999 resultados para Kinetic Characterization
The enzyme chitinase from Moniliophthora perniciosa the causative agent of the witches' broom disease in Theobroma cacao, was partially purified with ammonium sulfate and filtration by Sephacryl S-200 using sodium phosphate as an extraction buffer. Response surface methodology (RSM) was used to determine the optimum pH and temperature conditions. Four different isoenzymes were obtained: ChitMp I, ChitMp II, ChitMp III and ChitMp IV. ChitMp I had an optimum temperature at 44-73ºC and an optimum pH at 7.0-8.4. ChitMp II had an optimum temperature at 45-73ºC and an optimum pH at 7.0-8.4. ChitMp III had an optimum temperature at 54-67ºC and an optimum pH at 7.3-8.8. ChitMp IV had an optimum temperature at 60ºC and an optimum pH at 7.0. For the computational biology, the primary sequence was determined in silico from the database of the Genome/Proteome Project of M. perniciosa, yielding a sequence with 564 bp and 188 amino acids that was used for the three-dimensional design in a comparative modeling methodology. The generated models were submitted to validation using Procheck 3.0 and ANOLEA. The model proposed for the chitinase was subjected to a dynamic analysis over a 1 ns interval, resulting in a model with 91.7% of the residues occupying favorable places on the Ramachandran plot and an RMS of 2.68.
Isolation and functional characterization of a high affinity urea transporter from roots of Zea mays
Background: Despite its extensive use as a nitrogen fertilizer, the role of urea as a directly accessible nitrogen source for crop plants is still poorly understood. So far, the physiological and molecular aspects of urea acquisition have been investigated only in few plant species highlighting the importance of a high-affinity transport system. With respect to maize, a worldwide-cultivated crop requiring high amounts of nitrogen fertilizer, the mechanisms involved in the transport of urea have not yet been identified. The aim of the present work was to characterize the high-affinity urea transport system in maize roots and to identify the high affinity urea transporter. Results: Kinetic characterization of urea uptake (<300 mu M) demonstrated the presence in maize roots of a high-affinity and saturable transport system; this system is inducible by urea itself showing higher Vmax and Km upon induction. At molecular level, the ORF sequence coding for the urea transporter, ZmDUR3, was isolated and functionally characterized using different heterologous systems: a dur3 yeast mutant strain, tobacco protoplasts and a dur3 Arabidopsis mutant. The expression of the isolated sequence, ZmDUR3-ORF, in dur3 yeast mutant demonstrated the ability of the encoded protein to mediate urea uptake into cells. The subcellular targeting of DUR3/GFP fusion proteins in tobacco protoplasts gave results comparable to the localization of the orthologous transporters of Arabidopsis and rice, suggesting a partial localization at the plasma membrane. Moreover, the overexpression of ZmDUR3 in the atdur3-3 Arabidopsis mutant showed to complement the phenotype, since different ZmDUR3-overexpressing lines showed either comparable or enhanced 15N]-urea influx than wild-type plants. These data provide a clear evidence in planta for a role of ZmDUR3 in urea acquisition from an extra-radical solution. Conclusions: This work highlights the capability of maize plants to take up urea via an inducible and high-affinity transport system. ZmDUR3 is a high-affinity urea transporter mediating the uptake of this molecule into roots. Data may provide a key to better understand the mechanisms involved in urea acquisition and contribute to deepen the knowledge on the overall nitrogen-use efficiency in crop plants.
