927 resultados para Host Institution
Segundo (Lage; 2005) o cuidador informal sempre existiu ao longo da história da humanidade, ao séc. XX a família tinha um papel muito importante, após o sec. XX a família e o cuidar informal foi substituído pela medicina e pelo cuidador formal. O aumento do envelhecimento populacional, o aumento da esperança média de vida e a desertificação trouxeram um conjunto de preocupações e responsabilidades, às famílias e às entidades sociais e da saúde, devido aos cuidados que são necessários prestar às pessoas idosas dependentes e com doença mental, devido à crise dos sistemas sociais, de saúde e financeiro das entidades governamentais, a maioria dos casos de doença mental e idosos foram como que obrigados a recorrer aos cuidos informais para fazer face as despesas. Com o presente estudo, de caráter qualitativo, procuramos conhecer os estigmas que existem face a doença mental em dois países transfronteiriços, Portugal e Espanha. A amostra da população selecionada é constituída por quarenta cuidadores formais em instituição de acolhimento e apoio a pessoas idosas, em que quarto instituições distintas, duas em Portugal e duas em Espanha. Os cuidadores inquiridos referiram que há pouca procura por parte dos doentes mentais a estas instituições, uma vez que requerem mais cuidados presenciais e equipas direcionadas aos problemas específicos, embora todos tenham uma formação abrangente, mas é mais difícil cuidar deste tipo de clientes.
Cover title.
Exhibition of portraits from Scotland and England "of deceased persons, especially of those who have been connected with Glasgow...." -- P. [iii].
Includes index.
O estágio curricular, quando bem fundamentado, estruturado e orientado, configura-se como um importante componente do processo de formação académica e profissional, no qual o aluno se prepara para a inserção no mercado de trabalho mediante a participação em situações reais de trabalho podendo o aluno pode exercer de forma inicial a sua profissão e as funções inerentes à mesma. A presente dissertação parte de uma investigação qualitativa, realizada a dezasseis alunos da licenciatura de Marketing de uma instituição de ensino portuguesa em particular, bem como aos restantes intervenientes do processo de estágios (coordenador de estágios da instituição e gerentes de uma empresa acolhedora), tendo como objectivos analisar a importância do estágio curricular para o desenvolvimento profissional e académico dos estagiários; verificar se o estágio possibilita a aplicação prática dos conhecimentos adquiridos no curso; e entender quais são as contribuições que o estágio oferece à vida académica e profissional dos estudantes. A pesquisa exploratória realizada envolveu, inicialmente, um levantamento biográfico, apresentado por meio de uma revisão da literatura, e um estudo de caso, onde o instrumento utilizado para a recolha de dados foi a entrevista semi-estruturada. Os resultados apontam que, de uma maneira geral, os estágios contribuem para o desenvolvimento académico e profissional dos estudantes, na medida em que funcionam como uma útil ferramenta de preparação prática do estudante onde o mesmo pode aplicar os conhecimentos teóricos numa esfera prática e assim experimentar pela primeira vez a sua futura profissão. Contudo, verificou-se que o estágio, ao contrário das expetativas dos estagiários, não se traduziu em emprego efectivo na empresa acolhedora e não funcionou como uma ferramenta de inserção profissional evidenciando o facto de que o estágio curricular está, por vezes, a ser usado pelas empresas como forma de flexibilização do trabalho e contratação de mão-de-obra qualificada a baixo custo. Verificou-se ainda que existem muitas lacunas no processo de estágio, nomeadamente, ao nível do acompanhamento e supervisão prestado aos estagiários, tanto pela instituição de ensino como pela empresa acolhedora, o que empobrece a experiência vivenciada pelos alunos e diminui a sua satisfação. Espera-se que esta pesquisa possa contribuir para algumas reflexões ou futuras pesquisas que demonstrem qual a perceção destes factos nas demais instituições e, assim, refletir sobre a realidade do ensino superior português e dos estágios curriculares como um todo. / When well organized, structured and supervised the traineeship becomes one of the major components in the professional and academia training. In the traineeship, the student is trained for his first contact with the real work world by facing and dealing with real work situations in a certain company, being able to apply his former knowledge and performing the required work tasks. The present Master’s thesis resulting from an executed qualitative analysis by interviewing sixteen students with the 1st Degree in Marketing, at a certain portuguese teaching institution, as well as those involved in the whole process taking place during the traineeship of a student such as the host academia coordinator and those from the working institution (companies) where the traineeship takes place. The enquiry mainly consisted in the role and importance of the traineeship in the final academia and starting professional life of the students. This exploratory research was firstly based in a carefully elaborated state-of-the-art (literature review) as well as in a case-study in which data was collected using a semi-structured oral interview. Generally, the results appear to point out that the traineeship is very important and effectively contributes to the final academia and starting professional improvement of the students since the traineeship is a most useful tool in the practical training and effective application of the students knowledge in order to face and cope with their first job. Nevertheless, it was also verified that, against the expectations of the students, the traineeship carried out at a certain company did not result in their first effective job experience at the same place, i.e., the traineeship did not become their way of getting their first job at the same company where the traineeship was carried out. The students also revealed, at that time, their frustration since they were hoping that the traineeship would be an effective tool for them acquire professional placing to get their first job in the same place where it was carried out, sometimes accusing the companies of using it as low-cost unqualified hand labour. Finally, a few gaps in the whole process of the traineeship were also identified namely the lack of proper advisement and/or supervision of the students by the host institution itself as well as by the companies where the traineeship takes place. Therefore, this gap is the basis for the traineeship becoming a very poor experience and resulting in the students low degree of satisfaction. Hopefully, this thesis will contribute for further reflections and/or future researches demonstrating the reality of the Portuguese Academia Institutions and the aims of their traineeship.
