969 resultados para Intercellular Junctions


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Background: Citrobacter rodentium is a natural mouse pathogen that is genetically closelyrelated to the human enteric pathogens enteropathogenic and enterohemorrhagic E. coli.Among the repertoire of conserved virulence factors that these pathogens deliver via typeIII secretion, Tir and EspF are responsible for the formation of characteristic actin-richpedestals and disruption of tight junction integrity, respectively. There is evidence In Vitrothese effectors accomplish this, at least in part, by subverting the normal host cellularfunctions of N-WASP, a critical regulator of branched chain actin assembly. Although NWASPhas been shown to be involved in pedestal formation In Vitro, the requirements ofN-WASP-mediated actin pedestals for intestinal colonization by attaching/effacing (A/E)pathogens In Vivo is not known. Furthermore, it is not known whether N-WASP is requiredfor EspF-mediated tight junction disruption. Methods: To investigate the role of N-WASPin the gut epithelium, we generated mice with intestine-specific deletion of N-WASP(iNWKO), by mating mice homozygous for a floxed N-WASP allele (N-WASPL2L/L2L) tomice expressing Cre recombinase under the villin promoter. Separately housed groups ofWT and iNWKO mice were inoculated with 5x108 GFP-expressing C. rodentium by intragastriclavage. Stool was collected 2, 4, 7, and 12 days after infection, and recoverablecolony forming units (CFUs) of C. rodentium were quantified by plating serial dilutions ofhomogenized stool on MacConkey's agar. GFP+ colonies were counted after 24 hoursincubation at 37°C. The presence of actin pedestals was investigated by electron microscopy(EM), and tight junction morphology was assessed by immunofluorescence staining ofoccludin, ZO-1 and claudin-2. Results: C. rodentium infection did not result in mortalityin WT or iNWKO mice. Compared to controls, iNWKO mice exhibited higher levels ofbacterial shedding during the first 4 days of infection (day 4 average: WT 5.2x104 CFU/gvs. iNWKO 4.7x105 CFU/g, p=0.08), followed by a more rapid clearance of C. rodentium, (day7-12 average: WT 2x106 CFU/g vs. iNWKO 2.7x105, p=0.01). EM and immunofluorescencerevealed the complete lack of actin pedestals in iNWKO mice and no mucosa-associatedGFP+ C. rodentium by day 7. WT controls exhibited tight junction disruption, reflected byaltered distribution of ZO-1, whereas iNWKO mice had no change in the pattern of ZO-1.Conclusion: Intestinal N-WASP is required for actin pedestal formation by C. rodentium InVivo, and ablation of N-WASP is associated with more rapid bacterial clearance and decreasedability of C. rodentium to disrupt intercellular junctions.


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Intestinal infection with Salmonella enterica serotype Enteritidis, a food-borne infection spread to humans especially through contaminated eggs and egg-products as well as undercooked contaminated fresh meat, is the most common cause of intestinal inflammation in the European Union. Enteritis caused by Salmonella Enteritidis is characterized by fever, diarrhoea and abdominal pain. The disruption of the intestinal epithelial barrier function contributes to diarrhoea and is responsible for the perpetuation of the inflammatory process. In this sense, oxidative stress and the proinflammatory cytokines TNF-α, IFN-γ and IL-1β are described to induce the disorganization of the tight junctions (TJ), the most apical epithelial intercellular junctions and responsible for the paracellular permeability. The interest of this chapter relies not only in the investigation dealing with the mechanisms of TJ regulation but also in the contribution to the development of new tools for the prevention of epithelial barrier disruption in enteritis caused by Salmonella Enteritidis.


