57 resultados para Housewives
This book draws on interview material with more than 100 evangelicals. We ask why do people born into the same religious community turn out so differently? We tell the stories of pro-life DUP picketers, liberal peace-campaigning ministers, housewives afraid of the devil, students deconstructing their faith and atheists mortified by their religious past. We explore why people have chosen to go in one religious direction or another, and how their religious journeys have unfolded.
Aims To investigate whether differences in gender-income equity at country level explain national differences in the links between alcohol use, and the combination of motherhood and paid labour. Design Cross-sectional data in 16 established market economies participating in the Gender, Alcohol and Culture: An International Study (GenACIS) study. Setting Population surveys. Participants A total of 12 454 mothers (aged 25-49 years). Measurements Alcohol use was assessed as the quantity per drinking day. Paid labour, having a partner, gender-income ratio at country level and the interaction between individual and country characteristics were regressed on alcohol consumed per drinking day using multi-level modelling. Findings Mothers with a partner who were in paid labour reported consuming more alcohol on drinking days than partnered housewives. In countries with high gender-income equity, mothers with a partner who were in paid labour drank less alcohol per occasion, while alcohol use was higher among working partnered mothers living in countries with lower income equity. Conclusion In countries which facilitate working mothers, daily alcohol use decreases as female social roles increase; in contrast, in countries where there are fewer incentives for mothers to remain in work, the protective effect of being a working mother (with partner) on alcohol use is weaker. These data suggest that a country's investment in measures to improve the compatibility of motherhood and paid labour may reduce women's alcohol use.
OBJECTIVES: Intercountry comparability between studies on medication use in pregnancy is difficult due to dissimilarities in study design and methodology. This study aimed to examine patterns and factors associated with medications use in pregnancy from a multinational perspective, with emphasis on type of medication utilised and indication for use. DESIGN: Cross-sectional, web-based study performed within the period from 1 October 2011 to 29 February 2012. Uniform collection of drug utilisation data was performed via an anonymous online questionnaire. SETTING: Multinational study in Europe (Western, Northern and Eastern), North and South America and Australia. PARTICIPANTS: Pregnant women and new mothers with children less than 1 year of age. PRIMARY AND SECONDARY OUTCOME MEASURES: Prevalence of and factors associated with medication use for acute/short-term illnesses, chronic/long-term disorders and over-the-counter (OTC) medication use. RESULTS: The study population included 9459 women, of which 81.2% reported use of at least one medication (prescribed or OTC) during pregnancy. Overall, OTC medication use occurred in 66.9% of the pregnancies, whereas 68.4% and 17% of women reported use of at least one medication for treatment of acute/short-term illnesses and chronic/long-term disorders, respectively. The extent of self-reported medicated illnesses and types of medication used by indication varied across regions, especially in relation to urinary tract infections, depression or OTC nasal sprays. Women with higher age or lower educational level, housewives or women with an unplanned pregnancy were those most often reporting use of medication for chronic/long-term disorders. Immigrant women in Western (adjusted OR (aOR): 0.55, 95% CI 0.34 to 0.87) and Northern Europe (aOR: 0.50, 95% CI 0.31 to 0.83) were less likely to report use of medication for chronic/long-term disorders during pregnancy than non-immigrants. CONCLUSIONS: In this study, the majority of women in Europe, North America, South America and Australia used at least one medication during pregnancy. There was a substantial inter-region variability in the types of medication used.
