25 resultados para ISOCHRONES


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We have carried out high contrast imaging of 70 young, nearby B and A stars to search for brown dwarf and planetary companions as part of the Gemini NICI Planet-Finding Campaign. Our survey represents the largest, deepest survey for planets around high-mass stars (≈1.5-2.5 M ☉) conducted to date and includes the planet hosts β Pic and Fomalhaut. We obtained follow-up astrometry of all candidate companions within 400 AU projected separation for stars in uncrowded fields and identified new low-mass companions to HD 1160 and HIP 79797. We have found that the previously known young brown dwarf companion to HIP 79797 is itself a tight (3 AU) binary, composed of brown dwarfs with masses 58$^{+21}_{-20}$ M Jup and 55$^{+20}_{-19}$ M Jup, making this system one of the rare substellar binaries in orbit around a star. Considering the contrast limits of our NICI data and the fact that we did not detect any planets, we use high-fidelity Monte Carlo simulations to show that fewer than 20% of 2 M ☉ stars can have giant planets greater than 4 M Jup between 59 and 460 AU at 95% confidence, and fewer than 10% of these stars can have a planet more massive than 10 M Jup between 38 and 650 AU. Overall, we find that large-separation giant planets are not common around B and A stars: fewer than 10% of B and A stars can have an analog to the HR 8799 b (7 M Jup, 68 AU) planet at 95% confidence. We also describe a new Bayesian technique for determining the ages of field B and A stars from photometry and theoretical isochrones. Our method produces more plausible ages for high-mass stars than previous age-dating techniques, which tend to underestimate stellar ages and their uncertainties.


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This Ph.D. Thesis has been carried out in the framework of a long-term and large project devoted to describe the main photometric, chemical, evolutionary and integrated properties of a representative sample of Large and Small Magellanic Cloud (LMC and SMC respectively) clusters. The globular clusters system of these two Irregular galaxies provides a rich resource for investigating stellar and chemical evolution and to obtain a detailed view of the star formation history and chemical enrichment of the Clouds. The results discussed here are based on the analysis of high-resolution photometric and spectroscopic datasets obtained by using the last generation of imagers and spectrographs. The principal aims of this project are summarized as follows: • The study of the AGB and RGB sequences in a sample of MC clusters, through the analysis of a wide near-infrared photometric database, including 33 Magellanic globulars obtained in three observing runs with the near-infrared camera SOFI@NTT (ESO, La Silla). • The study of the chemical properties of a sample of MCs clusters, by using optical and near-infrared high-resolution spectra. 3 observing runs have been secured to our group to observe 9 LMC clusters (with ages between 100 Myr and 13 Gyr) with the optical high-resolution spectrograph FLAMES@VLT (ESO, Paranal) and 4 very young (<30 Myr) clusters (3 in the LMC and 1 in the SMC) with the near-infrared high-resolution spectrograph CRIRES@VLT. • The study of the photometric properties of the main evolutive sequences in optical Color- Magnitude Diagrams (CMD) obtained by using HST archive data, with the final aim of dating several clusters via the comparison between the observed CMDs and theoretical isochrones. The determination of the age of a stellar population requires an accurate measure of the Main Sequence (MS) Turn-Off (TO) luminosity and the knowledge of the distance modulus, reddening and overall metallicity. For this purpose, we limited the study of the age just to the clusters already observed with high-resolution spectroscopy, in order to date only clusters with accurate estimates of the overall metallicity.


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We report the selection and spectroscopic confirmation of 129 new late-type (SpT = K3-M6) members of the Tucana-Horologium moving group, a nearby (d similar to 40 pc), young (tau similar to 40 Myr) population of comoving stars. We also report observations for 13 of the 17 known Tuc-Hor members in this spectral type range, and that 62 additional candidates are likely to be unassociated field stars; the confirmation frequency for new candidates is therefore 129/191 = 67%. We have used radial velocities, Ha emission, and Li-6708 absorption to distinguish between contaminants and bona fide members. Our expanded census of Tuc-Hor increases the known population by a factor of similar to 3 in total and by a factor of similar to 8 for members with SpT >= K3, but even so, the K-M dwarf population of Tuc-Hor is still markedly incomplete. Our expanded census allows for a much more detailed study of Tuc-Hor than was previously feasible. The spatial distribution of members appears to trace a two-dimensional sheet, with a broad distribution in X and Y, but a very narrow distribution (+/- 5 pc) in Z. The corresponding velocity distribution is very small, with a scatter of +/- 1.1 km s(-1) about the mean UVW velocity for stars spanning the entire 50 pc extent of Tuc-Hor. We also show that the isochronal age (tau similar to 20-30 Myr) and the lithium depletion boundary age (tau similar to 40 Myr) disagree, following the trend in other pre-main-sequence populations for isochrones to yield systematically younger ages. The H alpha emission line strength follows a trend of increasing equivalent width with later spectral type, as is seen for young clusters. We find that moving group members have been depleted of measurable lithium for spectral types of K7.0-M4.5. None of our targets have significant infrared excesses in the WISE W3 band, yielding an upper limit on warm debris disks of F < 0.7%. Finally, our purely kinematic and color-magnitude selection procedure allows us to test the efficiency and completeness for activity-based selection of young stars. We find that 60% of K-M dwarfs in Tuc-Hor do not have ROSAT counterparts and would have been omitted in X-ray-selected samples. In contrast, GALEX UV-selected samples using a previously suggested criterion for youth achieve completeness of 77% and purity of 78%, and we suggest new SpT-dependent selection criteria that will yield > 95% completeness for tau similar to 40 Myr populations with GALEX data available.


