145 resultados para Lotka-Volterra
Understanding how dynamic ecological communities respond to anthropogenic drivers of change such as habitat loss and fragmentation, climate change and the introduction of alien species requires that there is a theoretical framework able to predict community dynamics. At present there is a lack of empirical data that can be used to inform and test predictive models, which means that much of our knowledge regarding the response of ecological communities to perturbations is obtained from theoretical analyses and simulations. This thesis is composed of two strands of research: an empirical experiment conducted to inform the scaling of intraspecific and interspecific interaction strengths in a three species food chain and a series of theoretical analyses on the changes to equilibrium biomass abundances following press perturbations. The empirical experiment is a consequence of the difficulties faced when parameterising the intraspecific interaction strengths in a Lotka-Volterra model. A modification of the dynamic index is used alongside the original dynamic index to estimate intraspecific interactions and interspecific interaction strengths in a three species food. The theoretical analyses focused on the effect of press perturbations to focal species on the equilibrium biomass densities of all species in the community; these perturbations allow for the quantification of a species total net effect. It was found that there is a strong and consistent positive relationship between a species body size and its total net effect for a set of 97 synthetic food webs and also for the Ythan Estuary and Tuesday Lake food webs (empirically described food webs). It is shown that ecological constraints (due to allometric scaling) on the magnitude of entries in the community matrix cause the patterns observed in the inverse community matrix and thus explain the relationship between a species body mass and its total net effect in a community.
Understanding the mechanisms that maintain biodiversity is a fundamental problem in ecology. Competition is thought to reduce diversity, but hundreds of microbial aquatic primary producers species coexist and compete for a few essential resources (e.g., nutrients and light). Here, we show that resource competition is a plausible mechanism for explaining clumpy distribution on individual species volume (a proxy for the niche) of estuarine phytoplankton communities ranging from North America to South America and Europe, supporting the Emergent Neutrality hypothesis. Furthermore, such a clumpy distribution was also observed throughout the Holocene in diatoms from a sediment core. A Lotka-Volterra competition model predicted position in the niche axis and functional affiliation of dominant species within and among clumps. Results support the coexistence of functionally equivalent species in ecosystems and indicate that resource competition may be a key process to shape the size structure of estuarine phytoplankton, which in turn drives ecosystem functioning.
Recent research has generally shown that a small change in the number of species in a food web can have consequences both for community structure and ecosystem processes. However 'change' is not limited to just the number of species in a community, but might include an alteration to such properties as precipitation, nutrient cycling and temperature, all of which are correlated with productivity. Here we argue that predicted scenarios of global change will result in increased plant productivity. We model three scenarios of change using simple Lotka-Volterra dynamics, which explore how a global change in productivity might affect the strength of local species interactions and detail the consequences for community and ecosystem level stability. Our results indicate that (i) at local scales the average population size of consumers may decline because of poor quality food resources, (ii) that the strength of species interactions at equilibrium may become weaker because of reduced population size, and (iii) that species populations may become more variable and may take longer to recover from environmental or anthropogenic disturbances. At local scales interaction strengths encompass such properties as feeding rates and assimilation efficiencies, and encapsulate functionatty important information with regard to ecosystem processes. Interaction strengths represent the pathways and transfer of energy through an ecosystem. We examine how such local patterns might be affected given various scenarios of 'global change' and discuss the consequences for community stability and ecosystem functioning. (C) 2004 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
Empirical studies have shown that, in real ecosystems, species-interaction strengths are generally skewed in their distribution towards weak interactions. Some theoretical work also suggests that weak interactions, especially in omnivorous links, are important for the local stability of a community at equilibrium. However, the majority of theoretical studies use uniform distributions of interaction strengths to generate artificial communities for study. We investigate the effects of the underlying interaction-strength distribution upon the return time, permanence and feasibility of simple Lotka-Volterra equilibrium communities. We show that a skew towards weak interactions promotes local and global stability only when omnivory is present. It is found that skewed interaction strengths are an emergent property of stable omnivorous communities, and that this skew towards weak interactions creates a dynamic constraint maintaining omnivory. Omnivory is more likely to occur when omnivorous interactions are skewed towards weak interactions. However, a skew towards weak interactions increases the return time to equilibrium, delays the recovery of ecosystems and hence decreases the stability of a community. When no skew is imposed, the set of stable omnivorous communities shows an emergent distribution of skewed interaction strengths. Our results apply to both local and global concepts of stability and are robust to the definition of a feasible community. These results are discussed in the light of empirical data and other theoretical studies, in conjunction with their broader implications for community assembly.
