveness of response strategies. If the crisis did not undermine the self-defining attributes shared between consumers and brands, the response strategies worked even better. This study contributes to crisis communication research in multiple ways. First, it advances the OPR conceptualization by demonstrating that non-identifying relationship and identifying relationship are different concepts. More importantly, it advances the theory building of OPRs’ influences on crises by finding out when the buffering effect and the love-becomes-hate effect happen. Second, it adds to emotion research by demonstrating that strong OPRs can lead to negative emotions and positive emotions can have negative behavioral consequences on organizations. Third, the precise operationalization of the concept of consumer gives more insights about consumer reactions to crises.


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Sex, Love and Abuse intervenes in a timely way on some important issues that have become 'elephants in the room' for academic and policy considerations around sexual violence and abuse. In so doing, this book draws upon a range of literatures and novel empirical sources to encourage critical thinking about the relationship between sex, love and abuse, examining crimes including sexual assault, pornography, child sexual abuse and domestic violence. This provocative book seeks to destabilize essentialist understandings of these phenomena with a view to identifying the subtle and complex nature of relationships, which often defy easy explanation and categorisation. Focusing on theories, public discourses and moral ideals, Hayes connects romantic love, intimacy and harm in a unique philosophical analysis, exploring abuse in relationships and how such abuse is fostered.


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This paper considers recent discussion of the possible use of ‘love drugs’ and ‘anti-love drugs’ as a way of enhancing or diminishing romantic relationships. The primary focus is on the question of whether the idea of using such products commits its proponents to an excessively reductionist conception of love, and on whether the resulting ‘love’ in the use of ‘love drugs’ would be authentic, to the extent that it would be brought about artificially.