950 resultados para Laser Scanning Confocal Fluorescence Microscopy (LSCFM)


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AimTo evaluate the antibiofilm activity of sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) and chlorhexidine (CHX) solutions associated with cetrimide (CTR), and QMiX using confocal laser scanning microscopy.MethodologyEnterococcus faecalis (ATCC- 29212) biofilms were induced on bovine dentine blocks for 14days. The dentine blocks containing biofilm were immersed for 1min in the following solutions: 2.5% NaOCl; 2.5% NaOCl+0.2% CTR; 2% CHX; 2% CHX+0.2% CTR; 0.2% CTR; QMiX. After contact with the solutions, the dentine blocks were stained with Live/Dead((R)) BacLight for analysis of the remaining biofilm using confocal laser scanning microscope. Images were evaluated using the BioImage_L software to determine the total biovolume (m(3)), the green biovolume (live cells) (m(3)) and the percentage of substrate coverage (%). The data were subjected to nonparametric statistical test using Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn's tests at 5% significance level.ResultsAfter exposure to irrigants, the total biovolume observed for CHX, CHX+CTR, CTR, QMiX was similar to distilled water (P>0.05). NaOCl and NaOCl+CTR had the lowest total and green biovolume. The CTR and QMiX had intermediate green biovolume, with greater antibacterial activity than CHX and CHX+CTR (P<0.05). The NaOCl and NaOCl+CTR solutions were associated with microorganism removal and substrate cleaning ability.ConclusionsNaOCl and NaOCl+CTR solutions were effective on microorganism viability and were able to eliminate biofilm. The addition of cetrimide did not influence antibacterial activity.


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This study aimed to evaluate the effect of Er:YAG (L) and diamond drills (DD) on: 1) the microshear bond strength (MPa); 2) the adhesive interface of two-step (TS) – Adper Scotchbond Multipurpose and one-step (OS) adhesives – Adper EasyOne, both from 3M ESPE. Material and methods: According to the preparation condition and adhesives, the samples were divided into four groups: DD_TS (control); DD_OS; L_TS and L_OS. 60 bovine incisors were randomly divided into experimental and groups: 40 for microshear bond strength (n = 10) and 20 for the adhesive interface morphology [6 to measure the thickness of the hybrid layer (HL) and length of tags (t) by CLSM (n = 3); 12 to the adhesive interface morphology by SEM (n = 3) and 2 to illustrate the effect of the instruments on dentine by SEM (n = 1)]. To conduct the microshear bond strength test, four cylinders (0.7 mm in diameter and 1 mm in height with area of adhesion of 0.38 mm) were constructed with resin composite (Filtek Z350 XT – 3M ESPE) on each dentin surface treated by either L or DD and after adhesives application. Microshear bond strength was performed in universal testing machine (EMIC 2000) with load cell of 500 kgf and a crosshead speed of 0.5 mm / min. Adhesive interface was characterized by thickness of hybrid layer (HL) and length of tags (t) in nm, with the aid of UTHSCSA ImageTool software. Results: Microshear bond strength values were: L_TS 34.10 ± 19.07, DD_TS 24.26 ± 9.35, L_OS 33.18 ± 12.46, DD_OS 21.24 ± 13.96. Two-way ANOVA resulted in statistically significant differences only for instruments (p = 0.047). Mann-Whitney identified the instruments which determined significant differences for HL thickness and tag length (t). Concerning to the adhesive types, these differences were only observed for (t). Conclusion: It can be concluded that 1) laser Er:YAG results in higher microshear bond strength values regardless of the adhesive system (TS and OS); 2) the tags did not significant affect the microshear bond strength; 3) the adhesive interface was affected by both the instruments for cavity preparation and the type of adhesive system used.


