999 resultados para Igualdade (direito do trabalho), direito comparado
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Estudos em homenagem a Anna Maria Villela
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This work has the main goal on the recognition of the inherent value of nonhuman animals, under the constitutional framework. It is presented the main philosophical formulations of the current pattern of behavior that rules the relationship between man and animals: first those that have excluded animals from moral consideration and then the thinkers which do have included, in some way, in order to elucidate the origin of the anthropocentric thought over the natural world. In this way, the analysis these thinkers that have included animals in moral consideration will contribute to a paradigm change from the anthropocentric view, initiating legal debates. It will be made a simplified analysis of different philosophical and legal points of view that have been demonstrating the posture in which the human beings have been dealing with the environment, with the replacement of the anthropocentric thinking for the biocentric view, in which life becomes the center of existence. Life is life, no matter whether it is human or not, has a value in itself, and must be protected and respected by the legal system. Then, it will be analized the constitutionalization of the nonhuman animal dignity in comparative law; the infraconstitutional legislation which concerning the intrinsic value of all life forms and, finally, the 1988 Constitution. It will be advocated for non-human animals the condition of subjects, presenting some cases that the Habeas Corpus was used in animal defense. In this new Brazilian Habeas Corpus theory of for apes the argument of genetic proximity was used in order to overcome the literal meaning of natural person to achieve hominids in order to assure the fundamental right of physical freedom. It is realized that the fact that the great apes being recognized as a person does not preclude the possibility of other living beings be recognized as subjects of law. In this way, animals can be considered non-human subjects of law, according to the theory of depersonalized entities and may enjoy a legal category that allows a respect for existential minimum, and can hold constitutional fundamental rights
Pós-graduação em Direito - FCHS
Faz um panorama da participação das mulheres no mercado de trabalho, das dificuldades enfrentadas em razão do gênero e sua luta constante por equiparação de salários. Seu foco está na realidade brasileira, com recurso eventual ao estudo comparado com outros países.
This thesis aims at demonstrating the dogmatic autonomy of Water Law. It also intends to clarify that this branch of law must not be confused with other similar subjects of law. To accomplish this task, the thesis justifies the dogmatic autonomy of Water Law beginning by discussing the emergence of this branch of law both at international and regional levels. The thesis analyses the emergence of International Water Law, discussing the reasons of its existence, its subject and importance. It also explains the relationship between international watercourses and the need to regulate them, considering that rules related to the use and management of such resources, although created at international level, are meant to be applied at regional and local levels. The thesis demonstrates that the fact that some waters are international, because they cross different states or serve as border between two or more states, justifies the existence of international water law rules aplicable to the region and to the watercourse they are supposed to regulate. For this reason, this thesis considers not only international water law in relation with the aplicable regional water law, but also the regional law in relation with the rules aplicable to the water basins and particularly with the concerned water basin states. This relationship between rules leads us to discuss how these three spectrums of rules are conciliated, namely international or universal, regional and water basin rules. To demonstrate how all this works we chose SADC for our case study. The thesis also studies the States who benefit from rules of international water law, and all other subjects who directly use water from international watercourses, and the conclusion we reach is that who really benefits are the population of such states whose rights of access, use and management are regulated by international, regional and basin rules As we can imagine, it is not easy to concile so many different rules, applicable to a scarce resource to which many subjects in many states compete for. And the interaction of the different interests, which is done under different spectrum of rules, is what guided our study, in which we analyse how all this process functions. And the main reason of all the discussion is to conclude that there is, in fact, a dogmatic autonomy of water law. To reach such a conclusion, the thesis begins by studying how international water law is applied at local level. Considering that international watercourses usually have different regimes adopted by the basin states, which difference may cause conflicts, the thesis discusses how water law may contribute to solve possible conflicts. To do this, the thesis studies and compares rules of international water law with rules of water law applicable to SADC states, and figures out the level of interaction between such rules. Considering that basin states have to obey to local rules, first of all, and after that to international and basin level rules, the thesis studies how the differents interests at stake are managed by riparian states, who act on behalf of their population. SADC appeared to provide an excellent case study to reach this goal. And the thesis discusses all these matters, the rules and principles applicable, and provides solutions where applicable, always considering water as subject of our study. Accordingly, we discuss the right to water, its nature and how it functions, considering the facts mentioned previously. And, as we conclude, all these legal discussions over water are a clear sign of the dogmatic autonomy of water
