Pollen and macroremains from sediment core Aschenhütte

Autoria(s): Ricken, Werner; Grüger, Eberhard

LATITUDE: 51.684850 * LONGITUDE: 10.304440 * DATE/TIME START: 1977-08-14T12:00:00 * DATE/TIME END: 1977-08-14T12:00:00




The Upper Pleistocene sediments of the Aschenhütte sink-hole (west of Herzberg am Harz, Lower Saxony) enable one to make interesting correlations between palynological and geological results. The sequence is composed of limnic-telmatic deposits (Eemain to Lower Weichselian) and loess with paleosoils (Weichselian). Sedimentation started during the hornbeam-dominated phase of the Eemian interglacial period and continued throughout the Eemian, the Weichselian Brörup interstadial (sensu Andersen) and parts of the preceding and the following stadial phases, the Herning and the Rederstall stadials. As opposed to most of the known Eemian sites spruce was a major tree species during the hornbeam-dominated phase of the Eemian. The vegetational development during the interstadial phase does not show a period of climatic deterioration as is the case for the Brörup interstadial when considering regions with a more demanding vegetation or regions close to the natural boundaries of the tree species concerned. Pollen or seeds of Bruckenthalia and Picea omoricoides have not been found in the Aschenhütte cores. The limnic-telmatic sediments interlock with loess-paleosoils (Eemian soil and Lower Weichselian bleaching soils) at the lake shore. They are overlaid by loess paleosoils of the Stillfried-B interstadial (Hattorf soil and Lohne soil). Lake level fluctuations were determined by means of the facies distribution and isochrones as defined by pollen analysis. A relatively high stand of the lake level existed after the end of the Eemian interglacial and during the Brörup interstadial periods. In the course of the Herning stadial period the water level dropped, whereas during the Rederstall stadial phase the lake basin was covered by sediments and therefore dried up.


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Supplement to: Ricken, Werner; Grüger, Eberhard (1988): Vegetationsentwicklung, Paläoböden, Seespiegelschwankungen: Untersuchungen an eem- und weichselzeitlichen Sedimenten vom Südrand des Harzes (Vegetational development, paleosoils and lake level changes: studies on Eemian and Weichselian sediments from the southern borders of the Harz Mountains). Eiszeitalter und Gegenwart, 38(1), 37-51, doi:10.3285/eg.38.1

Palavras-Chave ##1 = occurs; Abi; Abies; Ace; Acer; Ali; Alisma; Aln; Alnus; Alnus, wood; Alnus wood; Anemone-type; Ane-T; Apiaceae; Apiae; Arm; Armeria; Art; Artemisia; Aschenhütte; Astae; Asteraceae; B. alba fru sca; Bat; Batrachium; Bet; Betula; Betula alba, fruit scales; Betula sp., fruits; Betula sp., fruit scales; Betula sp. fruit; Betula sp. fru sca; Borae; Boraginaceae; Bot; Botrychium; Botryococcus; Braae; Brassicaceae; C. canescens; C. elongata; C. geophilum scl; C. pseudocyperus; C. rostrata; Cal; Calluna; Caltha; Cam; Campanula; Car; Carex.indet; Carex canescens; Carex elongata; Carex indeterminata; Carex pseudocyperus; Carex rostrata; Carpinus; Caryophyllaceae; Caryophyllaceae, seeds; Caryophyllaceae seed; Cchae; Cen.c-T; Cen.j-T; Cen.m-T; Cen.s-T; Cenococcum geophilum, sclerotia; Centaurea cyanus-type; Centaurea jacea-type; Centaurea montana-type; Centaurea scabiosa-type; cf. Picea, bud scales; cf. Picea, seeds; cf. Picea, wood; cf. Picea bud sca; cf. Picea seed; cf. Picea wood; cf. S. lacustris; cf. Schoenoplectus lacustris; Cheae; Chenopodiaceae; Cichoriaceae; Cla.m; Cladium mariscus; Clh; Cor; Corylus; Counting, palynology; Cphae; Cypae; Cyperaceae; Dap; Daphne; deciduous tree sp. wood; deciduous tree species, wood; Depth; Depth, bottom/max; DEPTH, sediment/rock; Depth, top/min; Depth bot; Depth top; Dipae; Dipsacaceae; EDEA; Edelman auger; Emp; Empetrum; Eph.d-T; Eph.f-T; Ephedra distachya-type; Ephedra fragilis-type; Epilobium; Epl; Equ; Equisetum; Eriae; Ericaceae; Eup; Euphorbia; Fabaceae; Fabae; Fag; Fagus; Filipendula; Flp; Fraxinus; Frx; Geologic age; Ger; Geranium; Gyp; Gypsophila; H77; Hed; Hedera; Hel; Helianthemum; Hip.v; Hippophae; Hippuris vulgaris; Hpp; Ile; Ilex; Indet; Indeterminata; Iris-type; Iri-T; Jun; Juniperus; Juniperus cf. communis, seeds; Juniperus cf. communis seed; Kna; Knautia; Label; Lar; Larix; Lon.x-T; Lonicera xylosteum-type; Lower Saxony, Northern Germany; Lyc.cf.a; Lyc.cf.c; Lyc.s; Lycopodium cf. alpinum; Lycopodium cf. clavatum; Lycopodium cf. L. annotinum; Lycopodium selago; Lycopodium sp.; Lys.v-T; Lysimachia vulgaris-type; Mel; Melampyrum; Men-T; Mentha-type; Menyanthes; Mey; Myo; Myriophyllum; Osmu; Osmunda; P. berchtoldii; p.p.; Ped.s; Pediastrum simplex; Pediastrum sp.; Pic; Picea; Picea, needles; Picea needle; Pin; Pinus; Pla.l-T; Pla.m/m-T; Pla.sp; Plantago lanceolata-type; Plantago major/media-type; Plantago sp.; Poac; Poaceae; Pocae; Pol.b-T; Pol.p-T; Pollen zone; Polygonum bistorta-type; Polygonum persicaria-type; Polypodiaceae; Polypodium; Pop; Populus; Populus, bud scales; Populus bud scales; Pot.s; Potamogeton berchtoldii; Potamogeton natans; Potamogeton sp.; Potentilla palustris; Ppd; P-Q.spm; Pre-Quaternary sporomorphs; Ptd; Pteridium; Pti.p; Que; Quercus; Ran; Ran.f; Ran.rep; Ran.s; Ran.Se.B; Ranunculus; Ranunculus flammula; Ranunculus repens; Ranunculus sceleratus; Ranunculus sect. Batrachium; Rha.f; Rhamnus frangula; Rosaceae; Rosae; Rub.i; Rubae; Rubiaceae; Rubus idaeus; Rum; Rumex; S. emerum; S. palustre leav; S. sect. Acutifolia leav; S. sylvaticus/radicans; Sal; Salix; Sambucus cf. nigra; Sample code/label; San.o; Sanguisorba officinalis; Scirpus emerum; Scirpus sylvaticus/radicans; Scoae; Scrophulariaceae; Sel.s; Selaginella selaginoides; Sparganium emersum; Sparganium-type; Spa-T; Spe.s; Sph; Sphagnum; Sphagnum palustre, leaves; Sphagnum sect. Acutifolia, leaves; Sym; Symphytum; Tax; Taxus; Tha; Thalictrum; Til; Tilia; Trifolium-type; Tri-T; Typ; Typ.l-T; Typha; Typha latifolia-type; Ulm; Ulmus; Urt; Urtica; Val.o-T; Valeriana officinalis-type; Varia; Vib; Viburnum; Vis; Viscum; Vitis; Vts