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Objective: This confocal microscopy study evaluated the cement/dentin and cement/post interfaces along theroot canalwallswhenfiberglasspostswerebonded to dentin using different types of cements. Material & Methods: Thirty endodontically treated premolars were divided into 3 groups according to the adhesive materials used in the bonding procedure: Prime & Bond 2.1/Self Cure + Enforce, RelyX Unicem and RelyX Luting. Rhodamine B dye was incorporated in the luting materials for the cementation of the fiber glass posts (Exacto, Angelus) to dentin. Three transversal slices (apical, middle and coronal) were examined under confocal laser scanning microscopy. Statistical analysis was performed using the Kappa, Kruskal-Wallis and Dunnet tests, in a significance level of 5%. Results: The Prime & Bond 2.1/Self Cure + Enforce presented a uniform formation of tags in the dentin but gaps in the cement/dentin interface. The RelyX Unicem and RelyX Luting presented an adhesive interface with a fewer amount of gaps, but showed shorter tag formation than the Enforce system. All cements presented the same pattern of bubbles inside the cements. The RelyX Luting presented a greater amount of cracks inside the cement in comparison with the other cements in the coronal third, while no difference was observed between RelyX Unicem and Enforce. The RelyX Luting showed the lowest quantity of cement penetration into the post. Conclusion: In general, the quality of bonding interfaces of fiber posts luted to root canals was affected by both location and type of cement.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the penetration of endodontic sealer into the dentin tubules, the integrity of the sealer layer perimeter, and the sealer area at the apical third after different filling techniques by confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM). Forty-five mandibular premolars were mechanically prepared with ProTaper files, until F5 file. Thereafter, they were filled with an epoxy-resin sealer (AH Plus) mixed with Rhodamine B dye (0.1% proportion) and allocated in three groups: Group 1, single master cone; Group 2, cold lateral compaction; and Group 3, Thermafil. For confocal laser scanning microscopy analysis, the specimens were transversely sectioned at 4 mm from the apex. The images at x10 and x40 were analyzed by Imagetool 3.0 software. Significant differences were not found among the three experimental groups according the dentin-impregnate area by the sealer (P = 0.68) and between the sealer and root canal perimeter (P = 0.18). However, root canal filling techniques were significantly different when apical sealer areas were compared (P = 0.001). Thermafil group showed smaller sealer areas (8.09%) while cold lateral compaction and gutta-percha master cone showed similar areas (17.37 and 21.18%, respectively). The dentin-impregnated area was not dependent on the root canal filling technique. Single master cone, cold lateral condensation and Thermafil techniques presented integrity of the sealer perimeter close to 100% and Thermafil resulted in a significantly thinner sealer layer. Microsc. Res. Tech. 75:12771280, 2012. (C) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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A comparative morphometric study was performed to identify host-induced morphological alterations in Schistosoma mansoni adult worms. A wild parasite population was obtained from a naturally infected rodent (Nectomys squamipes)and then recovered from laboratory infected C3H/He mice. Furthermore, allopatric worm populations maintained for long-term under laboratory conditions in Swiss Webster mice were passed on to N. squamipes. Suckers and genital system (testicular lobes, uterine egg, and egg spine) were analyzed by a digital system for image analysis. Confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) showed details of the genital system (testicular lobes, vitelline glands, and ovary) and the tegument just below the ventral sucker. Significant morphological changes (p < 0.05) were detected in male worms in all experimental conditions, with no significant variability as assessed by CLSM. Significant changes (p < 0.05) were evident in females from the wild population related to their ovaries and vitelline glands, whereas allopatric females presented differences only in this last character. We conclude that S. mansoni worms present the phenotypic plasticity induced by modifications in the parasite's microenvironment, mainly during the first passage under laboratory conditions.


