749 resultados para Language arts -- Study and teaching (Higher)


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This article reflects the analysis of personal and social competences through the study and analysis of creative tensión in engineering students, using a computer application called Cycloid. The main objective was to compare the students' creative tensión by asigning them the task of being the project leader of a given project: their own university major. The process consisted of evaluating, through special surveys, a group of students to know the current situation of competences, using fuzzy logic analysis. From this self-knowledge, provided by the survey, students can know their strong and weak characteristics regarding their study habits. Results showed that tolerance to stress and to language courses are the weaker points. This application is useful for the design of study strategies that students themselves can do to better face their courses


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A descriptive, exploratory study is presented based on a questionnaire regarding the following aspects of reflective learning: a) self-knowledge, b) relating experience to knowledge, c) self-reflection, and d) self-regulation of the learning processes. The questionnaire was completed by students studying four different degree courses (social education, environmental sciences, nursing, and psychology). Specifically, the objectives of a self-reported reflective learning questionnaire are: i) to determine students’ appraisal of reflective learning methodology with regard to their reflective learning processes, ii) to obtain evidence of the main difficulties encountered by students in integrating reflective learning methodologies into their reflective learning processes, and iii) to collect students’ perceptions regarding the main contributions of the reflective learning processes they have experienced


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This study addressed the problem of instructor support for self-directed learning, specifically, learner-directed program planning, within a classroom setting in higher education. A combination of survey, interview, document analysis, and observation was used to assess and evaluate the attitudes and practices of a sample of full-time faculty at an Ontario university. Eighty-seven percent of the study sample reported instructional beliefs, values, and expectations that were not supportive of self-directed learning, especially in terms of student participation in program planning. Planning was seen as the responsibility of the instructor. Instructors were least open to student participation in the planning of the evaluation of learning. However, there was considerable stated support for other of the basic principles of adult education. The remaining 13% of the study sample reported instructional beliefs, values, and expectations that were fully supportive of self-directed learning. Instructional practices were analyzed in relation to the instructors' stated beliefs. Although practices reflected, in many instances, instructors' statements of support, there were some significant discrepancies between apparent support for the concept of self-directed learning and actual classroom practice. Both beliefs and practice were compared to a research model of self-directed learning. Most instructors did not have a concept of self-directed learning as comprehensive as that described in the research model. Instructor support for self-directed learning was profoundly influenced by the university setting. It was concluded that more strenuous attempts to research, enhance, and promote instructional and institutional support for self-directed learning in higher education are warranted.


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The hospitality industry in Canada is growing. With that growth is a demand for qualified workers to fill available positions within all facets of the hospitality industry, one ofthem being cooks. To meet this labour shortage, community colleges offering culinary arts programs are ramping up to meet the needs of industry to produce workplace-ready graduates. Industry, students, and community colleges are but three of the several stakeholders in culinary arts education. The purpose of this research project was to bring together a cross-section of stakeholders in culinary arts education in Ontario and qualitatively examine the stakeholders' perceptions of how culinary arts programs and the current curriculum are taught at community colleges as mandated by the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities (MTCU) in the Culinary Program Standard. A literature review was conducted in support of the research undertaking. Ten stakeholders were interviewed in preliminary and follow-up sessions, after which the data were analyzed using a grounded theory research design. The findings confirmed the existence of a disconnect amongst stakeholders in culinary arts education. Parallel to that was the discovery of the need for balance in several facets of culinary arts education. The discussions, as found in Chapter 5 of this study, addressed the themes of Becoming a Chef, Basics, Entrenchment, Disconnect, and Balance. The 8 recommendations, also found in Chapter 5, which are founded on the research results of this study, will be of interest to stakeholders in culinary education, particularly in the province of Ontario.