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The rodent endometrium undergoes remarkable modifications during pregnancy, resulting from a redifferentiation of its fibroblasts. During this modification (decidualization), the fibroblasts transform into large, polyhedral cells that establish intercellular junctions. Decidualization proceeds from the subepithelial stroma towards the deep stroma situated next to the myometrium and creates regions composed of cells in different stages of differentiation. We studied by autoradiography whether cells of these different regions have different levels of macromolecular synthesis. Radioactive amino acids or radioactive sulfate were administered to mice during estrus or on different days of pregnancy. The animals were killed 30 min after injection of the precursors and the uteri were processed for light microscope autoradiography. Silver grains were counted over cells of different regions of the endometrium and are reported as the number of silver grains per area. Higher levels of incorporation of amino acids were found in pregnant animals as compared to animals in estrus. In pregnant animals, the region of decidual cells or the region of fibroblasts transforming into decidual cells showed the highest levels of synthesis. Radioactive sulfate incorporation, on the other hand, was generally higher in nonpregnant animals. Animals without decidual cell transformation (nonpregnant and 4th day of pregnancy) showed a differential incorporation by subepithelial and deep stroma fibroblasts. This study shows that regional differences in synthetic activity exist in cells that are in different stages of transformation into decidual cells as well as in different regions of the endometrium of nonpregnant mice


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S'estudia la histologia normal de la paret corporal d'Hirudo medicinalis i els canvis morfogenètics que es donen durant el procés de cicatrització de ferides per incisió, cauterització i nitrat de plata. El procés de curació de ferides a Hirudo medicinalis consta d'una fase de formació d'un tap cel·lular, el pseudoblastema, d'un procés de reepitelització i de la formació d'un teixit cicatricial, com en els altres hirudinis estudiats (Myers, 1935; LeGore i Sparks, 1971; Cornec, 1984). Hem observat també el fenomen de la contracció de la ferida que permet l'acostament dels marges de la ferida. Formació i evolució del pseudoblastema El pseudoblastema, a diferència d'altres espècies estudiades, està format per un sol tipus cel·lular: les cèl·lules vasocentrals, provinents del teixit vasofibrós, una especialització del teixit connectiu. Aquestes cèl·lules estan capacitades per realitzar les diferents funcions que en espècies rincobdèl·lides realitzen diferents tipus cel·lulars. En concret: taponament de la ferida a través de la formació del pseudoblastema, fagocitosi dels teixits necrosats i regeneració, almenys d'una part, de la matriu connectiva cicatricial. També són responsables de la contracció de la ferida. Les cèl·lules vasocentrals en el seu estadi de repòs es troben en el teixit vasofibrós formant agrupacions coherents, però sense mostrar unions intercel·lulars especialitzades visibles en ME. La coherència del grup queda assegurada per les interdigitacions entre les cèl·lules vasocentrals i probablement per unions tipus adherens o especialitzades. Les unions amb la matriu són de tipus adherens. Aquestes cèl·lules vasocentrals presenten feixos de filaments d'actina força conspicus. En produir-se una ferida les cèl·lules vasocentrals s'activen, desconnecten les unions intercel·lulars i amb la matriu i migren cap a la zona afectada, on s'acumulen. El pseudoblastema actua com un tap cel·lular que funciona de forma eficient per tancar la ferida en un plaç de temps relativament curt. El pseudoblastema forma un teixit coherent amb unions intercel·lulars tipus adherens, caracteritzades per material electrodens en la cara intracitoplasmàtica, feixos de filaments d'actina que hi convergeixen i espais intercel·lulars petits, de 17-20 mm, atravessats per petites fibril·les. Un cop finalitzat el procés de reepitelització, es produeix una contracció de la ferida. Es produeix per la retracció del pseudoblastema cap a l'interior de l'animal. El pseudoblastema disminueix la seva amplària i arrossega els teixits contigus provocant un tancament. La força motriu que provoca la retracció i l'arrossegament dels teixits vindria donada per la presència dels filaments d'actina a les cèl·lules del pseudoblastema, els quals durant aquesta fase es tornen mes conspicus. La presència d'unions intercel·lulars especialitzades característiques de la fase de contracció, està relacionada amb la transmissió de la força de tensió. Aquestes unions connecten els feixos de filaments d'actina de les