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Zusammenfassung Mittels Fluoreszenzfarbstoffen können Strukturen sichtbar gemacht werden, die auf kon-ventionellem Weg nicht, oder nur schwer darzustellen sind. Besonders in Kombination mit der Konfokalen Laser Scanning Mikroskopie eröffnen sich neue Wege zum spezifischen Nachweis unterschiedlichster Komponenten biologischer Proben und gegebenenfalls deren dreidimensionale Widergabe.Die Visualisierung des Proteinanteils des Zahnhartgewebes kann mit Hilfe chemisch kopplungsfähiger Fluorochrome durchgeführt werden. Um zu zeigen, daß es sich bei dieser Markierung nicht um unspezifische Adsorption des Farbstoffes handelt, wurde zur Kontrolle die Proteinkomponente der Zahnproben durch enzymatischen Verdau beseitigt. Derartig behandelte Präparate wiesen eine sehr geringe Anfärbbarkeit auf.Weiterführend diente diese enzymatische Methode als Negativkontrolle zum Nachweis der Odontoblastenfortsätze im Dentin bzw. im Bereich der Schmelz-Dentin-Grenze. Hiermit konnte differenziert werden zwischen reinen Reflexionsbildern der Dentinkanäle und den Zellausläufern deren Membranen gezielt durch lipophile Fluoreszenzfarbstoffe markiert wurden.In einem weiteren Ansatz konnte gezeigt werden, daß reduzierte und daher nichtfluoreszente Fluoresceinabkömmlinge geeignet sind, die Penetration von Oxidationsmitteln (hier H2O2) in den Zahn nachzuweisen. Durch Oxidation dieser Verbindungen werden fluoreszierende Produkte generiert, die den Nachweis lieferten, daß die als Zahnbleichmittel eingesetzten Mittel rasch durch Schmelz und Dentin bis in die Pulpahöhle gelangen können.Die Abhängigkeit der Fluoreszenz bestimmter Fluorochrome von deren chemischer Um-gebung, im vorliegenden Fall dem pH-Wert, sollte eingesetzt werden, um den Säuregrad im Zahninneren fluoreszenzmikroskopisch darzustellen. Hierbei wurde versucht, ein ratio-metrisches Verfahren zu entwickeln, mit dem die pH-Bestimmung unter Verwendung eines pH-abhängigen und eines pH-unabhängigen Fluorochroms erfolgt. Diese Methode konnte nicht für diese spezielle Anwendung verifiziert werden, da Neutralisationseffekte der mineralischen Zahnsubstanz (Hydroxylapatit) die pH-Verteilung innerhalb der Probe beeinflußen. Fluoreszenztechniken wurden ebenfalls ergänzend eingesetzt zur Charakterisierung von kovalent modifizierten Implantatoberflächen. Die, durch Silanisierung von Titantestkörpern mit Triethoxyaminopropylsilan eingeführten freien Aminogruppen konnten qualitativ durch den Einsatz eines aminspezifischen Farbstoffes identifiziert werden. Diese Art der Funktionalisierung dient dem Zweck, Implantatoberflächen durch chemische Kopplung adhäsionsvermittelnder Proteine bzw. Peptide dem Einheilungsprozeß von Implantaten in den Knochen zugänglicher zu machen, indem knochenbildende Zellen zu verbessertem Anwachsverhalten stimuliert werden. Die Zellzahlbestimmung im Adhäsionstest wurde ebenfalls mittels Fluoreszenzfarbstoffen durchgeführt und lieferte Ergebnisse, die belegen, daß die durchgeführte Modifizierung einen günstigen Einfluß auf die Zelladhäsion besitzt.


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Background and Objectives: This study evaluated the hybrid layer (HL) morphology created by three adhesive systems (AS) on dentin surfaces treated with Er:YAG laser using two irradiation parameters. Study Design: Occlusal flat dentin surfaces of 36 human third molars were assigned into nine groups (n = 4) according to the following ASs: one bottle etch&rinse Single Bond Plus (3M ESPE), two-step Clearfil Protect Bond (Kuraray), and all-in-one S3 Bond (Kuraray) self-etching, which were labeled with rhodamine B or fluorescein isothiocyanate dextran and were applied to dentin surfaces that were irradiated with Er:YAG laser at either 120 (38.7 J/cm(2)) or 200 mJ/pulse (64.5 J/cm(2)), or were applied to untreated dentin surfaces (control group). The ASs were light-activated following MI and the bonded surfaces were restored with resin composite Z250 (3M ESPE). After 24 hours of storage in vegetable oil, the restored teeth were vertically, serially sectioned into 1-mm thick slabs, which had the adhesive interfaces analyzed with confocal laser microscope (CLSM-LSM 510 Meta). CLSM images were recorded in the fluorescent mode from three different regions along each bonded interface. Results: Non-uniform HL was created on laser-irradiated dentin surfaces regardless of laser irradiation protocol for all AS, while regular and uniform HL was observed in the control groups. ""Stretch mark""-like red lines were found within the HL as a result of resin infiltration into dentin microfissures, which were predominantly observed in 200 mJ/pulse groups regardless of AS. Poor resin infiltration into peritubular dentin was observed in most regions of adhesive interfaces created by all ASs on laser-irradiated dentin, resulting in thin resin tags with neither funnel-shaped morphology nor lateral resin projections. Conclusion: Laser irradiation of dentin surfaces at 120 or 200 mJ/pulse resulted in morphological changes in HL and resin tags for all ASs evaluated in the study. Lasers Surg. Med. 42:662-670, 2010. (C) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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A laser scanning microscope collects information from a thin, focal plane and ignores out of focus information. During the past few years it has become the standard imaging method to characterise cellular morphology and structures in static as well as in living samples. Laser scanning microscopy combined with digital image restoration is an excellent tool for analysing the cellular cytoarchitecture, expression of specific proteins and interactions of various cell types, thus defining valid criteria for the optimisation of cell culture models. We have used this tool to establish and evaluate a three dimensional model of the human epithelial airway wall.