Non-pregnant, female adult rats pretreated with either phenobarbital (PB) or (beta)-naphthoflavone ((beta)NF) through short-course intraperitoneal injections were shown by sodium dithionite-reduced carbon monoxide difference spectroscopy and NADPH-cytochrome c in vitro assay to contain cytochrome P-450 and NADPH-dependent reductase associated with the microsomal fraction of colon mucosa. These two protein components of the mixed function oxidase system were released from the microsomal membrane, resolved from each other, and partially purified by using a combination of techniques including solubilization in nonionic detergent followed by ultracentrifugation, anion exchange and adsorption column chromatographies, native gel electrophoresis, polyethylene glycol fractionation and ultrafiltration.^ In vitro reconstitution assays demonstrated the cytochrome P-450 fraction as the site of substrate and molecular oxygen binding. By the use of immunochemical techniques including radial immunodiffusion, Ouchterlony double diffusion and protein electroblotting, the cytochrome P-450 fraction was shown to contain at least 5 forms of the protein, having molecular weights as determined by SDS gel electrophoresis identical to the corresponding hepatic cytochrome P-450. Estimation of total cytochrome P-450 content confirmed the preferential induction of particular forms in response to the appropriate drug pretreatment.^ The colonic NADPH-dependent reductase was isolated from native gel electrophoresis and second dimensional SDS gel electrophoresis was performed in parallel to that for purified reductase from liver. Comparative electrophoretic mobilities together with immunochemical analysis, as with the cytochrome P-450s, reconstitution assays, and kinetic characterization using artificial electron acceptors, gave conclusive proof of the structural and functional homology between the colon and liver sources of the enzyme.^ Drug metabolism was performed in the reconstituted mixed function oxidase system containing a particular purified liver cytochrome P-450 form or partially pure colon cytochrome P-450 fraction plus colon or liver reductase and synthetic lipid vesicles. The two drugs, benzo{(alpha)}pyrene and benzphetamine, which are most representative of the action of system in liver, lung and kidney, were tested to determine the specificity of the reconstituted system. The kinetics of benzo{(alpha)}pyrene hydroxylation were followed fluorimetrically for 3-hydroxybenzo{(alpha)}pyrene production. . . . (Author's abstract exceeds stipulated maximum length. Discontinued here with permission of author.) UMI ^
To better understand the biochemical mechanisms underlying anisosmotic extracellular regulation in the freshwater Brachyura, we kinetically characterized the V-ATPase from the posterior gills of Dilocarcinus pagei, acclimated for 10 days to salinities up to 21%.. Specific activity was highest in fresh water (26.5 +/- 2.1 U mg(-1)), decreasing in 5 parts per thousand to 21 parts per thousand, attaining 3-fold less at 15 parts per thousand. Apparent affinities for ATP and Mg(2+) respectively increased 3.2- and 2-fold at 10 parts per thousand, suggesting expression of different isoenzymes. In a 240-h time-course study of exposure to 21%., maximum specific activity decreased 2.5- to 4-fold within 1 to 24 h while apparent affinities for ATP and Mg(2+) respectively increased by 12-fold within 24 h and 2.4-fold after 1 h, unchanged thereafter. K(I) for bafilomycin A(1) decreased 150-fold after 1 h, remaining constant up to 120 h. This is the first kinetic analysis of V-ATPase specific activity in crustacean gills during salinity acclimation. Our findings indicate active gill Cl(-) uptake by D. pagei in fresh water, and short- and long-term down-regulation of V-ATPase-driven ion uptake processes during salinity exposure, aiding in comprehension of the biochemical adaptations underpinning the establishment of the Brachyura in fresh water. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
We have characterized the kinetic properties of ectonucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase 1 (E-NTPDase1) from rat osseous plate membranes. A novel finding of the present study is that the solubilized enzyme shows high- and low-affinity sites for the substrate in contrast with a single substrate site for the membrane-bound enzyme. In addition, contrary to the Michaelian chraracteristics of the membrane-bound enzyme, the site-site interactions after solubilization with 0.5% digitonin plus 0.1% lysolecithin resulted in a less active ectonucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase, showing activity of about 398.3 nmol Pi min(-1) mg(-1). The solubilized enzyme has M(r) of 66-72 kDa, and its catalytic efficiency was significantly increased by magnesium and calcium ions; but the ATP/ADP activity ratio was always < 2.0. Partial purification and kinetic characterization of the rat osseous plate E-NTPDase1 in a solubilized form may lead to a better understanding of a possible function of the enzyme as a modulator of nucleotidase activity or purinergic signaling in matrix vesicle membranes. The simple procedure to obtain the enzyme in a solubilized form may also be attractive for comparative studies of particular features of the active sites from this and other ATPases.