Thèse réalisée en cotutelle avec l'Université catholique de Louvain
Notre thèse de doctorat a pour but d’évaluer les contraintes psychosociales au travail et les symptômes dépressifs majeurs chez les femmes enceintes. Plus spécifiquement, il est question d’identifier les facteurs associés aux symptômes dépressifs majeurs, à une tension psychologique au travail ou travail "tendu" ("high-strain" job), à un travail "tendu" avec un faible soutien social au travail ("Iso-strain"), et enfin d’évaluer l’association entre ces contraintes psychosociales au travail et les symptômes dépressifs majeurs chez les femmes enceintes au travail. Les données analysées sont issues de l’Étude Montréalaise sur la Prématurité, une étude de cohorte prospective menée entre mai 1999 et avril 2004, auprès de 5 337 femmes enceintes interviewées à 24-26 semaines de grossesse dans quatre hôpitaux de l’île de Montréal (Québec, Canada). L’échelle CES-D (Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale) a été utilisée pour mesurer les symptômes dépressifs majeurs (score CES-D ≥23). L’échelle abrégée de Karasek a été utilisée pour mesurer les contraintes psychosociales au travail. La présente étude a conduit à la rédaction de quatre articles scientifiques qui seront soumis à des revues avec comité de pairs. Le premier article a permis de comparer la prévalence des symptômes dépressifs majeurs dans différents sous-groupes de femmes enceintes : femmes au foyer, femmes au travail, femmes en arrêt de travail, femmes aux études et de rechercher les facteurs de risque associés aux symptômes dépressifs majeurs pendant la grossesse. À 24-26 semaines de grossesse, la prévalence des symptômes dépressifs majeurs était de 11,9% (11,0-12,8%) pour l’ensemble des femmes enceintes à l’étude (N=5 337). Les femmes enceintes au travail avaient une proportion de symptômes dépressifs moins élevée [7,6% (6,6-8,7%); n=2 514] par rapport aux femmes enceintes au foyer qui avaient les prévalences les plus élevées [19,1% (16,5-21,8%); n=893], suivi des femmes enceintes en arrêt de travail [14,4% (12,7-16,1%); n=1 665] et des femmes enceintes aux études [14,3% (10,3-19,1%); n=265]. Les caractéristiques personnelles (non professionnelles) associées aux symptômes dépressifs majeurs étaient, après ajustement pour toutes les variables, le statut d’emploi, un faible niveau d’éducation, un faible soutien social en dehors du travail, le fait d’avoir vécu des événements stressants aigus, d’avoir manqué d’argent pour les besoins essentiels, les difficultés relationnelles avec son partenaire, les problèmes de santé chronique, le pays de naissance et le tabagisme. Le deuxième article avait pour objectif de décrire l’exposition aux contraintes psychosociales au travail et d’identifier les facteurs qui y sont associés chez les femmes enceintes de la région de Montréal, au Québec (N=3 765). Au total, 24,4% des travailleuses enceintes se trouvaient dans la catégorie travail "tendu" ("high-strain" job) et 69,1% d’entre elles avaient eu un faible soutien social au travail ("Iso-strain"). Les facteurs de risque associés à un travail "tendu" étaient : un faible soutien social au travail, certains secteurs d’activité et niveaux de compétences, le fait de travailler plus de 35 heures par semaine, les horaires irréguliers, la posture de travail, le port de charges lourdes, le jeune âge des mères, une immigration ≥ 5 ans, un bas niveau d’éducation, la monoparentalité et un revenu annuel du ménage <50 000$. Le troisième article a évalué l’association entre les contraintes psychosociales au travail et les symptômes dépressifs majeurs chez les femmes enceintes au travail (N=3 765). Dans les analyses bivariées et multivariées, les femmes enceintes qui avaient un "high-strain job" ou un "Iso-strain" présentaient davantage de symptômes dépressifs majeurs que les autres sous-groupes. Les contraintes psychosociales au travail étaient associées aux symptômes dépressifs majeurs lorsqu’on prenait en compte les autres facteurs organisationnels et les facteurs personnels auxquels elles étaient confrontées à l’extérieur de leur milieu de travail. Notre étude confirme les évidences accumulées en référence aux modèles théoriques "demande-contrôle" et "demande-contrôle-soutien" de Karasek et Theorell. L’impact de ce dernier et le rôle crucial du soutien social au travail ont été mis en évidence chez les femmes enceintes au travail. Cependant, l’effet "buffer" du modèle "demande-contrôle-soutien" n’a pas été mis en évidence. Le quatrième article a permis d’évaluer l’exposition aux contraintes psychosociales au travail chez les femmes enceintes au travail et en arrêt de travail pour retrait préventif et de mesurer l’association entre les contraintes psychosociales au travail et les symptômes dépressifs majeurs en fonction du moment du retrait préventif (N=3 043). À 24-26 semaines de grossesse, les femmes enceintes en retrait préventif du travail (31,4%) avaient été plus exposées à un "high-strain job" (31,0% vs 21,1%) et à un "Iso-strain" (21,0% vs 14,2%) que celles qui continuaient de travailler (p<0,0001); et elles avaient des proportions plus élevées de symptômes dépressifs majeurs. Après ajustement pour les facteurs de risque personnels et professionnels, "l’Iso-strain" restait significativement associé aux symptômes dépressifs majeurs chez les femmes qui continuaient de travailler tout comme chez celles qui ont cessé de travailler, et cela quel que soit leur durée d’activité avant le retrait préventif du travail (4 à 12 semaines/ 13 à 20 semaines/ ≥ 21 semaines). Les contraintes psychosociales au travail représentent un important facteur de risque pour la santé mentale des travailleuses enceintes. Malgré l’application du programme "pour une maternité sans danger" il s’avère nécessaire de mettre en place dans les milieux de travail, des mesures de prévention, de dépistage et d’intervention afin de réduire la prévalence des symptômes dépressifs prénataux et l’exposition aux contraintes psychosociales au travail pour prévenir les complications maternelles et néonatales. D’autant plus que, la dépression prénatale est le principal facteur de risque de dépression postpartum, de même que les enfants nés de mères souffrant de dépression sont plus à risque de prématurité et de petit poids de naissance.
