999 resultados para Limites de consistência
Sludge of Wastewater Treatment Plants (WTPs) disposal is a problem for any municipality, for this reason the amount of sludge production is now a key issue in selecting treatment methods. It is necessary to investigate new applications for this waste type, due to the restrictions imposed by the environmental organs. The raw materials used in the Red Ceramic, are generally very heterogeneous, for this reason, such materials can tolerate the presence of different types of wastes. In Rio Grande do Norte, the roof tiles production corresponds to 60,61% from the total of ceramic units produced. Due to the importance of the ceramic industry of roof tiles for the state, allied to the environmental problem of the sludge disposal, this work had for objective to verify the possibility of the incorporation of sewage sludge in ceramic body used for production of roof tiles. In the research, sludge originating from drying beds of WTP of the Central Campus from UFRN and clays originating from a ceramic industry from Goianinha/RN were used. The raw materials were characterized by techniques of: analysis of particles distribution by diffraction to laser; real density; consistence limits; chemical analysis by X-ray fluorescence; mineralogical analysis by X-ray diffraction; organic matter; and solids content. Five batches of roof tiles were manufactured in the approximate dosages of 2%, 4%, 6%, 8% and 10%. To evaluate the properties of each final product, tests of water absorption, impermeability, bending strength, leachability and solubility were accomplished. The roof tiles manufactured with sludge presented characteristics similar to the roof tiles without sludge in relation to the environmental risk. The results showed that it is possible to use approximately up to 4% of sludge in ceramic bodies for production of roof tiles. However, it is observed that the high amount of organic matter (71%) present in the sludge is shown as factor that limits the sludge incorporation in ceramic bodies, worsening the quality of the roof tiles. It is necessary the use of mixtures of different raw materials under point of view of the granulometry and of the other chemical and mineralogical properties for the obtaining of a satisfactory mass to the production of ceramic roof tiles
A technological alternative for the correct disposal of tires is the use in the construction of embankment with soil and shredded tires. The use of waste tires in tropical soils requires prior knowledge of the properties and limitations of these materials. In this work, the results of an experimental program was devised to characterize the behavior of mixtures of waste tires and a lateritic soil. The residue used in this study is classified as tire buffings with an average size of 1.4 mm. The laboratory program included testing of particle size analysis, Atterberg limits, compaction, direct shear tests, permeability and confined compression tests with pure soil, pure tire and the mixtures. Proportions of 0% (pure soil), 10%, 20%, 40%, 50 % and 100% (pure tire) by weight were used. For the confining stress levels used in the study, the presence of tire residue provided a considerable increase in shear strength of the mixture. The maximum shear strength was obtained for a residue content of 40% by weight. Permeability tests on samples of waste under a confining stress of 100 kPa showed that the permeability increases significantly with increasing residue content until a residue content of 20%. The increase in permeability after that value showed to be negligible. Confined compression tests showed that the soil mixed with tire residue becomes more compressible than the pure soil. The secant constrained modulus (Msec) for the same vertical stress decreases with increasing percentage of residue.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA
Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Civil - FEIS
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The peripheral giant cell granuloma (GPCG) is defined as a benign disorder of uncertain etiopathogenesis and proliferative reaction of the fibrous connective tissue or periosteum, which is characterized histologically by the presence of multinucleated giant cells. The purpose of this study is to report a case of GPCG in a 56-year-old white woman presenting a bleeding nodule on palpation, a red color with small whitish ulcerated areas, defined limits, resilient consistency, a pedicled base 2.0 cm in diameter, asymptomatic, involving the permanent lower left third molar, which presented mobility. Radiographically there was significant bone loss in this tooth region, whose initial diagnosis was pyogenic granuloma. The definitive diagnosis was obtained after excisional biopsy the microscopic examination of which identified the presence of multinucleated giant cells. The clinical postoperative follow-up revealed a favorable cicatricial repair of the operated area with no recurrence after 9 months of monitoring.
The peripheral giant cell granuloma (GPCG) is defined as a benign disorder of uncertain etiopathogenesis, and proliferative reaction of the fibrous connective tissue or the periosteum, which is characterized histologically by the presence of multinucleated giant cells. The purpose of this study is report a case of GPCG in a white women, with 56 years old, presenting nodule bleeding to the touch, red and white with small ulcerated areas, defined limits, resilient consistency, pedicled base with 2.0 cm diameter, asymptomatic, involving the permanent lower left third molar, that it was presented with mobility. Radiographically there was significant bone loss in this tooth region, whose initial diagnosis was pyogenic granuloma. The definitive diagnosis was obtained after excisional biopsy in which microscopic examination it was identified e presence of multinucleated giant cells. The clinical postoperative presented favorable cicatricial repairing of the operated area without recurrence after two years of monitoring.
