135 resultados para Livy.


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Le présent mémoire a pour objectif de défendre la thèse selon laquelle Machiavel est un nationaliste italien et démontrer que le concept de nationalisme italien peut philosophiquement servir de fil conducteur entre le Prince et les Discours sur la Première Décade de Tite-Live.


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OBJECTIVE--The purpose of this study was to assess the effectiveness of a low-resource-intensive lifestyle modification program incorporating resistance training and to compare a gymnasium-based with a home-based resistance training program on diabetes diagnosis status and risk.

RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS--A quasi-experimental two-group study was undertaken with 122 participants with diabetes risk factors; 36.9% had impaired glucose tolerance (1GT) or impaired fasting glucose (IFG) at baseline. The intervention included a 6-week group self-management education program, a gymnasium-based or home-based 12-week resistance training program, and a 34-week maintenance program. Fasting plasma glucose (FPG) and 2-h plasma glucose, blood lipids, blood pressure, body composition, physical activity, and diet were assessed at baseline and week 52.

RESULTS--Mean 2-h plasma glucose and FPG fell by 0.34 mmol/1 (95% CI--0.60 to--0.08) and 0.15 mmol/l (-0.23 to -0.07), respectively. The proportion of participants with IFG or IGT decreased from 36.9 to 23.0% (P = 0.006). Mean weight loss was 4.07 kg (-4.99 to -3.15). The only significant difference between resistance training groups was a greater reduction in systolic blood pressure for the gymnasium-based group (P = 0.008).

CONCLUSIONS--This intervention significantly improved diabetes diagnostic status and reduced diabetes risk to a degree comparable to that of other low-resource-intensive lifestyle modification programs and more intensive interventions applied to individuals with IGT. The effects of home-based and gymnasium-based resistance training did not differ significantly.


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Focussing on humaniod monsters, this thesis uses insights from Foucault's theory about the "archaeology" of discourses and Derrida's practice of deconstruction to examine how monstrosity was spoken of in antiquity, and how the various "sciences" dealt with anomalous monsters without jeopardising their epistemological credibility. Discussion begins with a survey of the semantic field of teras and monstrum. Since portentousness was central to both terms, the signification of monstrous portents in divinatory practice is next aalysed in the historiography of Herodotus, Livy, and others. Cicero's De divinatione reveals the theory and the problem for that science posed by accidental monstrosities. Chance and novelty are also issues in mythical and scientific cosmogonies < of Hesiod, and Orphism, Empedo-cles, and Lucretius> , where monsters arise and are dealt with while cosmic regularities, reproductive and ethical, are being established. Teleology and the stability of species'forms emerge as important concerns. These issues are further considered in Aristotle's bioogy and in medical writings from Hippocrates to Galen. There, theories are produced about monstrous embryology which attempt to answer the question of how deformities occur if species' forms are perpetuated through repro-duction. Biological and taxonomic--as well as ethical--boundaries are violated also by mythic human-beast hybrids. Narratives about such anomalies clarify the nature of monstrous deviance and enact solutions to the problem. Their strategies have much in common with other modes of discourse. Ethnography is posed similar questions about monstrous races' physical and ethical deviations from the civilised norm; it speaks of those issues in terms of invariance of form through generations, geographical remoteness and the codes which situate those races ethically. Finally, Augustine’s discourse on monstrous individuals and races is examined as Christianity’s belief in God’s governance reformulates the ancient’s discussions of chane or novelty and the invariance of species. In all these discourses founded on determinate meaning, the persistant paradox of monstrosity need offer no challenge to rationality provided its indefinable diversity is unacknowledged and the notion is constructed in such a way as to reaffirm the certainties.


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In this article, pre-service teachers' mathematics content knowledge is explored through the analysis of two items about ratio from a Mathematical Competency, Skills and Knowledge Test. Pre-service teachers' thinking strategies, common errors and misconceptions in their responses are presented and discussed. Of particular interest was the range and nature of common incorrect responses for one whole-whole ratio question. Results suggested pre-service teachers had difficulty interpreting a worded multi-step, ratio (scale) question, with errors relating to ratio and/or conversion of measurement knowledge. These difficulties reveal underdeveloped knowledge of mathematical structure and mathematical connections as well as an inability to deconstruct key components of a mathematical problem. Most pre-service teachers also lacked knowledge of standard procedures and methods of solutions.


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A recent international study of pre-service teachers identified that proportional reasoning was problematic for pre-service teachers. Proportional reasoning is an important topic in the middle years of schooling and therefore it is critical that teachers understand this topic and can rely on their Mathematical Content Knowledge (MCK) when teaching. The focus of this paper is second-year Australian primary pre-service teachers’ MCK of real number items related to ratio, rate, proportion and proportional reasoning. This paper reports on strengths and weakness of pre-service teachers’ MCK when responding to test items; including a method suitable for analysing responses to five items and ranked by three levels of difficulty. The results revealed insights into their correct methods of solutions and common incorrect responses, identifying difficulty, where multiplication and division were required. The method of coding test items by difficulty ranking may assist with developing an appropriate learning trajectory, which will assist pre-service teachers develop their MCK of this and other difficult topics.


