933 resultados para Immediate implants


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Recent studies in animals have shown pronounced resorption of the buccal bone plate after immediate implantation. The use of flapless surgical procedures prior to the installation of immediate implants, as well as the use of synthetic bone graft in the gaps represent viable alternatives to minimize buccal bone resorption and to favor osseointegration. The aim of this study was to evaluate the healing of the buccal bone plate following immediate implantation using the flapless approach, and to compare this process with sites in which a synthetic bone graft was or was not inserted into the gap between the implant and the buccal bone plate. Lower bicuspids from 8 dogs were bilaterally extracted without the use of flaps, and 4 implants were installed in the alveoli in each side of the mandible and were positioned 2.0 mm from the buccal bone plate (gap). Four groups were devised: 2.0-mm subcrestal implants (3.3 x 8 mm) using bone grafts (SCTG), 2.0-mm subcrestal implants without bone grafts (SCCG), equicrestal implants (3.3 x 10 mm) with bone grafts (EGG), and equicrestal implants without bone grafts (ECCG). One week following the surgical procedures, metallic prostheses were installed, and within 12 weeks the dogs were sacrificed. The blocks containing the individual implants were turned sideways, and radiographic imaging was obtained to analyze the remodeling of the buccal bone plate. In the analysis of the resulting distance between the implant shoulder and the bone crest, statistically significant differences were found in the SCTG when compared to the ECTG (P = .02) and ECCG (P = .03). For mean value comparison of the resulting linear distance between the implant surface and the buccal plate, no statistically significant difference was found among all groups (P > .05). The same result was observed in the parameter for presence or absence of tissue formation between the implant surface and buccal plate. Equicrestally placed implants, in this methodology, presented little or no loss of the buccal bone. The subcrestally positioned implants presented loss of buccal bone, even though synthetic bone graft was used. The buccal bone, however, was always coronal to the implant shoulder.


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AIM: To assess dimensional ridge alterations following immediate implant placement in molar extraction sites. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Twelve subjects received 12 immediate transmucosal implants in molar extraction sites. Peri-implant defects were treated according to the principles of Guided Bone Regeneration by means of a deproteinized bone substitute and a bioresorbable collagen membrane. Changes in vertical (IS-BD, CREST-BD) and horizontal distances (EC-I, IC-I) of alveolar bony walls to the bottom of the defects (BD) and to the implant surfaces (I) were compared between implant placement and surgical re-entry at 6 months. RESULTS: The implant survival rate at 6 months was 100%. Statistically significant differences (P<0.01) were observed in the mean changes in vertical distances IS-BD and CREST-BD between baseline and re-entry. At re-entry, all peri-implant marginal defects assessed from the internal socket wall to the implant surface (IC-I) were healed. The residual combined thickness of the buccal wall with the newly formed peri-implant bone at sites with an initial thickness of 1 mm was statistically significantly smaller (P<0.05) compared with that of sites with an initial buccal thickness of 2 mm (2.50 +/- 0.76 vs. 4+/-0 mm). CONCLUSIONS: The marginal defects around immediate implants placed in molar extraction sites were completely filled after 6 months of healing through de novo bone formation. Bone resorption was observed from the external aspects of the buccal and oral socket walls. Dimensional changes of the external socket walls were mostly pronounced at the buccal aspects.


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Objective: To evaluate the influence of the configuration of the marginal aspect of implants placed immediately into extraction sockets on peri-implant hard tissue adaptation. Material and methods: In 6 Labrador dogs, endodontic treatments of the mesial roots of 1M1 were performed and the distal roots were removed. 2P2 was extracted as well. Implants were immediately placed in the center of the distal alveoli. Cylindrical straight implants were installed in the right side of the mandible (Control), while, in the left side, implants with a reduced diameter in the coronal portion, yielding an indentation in the surface continuity (Test), were installed. Cover screws were affixed, and the flaps were sutured to allow non-submerged healing. After 4 months of healing, histological slides were obtained for assessments. Results: A buccal resorption of 1.58 ± 1.28 and 1.90 ± 1.93 mm at the control and of 0.26 ± 0.90 and 0.14 ± 0.66 mm at the test sites was observed at the premolar and molar regions, respectively. The buccal coronal level of osseointegration was located apically to the margin of the smooth/rough surface border by 2.40 ± 0.90 and 3.70 ± 0.87 mm at the control sites and 1.19 ± 0.45 and 2.16 ± 0.96 mm at the test sites at the premolar and molar sites, respectively. All differences yielded statistical significance. Conclusions: The use of implants with a reduced diameter in their coronal aspect may contribute to preservation of the buccal bony crest in a more coronal level compared with conventional implants. Thus, the study confirmed the efficacy of the platform switching concept. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons A/S.


