997 resultados para Land Utilization
Transportation Department, Office of University Research, Washington, D.C.
Transportation Department, Washington, D.C.
从生态经济系统分析角度出发,对小流域生态经济结构及其演变进行分析,以期评价小流域生态经济效益。对比分析了小流域生态经济系统土地利用结构及其适宜性、产业结构、消耗结构和饲料生产平衡,利用线性模型对土地利用结构进行了优化模拟,采用描述生态系统稳定性的多样性指数描述流域经济系统稳定性,并用静态和动态模型对治理经济效果进行评价。流域农、林、牧用地比例由1990年的6.2:2.0:1.0变为2003年的1.9:1.4:1.0;农业产值所占比重由79.6%下降为54.8%;林业、牧业、副业产值比例分别由9.6%、9.6%、1.1%上升为22.7%、 15.1%、7.4%。收入多样性指数呈增加趋势,消耗结构趋向合理,饲料供需平衡,经济评价中各指标均显示经济效益显著,表明生态经济结构明显有利于生态经济系统的进展演变,流域生态经济结构趋于稳定,生态经济效益显著。
黄土高原丘陵沟壑区生态农业建设的目标是调和自然和人类的关系 ,不合理的土地利用是导致土壤侵蚀的主要因素 ,控制严重的土壤侵蚀并改善提高当地人民的生活水平 ,合理利用土地资源调整土地利用结构是建设秀美山川的根本出路
分析了黄土丘陵区农业生产现状和存在的主要问题 ,指出广种薄收习惯是导致土地利用不合理 ,植被遭到破坏 ,进而水土流失加剧和生态环境恶化 ,农业生产力降低的根源。该地区生态农业建设的核心是改变广种薄收习惯 ,治理水土流失 ,不断调整优化土地利用和产业结构。依据土地资源状况提出目前阶段 1 2 34的土地利用结构模式。认为在占总土地面积 2 0 %的基本农田和果园 ,只要实行集约化经营就可实现较高的经济效益 ,70 %的土地应为林草地。根据生态农业的基本原则和当前生产水平提出生态农业建设三个阶段的不同指标和适宜治理度 ,当前该地区主导产业的发展应以资源—结构—质量型模式为主
通过对纸房沟流域土地利用结构和收入结构的简要分析 ,提出了生态系统与经济系统演变的一般规律 ,受生态系统与经济系统演变规律的启示 ,提出了纸房沟流域生态经济系统进一步建设的策略。
本文研究了宁夏南部山区典型植物群落土地不同利用方式下土壤质量的变化。结果表明:(1)典型长芒草群落土地,开垦地比封禁地土壤有机质、全氮、全磷、速效氮、速效磷、速效钾养分含量明显降低,降低幅度分别为19.5%、20.1%、17.6%1、3.0%、77.8%和47.5%。脲酶活性为开垦地>封禁地,蔗糖酶则表现为封禁地>开垦地,中性磷酸酶差异不明显。(2)铁杆蒿群落土地三种利用方式下:放牧地土壤有机质、全氮、全磷、速效钾等养分含量较封禁地与开垦地有一定幅度的增加;放牧地的土壤脲酶、蔗糖酶和中性磷酸酶活性均高于封禁和开垦的同土层土壤,封禁地的脲酶和蔗糖酶次之,开垦地的脲酶和蔗糖酶活性最小,开垦地的中性磷酸酶活性高于封禁地。脲酶活性在土层之间变化较小,最高为放牧地表层177.6 mg/(kg.h),最低为开垦地表下层114.5 mg/(kg.h),蔗糖酶活性层次之间变化明显,其中放牧地表层为表下层的3倍左右。长芒草群落土壤表层各级微团聚体表现为封禁地远大于开垦地,铁杆蒿群落土地不同利用方式下各级微团聚体表现不同,结构系数表现为表层>表下层,保持率则为表层<表下层。结构系数与保持率均表现为封禁地>放牧地>开垦地。(3)在...
Os biocombustíveis apresentam um interessante potencial de redução da dependência energética relativamente aos combustíveis fósseis. A produção de microalgas apresenta vários benefícios ambientais como sejam a utilização mais efetiva de terrenos, a captura de dióxido de carbono, a purificação de águas quando associada a um processo de tratamento de águas residuais e não provoca a disputa entre a produção de matéria-prima para alimentação e combustíveis. A cultura de microalgas para a produção de biodiesel tem recebido uma grande atenção nos últimos anos devido ao seu potencial. Neste trabalho pretende-se criar as etapas de processamento das microalgas em biodiesel onde são implementadas medidas de eficiência energética e aproveitamento de fontes poluidoras como o CO2. Para isso, formulou-se um modelo no programa Aspen Plus para simulação do processo desde a produção, colheita até à extração de óleo das microalgas e posterior avaliação económica do mesmo. Concluiu-se que para o projeto fosse pago no tempo de vida útil seria preciso vender o óleo a 13 $/kg. Aos preços atuais do óleo o projeto não é economicamente viável.