We describe the mechanism of ribonuclease inhibition by ribonuclease inhibitor, a protein built of leucine-rich repeats, based on the crystal structure of the complex between the inhibitor and ribonuclease A. The structure was determined by molecular replacement and refined to an R(cryst) of 19.4% at 2.5 Angstrom resolution. Ribonuclease A binds to the concave region of the inhibitor protein comprising its parallel beta-sheet and loops. The inhibitor covers the ribonuclease active site and directly contacts several active-site residues. The inhibitor only partially mimics the RNase-nucleotide interaction and does not utilize the pi phosphate-binding pocket of ribonuclease A, where a sulfate ion remains bound. The 2550 Angstrom(2) of accessible surface area buried upon complex formation may be one of the major contributors to the extremely tight association (K-i = 5.9 x 10(-14) M). The interaction is predominantly electrostatic; there is a high chemical complementarity with 18 putative hydrogen bonds and salt links, but the shape complementarity is lower than in most other protein-protein complexes. Ribonuclease inhibitor changes its conformation upon complex formation; the conformational change is unusual in that it is a plastic reorganization of the entire structure without any obvious hinge and reflects the conformational flexibility of the structure of the inhibitor. There is a good agreement between the crystal structure and other biochemical studies of the interaction. The structure suggests that the conformational flexibility of RI and an unusually large contact area that compensates for a lower degree of complementarity may be the principal reasons for the ability of RI to potently inhibit diverse ribonucleases. However, the inhibition is lost with amphibian ribonucleases that have substituted most residues corresponding to inhibitor-binding residues in RNase A, and with bovine seminal ribonuclease that prevents inhibitor binding by forming a dimer. (C) 1996 Academic Press Limited
The involvement of lipoxygenase isozymes in several physiological processes of plants has been described but their role is not well understood and more biochemical studies are needed to elucidate the role of the "Lipoxygenase Pathway" in plant physiology. Thus, the biochemical and kinetic characterization of a lipoxygenases "pool" from soybean leaves was carried out. Two genotypes were used: IAC-100 (a normal variety having lipoxygenases in the seeds) and IAC-100 TN (genetically modified genotype, which is devoid of lipoxygenases in the seeds). The plants were submitted to the application of fatty acids (lipoxygenase substrates) on leaves. The results of the biochemical and kinetic studies of lipoxygenase isozymes from leaves of the two genotypes analysed showed that genetic removal of lipoxygenase from seeds did not affect the response of the plant to the treatment, since both genotypes showed similar results.
Les Rétinal déshydrogénases (RALDHs) catalysent irréversiblement la déshydrogénation du Rétinal en Acide Rétinoïque (AR) qui est impliqué dans l’embryogenèse et la différenciation tissulaire. Pour comprendre le rôle dans la biosynthèse de l’AR des RALDHs type 3 et 4 de souris, nous avons déterminé leurs propriétés cinétiques ainsi que leur comportement en présence de différents inhibiteurs. Les tests enzymatiques sont effectués avec une préparation d’enzyme recombinante, tagguée avec 6 histidines, purifiée sur colonne Ni-NTA (Qiagen). L’activité enzymatique est évaluée en quantifiant la production d’AR par chromatographie liquide à haute performance (HPLC) en phase inversée. Les constantes cinétiques ont été déterminées pour les isomères du rétinal tout-trans, 9-cis et 13-cis. La RALDH4 catalyse les isomères 9-cis et 13-cis de rétinal, elle présente un faible KM (3μM) pour les deux isomères et a une efficacité catalytique élevée pour le 9-cis rétinal 3.4 fois supérieure au 13-cis rétinal. La RALDH3 est spécifique au tout-trans rétinal avec un KM de 4 μM et une efficacité élevée. β-Ionone, inhibiteur possible pour la RALDH4, inhibe l’activité avec le rétinal 9-cis et 13-cis, mais n’influence pas l’activité de la RALDH3. Le para-hydroxymercuribenzoïque (p-HMB) inhibe l’activité de deux isoenzymes. Le cation MgCl2 augmente par 3 fois l’oxydation du rétinal 13-cis par la RALDH4, diminue l’oxydation du 9-cis rétinal et influence faiblement la RALDH3. Ces données enrichissent les connaissances sur les caractéristiques cinétiques des RALDHs recombinantes de souris de types 3 et 4 et fournissent des éclaircissements sur la biogenèse de l’acide rétinoïque in vivo.
Insect digestive chymotrypsins are present in a large variety of insect orders but their substrate specificity still remains unclear. Ewer insect chymotrypsins from 3 different insect orders (Dictyoptera, Coleoptera and two Lepidoptera) were isolated using affinity chromatography. Enzymes presented molecular masses in the range of 20 to 31 kDa and pH optima in the range of 7.5 to 10.0. Kinetic characterization. using different, colorimetric and fluorescent substrates indicated that insect chymotrypsins differ from, bovine chymotrypsin in their primary specificity toward small substrates (like N-benzoyl-L-Tyr p-nitroanilide) rather than on their preference for large substrates (exemplified by Succynil-Ala-Ala-Pro-Phe P-nitroanilide). Chloromethyl ketones (TPCK, N-alpha-tosyl-L-Phe chloromethyl ketone and Z-GGF-CK, N-carbobenzoxy-Gly-Gly-phe-CK) inactivated all chymotrypsins legated. Inactivation rates follow apparent first-order kinetics with variable second order rates (TPCK, 42 to 130 M(-1)s(-1); Z-GGF-CK, 150 to 450 M(-1)s(-1) that may be remarkably low for S. frugiperda chymotrypsin (TPCK, 6 M(-1)s(-1); Z-GGF-CK, 6.1 M(-1) s(-1)). Homology modelling and sequence alignment showed that. in lepidopteran chymotrypsins, differences in the amino acid residues in the neighborhood of the catalytic His 57 may affect its pKa, value. This is Proposed as the cause of the decrease in His 57 reactivity toward chloromethyl ketones. Such amino acid replacement in the active site is proposed. to be an adaptation to the presence of dietary ketones. (C) 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The total and partially purified enzyme pectinmethylesterase from acerola fruit was covalently immobilized on porous silica particles. These efficiency values were 114% for the total PME and 351% for the partially purified PME. In both forms the immobilization resulted in compounds with high thermal stability.