The corporate views on wives roles and their subsequent involvement in their husbands career seem to be quiet surprising .Even though the corporate magnates are aware of wives influence on husbands professional advancements they seldom give credit to this factor. Again it may be an eye opener for the corporations which hardly take note of the executives wives their likes or dislikes, their expectations or frustrations. They are to understand that man in his totality and decisions affecting his family have to be taken seriously. More over they should respect the right of the wives by understanding the exact role played by them. Thus this study is to understand the roles and contributions of executives wives to the success of their husbands in their professions. The study tries to minimize the gap between the corporations and the wives ,and also to make the wives aware of their peculiar role in the career advancement of their executive husbands.
Hyperaktive, unaufmerksame und unruhige Kinder und Jugendliche gibt es scheinbar fast in jeder Familie und in jeder Klasse. Das „Phänomen des unruhigen Kindes“, auch oft als „Zappelphilipp“ bezeichnet, ist alltäglich und in vielen Medien vertreten. Die Störung und das Medikament Ritalin® sind häufig Gegenstand vieler Sendungen, Filme und Serien im Fernsehen, so in „The Simpsons“, „Desperate Housewives“ oder „Galileo“, „Quarks und Co“ und ähnlichen. Aber auch Unmengen an Literatur wird angeboten von „Ratgeber ADHS. Informationen für Betroffene, Lehrer und Erzieher zu Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-/ Hyperaktivitätsstörungen“ (DÖPFNER, M. ET AL. 2007b) bis hin zu „Albtraum ADS. Wie Eltern sich helfen können“ ( MÄHLER, B ET AL. 2007). Sowohl die Kinder als auch die Eltern werden damit konfrontiert. Viele glauben daher, hyperaktive und unaufmerksame Kinder zu haben oder welche zu sein. Eine Frage, die bei der Recherche zu dem Thema Hyperaktivität und Mangel an Aufmerksamkeit aufkommt, ist: „Ist ADHS eine moderne Krankheit?“. Die zweite Frage, die der ersten rasch folgt, ist: „Ist ADHS eine Krankheit?“. Der Schwerpunkt dieser wissenschaftlichen Hausarbeit liegt auf den Behandlungsmethoden der ADHS und der Bedeutung für den Unterricht in der Schule. Dabei wird hauptsächlich Bezug auf Kinder und Jugendliche genommen, obwohl auch Erwachsene an dieser Störung leiden. Bei Behandlungsmethoden werden vor allem Medikamente mit Methylphenidat im Vordergrund stehen.
Esta investigación se va a enfocar principalmente en el comportamiento del consumidor final con relación a la compra de una marca propia. Estas han tenido un gran crecimiento en el país lo cual ha creado una nueva tendencia de compra para los consumidores colombianos. Según un estudio de “El poder de las marcas privadas” se establece que Colombia se cataloga como uno de los 10 países con un crecimiento más rápido a nivel mundial. Aunque, el mercado de marcas privadas esté en crecimiento, existen diversos factores como los ingresos de los individuos, el riesgo percibido y la calidad percibida del producto que influyen drásticamente en la elección de estas marcas con respecto a las reconocidas. El problema que se va a desarrollar en la presente investigación es conocer detalladamente cuál es el impacto que tienen las marcas propias de acuerdo con los ingresos de los individuos la percepción de riesgo y calidad que tiene el consumidor final a la hora de tomar la decisión de comprar una marca propia a una marca reconocida de productos alimenticios en la cadena minorista Éxito en la ciudad de Bogotá – Colombia? Esta investigación busca, mediante la aplicación de la teoría y los conceptos básicos del comportamiento del consumidor encontrar explicaciones y soluciones para las cadenas minoristas que fabrican marcas propias, ofreciéndoles sugerencias para que sus estrategias de mercadeo en la venta de marcas propias sean exitosas y aceptadas por el consumidor final y el mercado.