The present study was an attempt to analytically approach the problem of farm
poverty in Kerala from an entirely different angle by incorporating an independently
developed and reformulated definition of poverty line in terms of physical units of
operational holdings (say, acre). The entire discussion on farm poverty emerged out of
proper co-ordination of two important factors popularly considered as the distinct
features of I
NABARD has completed 14 years of operation.ln the light of its experiences and achievements, the performance ev.ilu.ilion of the National Bank need to be looked into.This could provide certain criteria for its strength and weakness which may help in consolidating the institution for better utilisation of its potentialities. It is also noteworthy that no evaluative study on the National Bank has been conducted in Kerala. The Major objective of this study is to evaluate the role of NABARD in catering to the long-term agricultural requirements of Kerala for 1982 to 1992.This is done by analysing the quantum and quality of NABARD's schematic refinance. The qualitative indices like (1) the efficiency of loan recovery, (2) the impact or financial viability of NABARD refinanced schemes, (3) the credit gap, (4) the commitment-disbursement gap, and (5) the imbalances in the NABARD refinance form the core of the study.Hypotheses were formulated inorder to study and analyse these qualitative indices. The study is presented in eight chapters
O acelerado processo de urbanização no Brasil causou a concentração da população nas cidades, principalmente nas maiores cidades. O Estatuto da Cidade estabeleceu um conjunto de regras para a ordenação do uso do solo urbano em favor do bem estar coletivo. O Plano Diretor , entretanto é o instrumento que dá efetividade àquelas regras e é elaborado pelo governo e a sociedade, garantindo sua participação conjunta na criação, implementação e avaliação das políticas urbanas O plano tornou-se um poderoso instrumento a favor dos interesses sociais incluindo a identificação de demandas e linhas de ação previamente definidas por um consenso entre a sociedade e o estado, a serem incluídas naquele plano e no plano plurianual, tendo o orçamento anual como garantia de sua execução. No entanto, qual será o melhor tipo de orçamento para assegurar a execução do que foi incluído no plano diretor? A resposta a essa questão é o foco deste estudo que comprova que o melhor tipo é o orçamento-programa construído com a participação da sociedade e do governo, através do consenso, o orçamento participativo
The growth of large cities is usually accelerated and disorganized, which causes social, economical and infrastructural conflicts and frequently, occupation in illegal areas. For a better administration of these areas, the public manager needs information about their location. This information can be obtained through land utilization and land cover maps, where orbital images of remote sensing are used as one of the most traditional sources of data. In this context, the present work tested the applicability of the object-based classification to categorize two slum areas, taking into account the structure of the streets, size of the huts, distance between the houses, among other parameters. These area combinations of physical aspects were analyzed using the image IKONOS II and the software eCognition. Slum areas tend to be, to the contrary of the planned areas, disarranged, with narrow streets, small houses built with a variety of materials and without definition of blocks. The results of land cover classification for slum areas are encouraging because they are accurate and little ambiguous in the classification process. Thus, it would allow its utilization by urban managers.
The impact of tannery sludge application on soil microbial community and diversity is poorly understood. We studied the microbial community in an agricultural soil following two applications (2006 and 2007) of tannery sludge with annual application rates of 0.0,2.3 and 22.6 Mg ha(-1). The soil was sampled 12 and 271 days after the second (2007) application. Community structure was assessed via a phospholipid fatty acid analysis, and the physiological profile of the soil microbial community via the Biolog method. Tannery sludge application changed soil chemical properties, increasing the soil pH and electrical conductivity as well as available P and mineral N concentrations. The higher sludge application rate changed the community structure and the physiological profile of the microbial community at both sampling dates. However, there is no clear link between community structure and carbon substrate utilization. According to the Distance Based Linear Models Analysis, the fatty acids 16:0 and 117:0 together contributed 84% to the observed PLFA patterns, whereas the chemical properties available P, mineral N, and Ca, and pH together contributed 54%. At 12 days, tannery sludge application increased the average well color development from 0.46 to 0.87 after 48 h, and reduced the time elapsed before reaching the midpoint carbon substrate utilization (s) from 71 to 44 h, an effect still apparent nine months after application of the higher sludge application rate. The dominant signature fatty acids and kinetic parameters (r and s) were correlated to the concentrations of available P. Ca, mineral N, pH and EC. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Federal Highway Administration, Office of Highway Policy Information, Washington, D.C.