684 resultados para Information technology -- Study and teaching -- TFC
La incursión de la Universidad Española en el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES), entre otras cosas, exige el desarrollo adecuado de competencias generales y específicas, que debe estar ligado, necesariamente, a una descentralización del aprendizaje, potenciada por el trabajo autónomo del alumno. Las Tecnologías de la Información y de la Comunicación nos proporcionan distintas herramientas que nos permiten promover dicha descentralización. Uno de estos instrumentos, que actualmente empleamos en la Universidad de Alicante, es el Campus Virtual. En esta comunicación, describimos y analizamos el Campus Virtual de la Universidad de Alicante como una herramienta de autoaprendizaje accesible a todos los alumnos de la Universidad, y en concreto a los estudiantes de la Facultad de Educación. Dicho entorno de aprendizaje está planteado con el objetivo de ayudar a los alumnos a desarrollar sus actividades, tanto presenciales como no presenciales. Asimismo, es el canal de comunicación permanente más importante entre profesores y alumnos. El Campus Virtual ha sido elaborado en base a una metodología, que se fundamenta en la integración de las TIC -actividades on-line- con la enseñanza presencial, que fomente el aprendizaje autónomo y el trabajo diario y continuado en las diferentes asignaturas. En esta investigación, analizamos y evaluamos, especialmente, la participación del estudiante, como usuario del Campus Virtual, su grado de satisfacción, y su influencia en su rendimiento y en su autoaprendizaje
El objetivo de este trabajo se centra en la idea de integrar los recursos basados en la Web 2.0 a la asignatura de Enfermería Comunitaria para favorecer el trabajo grupal. El profesional de Enfermería Comunitaria debe ser capaz de trabajar en equipo para desarrollar iniciativas de promoción y educación para la salud y de reconocer la complementariedad de la multiprofesionalidad. Para desarrollar estas habilidades en las prácticas de la asignatura se propone la planificación de un programa de educación para la salud a partir de un trabajo en grupo. Para facilitar esta actividad se plantea al alumnado la incorporación de las nuevas tecnologías de la información y comunicación (TICS) al trabajo cooperativo
Esta experiencia muestras la evaluación del aprendizaje del alumno realizada a través de su participación en soportes interactivos creados a partir de la introducción de procesos de innovación relacionados con el tratamiento de la información y competencia digital en la asignatura 'La escuela como espacio educativo' del Grado de Educación Primaria. La utilización de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación en algunas asignaturas de las diferentes titulaciones universitarias del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior permite desarrollar diferentes tipos de evaluación, ofreciendo al alumno la retroalimentación necesaria
El Colaboratorio LPCI es un meta-proyecto de innovación docente en el que han participado colaborativamente más de 80 personas (entre alumnos de los 3 ciclos, catedráticos, titulares, contratados doctores, ayudantes doctores, asociados y personal externo) que ha conseguido adaptar al contexto Universitario las nuevas metodologías docentes, investigadoras y de gestión del conocimiento del centro Medialab-Prado http://medialab-prado.es/ El LPCI se ha mostrado como un modelo mixto de enseñanza presencial-virtual muy eficaz y capaz de formar nuevos investigadores, de estimular el auto-aprendizaje, el trabajo colaborativo, mediante la formación de distintos grupos de investigación interdisciplinar
Esta investigación forma parte de un estudio más amplio que se inició en septiembre del 2010 en el que se pretende analizar el uso, conocimiento y percepciones que tiene un grupo de estudiantes de posgrado y máster con respecto a las TIC. Este grupo de alumnos y alumnas se encuentra inmerso en un entorno de aprendizaje online el que se incluye una tecnología móvil específica en el proceso formativo. Esta comunicación quiere presentar la estrategia metodológica y los resultados de la investigación obtenidos mediante una de las metodologías empleada, un cuestionario pre-test
La utilización de recursos electrónicos como el Adobe® Connect T.M. 8 en un tipo de aprendizaje denominado mixto es de notable importancia práctica y no sólo respecto de la docencia de las asignaturas de Grado, sino también para aquellas otras que se encuentran en proceso de extinción y de las que no se imparte docencia a los alumnos que no las han superado todavía. Más aún si se tiene presente que el B- Learning o aprendizaje mixto hace que el docente no sólo continúe ejerciendo su papel como formador tradicional, sino que también utilice en su proceso el material didáctico que la informática e Internet, en particular, le proporcionan. Convirtiéndose de este modo en tutor on line y formador mediante las clases presenciales
The main objective of this study is to assess the potential of the information technology industry in the Saint Petersburg area to become one of the new key industries in the Russian economy. To achieve this objective, the study analyzes especially the international competitiveness of the industry and the conditions for clustering. Russia is currently heavily dependent on its natural resources, which are the main source of its recent economic growth. In order to achieve good long-term economic performance, Russia needs diversification in its well-performing industries in addition to the ones operating in the field of natural resources. The Russian government has acknowledged this and started special initiatives to promote such other industries as information technology and nanotechnology. An interesting industry that is basically less than 20 years old and fast growing in Russia, is information technology. Information technology activities and markets are mainly concentrated in Russia’s two biggest