997 resultados para Lattice model
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We investigate the critical behavior of a stochastic lattice model describing a predator-prey system. By means of Monte Carlo procedure we simulate the model defined on a regular square lattice and determine the threshold of species coexistence, that is, the critical phase boundaries related to the transition between an active state, where both species coexist and an absorbing state where one of the species is extinct. A finite size scaling analysis is employed to determine the order parameter, order parameter fluctuations, correlation length and the critical exponents. Our numerical results for the critical exponents agree with those of the directed percolation universality class. We also check the validity of the hyperscaling relation and present the data collapse curves.
In this paper we investigate the dynamic properties of the minimal Bell-Lavis (BL) water model and their relation to the thermodynamic anomalies. The BL model is defined on a triangular lattice in which water molecules are represented by particles with three symmetric bonding arms interacting through van der Waals and hydrogen bonds. We have studied the model diffusivity in different regions of the phase diagram through Monte Carlo simulations. Our results show that the model displays a region of anomalous diffusion which lies inside the region of anomalous density, englobed by the line of temperatures of maximum density. Further, we have found that the diffusivity undergoes a dynamic transition which may be classified as fragile-to-strong transition at the critical line only at low pressures. At higher densities, no dynamic transition is seen on crossing the critical line. Thus evidence from this study is that relation of dynamic transitions to criticality may be discarded. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3479001]
The Bell-Lavis model for liquid water is investigated through numerical simulations. The lattice-gas model on a triangular lattice presents orientational states and is known to present a highly bonded low density phase and a loosely bonded high density phase. We show that the model liquid-liquid transition is continuous, in contradiction with mean-field results on the Husimi cactus and from the cluster variational method. We define an order parameter which allows interpretation of the transition as an order-disorder transition of the bond network. Our results indicate that the order-disorder transition is in the Ising universality class. Previous proposal of an Ehrenfest second order transition is discarded. A detailed investigation of anomalous properties has also been undertaken. The line of density maxima in the HDL phase is stabilized by fluctuations, absent in the mean-field solution. (C) 2009 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3253297]
We have reconsidered the Bell-Lavis model of liquid water and investigated its relation to its isotropic version, the antiferromagnetic Blume-Emery-Griffiths model on the triangular lattice. Our study was carried out by means of an exact solution on the sequential Husimi cactus. We show that the ground states of both models share the same topology and that fluid phases (gas and low- and high-density liquids) can be mapped onto magnetic phases (paramagnetic, antiferromagnetic, and dense paramagnetic, respectively). Both models present liquid-liquid coexistence and several thermodynamic anomalies. This result suggests that anisotropy introduced through orientational variables play no specific role in producing the density anomaly, in agreement with a similar conclusion discussed previously following results for continuous soft core,models. We propose that the presence of liquid anomalies may be related to energetic frustration, a feature common to both models.
We introduce a simple mean-field lattice model to describe the behavior of nematic elastomers. This model combines the Maier-Saupe-Zwanzig approach to liquid crystals and an extension to lattice systems of the Warner-Terentjev theory of elasticity, with the addition of quenched random fields. We use standard techniques of statistical mechanics to obtain analytic solutions for the full range of parameters. Among other results, we show the existence of a stress-strain coexistence curve below a freezing temperature, analogous to the P-V diagram of a simple fluid, with the disorder strength playing the role of temperature. Below a critical value of disorder, the tie lines in this diagram resemble the experimental stress-strain plateau and may be interpreted as signatures of the characteristic polydomain-monodomain transition. Also, in the monodomain case, we show that random fields may soften the first-order transition between nematic and isotropic phases, provided the samples are formed in the nematic state.
We study the spin-1/2 Heisenberg models on an anisotropic two-dimensional lattice which interpolates between the square lattice at one end, a set of decoupled spin chains on the other end, and the triangular-lattice Heisenberg model in between. By series expansions around two different dimer ground states and around various commensurate and incommensurate magnetically ordered states, we establish the phase diagram for this model of a frustrated antiferromagnet. We find a particularly rich phase diagram due to the interplay of magnetic frustration, quantum fluctuations, and varying dimensionality. There is a large region of the usual two-sublattice Neel phase, a three-sublattice phase for the triangular-lattice model, a region of incommensurate magnetic order around the triangular-lattice model, and regions in parameter space where there is no magnetic order. We find that the incommensurate ordering wave vector is in general altered from its classical value by quantum fluctuations. The regime of weakly coupled chains is particularly interesting and appears to be nearly critical. [S0163-1829(99)10421-1].
