971 resultados para Linguística Textual
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS
Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Nesta dissertação descrevemos e analisamos livros didáticos do povo indígena Mebengokre, a fim de verificar o que se esta produzindo como manual didático para as comunidades indígenas falantes dessa língua. Esta pesquisa, de natureza bibliográfica, apoiou-se nos referenciais teóricos da Sociolinguística, da Linguística Aplicada, da Linguística Descritiva, da Linguística Textual e da Educação para analisar os dados. A dissertação esta dividida em três capítulos. O primeiro capítulo trata de questões voltadas para os povos indígenas, tais como a formação sociocultural dos Mebengokre, a sua referida língua, a educação escolar indígena e a formação do professor indígena. O segundo capitulo aborda as questões do letramento, distinguindo sociedades de culturas orais e de culturas escritas, discutindo a alfabetização e caracterizando os livros didáticos, em especial os manuais didáticos indígenas. O terceiro capítulo apresenta a descrição e analise dos livros didáticos Me Banho Pi'ok e Livro de Língua Portuguesa. A análise dos dados revela que, apesar das varias mudanças ocorridas no cenário educacional indígena com a elaboração de documentos legais que subsidiam a educação escolar indígena e a produção de materiais didáticos, o tratamento dado a escrita nos livros didáticos indígenas produzidos na atualidade por professores indígenas, durante as oficinas de produção realizadas nos Cursos de Formação de Professores Indígenas, pouco se difere do tratamento dado a escrita nas cartilhas produzidas pelo SIL, na década de 1960.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Linguística e Língua Portuguesa - FCLAR
Pós-graduação em Estudos Linguísticos - IBILCE
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAR
This study has investigated texts written by students from two high school- 3 rd grade classrooms, a public school in Natal- RN, and their teachers in order to reveal the nature and relevance of the knowledge that has oriented the teacher in the process of evaluation of argumentative text, set in the genre, opinion article, produced in the school setting. The corpus analyzed is compound with a total of sixteen texts, four of them corresponding to the production of two teachers (two productions per teacher) and twelve on the production of six students (two productions per student, with three students per class). All material on the production of these subjects was collected throughout the 2008 school year, with special attention for students’ productions, which were collected only after being subjected to teacher evaluation. Working knowledge of text linguistics, discourse analysis, the theory of enunciation and the aesthetics of reception, we proceeded to the analysis of production, which in according to the methodological proposal, it was held in two stages: at first, the student and faculty productions were analyzed, separately, in order to verify what knowledge about the object these subjects revealed to have already assimilated. Secondly, two sets were compared (each teacher's texts with the texts of their students). The intention was to unravel the existence (or not) of a connection between the underlying knowledge to the textual production of these teachers and their knowledge manifested in the evaluative act when the interventions made on the productions of the learner. It was found that there is a close correlation between the knowledge revealed in this action and those evidenced in their written productions, which constitutes a strong argument to validate the thesis that teachers also have been shown little proficient in performing their role as producers and evaluators of texts.
The Textual Analysis of Discourse has its origin in Text Linguistics and it aims at studying the co(n)text meaning production based on the analysis of concrete texts by offering elements to the understanding of the text as a discourse practice throughout the plans or levels of linguistic analysis. In this perspective, we intend to investigate the enunciative responsibility phenomenon in the sentencing court judgment. To do so, we review the theoretical contributions of Textual Analysis of Discourse (ADAM, 2011) and the Enunciative Linguistics from various authors, among them, Rabatel (1998, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2008, 2009, 2010), Nølke (2001, 2005, 2009, 2013), Nølke, Fløttum and Norén (2004), Guentchéva (1994, 1996) and Guentchéva et al. (1994). In this direction, we investigate the enunciative responsibility through a range that comprises the phenomenon from four gradations, each one with a kind of point of view (PoV) and with links that may mark the assumption or the distance from the point of view. Regarding the legal approach of the thesis, our theoretical anchoring follows several authors, among them, Petri (1994), Soto (2001), Alvarez (2002), Alves (2003), Cornu (2005), Albi (2007), Bittar (2010), Asensio and Polanco (2011), López Samaniego (2006), López Montolío and Samaniego (2008), Montolío (2002, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013), Sterling (2010), Prieto (2013), Lawrence and Rodrigues (2013) and Rodrigues, Passeggi and Silva Neto (2014). Our corpus is composed of 13 sentences from criminal cases arising from the district of Currais Novos-RN, completed in 2012. The results reveal how the judge, from various enunciative instances, builds the court decision, which allowed us to understand the configuration of (non) assumption of enunciative responsibility in the sentencing court judgment discourse genre. In conclusion, we perceive that the discourse units are envisaged or through the assumption, or the non assumption of PoV by the enunciative instances, what guides the producer organization argumentative text and his (her) communicative purposes. With that, the judge creates and/or modifies values and beliefs, induces and/or guides his (her) interlocutor by being able to demonstrate objectivity and/or preventing his (her) face through the mediated constructions or engage through the assumption of the enunciative responsibility of the propositional content of an utterance. In short, we reaffirm our belief that the (non) assumption of the enunciative responsibility configures as an argumentative mechanism strongly marked by the producer of the text with a view to their communicative purposes. The sentence, therefore, is constructed in this game of taking and/or not taking of statements according to argumentative orientation and the objectives of the text producer.