The lastyears declined the discovery of compounds to use in industrial and naturaldiversity has been the best supplier for novel genes, enzymes and compounds inhigh demand by the biotechnology industry. We know immense diversity of microorganisms,yet most remains unexplored. For these reason we use the metagenômica approach toinvestigate the potential of uncultured microorganisms. With this purpose weused the metagenomic library of from Eucalyptus spp. arboretum (EAA), wedid screening to found positive clone and them was submitted to the process of shotgun,the data obtained was submitted a bioinformatics analyses. Our results showsthe hypothesis of high unexplored microbial diversity of soil are able to foundnovel genes and metagenomic approach is and allowed to isolate novel genes and insilico analyses are essential part to identify a novel Inorganicpyrophosphatase (PPase) prediction indicated the novel gene operate as H+ pumps. Thissuggests that a special feature, our work in situ will be cloning thegene expression vector for subsequent kinetic characterization and crystallization.
Pós-graduação em Microbiologia Agropecuária - FCAV
Human leishmaniasis is a major public health problem in many countries, but chemotherapy is in an unsatisfactory state. Leishmania major phosphodiesterases (LmjPDEs) have been shown to play important roles in cell proliferation and apoptosis of the parasite. Thus LmjPDE inhibitors may potentially represent a novel class of drugs for the treatment of leishmaniasis. Reported here are the kinetic characterization of the LmjPDEB1 catalytic domain and its crystal structure as a complex with 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine (IBMX) at 1.55 A resolution. The structure of LmjPDEB1 is similar to that of human PDEs. IBMX stacks against the conserved phenylalanine and forms a hydrogen bond with the invariant glutamine, in a pattern common to most inhibitors bound to human PDEs. However, an extensive structural comparison reveals subtle, but significant differences between the active sites of LmjPDEB1 and human PDEs. In addition, a pocket next to the inhibitor binding site is found to be unique to LmjPDEB1. This pocket is isolated by two gating residues in human PDE families, but constitutes a natural expansion of the inhibitor binding pocket in LmjPDEB1. The structure particularity might be useful for the development of parasite-selective inhibitors for the treatment of leishmaniasis.
This work represents the proceedings of the fifteenth symposium which convened at Colorado State University on May 24, 1985. The two day meeting was scheduled one month later than usual, i.e., after the spring semester, so that travelers from the Midwest (Iowa State University, Kansas State University and University of Missouri) could enjoy the unique mountain setting provided at Pingree Park. The background of the photograph on the cover depicts the beauty of the area. ContentsGreg Sinton and S.M. Leo, KSU. Models for the Biodegration of 2.4-D and Related Xenobiotic Compounds. V. Bringi, CSU. Intrinsic Kinetics from a Novel Immobilized Cell CSTR. Steve Birdsell, CU. Novel Microbial Separation Techniques. Mark Smith, MU. Kinetic Characterization of Growth of E. coli on Glucose. Michael M. Meagher, ISU. Kinetic Parameters of Di- and Trisaccharaide Hydrolysis by Glucoamylase II. G.T. Jones and A.K. Ghosh Hajra, KSU. Modeling and Simulation of Legume Modules with Reactive Cores and Inert Shells. S.A. Patel and C.H. Lee, KSU. Energetic Analysis and Liquid Circulation in an Airlift Fermenter. Rod R. Fisher, ISU. The Effects of Mixing during Acid Addition of Fractionally Precipitated Protein. Mark M. Paige, CSU. Fed-batch Fermentations of Clostridium acetobutylicum. Michael K. Dowd, ISU. A Nonequilibirium Thermodynamic Description of the Variation of Contractile Velocity and Energy Use in Muscle. David D. Drury, CSU. Analysis of Hollow Fiber Bioreactor Performance for MAmmalian Cells by On-Line MMR. H.Y. Lee, KSU. Process Analysis of Photosynthetic Continuous Culture Systems. C.J. Wang, MU. Kinetic Consideration in Fermentation of Cheese Whey to Ethanol.