Dissertação de mestrado em Direito Tributário e Fiscal
Em busca do desenvolvimento e do futuro sempre tão almejado são evidentes os avanços científicosw e tecnológicos da humanidade.Assim como também se torna visível aos olhos humanos os crimes cometidos em qualquer lugar, que se tornam cada dia mais banalizados e constantes num mundo que se apresenta destituído dos valores humanos, mais genuínos, onde perdemos, simplesmente, o respeito pela vida e pela dignidade humana.O aborto, uma prática realizada não somente no Brasil mais em qualquer outro país, não deve ser ignorado pelas autoridades, nem mesmo pela sociedade, pois envolve não somente aspectos éticos, religiosos e políticos, como também questões relacionadas aos aspectos sócio-econômicos, psicológicos e de saúde pública.Desta maneira, se torna necessário entender de forma clara o que é o aborto, quais os tipos classificados, quais deles são criminosos ou legalizados, isto é, permitidos ou não pela lei, para que possamos abrir a discussão sobre esta conturbada questão e sobre as suas consequências, quando realizados em clínicas clandestinas.Na realidade, este estudo fornece elementos para que haja a reflexão deste problema da mais alta importância nos tempos atuais, já que nele se engloba o sentido da vida humana, não somente do feto, mas também das mulheres, e ainda delas, o direito de dispor do próprio corpo.Neste ponto, nos deparamos com a descriminalização do aborto eugênico, ou seja a descriminalização da interrupção da gravidez de feto anencefálico(feto sem cérebro, sem nehuma condição de vida extra-uterina),pois não é aceitável que uma mulher seja obrigada a levar adiante, durante nove meses, a gravidez de uma criança sem amínima condição de sobrevida, esta clinicamente comprovada pelos diagnósticos precisos que a medicina consegue comprovar e prever com certeza devido ao avanço da tecnologia.Hoje, é possível afirmar os fetos anencefálicos, que entre 75 e 80 por cento deles, são natimortos e os restantes sucumbem dentro de horas ou poucos dias após o nascimento.Busca-se desta forma,politizar o assunto demostrando as diversas posições(contra e a favor) existentes na nossa sociedade, e mostar Código Penal que se condena a prática do aborto, não o define, simplesmente o menciona através de condutas onde este somente irá se caracterizar se houver a possibilidade de vida ou sobrevida extra-uterina, não se englobando, por este motivo, nesse conceito, o aborto eugênico.Assim, atráves do estudo e da discussão, espera-se que esta obra venha contribuir com o tema do Aborto, sendo igualmente capz de despertar em cada um, um raciocínio e uma conclusão sensata e justa.
In Brazil, constitutional clauses regarding religious freedom have concrete applications in Private Law. Church-State Law, or "Ecclesiastical Law of the State," studies the legal principles which may be applicable to religious activity, exercised individually and collectively. The study of Church-State Law in Brazil lacks a thorough introduction to the constitutional and civil aspects of religious organizations: such an introduction is the main end of this work. Following a brief introduction, the main aspects of religious freedom and the principle of private autonomy as it concerns religious organizations are explained. A careful introductory analysis of Church-State Law in Brazil is thus developed: (1) the historical aspects, including a detailed account of the relations between Catholicism, the established religion up to 1889, and the government; (2) the current constitutional principles, as presented in the text of the federal Constitution of 1988, regarding the rights and claims of religious organizations; (3) how the same constitutional principles are to be used in the interpretation of Private Law (especially the Civil Code of 2002), fostering and preserving the uniqueness of religious organizations in the Brazilian legal system. A brief complementary chapter presents some aspects of the legal position of religious institutions in three other nations whose constitutional documents have influenced the current Brazilian federal Constitution (France, Spain, and the United States)
This article brings brief comparison of Brazilian bankruptcy law between the French law of societies in difficulties. In this way, an analysis of the legal provisions of the two countries, to the end see if both aim at the preservation of the company, respectively, Law Recovery and Bankruptcy no. 11.101/05, in Code de Commerce - French commercial code, chapter Des difficultés des enterprises.
Aula proferida no Curso de Especialização em Direito Econômico da Faculdade Nacional de Direito, em 13 de maio de 1992.