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In order to evaluate the capacity of laser scanning cytometry (LSC) to detect acid-fast bacilli directly on clinical samples, a comparison between Kinyoun-stained smears analyzed under light microscopy and propidium iodide-auramine-stained smears analyzed by LSC was performed. The results were compared with those for culture on BACTEC MGIT 960. LSC is a new, reliable methodology to detect Mycobacteria.


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Optical tracers in conjunction with fluorescence microscopy have become widely used to follow the movement of synaptic vesicles in nerve terminals. The present review discusses the use of these optical methods to understand the regulation of exocytosis and endocytosis of synaptic vesicles. The maintenance of neurotransmission depends on the constant recycling of synaptic vesicles and important insights have been gained by visualization of vesicles with the vital dye FM1-43. A number of questions related to the control of recycling of synaptic vesicles by prolonged stimulation and the role of calcium to control membrane internalization are now being addressed. It is expected that optical monitoring of presynaptic activity coupled to appropriate genetic models will contribute to the understanding of membrane traffic in synaptic terminals.


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Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have been reported to secrete a variety of cytokines and growth factors acting as trophic suppliers, but little is known regarding the effects of conditioned medium (CM) of MSCs isolated from femurs and tibias of mouse on the artificial activation of mouse oocytes and on the developmental competence of the parthenotes. In the current study, we investigated the effect of CM on the events of mouse oocyte activation, namely oscillations of cytosolic calcium concentration ([Ca²+]i), meiosis resumption, pronucleus formation, and parthenogenetic development. The surface markers of MSCs were identified with a fluorescence-activated cell sorter. The dynamic changes of the spindle and formation of pronuclei were examined by laser-scanning confocal microscopy. Exposure of cumulus-oocyte complexes to CM for 40 min was optimal for inducing oocyte parthenogenetic activation and evoking [Ca²+]i oscillations similar to those evoked by sperm (95 vs 100%; P > 0.05). Parthenogenetically activated oocytes immediately treated with 7.5 µg/mL cytochalasin B (CB), which inhibited spindle rotation and second polar body extrusion, were mostly diploid (93 vs 6%, P < 0.01) while CB-untreated oocytes were mostly haploid (5 vs 83%, P < 0.01). Consequently, the blastocyst rate was higher in the CB-treated than in the CB-untreated oocytes. There was no significant difference in developmental rate between oocytes activated with CM and 7% ethanol (62 vs 62%, P > 0.05), but the developmental competence of the fertilized oocytes was superior to that of the parthenotes (88 vs 62%, P < 0.05). The present results demonstrate that CM can effectively activate mouse oocytes, as judged by the generation of [Ca²+]i oscillations, completion of meiosis and parthenogenetic development.