cèl·lules amb la matriu o d'una cèl·lula a altre a través d'espais intercel·lulars força amples en els que s'observa material electrodens. Reepitelització L'epitelització s'inicia quan el pseudoblastema està consolidat i segueix el mateix patró que la reepitelització de ferides en epitelis monoestratificats de vertebrats (Stem i DePalma, 1983, és a dir, per migració de tota la capa per sobre del substrat, segons l'anomenat model de lliscament. Les glàndules unicel·lulars mucoses del tegument degeneren abans de produir-se la migració epitelial i posteriorment, un cop consolidat l'epiteli a sobre de la ferida, es diferencien a partir de les cèl·lules epitelials. Durant l'epitelització es produeixen canvis importants en el citosquelet i les unions basals de les cèl·lules epitelials. En canvi, el complex d'unió lateral es manté durant tot el procés. En iniciar-se la migració els tonofilaments es desconnecten dels hemidesmosomes cuticulars i dèrmics i es reagrupen al voltant del nucli, a la vegada que els hemidesmosomes dèrmics es desconnecten de la làmina basal. Un cop acabada la migració, les cèl·lules epitelials estableixen unions basals amb les cèl·lules del pseudoblastema. Aquestes unions no són hemidesmosomes sinó que presenten el mateix aspecte que les unions intercel·lulars del pseudoblastema. Els hemidesmosomes no es tornen a formar fins que les cèl·lules epitelials han restablert la membrana basal. La regeneració de la membrana basal no s'inicia fins que no s'ha començat a regenerar matriu connectiva a la zona cicatricial. Regeneració de la cicatriu Al mateix temps que es dona el fenomen de contracció, s'observa regeneració de la matriu connectiva entre les cèl·lules del pseudoblastema. Aquestes cèl·lules són responsables almenys del recobriment fibrós que presenten en aquest estadi, durant el qual mostren sàculs del reticle endoplasmàtic rugós molt dilatats, característics de cèl·lules que secreten constituents de la matriu. A més, s'observa infiltració de matriu connectiva i processos citoplasmàtics dels fibròcits en els marges del pseudoblastema. En la matriu del teixit connectiu normal s'observen fibres que estan constituïdes per un còrtex de fibril·les col·làgenes organitzades al voltant dels processos citoplasmàtics dels fibròcits. Les fibres del teixit connectiu peridigestiu, d'uns 1,2-1,9 mm de diàmetre, presenten el còrtex prim, amb les fibril·les organitzades paral·lelament a l'eix de la fibra. En canvi, les fibres de la dermis i teixit connectiu intramuscular, d'uns 2,5-7,1 mm de diàmetre, tenen el còrtex gruixut, amb fibril·les que s'organitzen paral·lelament en la zona proximal a la medul·la i de forma desorganitzada en la part més distal. Als 8 mesos la cicatriu encara és detectable. La matriu cicatricial presenta fibres connectives del tipus prim i força material fibril·lar desorganitzat disposat laxament. S'observa colonització per part de fibròcits, cromatòfors, petites fibres musculars i nervis.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The ultrastructure of ovarian sperm storage of Helicolenus dactylopterus dactylopterus is described, before and after the spawning period. The spermatozoa remain inside cryptal structures that are situated in the interlamellar gaps and are connected to the ovarian lumen by a duct. This complex forms a highly specialised structure. During the long storage period, crypts are richly vascularised. Their surrounding simple epithelia have intercellular junctions that may serve to protect the spermatozoa from the female immune system. At the moment during which insemination of mature oocytes occurs, the sperm may be expelled from cryptal structures by means of a spasmodic contraction. During the post spawning period, residual spermatozoa that remain in the crypts are eliminated by cryptal phagocytes. At the end of the process the crypts contain only an amorphous material.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Dufour glands of Apis mellifera and Melipona bicolor were studied under light and transmission electron microscopy, using the cytochemical techniques of mercury bromophenol blue for protein detection, imidazole-buffered osmium tetroxide selective staining of unsaturated lipids, lanthanum nitrate for intercellular junction identification and zinc-iodide-osmium tetroxide for cytoplasmic endomembrane visualization. The results in both species corroborated the lipid nature of the gland secretion and showed in A. mellifera the poverty of the synthetic machinery in the worker gland cells in comparison with the queen, as expected by previous biochemical analyses. The pathway of the exogenous compounds of the secretion is intracellular, since substances can penetrate the cell folds and intercellular junctions, but their access to the, gland lumen is barred by the apical intercellular junctions.


