93 resultados para LOR-OSEM


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At head of title: Comisia istoricǎ a României.


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Background Total hip arthroplasty (THA) is a commonly performed procedure and numbers are increasing with ageing populations. One of the most serious complications in THA are surgical site infections (SSIs), caused by pathogens entering the wound during the procedure. SSIs are associated with a substantial burden for health services, increased mortality and reduced functional outcomes in patients. Numerous approaches to preventing these infections exist but there is no gold standard in practice and the cost-effectiveness of alternate strategies is largely unknown. Objectives The aim of this project was to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of strategies claiming to reduce deep surgical site infections following total hip arthroplasty in Australia. The objectives were: 1. Identification of competing strategies or combinations of strategies that are clinically relevant to the control of SSI related to hip arthroplasty 2. Evidence synthesis and pooling of results to assess the volume and quality of evidence claiming to reduce the risk of SSI following total hip arthroplasty 3. Construction of an economic decision model incorporating cost and health outcomes for each of the identified strategies 4. Quantification of the effect of uncertainty in the model 5. Assessment of the value of perfect information among model parameters to inform future data collection Methods The literature relating to SSI in THA was reviewed, in particular to establish definitions of these concepts, understand mechanisms of aetiology and microbiology, risk factors, diagnosis and consequences as well as to give an overview of existing infection prevention measures. Published economic evaluations on this topic were also reviewed and limitations for Australian decision-makers identified. A Markov state-transition model was developed for the Australian context and subsequently validated by clinicians. The model was designed to capture key events related to deep SSI occurring within the first 12 months following primary THA. Relevant infection prevention measures were selected by reviewing clinical guideline recommendations combined with expert elicitation. Strategies selected for evaluation were the routine use of pre-operative antibiotic prophylaxis (AP) versus no use of antibiotic prophylaxis (No AP) or in combination with antibiotic-impregnated cement (AP & ABC) or laminar air operating rooms (AP & LOR). The best available evidence for clinical effect size and utility parameters was harvested from the medical literature using reproducible methods. Queensland hospital data were extracted to inform patients’ transitions between model health states and related costs captured in assigned treatment codes. Costs related to infection prevention were derived from reliable hospital records and expert opinion. Uncertainty of model input parameters was explored in probabilistic sensitivity analyses and scenario analyses and the value of perfect information was estimated. Results The cost-effectiveness analysis was performed from a health services perspective using a hypothetical cohort of 30,000 THA patients aged 65 years. The baseline rate of deep SSI was 0.96% within one year of a primary THA. The routine use of antibiotic prophylaxis (AP) was highly cost-effective and resulted in cost savings of over $1.6m whilst generating an extra 163 QALYs (without consideration of uncertainty). Deterministic and probabilistic analysis (considering uncertainty) identified antibiotic prophylaxis combined with antibiotic-impregnated cement (AP & ABC) to be the most cost-effective strategy. Using AP & ABC generated the highest net monetary benefit (NMB) and an incremental $3.1m NMB compared to only using antibiotic prophylaxis. There was a very low error probability that this strategy might not have the largest NMB (<5%). Not using antibiotic prophylaxis (No AP) or using both antibiotic prophylaxis combined with laminar air operating rooms (AP & LOR) resulted in worse health outcomes and higher costs. Sensitivity analyses showed that the model was sensitive to the initial cohort starting age and the additional costs of ABC but the best strategy did not change, even for extreme values. The cost-effectiveness improved for a higher proportion of cemented primary THAs and higher baseline rates of deep SSI. The value of perfect information indicated that no additional research is required to support the model conclusions. Conclusions Preventing deep SSI with antibiotic prophylaxis and antibiotic-impregnated cement has shown to improve health outcomes among hospitalised patients, save lives and enhance resource allocation. By implementing a more beneficial infection control strategy, scarce health care resources can be used more efficiently to the benefit of all members of society. The results of this project provide Australian policy makers with key information about how to efficiently manage risks of infection in THA.


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Background: Surgical site infection (SSI) is associated with substantial costs for health services, reduced quality of life, and functional outcomes. The aim of this study was to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of strategies claiming to reduce the risk of SSI in hip arthroplasty in Australia. Methods: Baseline use of antibiotic prophylaxis (AP) was compared with no antibiotic prophylaxis (no AP), antibiotic-impregnated cement (AP þ ABC), and laminar air operating rooms (AP þ LOR). A Markov model was used to simulate long-term health and cost outcomes of a hypothetical cohort of 30,000 total hip arthroplasty patients from a health services perspective. Model parameters were informed by the best available evidence. Uncertainty was explored in probabilistic sensitivity and scenario analyses. Results: Stopping the routine use of AP resulted in over Australian dollars (AUD) $1.5 million extra costs and a loss of 163 quality-adjusted life years (QALYs). Using antibiotic cement in addition to AP (AP þ ABC)generated an extra 32 QALYs while saving over AUD $123,000. The use of laminar air operating rooms combined with routine AP (AP þ LOR) resulted in an AUD $4.59 million cost increase and 127 QALYs lost compared with the baseline comparator. Conclusion: Preventing deep SSI with antibiotic prophylaxis and antibiotic-impregnated cement has shown to improve health outcomes among hospitalized patients, save lives, and enhance resource allocation. Based on this evidence, the use of laminar air operating rooms is not recommended.


