995 resultados para Kr


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We measured fragmentation cross sections produced using the primary beam of Kr-86 at 64 MeV/nucleon on Be-9 and Ta-181 targets. The cross sections were obtained by integrating the momentum distributions of isotopes with 25 <= Z <= 36 measured using the RIPS fragment separator at RIKEN. The cross-section ratios obtained with the Ta-181 and Be-9 targets depend on the fragment masses, contrary to the simple geometrical models. We compared the extracted cross sections to EPAX; an empirical parametrization of fragmentation cross sections. Predictions from current EPAX parametrization severely overestimate the production cross sections of very neutron-rich isotopes. Attempts to obtain another set of EPAX parameters specific to the reaction studied here to extrapolate the neutron-rich nuclei more accurately have not been very successful, suggesting that accurate predictions of production cross sections of nuclei far from the valley of stability require information of nuclear properties that are not present in EPAX.


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The structural stability of C-60 films under the bombardment of 1.95 GeV Kr ions is investigated. The irradiated C-60 films were analyzed by Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and Raman scattering technique. The analytical results indicate that the irradiation induced a decrease of icosahedral symmetry of C-60 molecule and damage of C-60 films; different vibration modes of C-60 molecule have different irradiation sensitivities; the mean efficient damage radius obtained from experimental data is about 1.47 nm, which is in good agreement with thermal spike model prediction.


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本文简要叙述了快重离子在固体材料,特别是聚合物材料中引起的强电子激发效应研究的基本理论、发展历史和研究现状。描述了在兰州重离子加速器上完成的25 MeV/u 86Kr离子辐照叠层聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯膜(PET)和聚碳酸酯(PC)膜的实验及结果分析。应用傅立叶红外变换光谱(FT-IR)及X-射线衍射分析(XRD)方法研究了在不同电子能损及不同注量辐照条件下,高能Kr离子在聚合物PET和PC潜径迹中引起的的损伤效应。结果表明:高能Kr离子在聚合物PET、PC膜引起的损伤主要是由于辐照引起的断键及键的重组产生的官能团的降解及非晶化过程,损伤截面存在电子能损阈值,且与官能团的结构有关。 对PET的傅立叶红外变换光谱分析结果给出,电子能损为7.25 keV/nm时,对应官能团吸收峰794 cm-1, 849 cm-1, 1021 cm-1, 1341 cm-1, 1410 cm-1, 1505 cm-1,的损伤截面半径分别为:3.63 nm, 4.70 nm, 4.58 nm, 3.54 nm, 5.17 nm, 5.32 nm。X-射线衍射分析结果表明,PET的非晶化转变截面随离子注量和电子能损的增大而增加,(100)衍射峰的相对强度I/I0随离子注量的增加而指数衰减,对应电子能损为6.62, 6.93, 7.25 keV/nm,其相应的非晶化半径分别为4.86, 5.64, 6.77 nm。 对PC的傅立叶红外变换光谱分析表明,当电子能损比较小,大多数官能团的红外吸收无明显变化,直到当辐照注量为2×1012 ions/cm2 且电子能损比较大时,其绝对吸收强度才发生明显的改变。电子能损为6.37 keV/nm 时,对应官能团吸收峰为519 cm-1, 605 cm-1, 724 cm-1, 1014 cm-1,其损伤截面分别为:13.12, 45.40, 50.21, 56.28 nm2


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Homo sapiens, gatu­nek nie­mal pod każ­dym wzglę­dem jed­no­rodny fizjo­lo­gicz­nie, pod­dany pra­wie jed­na­ko­wym pro­ce­som bio­lo­gicz­nym i spo­łecz­nym, o podob­nej ewo­lu­cyj­nej prze­szło­ści; gatu­nek, który poro­zu­miewa się tysią­cami róż­nych języ­ków. Ludzie są iden­tycz­nie zbu­do­wani, ale nie posłu­gują się jedną, uni­wer­salną mową. Korzy­ści, jakie wyni­ka­łyby ze wspól­nego, zro­zu­mia­łego dla każ­dego czło­wieka języka, są oczywiste. Tęsk­nota za takim języ­kiem jest obecna we wszyst­kich cywi­li­za­cjach. Wątek pomie­sza­nia języ­ków (The Con­fu­sion of Ton­gues), rekon­struk­cja i kon­struk­cja języka dosko­na­łego snuje się przez wszyst­kie kul­tury. W mito­lo­gii wie­lość języ­ków to nie­szczę­ście i sła­bość ludz­ko­ści. Sta­ro­żytni Per­so­wie wie­rzyli, iż wie­lo­ję­zyczny ród czło­wie­czy doczeka się w końcu wspól­nego języka w kró­le­stwie Ormuz­do­wym.