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Objective The objective of this article is to present options of rehabilitation with dental implants in two cases of severely atrophic mandibles (<10 mm) after rigid internal fixation of fractures. Patients and method Two patients who sustained fractures in severely atrophic mandibles with less than 10 mm of bone height were treated by open reduction and internal fixation through a transcervical access. Internal fixation was obtained with 2.4-mm locking reconstruction plates. The first patient presented satisfactory bone height at the area between the mental foramens and after 2 years, received flapless guided implants in the anterior mandible and an immediate protocol prosthesis. The second patient received a tent pole iliac crest autogenous graft after 2 years of fracture treatment and immediate implants. After 5 months, a protocol prosthesis was installed in the second patient. Results In both cases, the internal fixation followed AO principles for load-bearing osteosynthesis. Both prosthetic devices were Branemark protocol prosthesis. The mandibular reconstruction plates were not removed. Both patients are rehabilitated without complications and satisfied with esthetic and functional results. Conclusion With the current techniques of internal fixation, grafting, and guided implants, the treatment of atrophic mandible fractures can achieve very good results, which were previously not possible.


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With the search for treatments faster and aesthetic improvement of materials and surgical techniques, immediate implants have become a clinical reality increasingly practiced. Thus, based on literature the specific purpose of this study was to address critically the concepts of immediate implants, discussing issues related to dental extraction, milling technique, care of the periodontal tissues support and protection, prosthetic replacement, benefits, indications and contraindications. To this end, from Pubmed electronic crawler Medline, 54 articles published between 1990 and 2009, over 4 items classics, all in English were selected. The Studies have shown success rates for this technique Conventional techniques like two-stage surgery, many different techniques and planning are present among these techniques, and implants more immediate subject to failures.


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Objectives: to evaluate implant survival immediately placed after tooth extraction considering different sites, prosthodontic modalities, and the need for biomaterials. Material and methods: dental records of 500 patients treated with dental implants between 2004 and 2011 were screened. Results: only 200 records (20%) corresponded to immediate implants. Reasons for tooth extraction included extensive caries, bone loss, and root fractures. From the 197 immediate dental implants, 86 were placed in the maxilla with a survival rate of 93.9% and 111 in the mandible (survival rate of 99.1%). The overall survival rate was 97.46%. Prosthodontic modalities identified were: Brånemark classic complete denture screwed prostheses (36%), overdentures (5.6%), fixed partial denture (31%), and single-tooth prostheses (27.4%). Also, it was observed that in 33% of cases there was a need for the use of grafts and/or biomaterials. Conclusion: it can be concluded that, when correctly indicated, immediate implants are an excellent choice. The anterior mandibular region, screwed and overdenture-type prostheses presented higher success rates when associated to immediate implant placement. The need for bone graft/biomaterial does not affect the clinical results.


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Introdução: O processo alveolar é o conjunto de osso que se encontra em redor da raiz do dente. Este osso é sensível a uma variedade de fatores ambientais e fisiológicos que influenciam a sua integridade e o seu funcionamento. Como tal, a sua formação assim como a sua preservação é dependente da presença contínua do dente. A reabsorção do processo alveolar após extração dentária é uma consequência natural e fisiológica indesejável, que pode dificultar a colocação de um implante dentário na posição desejada. Com o aumento cada vez mais das demandas estéticas em medicina dentária, torna-se, portanto, necessário prevenir que a reabsorção óssea provoque este defeito na arcada dentária. Objetivos: Realizar uma revisão bibliográfica sobre as várias técnicas e materiais para preservação do rebordo alveolar, a fim de prevenir ou minimizar a reabsorção alveolar após extração dentária. Material e Métodos: A pesquisa foi realizada nas bases de dados Pubmed, B-on e Scielo, não foi aplicado nenhum limite temporal, e os critérios de inclusão foram artigos em língua inglesa e portuguesa. Num total de 164 artigos, selecionaram-se 82 estritamente relacionados com o tema. Os artigos excluídos desviavam-se do objetivo do trabalho ou eram inconclusivos. Selecionaram-se, também, capítulos do livro Clinical Periodontology and Implant Dentistry Volume 1 e 2, dos autores Niklaus P.Lang e Jan Lindhe. Desenvolvimento: De modo a compreender como o processo alveolar reabsorve, deve-se ter em conta as várias técnicas que se podem realizar para permitir uma boa quantidade de osso remanescente na arcada adequada a cada caso para uma possível reabilitação. As técnicas de preservação do osso alveolar após extração passam pela realização de técnicas cirúrgicas minimamente invasivas, estabilização do coágulo pelo princípio da cicatrização por primeira intenção usando membranas ou retalhos, preenchimento do alvéolo dentário com materiais de enxerto ou substitutos ósseos, terapias combinadas com a colocação de implantes imediatos e o recurso a células e fatores de crescimento. Conclusão: A preservação alveolar tem grande importância para uma posterior reabilitação oral com implantes com maior quantidade de osso disponível do que quando não é feita qualquer tipo de preservação. A extração das peças dentárias deve ser feita com cuidado para preservar ao máximo ou não danificar as superfícies ósseas remanescentes. É aconselhado que o encerramento da ferida seja por primeira intenção e que proporcione estabilidade ao coágulo, podendo ser usado retalhos ou mesmo membranas. O uso de enxertos ósseos tem uma importante função de proporcionar uma matriz para o coágulo se formar e promover o processo de cicatrização. O método de implante imediato, para além de ser bastante usado, tem como finalidade o conforto para o paciente de não ser submetido a uma posterior cirurgia para colocação do mesmo e, simultaneamente, mantem a estabilidade dos tecidos moles. Ainda uma técnica menos usada é com células e fatores de crescimento que proporciona uma cicatrização mais rápida e um aumento do potencial regenerativo dos tecidos.