This dissertation aims to identify and describe the phenomenon of discursive representation of victim and defendant in court judgment genre. Researchis part of general theoretical framework of text linguistics and more specifically in textual discourse analysis (ATD) theory developed by Jean-Michel Adam ([2008] 2011). Discursive representation notion proposed by ATD is one of the most important aspects of semantic dimension of the text, being complemented in the work of Grize (1990, 1996) from schematization notion. In this perspective, this work is guided by studies of text linguistics with Koch (2012, 2005, 2004), Marcuschi (2012, 2008, 2005), Rodrigues, Passeggi and Silva Neto (2010, 2012, 2014), with genre Bazerman (2005), Bakhtin (1992) and the juridical discourse with Capez (2012), Pimenta (2007), Lourenço (2013) and Gomes (2013) . Methodologically, is a documentary research, presenting qualitative and descriptive characters and is guided by the inductivedeductive method. Corpus consists of a judicial sentence, criminal, collected electronically from Court of Justice of São Paulo - Judiciary website in consultation Judged1st Degree, with the theme of violence against women. Analysis procedures use semantic categories of discursive representation, such as referencing, predication, modification and the spatial and temporal location. Results are focused on the construction of discursive representation of (victim and defendant) from PdV distinct enunciators, which may approach or distance themselves according to argumentative text orientation. Thus, considering social importance of forensic text and, in particular, court judgment in the lives of citizens, it was possible to realize the importance of developing research that addresses the study of text semantic dimension, especially in construction of representations of discourse objects
This piece of research aims to address the issue on the construction and reconstruction of Câmara Cascudo´s discursive representations in Mário de Andrade´s discourse. In order to describe, analyze and interpret these representations, we recur to some semantic categories from the Discourse Textual Analysis (DTA) by articulating them with other categories, notably, Grize´s Logic (1996,1997), Text Linguistics and Semantics. Therefore, the purpose is to analyze how these representations are constructed discursively, in written letters, by means of semantic categories such as referentiation, predication, modification, connection and spatial and temporal locations. In the theoretical foundation, proposals of Textual Analysis of Discourses, conceived by the linguist Jean-Michel Adam (1990, 2008a, 2011a), Text Linguistics, Semantics and Logic, focusing, especially, on the phenomenon of discursive representations, are articulated. The research approach is of qualitative nature supported by some quantitative data (OLIVEIRA, 2012); option which makes the analysis richer and comprehensive. As a hypothesis, it is presented the fact that these categories used by Mário de Andrade, in his discourse, do not only enable the (re)construction of the interlocutor´s images, discursively constructed, but they also provide a multiplicity of information and viewpoints about the RN writer´s personality. The study corpus is constituted of 20 texts written by Mário de Andrade and sent to Câmara Cascudo between 1924 and 1944, of which 35 fragments were selected and analyzed. However, it can be verified that, in the analyzed corpus, a set of discursive representations is constructed for Câmara Cascudo, from semantic categories proposed for analysis and used in Mário de Andrade´s discourse. These categories enable to construct and reconstruct the representations that emerge in the texts. Therefore, the analysis points out the construction of a set of different representations, highlighting the representation of the writer, the intellectual and the friend.