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A common time scale for the EPICA ice cores from Dome C (EDC) and Dronning Maud Land (EDML) has been established. Since the EDML core was not drilled on a dome, the development of the EDML1 time scale for the EPICA ice core drilled in Dronning Maud Land was based on the creation of a detailed stratigraphic link between EDML and EDC, which was dated by a simpler 1D ice-flow model. The synchronisation between the two EPICA ice cores was done through the identification of several common volcanic signatures. This paper describes the rigorous method, using the signature of volcanic sulfate, which was employed for the last 52 kyr of the record. We estimated the discrepancies between the modelled EDC and EDML glaciological age scales during the studied period, by evaluating the ratio R of the apparent duration of temporal intervals between pairs of isochrones. On average R ranges between 0.8 and 1.2 corresponding to an uncertainty of up to 20% in the estimate of the time duration in at least one of the two ice cores. Significant deviations of R up to 1.4–1.5 are observed between 18 and 28 kyr before present (BP), where present is defined as 1950. At this stage our approach does not allow us unequivocally to find out which of the models is affected by errors, but assuming that the thinning function at both sites and accumulation history at Dome C (which was drilled on a dome) are correct, this anomaly can be ascribed to a complex spatial accumulation variability (which may be different in the past compared to the present day) upstream of the EDML core.


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Geometrical dependencies are being researched for analytical representation of the probability density function (pdf) for the travel time between a random, and a known or another random point in Tchebyshev’s metric. In the most popular case - a rectangular area of service - the pdf of this random variable depends directly on the position of the server. Two approaches have been introduced for the exact analytical calculation of the pdf: Ad-hoc approach – useful for a ‘manual’ solving of a specific case; by superposition – an algorithmic approach for the general case. The main concept of each approach is explained, and a short comparison is done to prove the faithfulness.


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The Upper Pleistocene sediments of the Aschenhütte sink-hole (west of Herzberg am Harz, Lower Saxony) enable one to make interesting correlations between palynological and geological results. The sequence is composed of limnic-telmatic deposits (Eemain to Lower Weichselian) and loess with paleosoils (Weichselian). Sedimentation started during the hornbeam-dominated phase of the Eemian interglacial period and continued throughout the Eemian, the Weichselian Brörup interstadial (sensu Andersen) and parts of the preceding and the following stadial phases, the Herning and the Rederstall stadials. As opposed to most of the known Eemian sites spruce was a major tree species during the hornbeam-dominated phase of the Eemian. The vegetational development during the interstadial phase does not show a period of climatic deterioration as is the case for the Brörup interstadial when considering regions with a more demanding vegetation or regions close to the natural boundaries of the tree species concerned. Pollen or seeds of Bruckenthalia and Picea omoricoides have not been found in the Aschenhütte cores. The limnic-telmatic sediments interlock with loess-paleosoils (Eemian soil and Lower Weichselian bleaching soils) at the lake shore. They are overlaid by loess paleosoils of the Stillfried-B interstadial (Hattorf soil and Lohne soil). Lake level fluctuations were determined by means of the facies distribution and isochrones as defined by pollen analysis. A relatively high stand of the lake level existed after the end of the Eemian interglacial and during the Brörup interstadial periods. In the course of the Herning stadial period the water level dropped, whereas during the Rederstall stadial phase the lake basin was covered by sediments and therefore dried up.