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Tese de doutoramento, Medicina Dentária (Periodontologia), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Medicina Dentária, 2016


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The treatment with implants aims to obtain a direct interface between bone and implant. The implant is kept load-free during 4 to 6 months in the 2-stage procedure, which is considered a requisite for osseointegration. However, this period is based on empirical principles and uncomfortable for patient. So, the immediate loading protocol was Suggested to submit implants to occlusal function after placement. This protocol has been applied for several conditions of edentulism. The aim of this study was to evaluate the treatment alternatives for immediate loading of complete and partial edentulous patients. In general, the studies have demonstrated high previsibility for rehabilitation of complete edentulous arches with full-arch, implant-supported prosthesis. The rehabilitation with immediate loading for maxillary overdenture is questionable because there is no longitudinal study in literature. The studies with partial edentulous arches have demonstrated high success rates for implants placed in the mandibular and maxillary anterior region. Additional care is recommended for posterior region mainly in the maxillary arch, and further studies are suggested to corroborate this treatment.


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Two-stage procedure for dental implants presents corroborated clinical success over 40 years. The evolution of surgical techniques, development of diagnostic methods, knowledge about tissue biology, and quality of implants regarding design and surface supported studies with I surgical stage followed by immediate prosthesis placement. However, several factors influence the treatment success with immediate loading. SO, this Study aimed to evaluate some factors regarding the success and characteristics of implants and patients.


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Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate by means of digital radiography the behavior of the alveolar bone crest in external hexagon implants following the use of 2 different types of abutments, one for conventional cemented prosthesis and one for modified cemented prosthesis.Methods: Ten external hexagon implants (platform 4.1) were placed in 5 patients. Initial instrumentation was carried out to obtain primary stability of the temporary prostheses under immediate loading. Each patient received both abutments for conventional and modified cemented prosthesis. Standardized digital periapical radiographies were performed at times T0 (immediately after implant placement) and T1 (4 months after implant placement). A straight line was initially established from the implant platform to the distal and mesial periimplantar marginal bone tissue (immediately in contact with the implant) and measured by digital radiography, using Sidexis version 2.3 (Sirona Dental Systems GmbH, Bensheim, Germany) software. The data were submitted to paired-samples t-test analysis.Results: There was no significant difference between the conventional and modified cemented prosthesis. In both cases, t-test results were within the null hypothesis level.Conclusion: The abutment for the modified cemented prosthesis resulted in no significant radiographic difference of alveolar bone crest height, when compared with the conventional cemented prostheses.


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Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the success rate of maxillary immediate nonfunctional single-tooth loaded implants used into fresh extraction sites (immediate placement condition) or healed ridge (delayed placement condition).Materials and Methods: Eighty-two dental implants were placed in the maxilla of 64 consecutive patients from Private practice office and from a specialization course in Implantology. Forty-six implants were inserted under immediate placement condition, and 36 were inserted under delayed placement condition. The criteria used to evaluate success rate were those previously described by Albrektsson and Zarb (Int J Prosthodont 1993;6: 95-105), and follow-up period ranged from 18.0 to 39.7 months.Results: Seventy-nine implants fulfilled the success rate criteria (96.3%). Moreover, differences concerning implantation condition were not significant (P = 0.33, Qui-square test): three of the failed implants were from immediate placement group (success rate of 93.5%), and none was from delayed placement group (success rate of 100.0%).Conclusion: In the present sample, no statistically significant differences were detected for immediate nonfunctional single-tooth loaded implants under immediate placement condition in comparison with those inserted under delayed placement condition; both protocols had high success rate in maxillary incisors, canines, and premolars areas.


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We report the simultaneous rehabilitation of an edentulous patient with a hybrid (zygomatic and conventional implants) all-on-four implant-supported prosthesis for the maxilla and a standard (conventional implants) all-on-four implant-supported prosthesis for the mandible. The transfer impression was made with a multifunctional guide and the upper and lower prostheses were placed 24 h postoperatively. Clinical and radiographic examinations showed no infection or bony resorption 2 years later. Simultaneous maxillary and mandibular rehabilitation with all-on-four immediate loading is a viable, fast and effective option for edentulous patients. (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of The British Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons.