876 resultados para Lettered city
Desde una constelación de poemas clave -"Caupolicán" (1888) de Rubén Darío, "Amor de ciudad grande" (1882) de José Martí y "En el campo" (1893) de Julián del Casal-, el análisis traza las diferencias en la articulación de una categoría fundante del siglo XIX latinoamericano en lo que va del romanticismo al modernismo. Si el concepto de "civilización" es el soporte del orden emergente que define roles sociales y nacionales en la nueva distribución global del XIX, su carácter intrínsecamente antinómico produce un racimo de oposiciones binarias -igualmente jerárquicas y valorativas- como cultura-naturaleza y ciudad-campo. Bajo estas condiciones, el romanticismo latinoamericano encontró en la nueva relación de la subjetividad con el entorno un camino para ensayar su estética, al re-culturizar el espacio natural para integrarlo al proceso de construcción de identidades nacionales. Desde las coordenadas de una fractura en esta tradición, los poemas del modernismo reconfiguran la antinomia entre naturaleza y cultura en una nueva inflexión que termina afectando los resortes de legitimación de un proyecto estético. En particular, nuestra hipótesis se aproxima al ritmo poético entendiéndolo como una fisura en la "ciudad letrada", el elemento propulsor de una nueva institución literaria que -mientras transforma el paradigma opositivo civilización-barbarie, original-copia, local-universal- contribuye a deslindar la autoridad del poeta modernista respecto del modelo del letrado tradicional
Este trabajo parte de las lecturas críticas hechas sobre La ciudad letrada de Ángel Rama, para proponer que en este ensayo México hace las veces de "caso testigo", teniendo como texto articulador previo "La señal de Jonás" de 1980. Analiza también la tensión irresuelta en la figura del letrado/intelectual en otros escritos de Rama, que se expresa en dos narraciones contrapuestas, la "gesta del mestizo" y la "gesta del letrado". Por último, sostiene que ciertas omisiones y/o atenuaciones del ensayo tienen el propósito de elaborar un relato despojado de la dirección edificante de la historiografía literaria y el ensayismo latinoamericano.
En los cuentos "La nariz" y "La niña que quiso ser estampa" , de Marta Brunet, los personajes infantiles son portadores de discursos metatextuales, que revelan la relación de la autora con la institución literaria en Chile, durante la primera mitad del siglo XX. La figuración de la infancia en tanto objeto cultural, su utilización metafórica, será el punto de partida para reflexionar sobre la ambigua inserción de Brunet en la "ciudad letrada ", las operaciones miméticas que debió proyectar con miras a ser aceptada entre sus contemporáneos y la construcción de personajes femeninos en trayecto hacia la autonomía personal y creadora
Partiendo de metáforas como "ciudad letrada", "letrado" y "baile de máscaras", a través de la cuales Ángel Rama desarrolla nociones fundamentales en sus libros póstumos La ciudad letrada y Las máscaras democráticas del modernismo, el trabajo recupera la figura del crítico y el costado autobiográfico de sus ensayos. Vinculando estas nociones con la escritura del Diario será posible apreciar la trama subjetiva que se proyecta sobre los trabajos críticos.
This dissertation explored the relationship among poets, cities, and the construction of nation-ness. It was an interpretive reading of Chilean poetry and Chilean-ness as a way of inventing the nation from its very origins, starting with the colonial epic poem La Araucana and the founding of Santiago, its capital city. In this dissertation, poetry not only dealt with cities or "city poets" but also with the very conception, drafting, and systematic invention of cities as a "dream of order". The construct of a "community" of Chileans has maintained family ties with "Melancholy" in the collective imagination. This structure of melancholy reinforced the idea of "an order and a community" passed along by poets through generations. This dissertation also explored the moment when this melancholic family was fractured, divided, and Santiago was darkened by the events of September 11, 1973 and the rise of dictatorship, brutality, and censorship. ^ The methodology employed to examine different aspects of the construction of the city-nation included theoretical approaches such as Benedict Anderson's idea of nations as "imagined communities," Ángel Rama's analysis of Latin American urban rationality in his book The Lettered City , and the idea of the poet as an urban seer or visionary, the "flâneur" studied by Walter Benjamin in Charles Baudelaire's poetry. A central finding was that this "imagined community" have been severely transformed since 1950. In Chilean poetry, two works served as major referents: Pablo Neruda's Canto General, a totalizing idea of collective identity carved from the stones of the ruins of Machu Picchu, and Nicanor Parra's Poemas y Antipoemas (1954), which begun to illustrate the slow "decomposition" of the "The Lettered City." Among such conflicting images of (post-)modernity, poet Enrique Lihn became the central counter-figure who put an end to a long tradition of producing canonical nation-building cultural artifacts. His book El paseo Ahumada (1983) impacted the new generations of Chilean poets. The conclusion brought together the five-century history and diverse poetic experiences of the traditional Lettered City with the latest currents of marginalized urban poetry (1987-2003), the so-called "barbarians," flâneurs who were (re)inventing Chilean-ness in the globalized, and anti-Utopian city of "Sanhattan." ^
The Raman spectrum of holmquistite, a Li-containing orthorhombic amphibole from Bessemer City, USA has been measured. The OH-stretching region is characterized by bands at 3661, 3646, 3634 and 3614 cm–1 assigned to 3 Mg–OH, 2 Mg + Fe2+–OH, Mg + 2Fe2+–OH and 3 Fe2+–OH, respectively. These Mg and Fe2+ cations are located at the M1 and M3 sites and have a Fe2+/(Fe2+ + Mg) ratio of 0.35. The 960–1110 cm–1 region represents the antisymmetric Si–O–Si and O–Si–O stretching vibrations. For holmquistite, strong bands are observed around 1022 and 1085 cm–1 with a shoulder at 1127 cm–1 and minor bands at 1045 and 1102 cm–1. In the region 650–800 cm–1 bands are observed at 679, 753 and 791 cm–1 with a minor band around 694 cm–1 attributed to the symmetrical Si–O–Si and Si–O vibrations. The region below 625 cm–1 is characterized by 14 vibrations related to the deformation modes of the silicate double chain and vibrations involving Mg, Fe, Al and Li in the various M sites. The 502 cm–1 band is a Li–O deformation mode while the 456, 551 and 565 cm–1 bands are Al–O deformation modes.
Major South-East Asian city-regions have experienced considerable physical, economic and social transformations during the past three decades. The rapid pace of globalisation and economic restructuring has resulted in these city-regions receiving the full impact of urbanisation pressures. In an attempt to ease these pressures, city-regions such as Bangkok, Seoul, Tokyo, Taipei, Hong Kong, Singapore and Kuala Lumpur have advocate growth management approaches giving particular interest to urban sustainability. These approaches promote efforts to achieve the triple bottom line sustainability by balancing economic and social development, and environmental protection, and putting more emphasis on compact and optimum development of urban forms. This paper evaluates the case of two South-East Asian city-regions, Kuala Lumpur and Hong Kong, and assesses their experiences in managing their urban forms whilst promoting sustainable patterns of urban development. The findings show that sustainable urban development initiatives employing a top down approach has yielded encouraging results in these case study city-regions. However the need for a more concerted effort towards the overall sustainability agenda still remains vital.