Objetivo: Describir los niveles de vitamina D y calcular prevalencia de déficit de vitamina D en mujeres postmenopáusicas mayores de 50 años que asisten a consulta de medicina general en una muestra en de la ciudad de Bogotá durante el periodo 2013-2014. Pacientes y métodos: Realizamos un estudio descriptivo para estimar el déficit de VD en mujeres postmenopáusicas entre 50 y 80 años en la ciudad de Bogotá y la prevalencia de hipovitaminosis D. Durante el periodo octubre 2013 a octubre 2014 se analizaron 320 muestras, se identificaron las características socio-demográficas, patológicas y la exposición a radiación ultravioleta de cada participante. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo de las variables, se estableció su asociación con el déficit de vitamina D su aporte estadístico con al mismo. Resultados :El promedio de edad en la muestra fue de 61 años y el promedio de edad en la que reportaron la ultima menstruación fue a los 43 años. Con respecto a las características socio-demográficas 50% de las mujeres pertenecieron a los estratos 3 y 4, únicamente 11% de los pacientes realizaron una carrera universitaria y 73% de la mujeres fueron amas de casa. Con respecto a los niveles de vitamina D, 81% de los pacientes presentaron niveles anormales y el promedio de 25(OH)D en la población estudio fue de 19,81ng/ml. Conclusión: La prevalencia de déficit de vitamina D en mujeres bogotanas postmenopáusicas es significativo. Se requiere incrementar la exposición solar o dar suplencia con vitamina D para disminuir el riesgo de fracturas.
Introducción Los desórdenes musculo esqueléticos representan uno de los problemas de salud ocupacional más comunes de trabajadores, lo cual genera ausentismo laboral y aumento en los costos de enfermedades laborales. Objetivo Estimar la prevalencia de síntomas osteomusculares y su relación con factores de riesgo ocupacional, en personal docente y administrativo de una institución de educación superior en el Departamento de Arauca para el año 2015. Métodos Estudio analítico de corte transversal en una muestra de 116 trabajadores. Se utilizaron dos instrumentos: “La Encuesta Nacional de Condiciones de Trabajo” del Instituto Nacional de Seguridad e Higiene en el Trabajo de España (INSHT) y el “Cuestionario Ergopar”, validados al Español. Se obtuvo previa autorización del Comité de ética de la Universidad del Rosario. El análisis estadístico se realizó con el IBM SPSS Statistics versión 20.0. Resultados: Los síntomas osteomusculares con mayor prevalencia fueron en cuello (86,2%), espalda lumbar (61,2%), manos muñecas (59,5%) y pies (52,6%); no se observaron diferencias estadísticamente significantes entre administrativos e instructores. En el lugar de trabajo los factores de riesgo con mayor prevalencia fueron exposición a temperaturas extremas (48,3%), aberturas y huecos desprotegidos, escaleras, plataformas, desniveles (44%) significativamente mayor en instructores (52,6%) que en personal administrativo (27,5%) (p= 0,010). Conclusiones: Los síntomas osteomusculares más prevalentes fueron aquellos propios de la actividad docente: cuello, espalda lumbar, manos muñecas y pies. El personal de la institución en especial los docentes está expuesto a factores de riesgo físico, químico y ergonómico. Las condiciones de trabajo son adecuadas. No se encontró asociación estadística entre exposición a factores de riesgo en el puesto de trabajo y prevalencia de síntomas osteomusculares. Se debe establecer acciones dirigidas a evitar lesiones musculo esqueléticas en la población.