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A full-electron coupled-state treatment of positronium (Ps)- inert gas scattering is developed within the context of the frozen target approximation. Calculations are performed for Ps(Is) scattering by Ne and Ar in the impact energy range 0-40 eV using coupled pseudostate expansions consisting of nine and 22 Ps states. The purpose of the pseudostates is primarily to represent ionization of the Ps which is found to be a major process at the higher energies. First Born estimates of target excitation are used to complement the frozen target results. The available experimental data are discussed in detail. It is pointed out that the very low energy measurements (less than or equal to2 eV) correspond to the momentum transfer cross section sigma(mom) and not to the elastic cross section sigma(el). Calculation shows that sigma(mom), and sigma(el) diverge very rapidly with increasing energy and consequently comparisons of the low-energy data with ITel can be very misleading. Agreement between the calculations and the low-energy measurements of anion as well;as higher energy (greater than or equal to15 eV) beam measurements of the total cross section, is less than satisfactory. Results for Ps(1s) scattering by Kr and Xe in the static-exchange approximation are also presented.


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Energy levels, radiative rates, oscillator strengths, line strengths, and lifetimes have been calculated for transitions in B-like to F-like Kr ions, Kr XXXIII-XXVIII. For the calculations, the fully relativistic GRASP code has been adopted, and results are reported for all electric dipole (E1), electric quadrupole (E2), magnetic dipole (M1), and magnetic quadrupole (M2) transitions among the lowest 125, 236, 272, 226, and 113 levels of Kr XXXII, Kr XXXI, Kr XXX, Kr XXIX, and Kr XXVIII, respectively, belonging to the n


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Collision strengths (Ω) have been calculated for all 7750 transitions among the lowest 125 levels belonging to the View the MathML source, and 2p23ℓ configurations of boron-like krypton, Kr XXXII, for which the Dirac Atomic R -matrix Code has been adopted. All partial waves with angular momentum J⩽40 have been included, sufficient for the convergence of Ω for forbidden transitions. For allowed transitions, a top-up has been included in order to obtain converged values of Ω up to an energy of 500 Ryd. Resonances in the thresholds region have been resolved in a narrow energy mesh, and results for effective collision strengths (ϒ) have been obtained after averaging the values of Ω over a Maxwellian distribution of electron velocities. Values of ϒ are reported over a wide temperature range below View the MathML source, and the accuracy of the results is assessed. Values of ϒ are also listed in the temperature range View the MathML source, obtained from the nonresonant collision strengths from the Flexible Atomic Code.


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Collision strengths (Ω ) are calculated for all 6328 transitions among the lowest 113 levels belonging to the 2s22p5,2s2p6,2s22p43ℓ,2s2p53ℓ, and 2p63ℓ configurations of fluorine-like krypton, Kr XXVIII, using the Dirac Atomic R -matrix Code. All partial waves with angular momentum J⩽40 are included, sufficient for the convergence of Ω for forbidden transitions. For allowed transitions a top-up is employed to obtain converged values of Ω up to an energy of 400 Ryd. Resonances in the thresholds region are resolved on a narrow energy mesh, and results for effective collision strengths (ϒ) are obtained after averaging the values of Ω over a Maxwellian distribution of electron velocities. Values of ϒ are reported over a wide temperature range below View the MathML source, and the accuracy of the results is assessed. In addition, effective collision strengths are listed for the temperature range View the MathML source, obtained from non-resonant collision strengths generated with the FAC code.


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Field-induced polarization (FIP) functions were proposed over two decades ago to improve the accuracy of calculated response properties, and the FIP functions in GTO form for H and C to F were tested on small molecules, with encouraging results. The concept of FIP,is now extended to all atoms up to Kr. New simplifying approximations for the description of asymptotic highest occupied atomic orbitals. (HOAOs) are introduced in this study. They provide the basis for STO and GTO exponents of a complete set of FIP functions from H to Kr, which are both listed for the convenience of the users. Tests on the polarizabilities of a series of atoms and molecules demonstrate that addition of the FIP basis functions to a series' of standard basis sets drastically improves the performance of all these basis sets compared to converged results. Moreover, the byproduct of this study (approximate asymptotic HOAOs) provides information for the construction of accurate basis sets for long-range ground state properties. (C) 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.