Relatório Final de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Dança, com vista à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ensino de Dança.
O relatório apresenta o trabalho desenvolvido durante o estágio na Câmara Municipal de Ferreira do Alentejo, objetivado pela obtenção do grau de mestre em Arquitetura Paisagista. Este trabalho pretende valorizar os princípios adquiridos ao longo do percurso académico em licenciatura e mestrado de Arquitetura Paisagista, na ilustre Universidade de Évora, e dar resposta ao objetivo proposto pela entidade acolhedora no presente estágio – a proposta de um percurso potenciador da Paisagem no espaço urbano de Ferreira do Alentejo; ABSTRACT: This report presents the work carried out during the internship at the municipality of Ferreira do Alentejo, which was objectified for obtainment of Master degree in Landscape Architecture. This work aims to enrich the principles acquired during the academic path with the graduation and master degree at the Évora University and to respond to the host institution objective for this internship - the proposal for a landscape enhancer pathway in urban areas of Ferreira do Alentejo.
Borgmeiermyia Townsend, 1935 is a small Neotropical genus of Tachinidae (Diptera) with four described species. Brief descriptions are given to the previously unknown females of B. brasiliana Townsend, 1935 and B. paraguayana Sehnal, 1998, and the male of B. peruana Arnaud, 1963. An identification key to the four known species is given, as well as comments on characters with intraspecific variation. Change of depository of the holotype of B. brasiliana from one institution to another is discussed and its current location is given. Also, the first host is recorded for the genus with the occurrence of B. paraguayana para-sitizing Phylloptera aff. ovalifolia Burmeister, 1839 (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae: Phaneropterinae).
At head of title: Museum of Natural History.
Communications are important for relationships within a marketing channel from both a theoretical and managerial perspective. Yet it is a problematic area for scholars. Thus, this research addresses the problem of how do customers of a financial services institution perceive communications with an ideal institution? This study's case research methodology used in-depth interviews with 34 carefully selected customers of a building society. The factors that make up customers' attitudes about corporate communications for an ideal financial services institution were identified and actual perceptions were compared against that ideal. The findings confirmed the importance of communications for customers in a relationship with a financial services provider and suggested communication priorities for customers in this context. In addition, the findings suggested sources of communication dissatisfaction for customers. These findings build upon the literature that speculates about customer perceptions of communications with organizations but provides little evidence to support hypotheses. The contributions arose from the emphasis on the customers' own attitudes and the patterns found within them.
Microclimate and host plant architecture significantly influence the abundance and behavior of insects. However, most research in this field has focused at the invertebrate assemblage level, with few studies at the single-species level. Using wild Solanum mauritianum plants, we evaluated the influence of plant structure (number of leaves and branches and height of plant) and microclimate (temperature, relative humidity, and light intensity) on the abundance and behavior of a single insect species, the monophagous tephritid fly Bactrocera cacuminata (Hering). Abundance and oviposition behavior were signficantly influenced by the host structure (density of foliage) and associated microclimate. Resting behavior of both sexes was influenced positively by foliage density, while temperature positively influenced the numbers of resting females. The number of ovipositing females was positively influenced by temperature and negatively by relative humidity. Feeding behavior was rare on the host plant, as was mating. The relatively low explanatory power of the measured variables suggests that, in addition to host plant architecture and associated microclimate, other cues (e.g., olfactory or visual) could affect visitation and use of the larval host plant by adult fruit flies. For 12 plants observed at dusk (the time of fly mating), mating pairs were observed on only one tree. Principal component analyses of the plant and microclimate factors associated with these plants revealed that the plant on which mating was observed had specific characteristics (intermediate light intensity, greater height, and greater quantity of fruit) that may have influenced its selection as a mating site.
Rapid advances in educational and information communications technology (ICT)have encouraged some educators to move beyond traditional face to face and distance education correspondence modes toward a rich, technology mediated e-learning environment. Ready access to multimedia at the desktop has provided the opportunity for educators to develop flexible, engaging and interactive learning resources incorporating multimedia and hypermedia. However, despite this opportunity, the adoption and integration of educational technologies by academics across the tertiary sector has typically been slow. This paper presents the findings of a qualitative study that investigated factors influencing the manner in which academics adopt and integrate educational technology and ICT. The research was conducted at a regional Australian university, the University of Southern Queensland (USQ), and focused on the development of e-learning environments. These e-learning environments include a range of multimodal learning objects and multiple representations of content that seek to cater for different learning styles and modal preferences, increase interaction, improve learning outcomes, provide a more inclusive and equitable curriculum and more closely mirror the on campus learning experience. This focus of this paper is primarily on the barriers or inhibitors academics reported in the study, including institutional barriers, individual inhibitors and pedagogical concerns. Strategies for addressing these obstacles are presented and implications and recommendations for educational institutions are discussed.