Self-efficacy, the construct developed by Albert Bandura in 1977 and widely studied around the world, means the individual's belief in his own capacity to successfully perform a certain activity. This study aims to determine the degree of association between sociodemographic characteristics and professional training to the levels of Self-Efficacy at Work (SEW) of the Administrative Assistants in a federal university. This is a descriptive research submitted to and approved by the Ethics Committee of UFRN. The method of data analysis, in quantitative nature, was accomplished with the aid of the statistical programs R and Minitab. The instrument used in research was a sociodemographic data questionnaire, variables of professional training and the General Perception of Self-efficacy Scale (GPSES), applied to the sample by 289 Assistants in Administration. Statistical techniques for data analysis were descriptive statistics, cluster analysis, reliability test (Cronbach's alpha), and test of significance (Pearson). Results show a sociodemographic profile of Assistants in Administration of UFRN with well-distributed characteristics, with 48.4% men and 51.6% female; 59.9% of them were aged over 40 years, married (49.3%), color or race white (58%) and Catholics (67.8%); families are composed of up to four people (75.8%) with children (59.4%) of all age groups; the occupation of the mothers of these professionals is mostly housewives (51.6%) with high school education up to parents (72%) and mothers (75.8%). Assistants in Administration have high levels of professional training, most of them composed two groups of servers: the former, recently hired public servants (30.7%) and another with long service (59%), the majority enter young in career and it stays until retirement, 72.4% of these professionals have training above the minimum requirement for the job. The analysis of SEW levels shows medium to high levels for 72% of assistants in administration; low SEWclassified people have shown a high average of 2.7, considered close to the overall mean presented in other studies, which is 2.9. The cluster analysis has allowed us to say that the characteristics of the three groups (Low, Medium and High SEW) are similar and can be found in the three levels of SEW representatives with all the characteristics investigated. The results indicate no association between the sociodemographic variables and professional training to the levels of self-efficacy at work of Assistants in Administration of UFRN, except for the variable color or race. However, due to the small number of people who declared themselves in color or black race (4% of the sample), this result can be interpreted as mere coincidence or the black people addressed in this study have provided a sense of efficacy higher than white and brown ones. The study has corroborated other studies and highlighted the subjectivity of the self-efficacy construct. They are needed more researches, especially with public servants for the continuity and expansion of studies on the subject, making it possible to compare and confirm the results
The assistance to women who have breast cancer is studied in a Reference Center in Paraiba and also the way this assistance is performed in a School Hospital maintained by SUS (Single Health System) is questioned. Breast cancer demands institutional organization, provision of financial, material and human resources, requiring, from the health system, effective assistance with new technologies which make it possible for the population their access to specialized medical services although it not always is able to guarantee those services nor the rights which the legislation granted them, inhibiting a proper relationship between the health professional and the patient. The theme is discussed through a transdisciplinary knowledge view and has as its theoretical referential the contribution of classical and contemporary authors from the human and social sciences and, as an empirical research strategy, the structured interview. The objectives of the research were: identify how the assistance to women with breast cancer is carried on at a Reference Center on Oncology in Campina Grande, Paraiba, identifying their difficulties and their satisfaction with the received assistance; draw up a profile of the women with breast cancer who were assisted in this Reference Center; understand their gynecological and obstetric antecedents, life styles, age group and stage of the disease when the treatment started; check their knowledge about their rights and which benefits they had received. Most women ranged between 40 and 59 years old (63%), which corresponds to the risk range of developing breast cancer. As to their occupations, 38.3% were housewives and 30.1% retired, whose family income was among those who received between less than a minimum salary and one minimum salary (58.2%). This population was mainly constituted of married women (60.2%), whose most frequent schooling was an incomplete elementary school (27.6%) and complete elementary school (24.1%), which added up to 51.6%. It was observed that the majority of the women seemed to be satisfied with the assistance received, noting that a minimum care was enough to define this satisfaction, although it is perceived that the access to the health system does not ensure the ideal attention conditions they need; it was verified that the availability of the services and the assistance itself are seen (in the local culture) as a favor and not as a right. It is also observed that only 30% of the women mentioned that they knew about their rights and the most mentioned ones were the disease assistance (13%), the medicines (13%) and the treatment (12%), which represent the most important triad to face the disease and around which the oncologic assistance most focus on. It is concluded that the condition of the users´ minimum existential of a public health unit and the condition of belonging to a lower social stratum were variables that influenced the respondents´ satisfaction in relation to the assistance received but the importance of the Reference Center for the women with breast cancer´s assistance for the whole region cannot be denied as well as the need to broaden the way the policy of the oncologic assistance in Brazil in the local realm is seen