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[ES] La progresiva implantación de plantas de tratamiento de aguas residuales urbanas ha ido estableciendo una experiencia en el conocimiento de la eficacia de tratamiento de los diversos parámetros en plazos largos de funcionamiento. El análisis y comparación de resultados y tecnologías debe pennitir conocer las características de fiabilidad en la operación y el comportamiento frente a los diversos aspectos de la nonnativa legal. Además, el análisis en diferentes épocas del año puede producir distintos resultados o conclusiones. En este trabajo se ha tomado para el análisis una planta de tratamiento convencional, estudiando inicialmente los porcentajes medios de eliminación de diferentes parámetros, en relación asimismo con las necesidades que debe satisfacer. En condiciones de alta carga orgánica, la concentración de nitrógeno y algún tóxico especial parecen plantear las mayores dificultades. Se ha deseado focalizar la atención en el proceso de concentración de metales que se. produce en las plantas con tratamiento anaerobío de fangos. Por este motivo se Uevó a cabo un estudio de la evolución de metales en la depuración y la concentración de fangos digeridos. El fenómeno resulta de interés para analizar la calidad de las aguas que se obtienen, aunque debe considerarse también la concentración de metales en el destino final que se dé a los fangos tratados.


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[EUS] Egungo informazioaren gizartean, etengabeko aldaketa sakonak jasaten eta sortzen ditugu, halaber gure gizabanako harremanetan ere. Hala ere, hezkuntzak oraindik ez du aldaketa handirik egin, izan ere, nahiko estatikoa izaten jarraitzen du eta bertan ematen diren harremanak zeharo hierarkikoak dira. Honengatik guztiagatik, ikerketa honen xede nagusia, Ikas-Komunitateak eta honen barruan dagoen Etxebarriko KUKULLAGA LHI (Bizkaia) aztertzea izango da. Horrez gain, eskolarekin batera diseinatu dudan proiektua aurkeztuko dut, zeinean Ikas-Komunitateen bi jarduera burutzen diren: irakur-laguna eta solasaldi dialogiko literarioak. Bertan, Lehen Hezkuntzako 6. mailako eta 5 urteko ikasleek parte hartu dute. Aipatzekoa da lortutako emaitzak guztiz baikorrak izan direla eta epe-laburrerako ezarritako helburuak lortu direla. Horrez gain, epe-luzerako helburuak hein handi batean beteko direla aurreikusten da. Beraz, argi dago, zentroetan antolakuntza egoki bat ematen bada, Ikas- Komunitateen proiektuarekiko inplikazioa badago eta komunitatearen kohesioa lortzen bada, hezkuntza sistema hein batean alda daitekeela. Hori gertatuz gero, edozein motatako pertsonak hezkuntza emaitzarik onenak lor ditzake eta baita informazioaren gizarte honetan jarduten ikas dezake ere.


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[ES]El objetivo principal del presente Trabajo Fin de Grado es diseñar un interpolador de trayectorias y programarlo en Labview. Para ello, se ha de analizar primeramente la cinemática del mecanismo a utilizar, un robot de cinemática paralela 5R, y calcular su espacio de trabajo. Después, se deducirán y programarán diversos perfiles de velocidades (trapezoidal de velocidades, trapezoidal de aceleraciones y sinusoidal) para moverse en rectas, así como el movimiento en curvas mediante splines. También se hallarán experimentalmente las características de los motores disponibles y se averiguarán las velocidades máximas que puede alcanzar el mecanismo. Así podremos presentar un software que sirva para generar trayectorias para el robot 5R. Se presentan también, entre otros, el presupuesto del proyecto y los riesgos en los que se puede incurrir. El documento finaliza con unos anexos de planos CAD, resultados y código de programación.


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[ES]este proyecto trata sobre el desarrollo de un core en una FPGA para conseguir, gracias a un módulo GPS, una referencia temporal precisa, necesaria para un equipo PTP master (IEEE-1588), a bajo coste y con calidad Grand Master.


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[EU]Komunikabideetan hainbesteko oihartzuna izan zuen eta saldu edo alokatutako etxebizitzak energia eraginkortasunaren ziurtagiria izatera derrigortzen zituen dekretuak urtebete eskas bete du. Proiektu honetan aipatutako legea 2020. urterako ezarritako europar helburu energetikoak betetzeko bidean kokatu egiten da, ziurtapenerako jarraitu beharreko metodologian gehiago sakonduz eta aipaturiko helburuentzako duen garrantzia azpimarratuz. Proiektuak bi zati nagusi ditu. Lehenengo zatian, proiektuaren helburu nagusia den etxebizitza baten kalifikazio energetikoa burutzen da, G letrako kalifikaziorik baxuena lortuz. Ondoren, kalifikatutako etxebizitzaren energia eraginkortasuna hobetzeko neurri posible batzuek bideragarritasuna aztertzen da. E letra erraztasun nahikoz lor daiteke, inbertsioaren berreskuratze aldi oso onargarriekin. C letraraino igotzea ere posible da aztertutako neurriak bateratuz, baina berreskuratze aldiak handiagoak izango lirateke.


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EDPren Giza Baliabideen plan estrategiko honek, giza baliabide sailak aurrera eraman ditzakeen proposamen ezberdinak aurkezten ditu, enpresaren estrategia eta helburu orokorrak aintzat hartuta. Horretarako, 2012 eta 2013. urteetako txosten orokorrak abiapuntu bezala hartzen dira. Enpresaren kanpo eta barne analisiak giza baliabideen ikuspuntutik egin ostean, etorkizunari begira hainbat aldaketa proposatzen dira, giza baliabideek eskaintzen dituzten abantailei esker, enpresak merkatuan ezberdintzea eta arrakasta lor dezan.