cities, Moscow and Saint Petersburg, and areas around them. The information technology industry in the Saint Petersburg area, although smaller than Moscow, is especially dynamic and is gaining increasing foreign company presence. However, the industry is not yet internationally competitive as it lacks substantial and sustainable competitive advantages. The industry is also merely a potential global information technology cluster, as it lacks the competitive edge and a wide supplier and manufacturing base and other related parts of the whole information technology value system. Alone, the industry will not become a key industry in Russia, but it will, on the other hand, have an important supporting role for the development of other industries. The information technology market in the Saint Petersburg area is already large and if more tightly integrated to Moscow, they will together form a huge and still growing market sufficient for most companies operating in Russia currently and in the future. Therefore, the potential of information technology inside Russia is immense.
The main objective of this study is to assess the potential of the information technology industry in the Saint Petersburg area to become one of the new key industries in the Russian economy. To achieve this objective, the study analyzes especially the international competitiveness of the industry and the conditions for clustering. Russia is currently heavily dependent on its natural resources, which are the main source of its recent economic growth. In order to achieve good long-term economic performance, Russia needs diversification in its well-performing industries in addition to the ones operating in the field of natural resources. The Russian government has acknowledged this and started special initiatives to promote such other industries as information technology and nanotechnology. An interesting industry that is basically less than 20 years old and fast growing in Russia, is information technology. Information technology activities and markets are mainly concentrated in Russia’s two biggest cities, Moscow and Saint Petersburg, and areas around them. The information technology industry in the Saint Petersburg area, although smaller than Moscow, is especially dynamic and is gaining increasing foreign company presence. However, the industry is not yet internationally competitive as it lacks substantial and sustainable competitive advantages. The industry is also merely a potential global information technology cluster, as it lacks the competitive edge and a wide supplier and manufacturing base and other related parts of the whole information technology value system. Alone, the industry will not become a key industry in Russia, but it will, on the other hand, have an important supporting role for the development of other industries. The information technology market in the Saint Petersburg area is already large and if more tightly integrated to Moscow, they will together form a huge and still growing market sufficient for most companies operating in Russia currently and in the future. Therefore, the potential of information technology inside Russia is immense.
Fast changing environment sets pressure on firms to share large amount of information with their customers and suppliers. The terms information integration and information sharing are essential for facilitating a smooth flow of information throughout the supply chain, and the terms are used interchangeably in research literature. By integrating and sharing information, firms want to improve their logistics performance. Firms share information with their suppliers and customers by using traditional communication methods (telephone, fax, Email, written and face-to-face contacts) and by using advanced or modern communication methods such as electronic data interchange (EDI), enterprise resource planning (ERP), web-based procurement systems, electronic trading systems and web portals. Adopting new ways of using IT is one important resource for staying competitive on the rapidly changing market (Saeed et al. 2005, 387), and an information system that provides people the information they need for performing their work, will support company performance (Boddy et al. 2005, 26). The purpose of this research has been to test and understand the relationship between information integration with key suppliers and/or customers and a firm’s logistics performance, especially when information technology (IT) and information systems (IS) are used for integrating information. Quantitative and qualitative research methods have been used to perform the research. Special attention has been paid to the scope, level and direction of information integration (Van Donk & van der Vaart 2005a). In addition, the four elements of integration (Jahre & Fabbe-Costes 2008) are closely tied to the frame of reference. The elements are integration of flows, integration of processes and activities, integration of information technologies and systems and integration of actors. The study found that information integration has a low positive relationship to operational performance and a medium positive relationship to strategic performance. The potential performance improvements found in this study vary from efficiency, delivery and quality improvements (operational) to profit, profitability or customer satisfaction improvements (strategic). The results indicate that although information integration has an impact on a firm’s logistics performance, all performance improvements have not been achieved. This study also found that the use of IT and IS have a mediocre positive relationship to information integration. Almost all case companies agreed on that the use of IT and IS could facilitate information integration and improve their logistics performance. The case companies felt that an implementation of a web portal or a data bank would benefit them - enhance their performance and increase information integration.