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The cells of secretory region of the salivary glands of Pachycondyla (=Neoponera) villosa at the time of enzyme production presents the basal cellular membranes profusely folded and the intercellular junctional membranes present a few enlarged spaces. The rough endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi bodies shift from being flat and small vesicular cisternae to enlarged vesicular cisternae according to the cell physiological state and characterize an asynchronic cell cycle. Enzymes are released into the lumen by microapocrine secretion. The stage of silk production is detected after a behavioral act, when the nurse worker separates the mature larva. At this time, the salivary gland cells present only one physiological state (synchronized secretory cycle): this state was characterized by basal cellular membrane poorly folded, intercellular junctions presenting some small spaces, rough endoplasmic reticulum compounded by flat cistenae, enlarged Golgi bodies with fibrous material inside and a few secretory vesicles containing silk, which undergo exocytosis. The silk in the lumen shows 2 forms: tactoid and flocculent material.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Desmosomen sind hoch organisierte interzelluläre Verbindungen, die Zellverbänden eine mechanische Stabilität verleihen. Die Intermediärfilamentnetzwerke benachbarter Zellen werden mit Hilfe der desmosomalen Cadherine vom Desmoglein- und Desmocollin-Typ miteinander verknüpft. Diese Glykoproteine interagieren miteinander im Interzellularspalt zwischen benachbarten Zellen und stellen mit ihren zytoplasmatischen Domänen einen Ankerpunkt für desmosomale Brückenproteine dar, an welche wiederum die Proteine des Intermediärfilament-Zytoskeletts binden. Bei der Maus spielt das desmosomale Cadherin Desmoglein 2 (DSG2) bereits in frühen Stadien der Embryogenese eine entscheidende Rolle. Homozygote DSG2-Knockout-Mäuse sterben bereits vor der Implantation des Embryos ab. Im adulten Tier ist Dsg2 die am weitesten verbreitete Isoform, in Darm, Leber und Herzmuskel wird es zudem exklusiv exprimiert. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, die Bedeutung von Dsg2 in differenzierten Gewebeverbänden adulter Tiere zu untersuchen. Im Rahmen dieser Doktorarbeit wurden mehrere transgene Mauslinien hergestellt, in denen mit Hilfe des Cre/loxP-Systems eine Deletion im DSG2-Gen konditional und gewebsspezifisch induziert werden konnte. Dazu wurden zuerst zwei loxP-Sequenzen und eine mit zwei FRT-Stellen flankierte Neomyzinresistenzgen-Kassette in das DSG2-Gen von embryonalen Stammzellen durch homologe Rekombination eines Targeting-Konstrukts inseriert. Diese Zellen wurden in Blastozysten injiziert und Mauslinien hergestellt. Mit Hilfe der Flpe-Rekombinase wurde anschließend die Resistenzenzgen-Kassette entfernt. Diese Stämme wurden mit Mäusen verpaart, die eine induzierbare und gewebsspezifische Synthese der Cre-Rekombinase ermöglichen. Im Darmepithel und der Leber konnte eine gewebsspezifische Rekombination des DSG2-Gens induziert werden. Untersuchungen der DSG2-mRNA zeigten, dass die DSG2-Rekombination in der Darmschleimhaut nahezu vollständig erfolgte. Immunfluoreszenz-Analysen an Gewebsfragmenten induzierter Tiere mit Isotyp-spezifischen Antikörpern, die im Rahmen dieser Arbeit hergestellt worden waren, zeigten jedoch keine signifikanten Unterschiede der Desmosomenzahl und -verteilung. Daher wurden eGFP-Hybride des zu erwartenden mutierten Dsg2-Proteins in Zellen exprimiert und mit wildtypischem Dsg2 verglichen. Es konnte hinsichtlich der Verteilung und Morphologie der Desmosomen keine Unterschiede zwischen beiden Dsg2-Proteinen festgestellt werden. Der Dsg2-Mutante fehlen wichtige Proteinbereiche, die für die trans-Interaktion der extrazellulären Domäne verantwortlich sind, die Haupt-N-Glykosylierungsstelle, sowie eine der insgesamt vier Kalzium-Bindestellen. Dies sind Eigenschaften, von denen man bisher annahm, dass sie eine zentrale Bedeutung für die desmosomale Adhäsion besitzen. Weitere Experimente werden zeigen, inwieweit die hergestellte Dsg2-Mutante in „Stresssituationen“, wie sie z.B. bei Regenerationsvorgängen oder der Tumorgenese auftreten, zu veränderten adhäsiven Eigenschaften führt.