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Understanding the development of pre-service teachers’ mathematical content knowledge (MCK) is important for improving primary mathematics’ teacher education. This paper reports on a case study, Rose , and her opportunities to develop MCK during the four years of her program. Program opportunities to promote MCK when planning and practicing primary teaching included: coursework experiences and responding to assessment requirements. Discussion includes the Knowledge Quartet: foundation knowledge, transformation, connection and contingency. By fourth-year, Rose demonstrated development of different categories of MCK when practicing her teaching because of her program experiences.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This study investigates the genetic association of the SNP present in the ACTA1 gene with performance traits, organs and carcass of broilers to help marker-assisted selection of a paternal broiler line (TT) from EMBRAPA Swine and Poultry, Brazil. Genetic and phenotypic data of 1,400 broilers for 68 traits related to body performance, organ weights, weight of carcass parts, and yields as a percentage of organs and carcass parts were used. The maximum likelihood method, considering 4 analytical models, was used to analyze the genetic association between the SNP and these important economic traits. The association analysis was performed using a mixed animal model including the random effect of the animal (polygenic), and the fixed effects of sex (2 levels), hatch (5 levels) and SNP (3 levels), besides the random error. The traits significantly associated (P < 0.05) with the SNP were analyzed, along with body weight at 42 days of age (BW42), by the restricted maximum likelihood method using the multi-trait animal model to estimate genetic parameters. The analysis included the residual and additive genetic random effects and the sex-hatch fixed effect. The additive effects of the SNP were associated with breast meat (BMY), liver yield (LIVY), body weight at 35 days of age (BW35); drumstick skin (DSW), drumstick (DW) and breast (BW) weights. The heritability estimates for these traits, in addition to BW42, ranged from 0.24 ± 0.06 to 0.45 ± 0.08 for LIVY and BW35, respectively. The genetic correlation ranged from 0.02 ± 0.18 for LIVY and BMY to 0.97 ± 0.01 for BW35 and BW42. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that ACTA1 gene is associated with performance traits BW35, LIV and BMY, DW, BW and DW adjusted for body weight at 42 days of age. Therefore, the ACTA1 gene is an important molecular marker that could be used together with others already described to increase the economically important traits in broilers.


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L’ucronia (Alternate History) è un fenomeno letterario ormai popolare e molto studiato, ma non lo sono altrettanto lo sue origini e i suoi rapporti con la storia “fatta con i se” (Counterfactual History), che risale a Erodoto e a Tito Livio. Solo nell’Ottocento alcuni autori, per vie largamente autonome, fecero della storia alternativa un genere di fiction: Louis Geoffroy con Napoléon apocryphe (1836), storia «della conquista del mondo e della monarchia universale», e Charles Renouvier con Uchronie. L’utopie dans l’histoire (1876), storia «della civiltà europea quale avrebbe potuto essere» se il cristianesimo fosse stato fermato nel II secolo. Questi testi intrattengono relazioni complesse con la letteratura dell’epoca di genere sia realistico, sia fantastico, ma altresì con fenomeni di altra natura: la storiografia, nelle sue forme e nel suo statuto epistemico, e ancor più il senso del possibile - o la filosofia della storia - derivato dall’esperienza della rivoluzione e dal confronto con le teorie utopistiche e di riforma sociale. Altri testi, prodotti in Inghilterra e negli Stati Uniti nello stesso periodo, esplorano le possibilità narrative e speculative del genere: tra questi P.s’ Correspondence di Nathaniel Hawthorne (1845), The Battle of Dorking di George Chesney (1871) e Hands Off di Edward Hale (1881); fino a una raccolta del 1931, If It Had Happened Otherwise, che anticipò molte forme e temi delle ucronie successive. Queste opere sono esaminate sia nel contesto storico e letterario in cui furono prodotte, sia con gli strumenti dell’analisi testuale. Una particolare attenzione è dedicata alle strategie di lettura prescritte dai testi, che subordinano i significati al confronto mentale tra gli eventi narrati e la serie dei fatti autentici. Le teorie sui counterfactuals prodotte in altri campi disciplinari, come la storia e la psicologia, arricchiscono la comprensione dei testi e dei loro rapporti con fenomeni extra-letterari.


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Este artículo se consagra a una comparación entre el temprano poema de Shakespeare, The Rape of Lvcrece, y sus dos principales fuentes latinas, Ab Vrbe Condita, de Tito Livio y los Fasti, de Ovidio. Anticipándose a la penetración del dramaturgo en sus personajes trágicos, Shakespeare da una aguda descripción de las psicomaquias de Tarquino y de Lucrecia. En el caso del primero, al revelar la lucha interior a propósito de la ética y las consecuencias de sus acciones. En el caso de la segunda, cuando Lucrecia analiza el horror de su vergüenza y los modos de purificarse. En ambos casos Shakespeare opera dramáticamente con sus fuentes, suprimiendo algunos detalles y enriqueciendo significativamente su narración. Existe una complicación adicional en cuanto precede al poema un Argumento que sigue de cerca la historia de Tito Livio. Sin embargo, paradójicamente, el poema se desvía de su mismo argumento en algunos puntos fundamentales