This work addresses the question of whether it is possible to define simple pairwise interaction terms to approximate free energies of proteins or polymers. Rather than ask how reliable a potential of mean force is, one can ask how reliable it could possibly be. In a two-dimensional, infinite lattice model system one can calculate exact free energies by exhaustive enumeration. A series of approximations were fitted to exact results to assess the feasibility and utility of pairwise free energy terms. Approximating the true free energy with pairwise interactions gives a poor fit with little transferability between systems of different size. Adding extra artificial terms to the approximation yields better fits, but does not improve the ability to generalize from one system size to another. Furthermore, one cannot distinguish folding from nonfolding sequences via the approximated free energies. Most usefully, the methodology shows how one can assess the utility of various terms in lattice protein/polymer models. (C) 2001 American Institute of Physics.
A generalised ladder operator is used to construct the conserved operators for any one-dimensional lattice model derived from the Yang-Baxter equation. As an example, the low order conserved operators for the XYh model are calculated explicitly.
We investigate the nature of the ordered phase and the orientational correlations between adjacent layers of the confined three-dimensional self-assembled rigid rod model, on the cubic lattice. We find that the ordered phase at finite temperatures becomes uniaxial in the thermodynamic limit, by contrast to the ground state (partial) order where the orientation of the uncorrelated layers is perpendicular to one of the three lattice directions. The increase of the orientational correlation between layers as the number of layers increases suggests that the unconfined model may also exhibit uniaxial ordering at finite temperatures.
We analyze the physical mechanisms leading either to synchronization or to the formation of spatiotemporal patterns in a lattice model of pulse-coupled oscillators. In order to make the system tractable from a mathematical point of view we study a one-dimensional ring with unidirectional coupling. In such a situation, exact results concerning the stability of the fixed of the dynamic evolution of the lattice can be obtained. Furthermore, we show that this stability is the responsible for the different behaviors.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
We analyze the global phase diagram of a Maier-Saupe lattice model with the inclusion of shape-disordered degrees of freedom to mimic a mixture of oblate and prolate molecules (discs and cylinders). In the neighborhood of a Landau multicritical point, solutions of the statistical problem can be written as a Landau-de Gennes expansion for the free energy. If the shape-disordered degrees of freedom are quenched, we confirm the existence of a biaxial nematic structure. If orientational and disorder degrees of freedom are allowed to thermalize, this biaxial solution becomes thermodynamically unstable. Also, we use a two-temperature formalism to mimic the presence of two distinct relaxation times, and show that a slight departure from complete thermalization is enough to stabilize a biaxial nematic phase.
We developed a stochastic lattice model to describe the vector-borne disease (like yellow fever or dengue). The model is spatially structured and its dynamical rules take into account the diffusion of vectors. We consider a bipartite lattice, forming a sub-lattice of human and another occupied by mosquitoes. At each site of lattice we associate a stochastic variable that describes the occupation and the health state of a single individual (mosquito or human). The process of disease transmission in the human population follows a similar dynamic of the Susceptible-Infected-Recovered model (SIR), while the disease transmission in the mosquito population has an analogous dynamic of the Susceptible-Infected-Susceptible model (SIS) with mosquitos diffusion. The occurrence of an epidemic is directly related to the conditional probability of occurrence of infected mosquitoes (human) in the presence of susceptible human (mosquitoes) on neighborhood. The probability of diffusion of mosquitoes can facilitate the formation of pairs Susceptible-Infected enabling an increase in the size of the epidemic. Using an asynchronous dynamic update, we study the disease transmission in a population initially formed by susceptible individuals due to the introduction of a single mosquito (human) infected. We find that this model exhibits a continuous phase transition related to the existence or non-existence of an epidemic. By means of mean field approximations and Monte Carlo simulations we investigate the epidemic threshold and the phase diagram in terms of the diffusion probability and the infection probability.
An out of equilibrium Ising model subjected to an irreversible dynamics is analyzed by means of a stochastic dynamics, on a effort that aims to understand the observed critical behavior as consequence of the intrinsic microscopic characteristics. The study focus on the kinetic phase transitions that take place by assuming a lattice model with inversion symmetry and under the influence of two competing Glauber dynamics, intended to describe the stationary states using the entropy production, which characterize the system behavior and clarifies its reversibility conditions. Thus, it is considered a square lattice formed by two sublattices interconnected, each one of which is in contact with a heat bath at different temperature from the other. Analytical and numerical treatments are faced, using mean-field approximations and Monte Carlo simulations. For the one dimensional model exact results for the entropy production were obtained, though in this case the phase transition that takes place in the two dimensional counterpart is not observed, fact which is in accordance with the behavior shared by lattice models presenting inversion symmetry. Results found for the stationary state show a critical behavior of the same class as the equilibrium Ising model with a phase transition of the second order, which is evidenced by a divergence with an exponent µ ¼ 0:003 of the entropy production derivative.