A quantitative, descriptive, cross-sectional and retrospective study, using technical procedures of document consultation from secondary sources and health household survey with application form for face to face inter views, with the assent nº.039/2011 from the Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. The aim of this study was to analyze the cervix cancer control in the area47 of the Health Family Centre Nova Natal II. The cancer cervix is the second most common cancer among women worldwide. In Brazil screening for early detection and treatment of disease has been poorly done and follow-up to reduce mortality has not been executed. From a total of1170women belonging to area 47, who under went screening by the Pap test in the period from 2005 to 2010,was elected a sample of 38 women with positive cervical changes, over 18 years old. The calculation of frequency analysis of socio demographic and clinical and epidemiological selected variables with the results of cervical changes, using the X2 test and taking as significance level of p<0.05 was not statistically significant. The predominant age range was 25 to 64 years (68.9%), most no white women (60.5%), predominantly with primary education (57.9%), most married (68.4%) and housewives (68.4%) with early age of sexual activity (86.8%), the minority smokers (13.2%), with a sexual partner (36.8%). At the time of interview, 42.1% of the women voiced complaint of discharge, while only 2.6% reported bleeding. In relation to the occurrence of STDs (including HPV), 10.5% of women reported being a carrier. The use of oral contraceptives was 32.3% of women, from 2 to 4 years (44.4%). The result of the last screening test performed, showed prevalence of immature squamous metaplasia (55.3%), followed by intraepithelial low- grade lesion (including the cytopathologic HPV effect and cervical intra epithelial neoplasia grade I) (31.6%); intraepithelial high-grade lesion (including cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade II and III) (7.9%), atypical squamous non neoplastic cells (5.3%). There was no squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma. Most women received information about the action that should be done after the last screening test result (55.3%), but how to perform follow, most women did not report having done so (55.3%). The follow-up group of women studied, with varying degrees of cervical abnormalities, should only be completed with the discharge by cure, established inconsecutive negative cytology, a goal that is not being achieved in the area 47 of the Health Family Centre of Nova Natal II
National surveys indicate that 6.8 % of the brazilian population is dependent on alcohol and 1 % dependent on illicit drugs, representing a significant portion of the population affected by this issue . Primary Care becomes instrumental in expanding the coverage of this demand and in reducing unnecessary referrals for specialized care. This study aimed to investigate the responsiveness and institutional support of Primary Care Teams in relation to the demands of alcohol and drugs users. The research was conducted in a Family Health Unit in West Sanitary District of Natal City. With quantitative and qualitative nature, our study consisted of two stages. At first, we performed a mapping of alcohol and other drugs abusive use in a sample of the population assisted by Family Heath Teams, using sociodemographic questionnaire and ASSIST (Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test). 406 questionnaires were completed. Of these questionnaires, 27.8% are men and 72.2% women, of which 56% are between 20 and 39 years-old, they are housewives, have a stable relationship and are consumers of tobacco (37.6%), marijuana (13%) and especially alcohol (57%). In second stage, two Conversation Circles with Family Health Teams and the referential Family Health Support Center were formed to discuss the data of the mapping realized in the previous phase. The circles, which had participation of 20 of the 37 professional teams from Family Health and 2 from Family Health Support Center, showed a lack of professional training in the subject; inability of the healthcare network in the user embracement; belief of professionals that nothing can be done when matter is alcohol and drugs; and referencing as the only care action performed by teams. Thus we point out the need to support an approach on issues of alcohol and drugs which consider gender issues, investing in Harm Reduction Policy as a possibility of working in this context for recognizing each user in their uniqueness and strategizing with them to promote health in a broad and contextualized way
The aim of the present study was to identify the main plant use categories of native varieties from the Caatinga biome, in the rural community of Caicó, Rio Grande do Norte state (Northeastern Brazil). Semi-structured and structured interviews were used to gather information from local specialists about the use of the plants. The uses of 69 species are described by 23 observers (woodsmen, herb doctors, healers, farmers and housewives) aged 35 years or more. These species were allocated to seven categories: medicinal, wood plants, nutritional, mystic, fuel, forage plants and domestic use. The most represented families were Fabaceae (14 spp.), Euphorbiaceae (6 spp.), Cucurbitaceae (3 spp.) and Cactaceae (3 spp.). The calculation of use- value showed that the cumaru (Amburana cearensis (Allemão) A. C. Sm) and the jurema-preta (Mimosa tenuiflora (Willd.) Poir) were the most commonly mentioned, in addition to having the largest number of uses. The data obtained confirm the potential of the plants from the Seridó region and reinforce the importance of biodiversity for rural communities, underscoring the need for local plant management