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Oncocytomas are defined as tumors containing in excess of 50% large mitochondrion-rich cells, irrespective of histogenesis and dignity. Along the central neuraxis, oncocytomas are distinctly uncommon but relevant to the differential diagnosis of neoplasia marked by prominent cytoplasmic granularity. We describe an anaplastic ependymoma (WHO grade III) with a prevailing oncocytic component that was surgically resected from the right fronto-insular region of a 43-year-old female. Preoperative imaging showed a fairly circumscribed, partly cystic, contrast-enhancing mass of 2 cm × 2 cm × 1.7 cm. Histology revealed a biphasic neoplasm wherein conventional ependymal features coexisted with plump epithelioid cells replete with brightly eosinophilic granules. Whereas both components displayed an overtly ependymal immunophenotype, including positivity for S100 protein and GFAP, as well as "dot-like" staining for EMA, the oncocytic population also tended to intensely react with the antimitochondrial antibody 113-1. Conversely, failure to bind CD68 indicated absence of significant lysosomal storage. Negative reactions for both pan-cytokeratin (MNF 116) and low molecular weight cytokeratin (CAM 5.2), as well as synaptophysin and thyroglobulin, further assisted in ruling out metastatic carcinoma. In addition to confirming the presence of "zipper-like" intercellular junctions and microvillus-bearing cytoplasmic microlumina, electron microscopy allowed for the pervasive accumulation of mitochondria in tumor cells to be directly visualized. A previously not documented variant, oncocytic ependymoma, is felt to add a reasonably relevant novel item to the differential diagnosis of granule-bearing central nervous system neoplasia, in particular oncocytic meningioma, granular cell astrocytoma, as well as metastatic deposits by oncocytic malignancies from extracranial sites.


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Defects in urothelial integrity resulting in leakage and activation of underlying sensory nerves are potential causative factors of bladder pain syndrome, a clinical syndrome of pelvic pain and urinary urgency/frequency in the absence of a specific cause. Herein, we identified the microRNA miR-199a-5p as an important regulator of intercellular junctions. On overexpression in urothelial cells, it impairs correct tight junction formation and leads to increased permeability. miR-199a-5p directly targets mRNAs encoding LIN7C, ARHGAP12, PALS1, RND1, and PVRL1 and attenuates their expression levels to a similar extent. Using laser microdissection, we showed that miR-199a-5p is predominantly expressed in bladder smooth muscle but that it is also detected in mature bladder urothelium and primary urothelial cultures. In the urothelium, its expression can be up-regulated after activation of cAMP signaling pathways. While validating miR-199a-5p targets, we delineated novel functions of LIN7C and ARHGAP12 in urothelial integrity and confirmed the essential role of PALS1 in establishing and maintaining urothelial polarity and junction assembly. The present results point to a possible link between miR-199a-5p expression and the control of urothelial permeability in bladder pain syndrome. Up-regulation of miR-199a-5p and concomitant down-regulation of its multiple targets might be detrimental to the establishment of a tight urothelial barrier, leading to chronic pain.


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Tubulo-interstitial fibrosis is a constant feature of chronic renal failure and it is suspected to contribute importantly to the deterioration of renal function. In the fibrotic kidney there exists, besides normal fibroblasts, a large population of myofibroblasts, which are supposedly responsible for the increased production of intercellular matrix. It has been proposed that myofibroblasts in chronic renal failure originate from the transformation of tubular cells via epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) or from infiltration by bone marrow-derived precursors. Little attention has been paid to the possibility of a transformation of resident fibroblasts into myofibroblasts in renal fibrosis. Therefore we examined the fate of resident fibroblasts in the initial phase of renal fibrosis in the classical model of unilateral ureter obstruction (UUO) in the rat. Rats were perfusion-fixed on days 1, 2, 3 and 4 after ligature of the right ureter. Starting from 1 day of UUO an increasing expression of alpha-smooth muscle actin (alphaSMA) in resident fibroblasts was revealed by immunofluorescence and confirmed by the observation of bundles of microfilaments and webs of intermediate filaments in the electron microscope. Inversely, there was a decreased expression of 5'-nucleotidase (5'NT), a marker of renal cortical fibroblasts. The RER became more voluminous, suggesting an increased synthesis of matrix. Intercellular junctions, a characteristic feature of myofibroblasts, became more frequent. The mitotic activity in fibroblasts was strongly increased. Renal tubules underwent severe regressive changes but the cells retained their epithelial characteristics and there was no sign of EMT. In conclusion, after ureter ligature, resident peritubular fibroblasts proliferated and they showed progressive alterations, suggesting a transformation in myofibroblasts. Thus the resident fibroblasts likely play a central role in fibrosis in that model.