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Es presenta una experiència duta a terme en assignatures de llengua catalana a les titulacions de Filologia Catalana i Magisteri. La proposta surt de la necessitat de millorar la competència en matèria de llengua dels estudiants i s'adequa a les noves directrius europees pel que fa a la docència universitària. Al mateix temps, es fomenten la capacitat crítica, el raonament metalingüístic i la competència comunicativa dels estudiants, així com el treball en equip. L'experiència consisteix a treballar temes de llengua en seminaris en els quals es presenten problemes i es plantegen qüestions als estudiants. En primer lloc es parteix de l'estat de la qüestió; a continuació es faciliten materials sobre el tema i es tracta en diverses discussions. El final del seminari consisteix a presentar el tema en grup però amb la particularitat que s'ha d'adreçar a dos públics diferents: l'universitari-científic i el d'escola o institut de secundària. Es presenta la metodologia de treball amb un dels temes que es van treballar en els seminaris, concretament el tema de l'accentuació de la llengua catalana. En el treball es fan consideracions generals sobre l'organització de les sessions i també s'aporten exemples concrets de com es va dur a terme la proposta. Per un costat, l'experiència posa de manifest que alguns mètodes didàctics tradicionals són poc adequats i poc motivadors per a l'aprenentatge. Per l'altre, es confirma que el treball inductiu afavoreix el pensament crític i l'establiment de generalitzacions que poden portar a una millor coneixement del sistema de la llengua en qüestió. En aquesta línia, es mostra la necessitat d'aportar noves formes de treballar la llengua, de manera que les activitats proposades tinguin connexió amb l'experiència real de l'estudiant com a parlant i amb la seva capacitat de conèixer i reflexionar sobre la seva llengua (i altres llengües). Només d'aquesta manera es veu la funció real de la llengua en tots els àmbits i només d'aquesta manera es potencia la motivació per l'estudi


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L’Escola Tècnica Superior d’Enginyers de Telecomunicació (ETSET) de la Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) promou la mobilitat dels seus estudiants i professors, no només a través de programes nacionals –SICUE-Sèneca– o internacionals (ERASMUS, PROMOE), sinó també per la realització de viatges de pràctiques de llengua estrangera. D’aquesta manera, els estudiants matriculats en les assignatures de francès, anglès o alemany poden beneficiar- se d’una estada a França, Gran Bretanya o Alemanya, visitant-ne les universitats i empreses del sector. En aquesta comunicació ens remetem a l’últim viatge realitzat a París al març passat, durant el qual quinze estudiants de l’ETSET, matriculats en els cinc grups de les assignatures de francès (nivell bàsic, intermedi i avançat), van visitar una Grande École, l’ENSEA (École Nationale Supérieure de l’Électronique et de ses Applications). La visita, coordinada i programada entre els professors responsables d’ambdues escoles, va consistir a efectuar presentacions institucionals (escola, universitat d’origen) i generals (informació sobre la ciutat i la seua cultura) per part dels mateixos estudiants espanyols i francesos en els diferents grups de les assignatures d’espanyol. Per a fer-ho, cada grup havia preparat la presentació en PowerPoint de la seua escola o ciutat en la llengua d’estudi. Aquest tipus d’activitats facilita la immersió lingüística, cultural i acadèmica dels estudiants, de manera que els permet rebre informació de primera mà sobre el panorama dels seus estudis en un altre país, i alhora patrocinen la seua pròpia escola entre els estudiants estrangers


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Como es sabido, la adaptación al EEES conlleva cambios importantes en la actividad del docente universitario entre los que destaca el incremento de la actividad de orientación y de mediación. Sin embargo, no existe unanimidad a la hora de definir el concepto de tutoría aunque cada vez son más las universidades españolas que han diseñado y puesto en práctica su Plan de Acción Tutorial (PAT), instrumento de información, apoyo y orientación al estudiante a lo largo de toda su vida universitaria. Al mismo tiempo, la creencia generalizada entre los docentes y los estudiantes consiste en asociar la tutoría universitaria con las horas de atención al estudiante, encuentros de formato reducido destinados principalmente a resolver las dudas y los problemas a los que el estudiante debe enfrentarse. Según esta definición, la función del docente-tutor se asimila plenamente a la del experto, conocedor de un ámbito del saber. En el contexto que investigamos, la función de la tutoría consiste en traspasar paulatinamente el control del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje del docente al estudiante, para pasar paulatinamente de una instrucción heterorregulada a un aprendizaje autorregulado. Y así en nuestro estudio nos interesa analizar primordialmente en qué medida aparecen marcas de autorregulación en el discurso de los aprendices generado en las tutorías y, en caso de ser así, qué grado de conciencia traducen