This work had to verify the influence of massará, while mortar component, in the process of formation of saltpeter in cementitious plaster walls of buildings. The massará is a ceramic material, texture areno usually found in large volumes argillaceous sediments in Teresina, Piaui State capital, which is associated with the Portland cement mortar form for fixing and finishing in construction. Saltpeter or flowering is a pathology that happens in gypsum wallboard, which invariably reaction between soluble salts present in materials, water and oxygen. This pathology, supposedly credited to massará caused its use to suffer significant reduction in the market of the buildings. Verify this situation with particular scientific rigor is part of the proposal of this work. Grading tests Were performed, consistency limits (LL, LP and IP), determination of potential hydrogen, capacity Exchange (CTC), electrical conductivity (EC), x-ray fluorescence (FRX) and x-ray diffraction (DRX). Massará analysed samples in number six, including sample plastering salitrado presented potential hydrogen medium 5.7 in water and 5.2 on KCl n and electrical conductivity (EC), equal to zero. These results pointed to the affirmative that massará is a material that does not provide salinity content that can be taken into consideration. It is therefore concluded that the material analyzed not competing, at least with respect to the presence of soluble salts, for the formation of saltpeter
A variabilidade natural dos solos torna complexo o conhecimento de suas propriedades na elaboração de projetos geotécnicos, sendo a determinação da resistência ao cisalhamento não drenada um parâmetro importante nas análises de estabilidade de solos moles. Os ensaios de laboratório de cone e palheta, não convencionais, os ensaios de campo de palheta e piezocone e os ensaios de compressão simples e triaxial não adensado e não drenado foram utilizados para mensurar a resistência não drenada de uma camada de argila marinha mole localizada na planície costeira central brasileira. Os ensaios de laboratório foram realizados em amostras indeformadas coletadas com amostradores de pistão estacionário em vertical próxima à realização dos ensaios de campo. O sítio foi investigado preliminarmente por sondagens de simples reconhecimento, sendo apresentado o perfil estratigráfico por meio de modelagem computacional. Foram também realizados ensaios para caracterização física (análise granulométrica, teor de umidade, limites de liquidez e plasticidade, densidade real dos grãos) e mineralógica (difração de raios X), e ensaios de adensamento para obtenção do histórico de tensões e classificação de qualidade das amostras indeformadas. Os valores de resistência não drenada obtidos pelos ensaios de laboratório foram comparados ao perfil contínuo de resistência determinado empiricamente pelo ensaio de piezocone, com fator de cone Nkt calibrado pelo ensaio de palheta de campo, apresentando boa concordância, com a variabilidade natural do solo influenciando de forma preponderante a qualidade das amostras na variação entre os resultados. Os valores de resistência obtidos pelos ensaios de laboratório de cone e palheta foram comparados entre si, apresentando boa compatibilidade. Ambos, quando comparados ao ensaio de palheta de campo, não apresentaram boa concordância. Os resultados de resistência obtidos pelos ensaios de compressão simples e triaxial apresentaram boa compatibilidade com os resultados do ensaio de laboratório de cone, o que não ocorreu com os resultados do ensaio de laboratório de palheta. Na comparação entre a resistência normalizada pela tensão de sobreadensamento obtida pelos diversos métodos e algumas correlações empíricas da literatura internacional, foi observado para as amostras de solo com índice de plasticidade superior a 60% boa concordância com as correlações de Mesri (1975) e Jamiolkowski et al (1985). Os ensaios não convencionais apresentaram boa confiabilidade, que aliado a simplicidade e agilidade de execução, justificam a difusão destes na prática da investigação geotécnica brasileira como método alternativo para complementar e dar suporte às estimativas de resistência não drenada de solos moles.
In this work we studied the consistency for a class of kernel estimates of f f (.) in the Markov chains with general state space E C Rd case. This study is divided into two parts: In the first one f (.) is a stationary density of the chain, and in the second one f (x) v (dx) is the limit distribution of a geometrically ergodic chain
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física
INTRODUÇÃO: a tomografia computadorizada (TC) permite a visualização do osso alveolar que recobre os dentes por vestibular e lingual. OBJETIVO: o propósito deste estudo foi expor e discutir as implicações da morfologia do osso alveolar, visualizado por meio da TC, sobre o diagnóstico e plano de tratamento ortodôntico. MÉTODOS: foram descritas as evidências sobre a inter-relação entre características dentofaciais e a morfologia das tábuas ósseas vestibular e lingual, assim como evidências sobre a repercussão da movimentação ortodôntica sobre o nível e espessura dessas estruturas periodontais. RESULTADOS: pacientes adultos podem apresentar deiscências ósseas previamente ao tratamento ortodôntico, principalmente na região dos incisivos inferiores. Os pacientes com padrão de crescimento vertical parecem apresentar menor espessura das tábuas ósseas vestibular e lingual no nível do ápice dos dentes permanentes, comparados a pacientes com padrão de crescimento horizontal. O movimento dentário vestibulolingual descentraliza os dentes do rebordo alveolar e ocasiona deiscências ósseas. CONCLUSÃO: a morfologia do rebordo alveolar constitui um fator limitante para a movimentação dentária e deve ser considerada, de forma individual, na realização do plano de tratamento ortodôntico.