We investigate the critical behavior of a stochastic lattice model describing a predator-prey system. By means of Monte Carlo procedure we simulate the model defined on a regular square lattice and determine the threshold of species coexistence, that is, the critical phase boundaries related to the transition between an active state, where both species coexist and an absorbing state where one of the species is extinct. A finite size scaling analysis is employed to determine the order parameter, order parameter fluctuations, correlation length and the critical exponents. Our numerical results for the critical exponents agree with those of the directed percolation universality class. We also check the validity of the hyperscaling relation and present the data collapse curves.
We study by numerical simulations the time correlation function of a stochastic lattice model describing the dynamics of coexistence of two interacting biological species that present time cycles in the number of species individuals. Its asymptotic behavior is shown to decrease in time as a sinusoidal exponential function from which we extract the dominant eigenvalue of the evolution operator related to the stochastic dynamics showing that it is complex with the imaginary part being the frequency of the population cycles. The transition from the oscillatory to the nonoscillatory behavior occurs when the asymptotic behavior of the time correlation function becomes a pure exponential, that is, when the real part of the complex eigenvalue equals a real eigenvalue. We also show that the amplitude of the undamped oscillations increases with the square root of the area of the habitat as ordinary random fluctuations. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The aim of this paper is to apply methods from optimal control theory, and from the theory of dynamic systems to the mathematical modeling of biological pest control. The linear feedback control problem for nonlinear systems has been formulated in order to obtain the optimal pest control strategy only through the introduction of natural enemies. Asymptotic stability of the closed-loop nonlinear Kolmogorov system is guaranteed by means of a Lyapunov function which can clearly be seen to be the solution of the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation, thus guaranteeing both stability and optimality. Numerical simulations for three possible scenarios of biological pest control based on the Lotka-Volterra models are provided to show the effectiveness of this method. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Pós-graduação em Física - IFT
La tesi affronta il problema della risoluzione numerica di equazioni differenziali ordinarie, in particolare di problemi ai valori iniziali. Illustra i principali metodi numerici e li confronta, implementando il codice su MATLAB. Vengono risolti modelli fisici, biologici e demografici, come l'oscillatore di Lorenz e le equazioni di Lotka-Volterra.
In questa tesi vengono studiati gli effetti della non-normalità di un operatore all'interno di sistemi dinamici regolati da sistemi di equazioni differenziali ordinarie. Viene studiata la stabilità delle soluzioni, in particolare si approfondiscono fenomeni quali le crescite transitorie. In seguito vengono forniti strumenti grafici come gli Pseudospettri capaci di scoprire e quantificare tali "anomalie". I concetti studiati vengono poi applicati alla teoria dell'ecologia delle popolazioni utilizzando una generalizzazione delle equazioni di Lotka-Volterra. Modelli e matrici vengono implementate in Matlab mentre i risultati grafici sono ottenuti con il Toolbox Eigtool.
Las redes mutualistas son una clase de ecosistemas de gran interés en las que todas las interacciones entre especies son beneficiosas. Pueden modelarse como redes bipartitas con un núcleo de especies muy conectadas, una propiedad llamada anidamiento. Son muy resistentes y estables. La descripción matemática de las redes mutualistas está cimentada en modelos clásicos de población como los de Verhulst y Lotka-Volterra. En este trabajo proponemos una modificación de la formulación tradicional del mutualismo de May, incluyendo un factor de limitación del crecimiento que se basa en la conocida idea de la ecuación logística. Hemos construido una herramienta de simulación (SIGMUND) que permite experimentar con el modelo de forma simple y sencilla. Los resultados pueden ayudar a avanzar la investigación sobre el mutualismo, un campo activo de la ecología y la ciencia de redes.