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During the summer of 2003, a ground-penetrating radar survey around the North Greenland Icecore Project (NorthGRIP) deep ice-core drilling site (75°06' N, 42°20' W; 2957 m a.s.l.) was carried out using a shielded 250 MHz radar system. The drill site is located on an ice divide, roughly 300 km north-northwest of the summit of the Greenland ice sheet. More than 430 km of profiles were measured, covering a 10 km by 10 km area, with a grid centered on the drilling location, and eight profiles extending beyond this grid. Seven internal horizons within the upper 120 m of the ice sheet were continuously tracked, containing the last 400 years of accumulation history. Based on the age-depth and density-depth distribution of the deep core, the internal layers have been dated and the regional and temporal distribution of accumulation rate in the vicinity of NorthGRIP has been derived. The distribution of accumulation shows a relatively smoothly increasing trend from east to west from 145 kg/m**2/a to 200 kg/m**2/a over a distance of 50 km across the ice divide. The general trend is overlain by small-scale variations on the order of 2.5 kg/m**2/a/km, i.e. around 1.5% of the accumulation mean. The temporal variations of the seven periods defined by the seven tracked isochrones are on the order of +-4% of the mean of the last 400 years, i.e. at NorthGRIP ±7 kg/m**2/a. If the regional accumulation pattern has been stable for the last several thousand years during the Holocene, and ice flow has been comparable to today, advective effects along the particle trajectory upstream of NorthGRIP do not have a significant effect on the interpretation of climatically induced changes in accumulation rates derived from the deep ice core over the last 10 kyr.


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Chinese scientists will start to drill a deep ice core at Kunlun station near Dome A in the near future. Recent work has predicted that Dome A is a location where ice older than 1 million years can be found. We model flow, temperature and the age of the ice by applying a three-dimensional, thermomechanically coupled full-Stokes model to a 70 × 70 km**2 domain around Kunlun station, using isotropic non-linear rheology and different prescribed anisotropic ice fabrics that vary the evolution from isotropic to single maximum at 1/3 or 2/3 depths. The variation in fabric is about as important as the uncertainties in geothermal heat flux in determining the vertical advection which in consequence controls both the basal temperature and the age profile. We find strongly variable basal ages across the domain since the ice varies greatly in thickness, and any basal melting effectively removes very old ice in the deepest parts of the subglacial valleys. Comparison with dated radar isochrones in the upper one third of the ice sheet cannot sufficiently constrain the age of the deeper ice, with uncertainties as large as 500 000 years in the basal age. We also assess basal age and thermal state sensitivities to geothermal heat flux and surface conditions. Despite expectations of modest changes in surface height over a glacial cycle at Dome A, even small variations in the evolution of surface conditions cause large variation in basal conditions, which is consistent with basal accretion features seen in radar surveys.


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Post T Tauri stars (PTTS) are late-type stars in the age range between 10 and 100 Myr filling the gap between T Tauri (TTs) and zero-age: main sequence phases. This period of evolution remains ambiguous and until now different studies of young stars have failed to find the numbers of PTTS that are expected. In the last years, some PTTS have been identified among the X-ray detected pre-main sequence stars in some star-forming regions. More recently, additional PTTS have been identified in young associations and moving groups (β Pic, TW Hya, Tucana/Horologium, and the AB Dor). However, many isolated PTTS still remain undiscovered. In this contribution, we compiled the PTTS previously identified in the literature, and identified new candidates using the information provided by the high resolution spectra obtained during our surveys of late-type stars possible members to young moving groups, FGK stars in the solar neighborhood, and RasTyc sample. To identify PTTS we applied an age-oriented definition using relative age indicators (Li abundance, chromospheric and coronal emission and the kinematics) as well as color-magnitude diagrams and pre-main sequence isochrones.


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Chemical Stratigraphy, or the study of the variation of chemical elements within sedimentary sequences, has gradually become an experienced tool in the research and correlation of global geologic events. In this paper 87Sr/ 86Sr ratios of the Triassic marine carbonates (Muschelkalk facies) of southeast Iberian Ranges, Iberian Peninsula, are presented and the representative Sr-isotopic curve constructed for the upper Ladinian interval. The studied stratigraphic succession is 102 meters thick, continuous, and well preserved. Previous paleontological data from macro and micro, ammonites, bivalves, foraminifera, conodonts and palynological assemblages, suggest a Fassanian-Longobardian age (Late Ladinian). Although diagenetic minerals are present in small amounts, the elemental data content of bulk carbonate samples, especially Sr contents, show a major variation that probably reflects palaeoenvironmental changes. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios curve shows a rise from 0.707649 near the base of the section to 0.707741 and then declines rapidly to 0.707624, with a final values rise up to 0.70787 in the upper part. The data up to meter 80 in the studied succession is broadly concurrent with 87Sr/86Sr ratios of sequences of similar age and complements these data. Moreover, the sequence stratigraphic framework and its key surfaces, which are difficult to be recognised just based in the facies analysis, are characterised by combining variations of the Ca, Mg, Mn, Sr and CaCO3 contents