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This folder contains a single document describing the "rules and orders" of the Hollis Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy. The document begins by defining the subjects to be taught by the Hollis Professor including natural and experimental philosophy, elements of geometry, and the principles of astronomy and geography. It then outlines the number of public and private lectures to be given to students, how much extra time the professor should spend with students reviewing any difficulties they may encounter understanding class subject matter discussed, and stipulates that the professor's duties shall be restricted solely to his teaching activities and not involve him in any religious activities at the College or oblige him to teach any additional studies other than those specified for the Hollis Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy. Furthermore, the rules establish the professor's salary at £80 per year and allow the professor to receive from students, except those students studying theology under the Hollis Professor of Divinity, an additional fee as determined by the Corporation and Board of Overseers, to supplement his income. Moreover, the rules assert that all professorship candidates selected by the Harvard Corporation must be approved by Thomas Hollis during his lifetime or by his executor after his death. Finally, the rules state that the Hollis professor take an oath to the civil government and declare himself a member of the Protestant reformed religion. This document is signed by Thomas Hollis and four witnesses, John Hollis, Joshua Hollis, Richard Solly, and John Williams.


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In this proposal, John Winthrop explains the need to replace damaged "electric globes" used in the College's collection of scientific apparatus. He states that Benjamin Franklin, at the time residing in London, was willing to seek replacement globes for the College's collection. Winthrop then proceeds to assert that the College should acquire "square bottles, of a moderate size, fitted in a wooden box, like what they call case bottles for spirits" instead of the large jars included in the scientific apparatus, because those jars cracked frequently.


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Manuscript volume containing portions of text copied from Nicholas Saunderson’s Elements of algebra, Nicholas Hammond’s The elements of algebra, and John Ward’s The young mathematician’s guide. The volume is divided into two main parts: the first is titled Concerning the parts of Arithmetick (p. 1-98) and the second, The elements of Algebra, extracted from Hammond, Ward & Saunderson (p. 99-259).


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The small hardcover notebook contains a manuscript copy of Charles Morton's Natural Philosophy copied by student Ebenezer Parkman (Harvard Class of 1721) in 1720, as well as notes on Hebrew grammar. The flyleaf has a faded note, "[This copy] was probably made by Parkman H.U. 1721 afterward minister of Westboro." The title page of the volume includes the handwritten title "Phylosophia Natvralis: Naturall Philosophy, By the Reverd Mr. Charles Morton Pastor of a Church in Charles Town, Beegan [sic] to recite it December 11, 1720 Willm Brattle's Book 1720 ended January 30 Anno Domini 1720 [January 30, 1720/1721]." The final page of the transcription is signed and dated "June 18, 1720 Parkman." The last pages of the volume consist of notes on Hebrew Grammar titled "Instruction in Hebrew."


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The bound notebook contains academic texts copied by Harvard student Jonathan Trumbull in 1724 and 1725. The volume includes transcriptions of Harvard Instructor Judah Monis' Hebrew Grammar, Tutor William Brattle's Compendium of Logic, and Fellow Charles Morton's Natural Logic.


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A small paper notebook containing eight-pages of English notes on Hebrew grammar and Hebrew script written by Harvard undergraduate James Blake in 1767. The title of the first page, "Of Nouns," is annotated with the note, "Benj'm Wadsworth, 1767" and the recto of the back cover contains a personal note to "Rev'd Mr. Wadsworth" signed "J. B.," presumably referring to Benjamin Wadsworth (1750-1826; Harvard AB 1769).