Las redes mutualistas son una clase de ecosistemas de gran interés en las que todas las interacciones entre especies son beneficiosas. Pueden modelarse como redes bipartitas con un núcleo de especies muy conectadas, una propiedad llamada anidamiento. Son muy resistentes y estables. La descripción matemática de las redes mutualistas está cimentada en modelos clásicos de población como los de Verhulst y Lotka-Volterra. En este trabajo proponemos una modificación de la formulación tradicional del mutualismo de May, incluyendo un factor de limitación del crecimiento que se basa en la conocida idea de la ecuación logística. Hemos construido una herramienta de simulación (SIGMUND) que permite experimentar con el modelo de forma simple y sencilla. Los resultados pueden ayudar a avanzar la investigación sobre el mutualismo, un campo activo de la ecología y la ciencia de redes.
OpenMI is a widely used standard allowing exchange of data between integrated models, which has mostly been applied to dynamic, deterministic models. Within the FP7 UncertWeb project we are developing mechanisms and tools to support the management of uncertainty in environmental models. In this paper we explore the integration of the UncertWeb framework with OpenMI, to assess the issues that arise when propagating uncertainty in OpenMI model compositions, and the degree of integration possible with UncertWeb tools. In particular we develop an uncertainty-enabled model for a simple Lotka-Volterra system with an interface conforming to the OpenMI standard, exploring uncertainty in the initial predator and prey levels, and the parameters of the model equations. We use the Elicitator tool developed within UncertWeb to identify the initial condition uncertainties, and show how these can be integrated, using UncertML, with simple Monte Carlo propagation mechanisms. The mediators we develop for OpenMI models are generic and produce standard Web services that expose the OpenMI models to a Web based framework. We discuss what further work is needed to allow a more complete system to be developed and show how this might be used practically.
Ebben a tanulmányban ismertetjük a Nöther-tétel lényegi vonatkozásait, és kitérünk a Lie-szimmetriák értelmezésére abból a célból, hogy közgazdasági folyamatokra is alkalmazzuk a Lagrange-formalizmuson nyugvó elméletet. A Lie-szimmetriák dinamikai rendszerekre történő feltárása és viselkedésük jellemzése a legújabb kutatások eredményei e területen. Például Sen és Tabor (1990), Edward Lorenz (1963), a komplex kaotikus dinamika vizsgálatában jelent®s szerepet betöltő 3D modelljét, Baumann és Freyberger (1992) a két-dimenziós Lotka-Volterra dinamikai rendszert, és végül Almeida és Moreira (1992) a három-hullám interakciós problémáját vizsgálták a megfelelő Lie-szimmetriák segítségével. Mi most empirikus elemzésre egy közgazdasági dinamikai rendszert választottunk, nevezetesen Goodwin (1967) ciklusmodelljét. Ennek vizsgálatát tűztük ki célul a leírandó rendszer Lie-szimmetriáinak meghatározásán keresztül. / === / The dynamic behavior of a physical system can be frequently described very concisely by the least action principle. In the centre of its mathematical presentation is a specic function of coordinates and velocities, i.e., the Lagrangian. If the integral of the Lagrangian is stationary, then the system is moving along an extremal path through the phase space, and vice versa. It can be seen, that each Lie symmetry of a Lagrangian in general corresponds to a conserved quantity, and the conservation principle is explained by a variational symmetry related to a dynamic or geometrical symmetry. Briey, that is the meaning of Noether's theorem. This paper scrutinizes the substantial characteristics of Noether's theorem, interprets the Lie symmetries by PDE system and calculates the generators (symmetry vectors) on R. H. Goodwin's cyclical economic growth model. At first it will be shown that the Goodwin model also has a Lagrangian structure, therefore Noether's theorem can also be applied here. Then it is proved that the cyclical moving in his model derives from its Lie symmetries, i.e., its dynamic symmetry. All these proofs are based on the investigations of the less complicated Lotka Volterra model and those are extended to Goodwin model, since both models are one-to-one maps of each other. The main achievement of this paper is the following: Noether's theorem is also playing a crucial role in the mechanics of Goodwin model. It also means, that its cyclical moving is optimal. Generalizing this result, we can assert, that all dynamic systems' solutions described by first order nonlinear ODE system are optimal by the least action principle, if they have a Lagrangian.