IS/IT investments are seen has having an enormous potential impact on the competitive position of the firm, on its performance, and demand an active and motivated participation of several stakeholder groups. The shortfall of evidence concerning the productivity of IT became known as the ‘productivity paradox’. As Robert Solow, the Nobel laureate economist stated “we see computers everywhere except in the productivity statistics”. An important stream of research conducted all over the world has tried to understand these phenomena, called in the literature as «IS business value» field. However, there is a gap in the literature, addressing the Portuguese situation. No empirical work has been done to date in order to understand the impact of Information Technology adoption on the productivity of those firms. Using data from two surveys conducted by the Portuguese National Institute of Statistics (INE), Inquiry to the use of IT by Portuguese companies (IUTIC) and the Inquiry Harmonized to (Portuguese) companies (accounting data), this study relates (using regression analysis) the amounts spent on IT with the financial performance indicator Returns on Equity, as a proxy of firm productivity, of Portuguese companies with more than 250 employees. The aim of this paper is to shed light on the Portuguese situation concerning the impact of IS/IT on the productivity of Portuguese top companies. Empirically, we test the impact of IT expenditure on firm productivity of a sample of Portuguese large companies. Our results, based on firm-level data on Information Technology expenditure and firm productivity as measured by return on equity (1186 observations) for the years of 2003 and 2004, exhibit a negative impact of IT expenditure on firm productivity, in line with “productivity paradox” claimants.
The Technology Governance Board (TGB), established pursuant to Iowa Code Section 8A.204, developed and published this strategic information technology plan in December 2006. This plan contains the TGB's vision, mission, goals, and strategies that will lead the executive branch to an information technology infrastructure and policies that will enhance and unify the technology infrastructure to support business operations for electronic government, consistent with the vision of providing sustained support for “extraordinary customer service”.
El conjunt de canvis i adaptacions a l’Espai Europeu d’Educació Superior (EEES) comporta reflexions profundes sobre la funció docent del professorat universitari, entre d’altres aspectes, sobre la millora del sistema d’avaluació actual. Preguntes com: - Quin és el millor sistema d’avaluació que permeti avaluar tant les competències especifiques com les genèriques essent al mateix temps just, equilibrat i representatiu? - Quin és el millor sistema per portar a terme una avaluació continuada sense carregar a l’alumne de proves escrites?- són algunes de les preguntes, que cada un dels professors es planteja a l’hora de programar la seva assignatura. L’EEES considera l’avaluació com una eina dinamitzadora del procés d’ensenyament - aprenentatge en tot el seu conjunt. Des d’aquest punt de vista, el present document recull una experiència emprant dues tècniques didàctiques innovadores: la primera consisteix en l’ús de l’aprenentatge basat en projectes com a metodologia didàctica (ABP) i la segona, explicada de forma més detallada, consisteix en la utilització del portfoli electrònic com a instrument d’avaluació continuada. Ambdues tècniques es porten a terme, simultàniament, en una assignatura optativa de quart curs, Caracterització Física del Aliments, en els cursos 2007-08 i 2008-2009. Aquesta assignatura forma part del currículum de la titulació de Ciència i Tecnologia dels Aliments
This work presents a model for development of project proposals by students as an approach to teaching information technology while promoting entrepreneurship and reflection. In teams of 3 to 5 participants, students elaborate a project proposal on a topic they have negotiated with each other and with the teacher. The project domain is related to the practical application of state-of-theart information technology in areas of substantial public interest or of immediate interest to the participants. This gives them ample opportunities for reflection not only on technical but also on social, economic, environmental and other dimensions of information technology. This approach has long been used with students of different years and programs of study at the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Plovdiv University “Paisiy Hilendarski”. It has been found to develop all eight key competences for lifelong learning set forth in the Reference Framework and procedural skills required in real life.