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Le but de ce travail de mémoire était d'explorer des moyens pour augmenter la perméabilité des biofilms de Streptococcus mutans aux macromolécules en utilisant des agents potentiellement perturbateurs de la structure des biofilms. L’acide éthylènediamine tétraacétique (EDTA) ainsi que l’acide acétylsalicylique (aspirine) sont les agents perturbateurs choisis. Le changement de perméabilité des biofilms de S. mutans a été déterminé en mesurant les coefficients de diffusion globale du polyéthylène glycol (PEG) et de diffusion locale de dextrans. Les coefficients de diffusion globale ont été mesurés par spectroscopie infrarouge avec un échantillonnage par réflexion totale atténuée (ATR) alors que la spectroscopie par corrélation de fluorescence (SCF) a été utilisée pour la mesure des coefficients de diffusion locale. Les résultats ont démontré que l’incorporation de l’EDTA à une concentration de 7.5 (m/v) % dans la solution de diffusion permet d’améliorer les propriétés de transport du PEG dans les biofilms en augmentant sa pénétrabilité et son coefficient de diffusion globale. Par contre, aucune variation n’a été constatée dans la valeur du coefficient de diffusion locale de dextran fluorescent. Cette différence peut être expliquée, entre autres, par l'échelle des mesures et la nature différente des molécules diffusantes. L’aspirine n’a démontré aucun effet sur le transport du PEG à travers les biofilms de S. mutans. La pénétration accrue du PEG en présence de l’EDTA a été corrélée aux tests de viabilité des cellules bactériennes. En effet, la combinaison de la pénicilline G (PenG) avec l’EDTA 2 (m/v) % a eu comme effet l’augmentation du pouvoir biocide d’un facteur 3. De plus, les images de microscopie à épifluorescence et de microscopie confocale à balayage de laser ont démontré que les bactéries dans le cœur des microcolonies sont plus affectées par la PenG lorsque le milieu contient de l'EDTA. A la lumière des résultats obtenus, il s’avère que l’incorporation d'agents perturbateurs de la structure des biofilms est une option sérieuse à considérer dans l’éradication des biofilms microbiens. Plus d’études devront être effectuées afin d’investiguer l’effet d’autres molécules possédant les propriétés perturbatrices de la structure des biofilms sur la résistance de ces derniers aux agents antimicrobiens.


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New theories on the regeneration of ischemic vasculature have emerged indicating a pivotal role of adult stem cells. The aim of this study was to investigate homing and hemodynamic effects of circulating bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) in a critically ischemic murine skin flap model. Bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (Lin(-)CD105(+)) were harvested from GFP(+)-donor mice and transferred to wildtype C57BL/6 mice. Animals receiving GFP(+)-fibroblasts served as a control group. Laser scanning confocal microscopy and intravital fluorescence microscopy were used for morphological analysis, monitoring and quantitative assessment of the stem cell homing and microhemodynamics over two weeks. Immunohistochemical staining was performed for GFP, eNOS, iNOS, VEGF. Tissue viability was analyzed by TUNEL-assay. We were able to visualize perivascular homing of MSCs in vivo. After 4 days, MSCs aligned along the vascular wall without undergoing endothelial or smooth muscle cell differentiation during the observation period. The gradual increase in arterial vascular resistance observed in the control group was abolished after MSC administration (P<0.01). At capillary level, a strong angiogenic response was found from day 7 onwards. Functional capillary density was raised in the MSC group to 197% compared to 132% in the control group (P<0.01). Paracrine expression of VEGF and iNOS, but not eNOS could be shown in the MSC group but not in the controls. In conclusion, we demonstrated that circulating bone marrow-derived MSCs home to perivascular sites in critically ischemic tissue, exhibits paracrine function and augment microhemodynamics. These effects were mediated through arteriogenesis and angiogenesis, which contributed to vascular regeneration.


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Hoy en día las técnicas de adquisición de imágenes tridimensionales son comunes en diversas áreas, pero cabe destacar la relevancia que han adquirido en el ámbito de la imagen biomédica, dentro del cual encontramos una amplia gama de técnicas como la microscopía confocal, microscopía de dos fotones, microscopía de fluorescencia mediante lámina de luz, resonancia magnética nuclear, tomografía por emisión de positrones, tomografía de coherencia óptica, ecografía 3D y un largo etcétera. Un denominador común de todas esas aplicaciones es la constante necesidad por aumentar la resolución y la calidad de las imágenes adquiridas. En algunas de dichas técnicas de imagen tridimensional se da una interesante situación: aunque que cada volumen adquirido no contiene información suficiente para representar el objeto bajo estudio dentro de los parámetros de calidad requeridos por algunas aplicaciones finales, el esquema de adquisición permite la obtención de varios volúmenes que representan diferentes vistas de dicho objeto, de tal forma que cada una de las vistas proporciona información complementaria acerca del mismo. En este tipo de situación es posible, mediante la combinación de varias de esas vistas, obtener una mejor comprensión del objeto que a partir de cada una de ellas por separado. En el contexto de esta Tesis Doctoral se ha propuesto, desarrollado y validado una nueva metodología de proceso de imágenes basada en la transformada wavelet disc¬reta para la combinación, o fusión, de varias vistas con información complementaria de un mismo objeto. El método de fusión propuesto aprovecha la capacidad de descom¬posición en escalas y orientaciones de la transformada wavelet discreta para integrar en un solo volumen toda la información distribuida entre el conjunto de vistas adquiridas. El trabajo se centra en dos modalidades diferentes de imagen biomédica que per¬miten obtener tales adquisiciones multi-vista. La primera es una variante de la micro¬scopía de fluorescencia, la microscopía de fluorescencia mediante lámina de luz, que se utiliza para el estudio del desarrollo temprano de embriones vivos en diferentes modelos animales, como el pez cebra o el erizo de mar. La segunda modalidad es la resonancia magnética nuclear con realce tardío, que constituye una valiosa herramienta para evaluar la viabilidad del tejido miocárdico en pacientes con diversas miocardiopatías. Como parte de este trabajo, el método propuesto ha sido aplicado y validado en am¬bas modalidades de imagen. En el caso de la aplicación a microscopía de fluorescencia, los resultados de la fusión muestran un mejor contraste y nivel de detalle en comparación con cualquiera de las vistas individuales y el método no requiere de conocimiento previo acerca la función de dispersión puntual del sistema de imagen. Además, los resultados se han comparado con otros métodos existentes. Con respecto a la aplicación a imagen de resonancia magnética con realce tardío, los volúmenes fusionados resultantes pre-sentan una mejora cuantitativa en la nitidez de las estructuras relevantes y permiten una interpretación más sencilla y completa de la compleja estructura tridimensional del tejido miocárdico en pacientes con cardiopatía isquémica. Para ambas aplicaciones los resultados de esta tesis se encuentran actualmente en uso en los centros clínicos y de investigación con los que el autor ha colaborado durante este trabajo. Además se ha puesto a libre disposición de la comunidad científica la implementación del método de fusión propuesto. Por último, se ha tramitado también una solicitud de patente internacional que cubre el método de visualización desarrollado para la aplicación de Resonancia Magnética Nuclear. Abstract Nowadays three dimensional imaging techniques are common in several fields, but es-pecially in biomedical imaging, where we can find a wide range of techniques including: Laser Scanning Confocal Microscopy, Laser Scanning Two Photon Microscopy, Light Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Positron Emission To-mography, Optical Coherence Tomography, 3D Ultrasound Imaging, etc. A common denominator of all those applications being the constant need for further increasing resolution and quality of the acquired images. Interestingly, in some of the mentioned three-dimensional imaging techniques a remarkable situation arises: while a single volume does not contain enough information to represent the object being imaged within the quality parameters required by the final application, the acquisition scheme allows recording several volumes which represent different views of a given object, with each of the views providing complementary information. In this kind of situation one can get a better understanding of the object by combining several views instead of looking at each of them separately. Within such context, in this PhD Thesis we propose, develop and test new image processing methodologies based on the discrete wavelet transform for the combination, or fusion, of several views containing complementary information of a given object. The proposed fusion method exploits the scale and orientation decomposition capabil¬ities of the discrete wavelet transform to integrate in a single volume all the available information distributed among the set of acquired views. The work focuses in two different biomedical imaging modalities which provide such multi-view datasets. The first one is a particular fluorescence microscopy technique, Light-Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy, used for imaging and gaining understanding of the early development of live embryos from different animal models (like zebrafish or sea urchin). The second is Delayed Enhancement Magnetic Resonance Imaging, which is a valuable tool for assessing the viability of myocardial tissue on patients suffering from different cardiomyopathies. As part of this work, the proposed method was implemented and then validated on both imaging modalities. For the fluorescence microscopy application, the fusion results show improved contrast and detail discrimination when compared to any of the individual views and the method does not rely on prior knowledge of the system’s point spread function (PSF). Moreover, the results have shown improved performance with respect to previous PSF independent methods. With respect to its application to Delayed Enhancement Magnetic Resonance Imaging, the resulting fused volumes show a quantitative sharpness improvement and enable an easier and more complete interpretation of complex three-dimensional scar and heterogeneous tissue information in ischemic cardiomyopathy patients. In both applications, the results of this thesis are currently in use in the clinical and research centers with which the author collaborated during his work. An imple¬mentation of the fusion method has also been made freely available to the scientific community. Finally, an international patent application has been filed covering the visualization method developed for the Magnetic Resonance Imaging application.